(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Tinklebellx, my MIL told me not to let K watch TV so much cos the fast flashing image can make bb hyper active. K fight sleep in the day too, it's like he doesnt want to miss anything. But by night it;s good for me cos he KO..

ETirto, oh really?! How great is that?! Ya, she sent me a message in FB saying they are still waiting for VISA approval, dint know it's just next mth!!! (Nxt mth is only slightly more than a wk ago!!!) She is a very sweet girl! and she just had Adam in Jun! U know the world is so small, not to mentioned Singapore, I also knw Mashy's relative.. hahah
Hi all!.. finally i can sit dwn at my com..
thankiew Kim once again... for opening yr place up to us n we had such great fun!.. great to know all mummies dere too!!..=D
Thnks to a few mummies who helped me with my lil monster when he cried.. =D
Thank u Muffingirl for letting me 'tong pang' back to the east.. n thnks HBB for willing to Squeezeee with me..haha..
i haven got time to upload the pics.. now going to upload them..

HBB.. u wldnt believe it.. i dono isit Jav was tired cos he din slp on mon nite.. ytd he slept frm kim's place all the way till u all dropped me off rite? he cont slping.. all the way i reached hm n finish pumping milk.... i was AMAZED. n his last feed was 2.30pm.. all e way till abt 8.30pm den he had his next feed.. i told my hubbie n hes so AMAZED too.. haha..
ytd aft kims place, we wnt to my collegue's place n stayed till abt 11pm.. den managed to come hm n Jav fell asleep at her hse again.. n aft last feed of the nite at 12.30pm.. he actually KOed until this morn 6am.. WAAAAA... ytd was the BEST day i had with him.. HAHAHA..

hmmm, i tink i mus lock the side of Jav's cot liao.. i tink he really moves alot in his slp.. i dono hw? but he can end up not slping on the pillow these few days.. n wen i wake up in the middle of the nite.. his legs are DANGLING at the side of the cot.. my goodness.. luckily he din fall out of the cot.. scaryy..
Kim, yeah I have just finished chatting with her, their visa has just got approved. As far as I know (because I helped her to register their sons to eton house), they will start schooling on 5Oct. so it will be around that date.
Actually yesterday I was about to mentioned them to you as your hb is also american...but I totally forgot about it with all the babies and the mums and the overwhelming delicious food!
i giv edna bottle at nite now cos i alsog t same prob latch till she sleep!! the bottle solve the problem a little...

hahahaa lucky u decided to join us hehe everythg turns out well!!
edna over stimulated so keep crying tsk

today her 6 in 1 jab.. scream when needle poke her butt haha...
kim, i tink ur kaelem is more than 61cm long! cos edna is 61.8 today hahaaa
yah.. im glad i din make the wrong decision..
i tink Javier knows n decided to b gd to me ytd..hahhaa

dear ladies, pls tag yrselves on the photos n video.. cos i'm nt v sure who is who... sorry abt it n thnk u!..
littlenotes, why u can't pump at work? Dun pump will engorge right? I think i die die will squeeze a bit of time to pump at least once if not milk ss sure drop overtime.

Yeah, i love sam's ice-cream too. Next time will drop by serene center to get it. It's really gd...yummy!!!

Kim, i think wat u hav arranged was already very good....very zhou dao. It made all our bbs comfortable, that's y most can take turn to take naps hee...
hmmm... i'm mixing the milk powder for her now, as suggested by the abbott nutrionist.
and she still poo abt 3 times/day, but today only once! guess her digestive system slowly slowly adjusting to the new formula le...

and yah! the gathering seems so fun! i hope i can join in the next round, all the babies sooOOooooo cute lar!!!!
Jes, read ur post on taxi uncle comment.. that's bcos he haven met Twinkle or e prob call police to arrest her hb cos she look under age (twinkle sorry hor, u really look v v v v v v v v young, v v v v)

HBB, how's Edna's 6in1, do gv the pabadol even w/o fever. I din n K had fever, poor thing... sim tia

Kitty, thanks! if the next time so many moms meet at my plc again, I'll remove the toys fr my other cot & put mattress down so more bb can zzz..

Winnie_mummy, besides digestive problem, any spit ups? I dunno if the frequent spit ups by K was duee to the chg of formula..
ETirto, wow, that's great, think she must be busy packing now. do u knw if she's gonna go back to Balmoral or are they going to a hotel when they arrive?

Today, I brought K swimming at Sentosa Cove. Stupit me, my waterproof cam decided to fail me after I have friend take pix in the water. It says to dry the card.. so I dry and try but still no success n gave up. I just remembered I could take some w/o the memory card cos the (stupid) cam actually has internal memory!!! Now no first swimming photo to show K when he grow up **angry with myself**
Winnie_mummy, my boy got frequent spit ups, I tot may b due to his saliva (lots of saliva), but couple of times I suspect it's the FM cos I think it separates and he spit out water only (I dun feed water these days).. I tot was the saliva, but the consistency is just not saliva like.. Looks like I hv to go get the old formula and mix.
u mean he spit out the water only?
my ger is spit milk out lehs... but after mixing, reallie gets better...

nodnod, u better faster go buy a tin of the old formula before they get completely replaced by the new FM...
Winnie_mummy, if after a long time after feed. If immediately, then is usually milk.. They gonna completely replace the old EyeQ Plus? aiyo so much prob with the Adv version still want to replace all, sure got lots of complaints. I go get 5 tmrw cos he finish a tin in 2-3 weeks, has to mix alot, and in case mixing doesnt work, gotta chg brand, may be meanwhile write to all formula companies to ask for samples too.
bbethan ehh i duno leh she say 13 week... hmmmm ... she had her 1st on 6th week
nw the 3rd one she say 5 mth.. is it correct?
kim, thanks for your compliments! *flying*

so when is the nxt gathering? I would love to join in as well.
HBB: Yes Max had his 2nd jab a week ago as well. Was expecting him to have a temperature but in the end I didn't have to give him the panadol at all.
glad u r ready for nxt gathering! hehe

max was hw many weeks old when he took the 2nd one?
edna a lil cranky
nt sure is cos of the jab anot
she had her rotavirus dose as well
wahhh so good
PLEASE teach me wat u did to him! cos edna still wun lie flat n nap! duns a nap
lie flat to play also gt problem!!!! pls pls pls teach me... she must sleep w her ass facing up.. in the air LOL
i remembered 6in1 jab is taken at 2/4/6mths old. Think if PD says can jab, shd be ok bah.

i'm also looking forward to the next gathering. will it be before most of u going back to work or after when bb is a bit older?
Xuanyin is alway sleep with us on our bed, anyway of letting her sleep in the cot? everytime w put her in the cot she'll will wake up in 5mins
HBB, purely luck nia. ha. i also "funny" lar. i put him to cot after changing his diaper & he was there kicking & crying like mad. then i carried & put him to playpen the very next moment. he ok. muhahhahahaha.
Twinkle, let u knw when next gathering is forming, should be soon cos some moms returning to work, but yet to take shape. What HBB say is true, so long as there is 2 or more, it's a gathering.

1. place anything your bb cot is dressed in, sheets, blankets, quilt, pillows, pillow covers in your bed for few days the dress them back, the scent should make your bb feel as if she's in your bed (besides the fimness of your bed);
2. put her in her cot during the day to "train" her to sleep there. This is when u intend to train her that specific place to sleep, be it a nap or a sleep cos for some moms, they want bb to hv a nap place and a sleep place so that when bb is place in the sleep place in the night they know that they are expected to sleep longer.
EH just drop me a few group group photos of babies and adults and also those with xin rui will do.
If download from facebook. Don't think its good enough for print right?
BIG Baby
There is a woman in Indonesia that deliver a BIG bb, 62cm and 8.some kg!!! I cant imagine how heavy she was and how long can anyone hold him in their amrs.. K already gave me a should ache and today, I am having trouble lifting my left arm.
how heavy is K now? My bb Kane is abt 5.3kg now. u can ask someone to help u to carry your bb... and get as much rest for your arm... try to put medicated plaster on your arm or put hot water bag on your arm for a few days... u will feel better
Hi mummies,

Any baby here head always turn one side. My baby head always turn at right side no matter how i turn to anonther side she will turn back to the right side. So worried. Is it normal or not ?
Could u resend your contact? Din receive your PM.

For the rest of mommies joining the massage class this coming Sat, I've got your no! Thanks! Can't wait to see u all

Re: Next gathering
Yeah I really wanna join too! This time die die must take leave to join hahaha...
Hi mummies,

I'm new at this thread... I read your postings about gathering and is interested to join... My girl is currently 2 months plus and would like to bring her to gatherings... I'm staying in East area...

Appreciate if you could add me in FB ([email protected])... many many thanks...
Does your baby turns to both sides or she has preference?

Maybe neck muscles are weaker on one side.

You can get her checked when you go for the milestone check up.

In the meantime can try to entice her to turn to the less favourable side by talking or playing with her there.

Hope this helps
Hi curtis,

My girl also always turn to her right side when she was ard 1 month old, ended up her head is flatter at her right side... Me and my hubby worried when see her head so flat at the right side... We tried to turn her to her left but she keep turning back to the right... We used her bolster to support her back (also to prevent her from turning to her right) and turned her to her left side... after a week or so, she get used to sleeping on her left side and now her head (right side) not so flat le...

Give your bb some time to get use to it...
Ohyeah, he is definitely more than 6kg, My back is really locked today. Think I will do as u advised while I wait for massage lady.

Curtis, my boy likes the left, so a bit flatter. I now raise the left with nappy cloth so he'll turn right to "even out".

RE: massage class
enjoy the session and hope all benefit like ours.

RE: Gathering
I am think we should arrange with a restaurant to accommodate us during their less busy hours (win-win for both moms & rstn). I m sure places like BakerzInn in vivo wont mind as they hv a small area at the back to accommodate us. Only thing I feel that area in BakerzInn is not well ventilated and you'll smell after your meal.

My hubby even think we could get certain sponsorships fr retailers of bb products on the next meeting, he suggested we sent our group photos to MHF and see if they could pull off something for us (biz man...)
Hi curtis, my ger stick to her rite side during her 1st mth, PD said that the left muscle at the neck was stiff that is why bb kept sticking to the rite. He advise us to tilt or distract the bb more to the left side for 10min a day (or more if u want) to loosen the muscle. U can try tilting the bb head to the left side while she's in deep sleep.

HBB, thanks for the site. THe cakes are so Cute and pretty! Dun hv the heart to eat loh..can consider order for my ger when she turn 1..
But her schedule is full all the way till mid OCt..cant order from her.
i know Coffee Club at millenia walk are very quiet and empty during those after lunch hours. Think we can hv the whole place to ourselves. Only prob there it's quite a problem to get there for those taking public transport.

actually we can try asking. last time when my hubby organise such similar outings for some doggy forum, we approached retailers to sponsor some stuff & even asked vets to give talks. Some r nice to offer their services free & r generous in their products.
Hi Cutis,

My girl also keeps tilting her head to the left...been trying to correct that by making her sleep to the right but she still has the left preference. My my friend who is a physiotherapist for babies say that her right neck muscle may be stiff that's why she keeps turning to the right. She said need to correct it if not next time grow up may keep tilting. She also suggest putting baby on tummy and turning her head to the side she hates and leave her there for about 10 mins and stretching it longer each time to help. Also as my girl is quite heavy (6.2 for 2 mths) she say maybe neck muscles are weak.

Btw, anyone heard of any medicine or something which taste quite yucky that can put on babies hand so as to prevent them from sucking their fist? My girl keeps trying to suck her fist everytime I take off her mittens....dun want her to develop that bad habit.
