(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ya, it depends on where is the promo is. Tesco is cheaper than Jusco. My friend calculated before, it's like 30% cheaper than singapore price generally. I don't really remember how much is the jumbo pack. But from the last trip that we went, 1 pack cost RM42. This is for all size.

sabsab, how come it's not 10% but is it really 15%? 15th anniversarry is it? My insider informer told me it's 10% as usual. if it's 15% additional discount, it will have best deal in town manz. cos things like avent & pigeon by default already got 20%, then additional 15% very good deal.

Kim, Thanks so much for hosting the gathering for us. We had such a fun day! So...who's next? heee...
Too bad my place very tiny, only have 2 BR, in Dec we will move to bigger place then we can have our gathering by then.
Yes kim, thanks for hving this gathering at ur plc. It's really an experience to hv so many bb under one roof..

Cate KO from 7pm till now (took me 1.5hr to change, feed and change her poo)..still waiting for her to wake up for the last feed..

Bell, think u need to arrange to pick up the diaper at Kim's plc.
Hi mummies, i had lots of fun today too. Kim, you hav been a great host! And thank you all mummies for the food

HBB, thanks for helping me with my hungry & impatient lucius
My boy is about to wake up now for milk. Has been sleeping since he reached home.
my pleasure =)
rem to go get the powder dispenser soon yea1 will b v useful for u =)
oh yes can u upload that "power" foto when u free? hahaaaa
Hi kim,
So sorry couldn't go over to your place today. Wanted to drop off my girl at my mum's first, but nephew was hospitalized last night... my mum ended up need to babysit my niece...

Thanks Etirto for helping to arrange the baby massage class. Hope your relative's treatment will go well. Paisay, how much is the class and do we just pay on 26th Sept?
hey kim, thnx for offering ur place today. i tink we all had such a good time. thnx mummies with all the yummy food! too much wastage though. nvm, im sure we will do a better job with the next gathering!

mrs c
yes, i realised i have forgotten the diapers only much later after i reached home. need to rush home cos hubby need to use the car. kim, i'll try to arrange to pick up the diapers from ur place.

owen has been sleepin whole afternoon and even after i reached home, he still wans to sleep somemore! now talking and playing by himself. pray tat it's not going to be a long nite for me.

can anyone tell me how to add any of u in FB, or is there a grp or smthg? im not realli a FB user, but would definitely wan to look at the fotos taken today and the other jul babies. ^^
i'm not so sure but this is what my mum told me.

I envy ur can have gathering together... next time can i join? cause hardly come into the tread, hardly had time, so missed out a lot & dun have so much info to shared with ur, only learning fm all of ur experience.

Thx 4 the info.. Definitely a great help..

All of u ladies mst had great fun..
Hope to join all u of the nxt time round..

I have been missing for so long as too bzi wif bb and new job.. wish i could b like u ladies all here chatting n stayin home wif bb.. but really mst find work so can give bb a gd life and oso retire early..
i saw the facebook photos, so cute, all of them dress so nicely, and so well behave, if my xuan yin is there she'll cry non stop
Wow, looks like you all had fun - so envious

tks - hope it works for me too
am waiting to stop BF then i will start on the prog.

was just looking at my daughter's hair (or lack of hair - ha ha ) when I read your post. pik ruler? my baby girl's hair has fallen so much... my mum said my hair was like that too when I was her age. so funny!

Am going down to Vitakids at Paragon on Friday to pick up the Mother's love pills. Hope they will work

Any mummies who are still BF but has menses? Strange....mine seems to have returned...
little notes
its nto rare to hav menses while bf =)
my gf got her menses 4 mth aft birth too.. and she is still bf(baby already 16 mth)
wow... looking at the pics in fb, i seem to hv missed out so much fun. so many babies!!! all so pretty and handsome. hope i can join the next one.

u ordered the MLMMP and collect at Vitakids? I went down last sat and they ran out of stock. I bought the other brand instead.
oh yes... think previously we were talking if salmon does increase supply. i tried on 2 occassions. really did increase my ss a bit, at least for me. think someone mentioned cod fish does the wonder too right?
Yes, i called them to reserve. They arranged for the stock to be transferred from another outlet. Hows the Gaia one that you bought? They also recommended some tea - 9.90 - did u buy?
FOZ & bbethan, thanks for sharing. Think i'll jus wash the pump with bb detergent & rinse it with hot water...dun think can sterilise (no time & no portable steriliser to bring along).

Littlenotes, i also ordered MLMMP online...should be receiving it in these 2 days. Hopefully it can up my milk ss so that i can store more when i go back to work next mth.

Lamagier, hope your nephew is alright. Do join us next time

FOZ, i send you the pic later k...thks
Hi ladies, the pictures of the babies are so cute! Sorry we couldn't join you but looks like it was a lot of fun. All the babies look so adorable.

Gina: Your little princess has so much hair! I love the hair bow.
Saw the pics of the gathering.

Totally love the shot of all the babies lined up. :p

All those cute and chubby cheeks in a row... XD
Wow!!! The gathering was so much funnn & all babies r veryyyy cuteee!!! I hope I could join next round too!

Re: Baby Massage
For mommies who'll be joining the class this Sat, could u PM me your contact no?
hope MLMMP will work for me too. Can't imagine pumping at work....I go back early Nov....sigh

How do I look at the photos of the gathering? on FB? Sounds like you all had so much fun
Hope can join next round...are there many mummies staying in the East? I stay in the East and attend either Holy Family or OLPS...
hi mummies,
looks like all enjoyed the gathering! A a pity I can't join..

hbb, can add me in fb and direct me to our grp?.. jus added you...
I bought the ice cream from Island Creamry. It's at Serene Centre, near the French Embassy. But got no preservatives in it, so gotta finish fast within 48 hours.
thanks kim for having all of us, me and little tomi happy to make so many friends there, the food so yummy thanks all the mommies there and thanks for the pix and video too.
sunsweet- i just drop u an email on the Old navy tops. i din realise i wear size S, cos am a local XL! so will have to pass on your tops. such a pity. hope u find buyers soon !! sori :p
will u deny baby milk in the wee hours if u found out that baby only comfort suck? I'm trying to get Amanda to sleep in her cot at night. She ends up waking every 2/3hrs. Wants to suckle. So i let her but the moment i put the nipple into her mouth, she sucks a few mouth n falls asleep already. tried pacifier but didn't really work all the time. if slp in yaolan or on our bed or in her cot on her tummy, she can hv her last feed at close to midnite and wakes up at ard 6am for a quick drink before going back to slp again. v afraid if i let her be, it becomes a habit.

also is my girl drinking too little if she latch in morning ard 6am and then followed by 4 bottles (intervals of 3.5hr to 4hr) of 110ml ebm till midnite? had dragged her feeding interval as i find her taking longer n longer to finish 1 bottle.
It was a great gathering yesterday.. thanks kim for being such a great host!

Re: Ice cream
Now i remember what i missed out yeasterday.
The ice cream!!
Kim can you finish them? haha if not i can pop by to help you finish hahaha...

Sam , Serene center is at the Bt timah and farra road juction right?

hehe next time I'll pop by there to buy my ice cream fix.. getting sick of Ben & Jerry.. keke..
Wat's the recommended flavour there?
wow ur gal can last 3.5 - 4 hrs?
i wish my gal can last 3hr.. then not so tiring for us adults to keep on feeding her..

my gal drinking 90ml .. anything more she will knock out b4 she finishes..

No worries...
I'll try look for other buyers...

Hee anyone here interested? else I'll post in the for sale thread..
Hi LS,
PMed you my contact.

Re: Baby photo
Wow, really baby power out at full force yesterday! So cute! Haha, must send the photo to my husband to show him. So sorry I missed the gathering...

Thanks. My nephew just discharged from hospital. Intestinal flu, puke so much that he burst a blood vessel in tummy and end up with blood in his vomit...

Your baby can last 6 hours without feed at night? (*envy*) My monster only last 5 hours ~ midnite to 5am. Eat a little then drift off to sleep... So end up want to eat again at about 7.30am...

Unable to pet her to sleep after she wakes? Or how about if she wakes, just maybe carry her a bit or stroke her back to sleep again? Not sure how to go about it cos my monster only wakes when she's hungry
she's getting uninterested in milk leh... prob that's why she can stretch her milk feeds. i think also partly becos day time she sleeps in yaolan. so in a way can control her. rock rock a bit, she'll go back to sleep.

she can last long if i carry her to sleep wif us on our bed or in the yaolan which if she makes noise a bit, i'll rock her n she goes back to sleep. only when she constantlly makes noise, then i assume she's hungry. pat her can but a while only. later she'll wake up again. she wakes up not bcos hungry but cos she wants carry.
i know hv to be persistent to pat her to sleep but very tiring on me cos next morning i still need to work.
Wow!!! Saw the photos in facebook.. The gathering seem so much fun. Hope I could join next round too! If my boy was there, think he will be the only one not taking afternon nap.. he is a hyperactive boy who can only nap at most half hr.. *stressed*

I have ordered MLMMP online last Thurs and delivered to me yesterday but I did not hear the door bell.. got to ask them redeliver to me tomorrow.. hope my milk supply will go up after taking them..
Just managed to read thread cos I tried fully latching but very tough (peifu girls who could do it) cos he is hungry every 1.5hrs, and tough to get our other activities in...

Winnie_mummy, I no longer have the EyeQ Plus.. K is ok with new but get a few seconds for him to take the bottles I suspect it's the more latching. Is your girl ok with the advanced formula now?

RE: Gathering @ Kim's
Hi! Thanks for your positive notes on the event, I hope all had fun as there r few things I find I din do enough:
1. setting up a proper change station;
2. more cozy & private nursing room;
3. stroller parking;
4. seats, I think I didnt manage to bring out all the dining chairs tucked in my guest bed room.
5. drinks not chilled enough.

I had a great time, hb was so impressed that the 13mos, 13bbies, toddler & helper did not tear the apt down. Then I had fun saving all the photos fr FB and commenting them..

Not to worry, I din hv much "rubbish" left.. really appreciate your effort in keeping my plc clean n helping with clearing.

Today, K's Godfather sends his helper to come "look after" me.. Later, we are going to Sentosa for "swim"..
Gina, the cheesecake is from cedele, it's blueberry cheese cake.

Sam, does that place also sell cakes ? I rem there is a shop at serene centre that sell cake of interesting flavors. My colleague mentioned before she bought a chendol cake for her son's bday but i cannot rem the name of the shop.

Btw, anyone know of any cakeshop in town that can mould cake into shape of guitar? My FIL 60th bday, tot of hving something different.
lamagiar! my baby who is 11wks old sleeps frm 10.30pm to 6.30am for the past one wk.Before that when she gets up for milk i use a pacifier or pat her for a while until she sleeps.
Can u let me know where to buy MLMMP online? my mik supply getting low..
Kim! I have just found out that you know my good friend...the Dreier family. Zoey is my gf since our first pregnancy. Glad to hear that, we can hang out together, they're coming back to singaporenext mth
