(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Haha <font color="119911">LS</font>, but what is kalong?? Will let you know abt the Bjorn Synergy latest by Monday.
RE <font color="119911">Montage</font>, for those who are interested, can PM me your baby's pix (high resolution pls) and I can try put them together. May need <font color="119911">Sam's</font> help to design it more beautifully

etirto, would love join massage class but cant make it sat, sigh it's mil day, the only day she comes and claim her possessions.

weight issues: aiyoh envy most mommies that have shed off so much, i've gained 16kg during pregnancy and lost about 5kg after giving birth and the weight still stick wif me eating confinement food, i still have 10kg to go sigh! i totally cannot fit into my jeans, was debating to buy or not, in the end give in and bought 2 pair at esprit cos going for a trip next month.

mittens: i blur blur didn't know shouldn't let bb wear it now, mine approaching 2 months. so today cut his nails and took mittens off, and so fast like magnet, he's putting his hands on his mouth. it's his first day, i hope he wont suck his thumb. but i agree that at times i find his hands a bit cold especially in aircon room, so i've decided to let him wear only at nite, so he wont scratch himself while sleeping.

night shift: yesterday nite was a struggle of non stop crying till 530am, today bb so tired, he give in to zzzz and wake up for milk. for me, it's so tough to wake up at every cry and go back to sleep. maybe when i'm super tired, i can do that. and yes lamagier, i am finding myself more short tempered too when i dun sleep enough.

this thread moving so fast, so many things to comment but so little time, hmmm...time to zzzz now, nite nite.
haa as i expect u miss e class cos of shopping

foz will pm u e poto

i buy hair tonic le! must get into action sooooon

will mail e poto to u

im gg bonkers!
edna kkeep waking every 2hr for 2 nite liao!askin to b pat or carry for that 5 mins!arghhhh wats wrong?!nvr happen before!
HBB, LS, my gal also looks very boyish, especially because she;s really looks like her kor kor and at home I just use back her kor kor home wear, sometime I mistaken calling her "Nigel" instead of "Naomi" heee...Now I put gold bangle on her right hand, looks very cute...more girly...then I also will put the angklet...aiyo...so nobody know where to do ear-piercing for baby ah...

My princess is really a princess these 2 days, she slept through the nite, in the sense that last feed is about 10pm, given 120ml FM, then wake up at 6am. I think I have not been sleeping through the night myself for more than 1 yr...so last 2 nights really KO and didn't realize my boobs were almost exploded when wakes up at 6am.
Ladies, anyone know where to get an affordable rocker swing like the Fisher Price 3-in-1 rocker swing? At Baby Hypermarket and the likes?
Lamagier, I will check with Birth and Beyond tmr.
Kitty, it's located at Tanglin shopping centre (the old one, not the Tanglin Mall).
Yesterday I didn't manage to get Irene to have the detail. But tentatively she's already confirmed with me that the class with max 6 couple can start on 26th Sept, 3pm. I will call again to check the payment detail etc.
HBB, can post the babies picture in FB? we want to see too!
Jillian, can we have the PD's contact? and what kind of earring we have to prepare? I'm super vain mum...i got a few types of kids-earring prepared for my princess.
LS/HBB: Just got the infor, my friend brought her 2 girls to Neptune Clinic, 328, Clementi Avenue 2 01-212,Singapore, 120328 Phone : 67797444

You might want to call and find out
LS, I saw for magazine the carrier Air in white one is really pretty. Regretted that I've already bought mine, I think mine is the standard one, basic, dunno what's called. It was only US$49 from the spree. It's in red coz the black one is more expensive. I got to sell this away first before i order the new one, otherwise will kena nagged liao...
Haha...u so funny...I've been a Kalong mum for almost 3 years already...got insomnia, but the thing I know is when you see computer at night, the more diff to sleep you get.(that's for my case..)
Jillian, Thanks!
Coincidently, I've just went to block 328 Ave 2 yesterday!To eat the so called famous claypot chicken rice. I walked around the neighbourhood but didn't notice there is a clinic there. I only notice there are lots of hair salon. Also, there is 1 shop do quite cheap mani-pedi, thinking want to do my gel overlay there. HBB, LS, wanna go together? Tmr I will call and find out about it first.
kalong = bat
Ok, no prob. U think abt it 1st. I'll be ordering on Mon nite.

Thank u for d address!

Yea yea.. If can, I wanna go together.. Let them scream together.. hehehe :D Hopefully they won't be in pain for too many days. I haven't bought any earrings for her. Maybe the clinic will provide &amp; charge all in?
m out nw will post poto tonite
i askmy dh bt e piercin first..must double cnfm w him...he v fickled mindef bt such thg!
you bot the new Eye Q Plus le ah?
do u still have the old formula?

coz previously when my ger took the new one, she can poo up to 3 times a day, i called abbott to ask &amp; was told to mix the old &amp; new formula to give bb time to adjust wor... not so harsh on their digestive system coz they added fibre to the new formula too.

if u still have the old formula, may try mixing 1st before fully intro the new formula to Kaelem... =D
pprincess (pprincessbaobei) ,

Pet Pet Size M is abt the same size as Huggies Ultra M. The cutting is not very big as my ger can still use Mamypoko S size.

Mrs C,
I can post it to you if you want.
WAH.. the thread is moving so fast... =|

Kim, Twinkle, HBB..
i think my Jav was the loudest ytd lor!!.. *shakes head* everyone was so guai.. oni him..screaming his lungs out.. =\ i like Kaelem.. hes so guai n cute!!!.. esp the way he looked at Jav n keep 'talking' haha.. Edna mus haf enjoyed.. she had all the princes to herself.. hahahaha..

Piercing of ears..
i think u can try normal GP who does ear piercing oso..i think they will do it too.. and its doc oso so shud b okay for the lil ones.. i oni noe of one in pasir ris.. last time i went.. they let u choose the earrings from there n they'll pierce for u.. i tink for bbs cannot wear ring type bah.. cos gonna b dangerous if they pull..doc's side r all studs one..

can i email u the photos?.. cos i still don really noe hw to use the pm..hahaha..

i'll email u the photo ltr.. i oni have 2..=D

hmmm.. maybe she wans attention? Jav was power ytd.. aft the class he reached the car he jus knocked out.. den all the way till nite time.. he oni wakes up like 3 hrly for milk den he'll go back slp.. like v tired lidat.. even till nw.. hes still slping.. i woke him up to bathe him jus nw n he got so angry n cried..

Fitting into clothes..
ive got 2 more kg to go.. still got flabby tummy but can fit into the old bottoms liao.. oni tops cannot.. cos boobs become bigger..haha..
HBB, u where got aunty? u still look modern mummy lor.. don worrie girl!

actually my hubbie is asking me to go perm my hair.. cos.. ever since ive given birth till nw.. everyone who walks past me will gif me tt "head to toe" looks.. n will stare n gossip amg themselves.. n wen i took taxis, all the uncles will ask one qn "wah, u so young haf bb.. hw old r u?" i will say 22..but they will look at me in DISBELIEF n say"really? i tot u oni 17 or 18" WTH?..i noe la, u trying to say im too young to haf a bb n thinking i mus b shot gun rite.. stupid lor.. y cant they haf a more open mindset?? the worst case an uncle once asked me "wah u so young oni, wad made u get married? .. is u really wanna get married or is MISFIRE one?" i was like having smoke coming out of my ears n wanted to tell him off like "isit yr bloody business?"in e end i jus say "NO leh.. is i got married FIRST den had the BB one okaY!" den he diam diam. kpo uncles lah. =\
hi all,
i'm so sian...I just want to care and feed bb milk... but when bb cry... or when i carry bb and he cries... my MIL will always want to take over. She makes me feel like i'm useless as a mother.

don't be too bother by it, maybe she just wanna help.
or you could tell her to let you handle your baby (probably put it in a nice way like, you're gotta learn to manage your own child.)

you're not a useless mother... we are all mothers in training. jia you!
Oh yeah,
dont say tat..u're not useless!.. old ppl r lidat.. they cant bear to let bbs cry.. both my mil n mum r like tat.. sometimes jus let them tk over lor..cos if they cant handle they will gimme back oso.. sometimes wen im firm i'll nt let them carry n will insist on carrying Jav still.. =) cheer up girl..=D

ive emailed u the pic..thnks~
jes, u came in later tats y u didnt experience my boy's crying earlier. i didnt get a chance to even massage my boy for more than 15seconds throughout the 3 lessons. *hiding my face in blanket*

rec'd the photos. thanks! urs better. all babies looking into the camera. hehe. you are such a YOUNG mummy!
Which GP u always see? Am staying @simei too &amp; always go to the clinic @MRT station. Always served by lousy docs cos' they look like just graduated &amp; on training.. haiz!
in zombie state today
we r so tired that we went off to sleep.. the nottie girl cry in cot we shut off.. and she jsu wail for a while then sleep then wail again
Jes...u are young and be proud of it! I was still running around in school when I was your age. Ignore those kaypoh taxi driver. They're always like that. A few times I encounter they comment things like, how come so young got 2 kids already ah...(halooo...I'm so auntie already le!)then you indon come here to get married ah...why you're not working also got maid ah, your husband so good ah...?Why you'r chinese but cannot speak chinese ah...etc etc
Gina, I got mine from gift...a few of them give us bracelet, earring, and even ring! all in gold, not in white gold. I think china town also have. but for baby may be the stud one better. I will call the clinic to check out tmr...
its near my old hse.. at pasir ris st 71 dere.. hmmm, mayb i call n ask on tues wen they r open? den i let u all noe again..=D

i see i see.. cos wen i came in all bbs so quiet n nice..=D
ya, it happened tat all lookin at cam.. even Jav..haha.. thank god.

u're welcome.. be strong kays! =D

haha.. am proud of it but i HATE the way ppl look at me.. haha.. i told my hubbie, i feel like printing my marriage cert on the tops den walk arnd w them..HAHAHA

are u okay?.. hmmm, Jav was okay.. till evening.. he started everything again.. we went church n he screamed again.. until i walked dwn frm 3rd flr till the 1st n to the carpark n back.. he still wailing like mad.. wen he finally stopped n slept, i went back to church,, while going back, he got HIT on the head by a mans elbow n he jumped n cried.. but managed to hush him in time *tink too tired*.. but once i reach the seats.. dere he go again all the way hm.. cleaned n fed him..aft feeding, he started wailing again n threw up twice alot.. *angry* ..finally jus settled him..
aiyo.. jav kenna albow by others
poor thg..sayang sayang.. rub rub lightly for him k..edna slp le.. haiz... haign heart attack soon
past few nites i sleepless cos i tink too stress over wat time she will wake up
Fluffysheep, i got some from my neighbour who had some left over. THanks though! Think i might try Pet Pet, nepia cutting big, will leak pee
<font color="119911">Sheryl</font>
I do use a very flat pillow for my baby to sleep on, since about a month ago (he is soon turning 3 months old), I think he is okay with or without one.

<font color="119911">Jes</font>
Throw away EBM?! So sayang...can give to your friends? Use to water the plants? No problem abt the PM-ing, you can email me the photo at [email protected]. I am looking forward to creating the montage for our forum babies...

<font color="119911">Earrings for baby</font>
Wah, those having baby girls seem to be having a lot more fun - better shopping and more accessorising! Put some pixs on FB once the studs are up

<font color="119911">Baby outing</font>
Consider our first official outing with baby - we went to Sentosa Palawan Beach, it's super crowded and the toilets were about 100m away from the place we were at - Bora Bora. Baby and I sat on beach chairs and enjoyed the view (mainly bikini-clad girls) and fabulous weather, we are now super tired. #1 needed to poo but refused to go coz the loo was dirty. Refused to wear diaper either. Nightmare, we literally ran back and forth between the restaurant and washroom 6 times. I concede defeat, I cannot manage without a helper with 2 kids. I had never been happier than when I got home just now and saw that they are back from their Hari Raya off day. Phew!
Jes, ETirto
Tell me abt it! Hate those uncle drivers too! One "fine" Sat, I took a cab to office. The stupid driver asked me, "where to go?". I told him, "Shenton Way". He then replied, "Ohhh, I tot u're going to Geylang" WTH?!!! Yes, I'm fair but hey! I'm not those mainland chinese like what's in his dirty mind!!! Sooo fed up! Then, he started to kaypoh abt what did I do? which company I work for? !#^%$@!&amp;@^%#&amp;%^^@

Yup can't imagine how would I survive w/o my maid too! Onli got 1 baby already upside down. Some women r just not born for it! Really hats off to all SAHM without helper! Btw, I've just emailed u my bb's pic. Check it out ok?! Thanks!
Talking abt taxi uncles.... yest met one big mouth one. Was going to gynae for my checkup. When i told uncle we r going to gleneagles, he asked me "why? baby sick huh?". i said no, just see dr. then he asked me "u see dr? so fast have #3?" *faintz*
HBB, thanks

Etirto, thanks for arranging the class for us

Jes, i hav seen the gp photo u all took after the massage class. So lovely! All the bbs are sooo photogenic...look at the camera somemore.

pprincess, training the maid is like this. My blood pressure rises when i always hav to repeat myself again &amp; again. Anyone around to supervise your maid when you go back to work? Maybe can get someone to keep a lookout for you first...then slowly let go.

FOZ &amp; bbethan, how many times did you pump at work? If more than once, how did you all sterilise the pump? Wash with hot water or jus keep in fridge for next use?

All the bb girls are so fortunate to be wearing nice accessories at such a young age
I only had my ears pierced when i went to uni.
Hi, I hv the below pre-loved lamaze spin &amp; explore garden gym for sale at $35/-. for age 0-6mths. Retail price is $69.90. Used less than 5X. Interested pls pm me.
jiayou with the weight lost. Haha, me in same boat. I gain 12kg, lost 7kg after giving birth... then gain 2kg during confinement... till now lost the confinement weight but the last 5 kg sticking on like cement... So depressing... To think I was so happy I manage to keep the weight gain to 12kg only... Then all the others manage to 'evaporate' the pregger weight and mine has very very high boiling point... hard to evaporate...

Don't be sad. I'm also pretty possesive of my baby. My mil got a few times tried to take over when I want to bottle feed or baby cry. I just tell her it's ok, I'll settle it and I carry baby and walk away to another room. Maybe you can try things like that and let your mil get the hint. Else just have to look on the bright side and take it as a chance to rest...

Your fridge big wor. Mine freezer compartment 2/3 fully devote to my EBM. Only store about 50 packets. Now headache as to how to store the rest. Wondering if need to prepare so much as still will pump after going back to work. Just afraid supply drop too much and not enough for baby....

Thanks for helping to check =)

Hope your baby will give you some night rest soon...

My cranky baby typically fusses from 9pm-midnight before sleeping. yesterday got a bunch of martial arts friends can over and the stubborn girl refuses to wake up to look at them... And suddenly sprung awake once they were out of the door at 11.30pm.... Murphy's law at its best....
Hey <font color="119911">LS, HBB</font>
Received your cherubs' pixs, they are soooo cute! Will start putting them together soon...

<font color="119911">Bestberries</font>
How many Bjorn air are you gonna get? One or two?

<font color="119911">Babyethan</font>
I also encountered a big mouth cab driver a couple of weeks ago, it was after work and so we were caught in the middle of the worst ever traffic jam, this driver had an opinion on EVERYTHING, from the amount of baby bonus the government should give us, to the COE' prices. He just would not stop talking. At the end of the one hour cab ride, I was sporting a massive headache...

<font color="119911">lamagier</font>
Martial arts???

<font color="119911">Kitty</font>
Had my ears pierced at 12 and I thought that was late! Anyway, re expressing of milk, I pumped every 4 hours now (used to be 3 hours but boss not happy), and after washing the pump, I just use hot water to rinse it. I have a colleague who leaves a small sterilizer at the workplace. See pix below.

i pumped twice in office. sometimes once only. i have a big lock n lock container to keep all the parts. will rinse with baby detergent and water before soaking in hot water for abt 5minutes. then keep airtight till next use. i had the sterilising tablets but hesitate to use cos got very strong chemical smell and it's no rinse one.
foz - i gg to buy 1 bjorn air first to try out. already have the pupsik pouch but dunno how to use. tomoro 1st day back at work. mighty sian man. got so many things to bring. i think of leaving my bbies at home i want to cry.
want to quit my job and be sahm

gina - wow ur bb so fast get her first diamonds

hi mummies

hv not written since i last logged in to say hello
been reading e interesting posts

wow, am impressed by ur ebm supply.. MLMMP really helps huh. they hv a new version now - saw it on e website. do u take e original formula or e one w goats rue? bought so many bm bags, dun even hv e chance 2 use 1 !

wld like to order e Baby bjorn too. which colour r u ordering? i hv e sarong sling, but still hv not learnt how to use it. since 2004 when i had my 2nd one!

so lucky! mymhusband still doesnt want my eldest to pierce her ears- she's already 7 this yr.

i can understand. e quality of maids really lousy now. my current one has been w me for 5 mths &amp; still cannon make it - no bb exp somemore. gonna change soon bf i go back to work in early nov. sigh.

weight issue
i put on 20kg w each preg. started 48kg-68kg. 2nd one was abt e same - 68kg. this preg i balloned to 78kg at full term! scary! am now 62.5kg.just signed up w lfi wellness which is accupuncture &amp; health pdts (detox, etc). but cant start till i stop bf. anyone heard of this?
