(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

just to side track a bit... does any mummies know where i can get those packet drink holders for the little ones such that when u put the packet into it, they can't squeeze all the contents out. remember seeing it in one of the bps but not sure what it's called now.

Ohyeah, my boy's routine was more or less done by the CL before she left, she already started 3hrs interval at 2wks which I cannot agree cos my boy is always hungry and he had wind in his stomach at 2weeks, which many ppl told me is not usual. But I still appreciates her "training". When she left, I tried the Baby Whisperer's tanking up & dream feeding, but later I realized this boy doesn't need that.. the 11pm dream was a waste of my time and milk, I took it away and found him getting up same time (4am) despite his last feed was at 8. I give glory to God for such an easy baby, especially for a first time mommy.

Yan, may I ask you if your bb started to have (either) shorter feed intervals, and with or w/o longer sleep in the day before your doc give the green light to cereal? K's rejecting milk like most bb here, and I see that he is getting sleepy and can sleep longer in the day. As usual he'll fight sleep, so I have to hold him all the time, making me very busy .. Some older folks think he is ready for cereal and told me to ask the PD, but he is only 3.5mths and the next appt with doc is Nov13 when he turned 4mth. I am thinking if he is really ready at this time to have cereal, I may pay an earlier visit to PD to check him out. I am not surprise he is ready since he is full term bb and now so big. His stomach may be more mature than some other Jul13 babies.

Joanne, you are very blessed to have a wise MIL. I have seen my niece's MIL brought up her son, very very well mannered and polite yet sociable. I love children like this. Most of the time, old folks will tell me if the bb happier and gaining weight when taken over by another care giver, that care giver is good.

RE: Sponsorship
I think it's great idea!! We can have our own desired print and we just need to include their logo.. Hmm... may be we can also get them to provide samples of their cereals..

Jes, Jav sayang you leh, 5hrs feed interval is something K can never achieve in the day... I am quite sure he is ready for food that is more substantial--his sign for more food, but cannot hold more oz of milk.. sleeping longer (less energy probably) during nap...
RE: Kindermusik

Sunsweet: the weekend class is compiled by Gina, give her a tinker and she'll add you to the list.

Kindermusik Trial (Weekday Class)

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Mummies are you still keen with the weekday class? Do you hv a preferred time and day?

1. koko (Gabriel)
2. poohbear75(caitlyn)
3. lavenderbear .
4. Sherryl (Adelle)
5. Annie (Brian)
been so busy @work since yest & just peep into e forum to refresh my eyes fr sickening figures!

I'm IN for whatever 'uniform' u all will be getting for our lil' ones..

thx for the sms! =)
Hi mums,

I'm new to the forum and am also a July mum. Is it ok for me to join this forum? I heard about SMH from a friend and also found you gals on facebook.
i think my pd advise base on his overall weight and height.. oso my boy is drinkin like 6-7oz of milk at very short intervals like every 3-3 1/2 hour which is damn ridiculus.. I actually start him on the day he was 4 mths so u still got 2 weeks to go if u wan to hold it abit.. And he used to be able to sleep thru the nite but he started waking up for feeds like 3-4am again so i guess he is hungry.. hahahahaha But its really a struggle starting him on cereal as he is not used to being fed and he hates the taste which i dun knw why as i find it quite tasty!!!

I knw tat babies who are smaller and fully on formula PD would oso advise to start solids earlier as tat was wat happen to a frend of mine..
Hi koko,

Thanks for still organising even though the list seemed to have shrink for weekday
Hope we can gather at least 8 to start a class. Anytime slot on weekday is fine for me except thurs.
welcome meng lee

Wow, seems like there's lots of classes out there for babies.

Hope you mummies have fun at FOZ's love nest =) Cute idea on the T-shirt. Would make a great photo to have so many babies wearing "uniform". I'm sure there will be lotsa sponser companies willing to sponser the t-shirt. Guess I'm once again too late to sign up =p

Sigh, 2nd day of work and feeling seriously sleep deprived. I miss my maternity leave....
wow, i din log on for 2 days and missed out so much

bb uniform
oooh oooh thats such a cute idea ! but $30 each is a bit steep leh, i got to get 2 some more. or, want to buy those glitter clothe pen and design ourselves ? we can buy plain rompers, and pens, and go FOZ's house to draw. heh, FOZ, me here unilaterally offering to do activities at your house. btw, will pm you my details later

i just 'told off' my MIL the other day. cos bb was crying and MIL poke her head into the room to keep asking whats wrong why bb cry. i got fed up and told her 'TSK, just leave the room'. think she was shocked, cos she faster closed the door. but i felt sooooo much better after that, cos got it out of my system and hopefully in future she'll back off when i'm in charge. heh heh

bb drink
my bbies still drink 7-8 feeds a day, sometimes 130, Tze Yu drinks more than Tze See, maybe also cos she's more hyperactive. she can hit 160 - 200 at least 1 feed a day.

i'm so busssy at work now that i got no time to check all these fun stuff. sheeesh, economy picking up means i got more work. sheeesh sheesh sheesh
meng lee
welcome welcome!

bb drink
seems like my boi is drinking much lesser than most babies here. he drinks 8 times a day @ 100ml still. sometimes not able to finish and 120ml for one of the feeds at night.

finally brought boi to KKH yday. suspected ear infection. but luckily not. cos his left ear has been forming ear crust on the outer ear. yes, crust not wax. PD just said to drop 3 drops of olive oil 2 times a day. hope it will get better soon. bcos it's not an ear infection, i finally dare bring bb for swimming yday.(this ear crust thing has been there for a month! but didnt bring him to see the doc earlier cos there was no fever) he was so active yet at night, he still woke up for milk as usual. zzz.

ameda pump users
i'm getting some valves and diaphram for my pump. anyone interested? the cheapest i've seen so far is the bulk purchase Valv@$4.50 Diaphragm @$5.50. I should be able to get these at a lower price. pm me if u are interested. the supplier has pumps and hygienikit too.
Welcome Meng Lee

Yan, I just made appt to see PD on Thu. This boy want me to old him all day long, and as I am typing now, he's sucking all over me, my shoulder now has few love bites, and he loves to rub his face on mine, and sucking my face.. <font color="119911">Gina, u can have K kissing you now...</font> What my MIL did to my hb was add cereal into his milk then cut the hold on the teats bigger and let him suck, I may try this way when I start K with cereal..
I like the plain romper &amp; glitter pen idea too!!

I just ordered 4 polo fr baby at works, hb, me, K &amp; friend's grandson Kiran who's celebrating his 1st birthday on Nov8.. hopefully in time..
Re: milk intake
Faith's been drinking 110-130ml 5 times 3.5/4 hrly... same as kim her last feed would be at 8pm and will wake up around 4 or 5am in the morning, which then she'll drink 160-180ml..

hee i've been looking out for cereals too at supermarkets... i saw this brand called onlyorganic at carrefour, which you add BM or FM to the cereal. was thinking to get that when i start faith on solids...
I was checking out baby cereals in the supermarkets while I was in AU, most common ones are carried by Nestle (similar to the ones we see in ours), Heinz Organic and Rafferty's Garden, all recommended for 6months above if given. Only Bellamy's Organic baby rice is recommended from 4months, is on the shelf. I bought a pack each of Bellamy's and Rafferty's to try when she's ready. Both are to be made by adding her usual milk, and veg/fruit puree can be added when older.

I see Happy Bellies is quite popular in overseas spree too, might pick up to try when 6months turn around.
Hello everyone,
its been awhile since I last checked in. My boy has suddenly refused formula milk for the last 4 days and only take breast milk. Tried to make him drink and in the end cried so much...puked out everything!
Now worried cos BF him only and not enough milk....feeding every 2 hrs plus now he refuse to sleep during the day except if on my belly!! Is it normal for bb to have change of pref so suddenly??
did u ask for disc from baby at works?
coz i actually also ordered from them (also got to noe them thru joanne)last week but i haben confirm my design... now the men's polo is OOS! Oh sh*t! Den i told them abt joanne asking them for disc for the july babies T... so they said for nw, they give me 5% disc 1st... lol!!
bell, Naomi just got runny nose le, I don't dare to bring her for swim yet...you go ahead first with gina lor...then I will join you all for lunch or something....when when?
Winnie, I din ask for discount, and I have paid.. I think I will ask for credit cos I intend to order more for X'mas gift to my SIL &amp; her boy. How is your girl doing with the Similac Immunity?

RE: Similac Calci vs Immunity
Gina, hey, I gave K strictly the older version of Similac (Calci) and no spit up, then I ke-kiang, give him 3/4 scoop of the Immunity just now and immediately, he spit up... I think it's the new Similac that his stomach is rejecting.. I am going to continue BF, diluted Similac Calci until things get better..
is this new version of similac so bad? ever asked the PD on this? abbott staff called me n offered me a tin for follow on. i asked her abt it n she brushed it off saying it's baby reflux prob. #1 on similac n thinking of intro FM after 6mths to her too. wonder if i shd consider switching brand.
wah, u are fast man!
they must be bz with your orders that they have got back to me... hahahahah~

hmMm... shanna has been quite ok with the similac immunity... but then, i'm still mixing for her lehs... still will have occasional spit ups but not as frequent...
Re: Group Polo Tee
BabyAtWork just email me, as of now, they could offer me 10% disc... However, still hoping that they could give a better price, so I email them again... Believe they will reply soon... I'll bring my family polo tee along during 7 Nov gathering so that u all have a rough idea of the design and the diff sizing...

I need a rough gauge of how many pieces we r looking at b4 bargaining with any of the supplier. Thus, pls add in ur name if u r interested to get a polo tee (so they won't outgrow it so fast if we get 6-12 mths) for ur lil ones:

1) Joanne - 1 piece
Is something wrong with my PC or the forum? I can't access it on my PC, only from my iphone... Haiz...

Kim is right about the polo tee pricing... Simple is nice also... At first I add a lot of embroidery but final product looks complicated... Maybe we can take up Gina's idea of including the birth date at the sleeve, simple embroidery with name at the front of the tee...
If still v ex, I try to go Beach Road to check out the price for embroidery... Jus that we gonna buy the small polo tee outside and bring it there for embroidery... I always roam ard the area to get my uniform stuff, saw quite a few shops designing embroidery stuff there...
Gotta vent before a headache hits me.

Kinda lost it at dh just now about the MIL, cos she likes to complain abt how the bb always looks for me when the bb is with her, even turns the bb away from seeing me when she's feeding/patting the kid. Repeated herself umpteenth times to dh, my SIL and me about it, until I buay tahan, say there's nothing wrong for her to look at me (jeez I'm the primary caregiver, and the mother). It's freaking annoying cos she repeats this to me every weekday afternoon, seriously, the baby won't be the thing driving me nuts, but her someday with her weird nonsense/jealousy. What made me roll my eyes is that she insists on disturbing the kid when it's way past her bedtime (almost 9pm, wind-down &amp; sleep starts from 6pm), stimulating her to "talk", and the lil girl just keeps crying for sleep, until she is frustrated and can't sleep, can't manage the wailing, dumps the bb back to me to stop the wailing and then takes the bb back. Told her to leave her in the bed, she'll make noise until she zones out to sleep, don't listen, must carry her until she sleeps. So want to scream stop screwing up my girl's night pattern, I'm the one living with the baby.
Joanne, is babywork can make it for the 7Nov gathering for us? or is it for our next gathering?
Like Gina, I think actually the one from babyethan web the cutting is better. and 6-12M size is gonna be like a dress for Naomi instead of polo tee.heee....
Btw, the metro 20% bday thingy: do I have to pay myself or other people can pay for me? I thought as long as using the 20% coupon, can use any method of payment ya?

Arghhh I woke up at 3.30am and couldnt back to sleep till now! Throbiing pain behind my ear. Anybody has this?

Bell, if you want to swim, how about this fri with Gina. I will join you for lunch or tea as Naomi still recovering from her runny nose.
Or, monday then we go isetan scotts first? let me know ok
And, for the 7Nov gathering, will you be driving or your hb sending you? if you drive yourself, I will take a cab to your place and tumpang you from there. coz I may need your help a little bit for your booth, coz I'm bringing some items from the shopping sprees for some mummies. or I will check first whether FOZ place is nearer to my place then your place.

Just to share, I'm using the Little Nose saline drop on naomi's runny/blocked nose. It works well immediately. but she scream the moment the thing drops into her nostril. This saline is better than the other medicated nose drop like Illadine, because it's non medicated and not' stinging
Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier

Your bb about 3 months? Mine pattern suddenly change at 3 months. Now behave like little angel at babysitter's place, come home and start wailing like no tomorrow and want to latch non-stop &amp; carried like a little koala bear. Early in the morning turn into little angel again before we set off for babysitter's. Sigh.
Posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 8:05 am:   
Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
Amanda is driving me crazy!!!! I dun know what she wants. Cried before sleeping. Woke up in middle of night, rock her she still cried. Last night i gave frozen ebm, drank a bit n refused. so i latched her but she sucked a bit n continued to cry. gave her pacifier also cry. left her on the bed to cry until she woke up. then looked n me, smile n laugh. Urrgghh!!! So angry with her. Then she starts talking to herself before she cries wanting to sleep again. This morning, woke up at 6am, latched her but she kept pulling my nipple and wriggle in my arms. Simply not drinking. Then she fussed n cried again until #1 awoken by her n join in the crying. haiz... I've totally given up guessing what she wants.

Wasted 100ml of my ebm last night... fresh ebm already limited, frozen ebm reject, latch her she pulls so hard until so pain. Then hb keeps asking if she's hungry n keep suggesting to give her FM to try. Feel all my effort to tbf her gone down the drain. No milk for her n i send her off to sleep again!! SO ANGRY... now i'm so tired!!!

Why is she getting more and more difficult to handle now?
group polo tee
wow... i must say you mummies very She De spend $$. i'm gg to be el cheapo and DIY myself. see if i can buy tees and finish embroidering their names by 7th ha ha... stress stress...
I tried the way ur mil used to feed ur hb oredi but hor its very hard for them to suck it in thou.. my aunt used this method as she say tats how we start bb on their first few times.. but it takes forever even thou i got the hole puncher to punch a bigger hole on the teat..

And is there something very wrong wif smh?? I cant access the july page since yesterday till now!! miss so much of u ladies action..

great, got FP sale at Isetan!! very tempted to get the jumperoo!!! but how long do u reckon it will last the bb?? i oredi waste the money on bumbo!!
Hello lamagier:
Yes, Josh is just turning 3 mths this week. Good to know that that I'm not the only one
Maybe your bb just misses you lots and is reminded of it once she sees you. ..may get better once she settles into this routine?

Thanks also to your note abt diluting new Similac...I didnt realise that could be the cause..so did the same and at least now my boy is drinking some of FM instead of rejecting completely and going cranky with hunger! Its a relief!
Symphatise with you...hopefully Amanda gets better soon.

Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
