(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ive started using pillow for Jav wen hes abt 3-4 wks old.. hes used to slping on it alrdy.. =)

ya lor..poor thing..haha.. ya i faster rub rub lightly for him.. but wen i took a look, the part was red.. brought back to hubbie n let him see.. he was so angry n told me if its him he wld haf scolded e guy..=\

no choice leh.. im v upset w one mummy.. she said tat she needed e bm so i offered to gif her mine but she stays at woodlands n haf no car to travel dwn to eastside to collect.. i told my hubbie n i tink we r nice enuf to say well drive dwn to yishun to pass it to her so its easier for her.. den we were supposed to meet but nvr cfm at all.. den over the wkends ive been msgin her asking her if she stills wans the bm anot she din reply at all!no matter hw bs u r with a kid i tink u still haf to haf the courtesy of replying whether u wan the bm anot.. as simples as 'YES' or "NO".. sometimes i feel im v foolish.. giving her bm for free yet drive dwn send to her.. yet im e one trying to contact her n arrange.. it seems like im more anxious den her.. realli dislike such irresponsible ppl! n shes frm this forum i tink in may mummies. TSK.

LS n BBEthan,
yah lor.. some uncles jus cant seem to kip their mouth shut. or rather dono when to open n wen not to.. haha

thanks.. hee.. i tink u can tk with the next grp n post for us to see too~

yah.. haha.. its slighlt bigger ba i guess.. but nw im starting to clear.. maybe really haf to throw if cant find anyone to gif..

Lucky n Blissful Ju En.. owning first pair of diamond earrings at this age.. im sure deres more to come for her..hee..

oh yah, FOZ, i'll email u some of Jav's photos ltr..=D thankiew~~

Haha, I met my husband at martial arts club way back in uni days... So all the seniors are heavily involved in the courtship to wedding... Now waiting for my girl to grow up so they can teach her how to fight. Hahaha

I'm taking the old one. Didn't know there is new one out. Haha, I'm just hoping that more milk = lost weight faster, but doesn't seem to be working for me. Must be I eat too much....

Wah. If the lady is really so unappreciative and don't seem as serious about needing the EBM as what she posted here, then just forget it. No point wasting you and your husband's time
it seems like most mummy have weight issue, me too look like 4mths preg still. have to buy cloth 1 size bigger so sad. any one recommend go slimming pills? I lazy to exercise and go for slimming session.

Breast feeding pdts:
My milk supply has stop, so have a couple things left unused, any breast feeding mummy interested in Avent nipple cream-new unused & Tollyjoy disposable breast pad 36pcs. interested email me at [email protected]

Baby sucking fingers:
Anyone knows of ways of not letting bb suck thumb? coz my bb girl is licking her mittens & yesterday when I did not let her wear her mittens I found her sucking her thumb to sleep, so worried. My nanny recommend us to give her pacifier. any solution?

Sleeping longer at night:
So far so good my bb girl sleeps from 1am till 7am or 9am, yesterday till 10am. thank god! but b4 she goes to sleep she'll be very cranky fm 10+ till 1pm. I think she is tired that's why she can sleep so long at night.
They'll send everything to my place first. Tentatively, self collect @Simei MRT. Where r u staying? If could arrange timing, I'll ask my hubby to send it for u. Payment can be made when u collect. Kindly confirm by tonite & PM me your contact no. Thanks!

I'm getting the Air - Gray/White. I'd love to get Pink/White but it's more expensive (almost cost like a Synergy-Black). Kindly also confirm your order by tonite & PM me your contact no. THanks!
ok..i can pass u the milk if u wan.. =D cos if not i realli going to throw away..cos realli no space.. but i hope my bm will really help dem too..=) hmm, okay, den i share cab with u better.. i take frm my side, go dwn to yr side pick u up den travel dwn?..
SabSab: Urm, sucking hands/fingers is one of the first early signs of hunger in babies and quite normal (after a few months though, it becomes sucking for comfort/security).

I caught Eva sucking her thumb twice but it's just for a few seconds and after that, she mouths her fist. And usually it's because she's hungry. Otherwise, she doesn't suck her thumb.

I read somewhere that introducing the pacifier could result in baby taking in more air but I can't say for sure. :/
I have the following nursing top for sale.
Selling because i'm not latching on.. i bought i during preggy days thinking i might latch on my gal but end up i total Express...

Brand new
Brand: Old Navy
Colour: Black
Size: L
Price: $18

Brand new
Brand: Old Navy
Colour: Purple
Size: L
Price: $18


Brand new
Brand: Bloosom
Colour: Pink with attached white spag
Size : XL
Price: $15

Washed but not worn
Brand: Bloosom
Colour: blue with attached pink spag
Size: XL
Price: $15

Washed but not worn
Brand: Mom R Us
Colour: black with poka dot trim
Size: XL
Price: $18
sorry ladies,

i had been tied with 2 kids that i hardly had time to come in to chat..


sometimes wished i'm back at work at least i can work according to my schedule and not to the kids hectic schedule.

lots of post to read.. i'll try to catch up hee hee
As for tomorrow's gathering..
I dun bring either of my kids can? haha

cos if i bring mei mei. jie jie will make noise..

If i bring jie jie then no peace liao.. haha
sunsweet - i have the black ON top and its really comfy for home wear. i'll take both ON tops and the pink bloosom one to try for size since its XL. if it fits i'll take the green one as well. can email me your acc details ? or u can email me [email protected] thks
my girl hungry anot she will put her fist/thumbs in her mouth... she is plain bored! let her hold hankie... she rather let go n put thumb in mouth.. tsk
Noted. Will reserve items for you. will drop you email tomorrow.

Any one for the mum r us top. It very comfy too.
Mummies, I hve been too busy with my 2 angels. Dont even hve time to log in. Wont be joining you gals tml. Enjoy & have fun!

FOZ & Jes, which pillow r u gals using? can show mi pls? mi a bit clueless of what to use for my gal.
Hi everyone, need some advice on how to get rid of the big fat tummy after pregnancy. I gain around 17kg during pregancy and lost 4kg right after delivery. Shed another 4kg after confinement but still left around 10kg. Now already 2months plus after delivery but my big fat belly is still around. Really upset with this and also very disappointed with the massage lady, Khatijah. She is supposed to do a total of 7 sessions and free 2 baby massages for me but she only did 4. After that, she told me she can't do for me anymore. Left me hanging there. Very irresponsible! Wonder after confinement, is there any good ways to get rid of the postnatal belly. Please help!!
BB Massage:
Gals, I have bad news, I have to withdraw for the group coz one of my relative will be in town for medical treatment and these few weeks (especially on weekends) we will be busy in the hospital helping her also to give moral support. But you all can ago ahead can carry on. Lamagier, you are in now.

Can someone liase with Ms. Irene from Birth and Beyond- 6736 1636. Just tell her that it's supposed to be for Elsa's group and I have actually confirmed with her that the group (for 6 couples) will start this coming sat, 26th Sept at 3pm.
Sorry about it gals. Feel so bad about it.

Gina, do u think goldheart in orchard do that also? does the diamond earring small enough for the baby (and also how about the stud's length, if it's too long, I worry will poke behind her ear?). Anyway, I will see you later then see...heee
thankiew Twinkle!

Javier oso likes to put his fists in his mouth den he'll search for e thumb but till nw he still cant find his thumb.. so he jus makes things easier fr himself by sucking e whole fists..haha

im so tired.. gt abit don feel like going ltr.. =X Javier din slp last nite till 4 plus am.. n was awake at 8am.. i feeling so groggy.. =\
i got the one fr babysafe... gt a hole in middle for the head one.. but din realy use..anyway now not a gd time to use pllow already becos bb is gg to learn hw to flip soon.. might b hazardous i tot...

hugz. later if u gg.. i saw jav.. i 'scold' himfor u k hehe.. i aso stone... cos usualy i nap in morning when edna nap.. but today gg out so i dun get to nap haaaa
ya i tot of the stud might poke behind her ear leh... esp she sleep on tummy means her ear 1 side sure will b facing down.. put ring one... she will pull arghhh
Edna still sleep on her tummy? at night she sleep on her back? realised Amanda can nap very long on her tummy. Yest aftenoon nap for 3 hrs on her tummy. sleep yaolan also never so soundly. think yest noon she slept too long until wake up very grouchy. took her a good half an hr to be fully awake n smiling again. at night she'll wake up very easily when place her on her back. finding a way to let her slp well at night in the cot cos slping on tummy at night is too dangerous.

re earring studs
if i'm not wrong, there r diff stubs for children. i remember seeing some that are not like ours. it's a bit shorter or flat at the back. maybe can ask ard those goldsmith shops esp those traditional ones. i hope i don't remember wrongly cos when i was young, i remembered mine was not the current ones we wore currently.
yes she still sleep on tummy! onli at ntie aft i dream feed her she sleep on her side
yes they sleep longer on tummy cos more secure
now that she move ard in cot.. i remove all the thg inc ase she suffocate...
imagine she sleep on her backalso can move ard! i wonder hw she does it!!!!

heheh... bring both lah. i will be bringing both later.


hehehe will help you save space on parking... wont bring any prams... but hor, got place to put down sleeping babies right?


heheh finally can show you #1 and #2 together.

sigh, sorry to all here if i seem to be very infrequent here already. coz now even going on to fb is a chore.
haha... cos they kick themselves around. wait till she move 360 degrees in cot on her back.
time flies to see how they hv developed. from a small bundle a few wks ago to a little baby moving around now.

Elijah's mummy
I really peifu u can handle 2 kids all on yr own. n saw fr fb that yr #1 is so kuai to take care of #2. mine will hit her when he's not happy. must teach me some kong fu leh.

mummies... enjoy the gathering today. remember to take more pics n post on fb.
jasmine ya sure will love to see the kids =)

bbethan yes she will do 360 occassionaly but not often.. now she flipping mroe frequent than 1st mth.. but must wait she gd mood thens he will flip haaaaa
Have voted for Javier
That lady is really ungrateful. Wat to do - takes all kinds to make the world...

Sorry, KO last night and didn't log in again. How do I transfer to you? I am so ku ku - forgot how to PM already...How to PM my contact number? must be the hormones....haiz. Anyway, my number is 81818068. Can you help me order the white and grey pls - hope I'm not too late... Yes, you're right - the white and pink looks sooooo sweet

Oic, ok, will order online to try. Yes, I also want to lose weight this way - not working so well... still fat

Yes- I can understand... my tummy also flabby. so depressing when I stand at my cupboard and cannot find anything to wear... and then eventually have to settle for.... my smallest maternity top (worn during first trimester)-blush blush.... I signed up for a detox/accupuncture prog last week at LFI wellness... not sure if it will work but saw lots of "Before & After" photos of Fat ladies to Slim ladies
But can't start on the prog till I stop breastfeeding. Are you keen to explore? Then we can encourage each other

Can understand how busy you are. I have 3 girls

I am using the Babysafe pillow - the same as HBB - the one with the hole. My daughter seems to sleep better on it, but the smell of latex is quite strong so I put a nappy on top of it if not her head smells quite "rubbery" . ha ha.

Hv fun ladies going to the gathering
kim, u got sushi soya sauce? i worry if I bring along will spill.
See you gals later, have to start rolling the sushi now...heee!
Wahh.. too bad u can't join us! I've called Irene & inform her.

For the rest of mommies, no need to prepare anything & onli need to fill up form on our 1st session. If possible, arrive 5-10mins earlier.

No prob
I'm glad can buy things cheap cheap hehehe
hee i'm bringing no. 2 later cos grandparents bringing no. 1 to shop for groceries.
But will be late.
Anyway anyone keen on the mum r us nursing top? I can bring it along later.
today is the gathering! tink it will be fun!

i tink LFI should be not bad. my sis took a lot of supplements from varies company and join their programme etc, finally settle down wif LFI.
<font color="119911">Sheryl</font>
The pillow I am using is a rather flat one, looks like this:

<font color="119911">LS</font>
Thanks for ordering the Bjorn Synergy for me, much appreciation. Can't wait to use it! I just hope baby likes it too...

<font color="119911">Jes</font>
I have voted for Javier, good luck!

<font color="119911">ENJOY THE GATHERING, GIRLS!</font>
just thinking anyone gg to shave their bb hair on the 4th mth n also letting them pik the rulers, etc? anyone koe wads the meaning of it??
Taka sales 8 oct - 11 Oct 15% dis with taka card

Yesterday was mentioning that my girl sleep from 1pm till 10am. yesterday night she prove me wrong. was so cranky till 4am then wake up at 7am. my hubby even scolded her haiz...... sometime can't say to early, pang tang!

was great meeting all the mummies! i had loads of fun! hehe.


thanks for letting my #1 and maid come along! otherwise would have been stuck at home as i have yet to succeed in bringing both out alone!
thanx for the info hehe

kim thanx for opening ur hse for us today! hope we did not mes sup to omuch of ur house.. u r realy a gd host!
edna finaly went to bed hehe... im FREED!
Thanks Kim for hosting this gathering. Wow, it's really great idea to gather with these many babies at a home, cos the little ones need to sleep, to just lie down, be changed, be held, to play and be fed. Kaelem has been a generous boy for sharing his space with so many friends


I briefly remember it was u who mention that u buy mamy poko frm JB.. Can let me knw u get the jumbo pack for how much in ringgit? Or wat sizes is of better value coz my frend goes in everyday so she can help me get them.. isit really much cheaper? Thanks
