(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I'll join in on the massage too.
Let me know if we pay for the class that day or earlier
i wun say that by protecting them dun let them scratch is spoil them..jus tat like u say.. weigh the importance.. i tink her dev is more impt than looks!
no matter hw pretty she can look... yet dun dev well.. nouse also
jus like pretty babes w no brains rite? hahahaaa BIMBO hwahahaa
anyway i always tell her dun be sooo nua.. she is not a pc of tofu.. she is a girl wih STRENGTH.. she gotto serve the nation when she grows up hehe... she alwasy give mi that 1 kind of look when i say that LOL
hehe, I actually feel think that babies look cuter without mittens, with their chubby little hands. I'm never bothered by her scratching herself. Since they haven't really exercise the used of their appendages since newborn, they need to learn how much pressure to apply on things. Only thing that bugs me now is that she like sucking on her fist and keep pulling the paci out of her mouth (it takes a bit of coaxing to put the paci in btw). lol, I haven't seen her pull her hair yet, that'll be a sight I don't wanna miss.

Then again, I'll still put them back on if it's cold, cos these places like hands, feet and head are sensitive to chill.
HBB, my boy only 2-3days younger than Edna leh. Cant imagine all 3 lessons i'm using dummy doll throughout the lesson. *shake head*
my boy HATES & cried like mad whenever we clean his face. Later the massage is on face. You see how he will react lor. lolz!
sam.. at least Joie can suck the pacifier... edna.. tsk..she spit it out within a min! arghhhh

twinkle.. i mean in terms of size also... mayb he dun feel so secure?nvm.. as time passes he will b better =) i bet today i need to use dummy also hahaaaaaa

edna super manja .. usualy morn nap she cansleep herself for past few days... w no cries.. today cry like mad.. onli conclusion is becos the papa at home.. haiz
edna also liek tat last time
lie down on her back onli CRY!
onli recently slightly better...
noticed that if we tilt her a bit she is better
This tread is moving fast! I wanted to comment on so many of your postings but by the time I read all, i forgot what i wanted to say '_'

Thanks for the advice and encouragment mummies

Re: Mittens
I didn't even know that they are supposed to be removed! ***FAINTED*** I just thought wait till he outgrown them, then it's time not let him wear. I do realise that some mittens are very tight at the wrist now, forming the redish line on his skin when i remove them.

Re: Baby massage
BabyCare magazine has a step-by-step guide on how to give bb a soothing massage. I wonder if it's similar to the class.
GooN S is 52 pieces. Newborn was just nice, but borderline outgrowing. I think the S is too big (like a M-size diaper) cos she leaked, and it nv happened before. If you want I bring a piece of GooN S for you see how big it is. I finished the NB, so don't have a piece of that to show, NB is 58 pieces.
ic..hmm.. i do hav alot of s size diaper now to clear.. jus checking out the number of pcs hehe.. tink its ok lar... im still on lookout for not so ex dipaer apart fr dryper cos i dun like the sticker haaa

i heard pampers is cheapest when on sale at carrefour
looks like i gotto look out for it
i tink the cheapest is at carrefour.. up to 5 bucks off per pack.. duno is it realy consider cheap anot but if use everyday card still gt 5% rebate haaaa
gina, that time i saw 2 pack of M68 pampers active @ $42.65 from ntuc. promo only valid for M size diaper & above till nxt wed.

i like drypers softness but dont like the sticker part too.
Hbb, u can register & get sample of Goon to try first. Agree with Sam the cutting is EXTREMELY big esp for my small size bb. abt 2 weeks ago i let my boy tried the NB sample. My hb was saying "wow so big!" Ha.
I think I saw Huggies for sale at NTUC at $32.95 for a pack of two.

I hate Drypers because of the darn tapes - always wakes my Eva up when we're changing her diaper. Am using Fitti on her right now (it's a little on the small side but she can still wear it). Was using Pureen (the cheapest of the lot so far) - no probs there - and before we moved, I used Huggies and Pampers (Pampers was the brand the hospital gave us).

Would love to go back to Pampers and Huggies but it's so ex and considering that Eva is one of those babies who poos nearly every time she feeds, aiiii...like throwing $$$ away. T.T

Anyway, I took Eva for her first 6-in-1 jab today. Am hoping she won't develop a fever - the paed told us that it's not very likely (10% of babies who take the jab develop low-grade fevers). Have a question to ask you guys - do you all check for fevers under the armpit or rectally?

Kim: Yeah, my MIL can sometimes be like that as well - I know she means well but at the same time, it makes me feel as if I don't know what I'm doing. Luckily for me, she doesn't do it often and my HB will scold her if she says anything wrong. XD
hbb, yeah actually i did try the website and request for the free sample. I found that the material is good. After going through so many brand during my #1, this time round I only stick to 1 brand and don't bother to try others. Mamy poko is the best. And it has breathable cover and soft. Indeed is expensive. So far, I find that only Goon is comparable. The cutting is similar to mamypoko. Btw, decided not to order Goon anymore, coz when I compare to mamypoko price in JB, still more exp. In JB is RM42.50, so it's about $17 per pack for all sizes. So I will just stock up from JB.

BB Massage.
Looks like we have enough pax (6) to form a group.
I think we will have to pay on the day of the first class.
Kitty, haha u so funny...next time I should try your trick...talking to hb when he sleeps.

Re: Mitten,
I have taken out the mitten starting on the fifth week wor...the reason is I like to see and kiss her finger and I agree that babies have to exercise their finger and ability to grip things.

I'm a hiao mummy, anybody know where to do ear piercing for baby? are they too young? In Indo, they will do it on the spot at the hospital when they're just born.
Tummy time:Tried to put Josh on tummy for first time today but he just protested after 5 mins...wasn't lifting hinmself upat all!

Post-preg flab: totally agree with Mei...although weight dropping (still got 3 kgs to go) but belly button still way out there even after doing 5 sessions massage. Any ideas how to expedite this? Can wait to head back to gym once 3 months healing period over! (had c-section too). Anyone goes to true fitness at Parkway? Perhaps can try to take classes together....motivation to exercise regularly...but need to be on wk ends since I'm SAHM and no maid.
hbb, i also at war with my bb tomi leh, after take over since 16 sept after nanny left, aiyoh last nite cry and cry till 530am then knocked out. my whole body so soft and light now. lucky thing hubby help out last nite and he and bb both knocked out now taking deep nap, bb dun want milk. i cant nap cos mil is here, although very tired but cant just zzzzzzz, unless it's my mom then i can be at ease and take cat nap.
Yea yea.. was also looking for ear piercing for my gal.. cos' every babies of my frens in indo has it too! But will they be too young to wear those ring type? Just scared they'll grab & pull it 'til ears bleeding..
Etirto, i request a sample from Goon before but didnt order cos too ex. I had ordered Nepia rather. Cutting big for S!

Hmm, got to be thick skin a bit, anyone can spare me a PetPet to try? Thinking of changing to Pet Pet after nepia run out. . Can exchange for a Nepia diaper.If it dun fit will go back to Huggies Dry
Sigh. The pre/post-natal acne is seriously depressing... Already dealing with post-pregger body still have to deal with acne... Watching UltraViolet on AXN now... How on earth does Mila Jovovich maintains her smoking hot bod after childbirth?!?!?!?

100 packets? So you storing your EBM in a seperate fridge? 1 just finish 75 milk bags but gave some EBM to my niece... My freezer already bursting at the seam liao.

So happy for you that you are leaving your workplace. Remembered you were very depressed by your collegues

Bestberries & coolkero,
Jia you with the night feeds and cranky baby. My crazy milk monster also sometimes drink very little cos too sleepy then walk up again in a short while and demand milk again... Wonder when our babies will start sleeping thru the night.... At least you girls haven't started screaming at baby like I did.... Sigh. Realized if I get very short-tempered if I go too many days without napping...

Good luck with the milk supply. Can try taking more meat. If really busy and tied up with baby to make lunch, can try drink mother milk formula compared to just taking milo. Should have sufficient nutrients for baby. I'm taking EnfaMama Chocolate flavour cos its the least sweet among all the mother milk formula I have tried. For me, MLMMP does help to boost my supply quite a fair bit. Typically we produce more milk at night. I did experiment and realize my right boob produces 220ml if I take MLMMP, about 160ml if I don't (Fully engorged and 5 hours since last feed). Can get the pills from TMC pharmacy or online. FOZ orders hers online.
ok i will ask for sample then hehe

haiz hope my girl dun giv mi prob tonite liao.. .exhausted.. i jus came home nia hehe

re: ear piercing
i been askin ard bou tit.. my friends say I AM CRAZY to pierce my girls ear! arghhh i was like why not??
whr can pirece huh?
then again my girl now hand v itchy always scratch ears.. tink aft pierce liao might need to wear ear muffler LOL
If you are looking to buy more drypers weeweedry, NUTC has all the sizes going for $38.20 for 3. S is 64 pieces, and M is 56 pieces.

btw I got 2 unopened packets of Petpet S to let go, it's like Huggies Ultra S, very absorbent, less bulky but using tape to fasten. $8.50 per pack of 46.
For me, my gal looks like a boy sometimes so it triggers me to pierce her ears hehehe.. At least will look bit girly with tat..
Ear muffler? Good idea! Hhahiahauhaia...
LS/HBB: Regarding ear piercing, my friend did both her daughters ears within the first month. Brought them to a PD who does ear piercing very often, heard the PD is very good. Do you want me to find out the contact for you?
Etirto and hbb, thank you for the offer
Would be more than happy to ask u all along! Also a date for the children haha.

Do you know where is the massage place?
missing out alot! busy training my maid, which is a veri big problem. bcos thou she come from philippine, her eng sucks. and she doesn understand wad we sae 90% of the time which is veri frustrating! lazy to read back on the past post. so will try to blend in =p

at least josh is willing to b on tummy for 5 mins. if darius can stay for 3mins, im super happi. bcos he gets angry after abt 1-2mins!

heard that the cuttin for petpet is rather small?

post-preg flab:
im back to my pre preg weight and size. all thanks to the 3 weeks without maid. i totally lost all the weight. but, still have that flab around the tummy.

re: mittens
ive remove them everi since bb turn 1 month old. reason being i read that they should know that dey haf fingers too. 2ndly also bcos hs finges cant open up in themittens, too small for him. recently i got biggr one bcos sometimes when we go shopping his hand will get cold. but hate it bcos nowadaes he's sucking his hands and fingers alot. if i put it on, it's like suckin dirts.

re: feeding interval
anibodi haf babies wif veri irregular feeding interval suddenly? my boy use to feed everi 3hrs. but these few daes he start to feed quite irregularly. someitmes 3hrs, sometimes 4hrs, sometimes 2.5hrs, sometimes 6hrs! and i latch him on all the time. so cannt b due to the amt i gif him bcos i alwaes let him latch till he unlatch himself or fall asleep.
and most importantly, sometimes after sae, 4hrs, he will jus latch for 5mins and let go. sometimes he can latch for 20mins. not sure wad's wrong.
kitty wat masage pl u refering? tuina or the class?

my girl if dn wear pink ppl also call her BOY lor tsk...

jillian yes pls thanx!
pprincess, how long hav your maid been here? Yeah i agree their eng CMI cox mine too. But i think most of the time i speak too fast and she catches no ball. Worse, when she dun understand...she dun ask and assumes and ended up doing the wrong things. But lucky i got her before my boy is born to start training. Only till now about 2 mths that i find that she can cope better.

Oh hbb, i'm referring to the massage class that u, kim, gina, jes and twinkle went. Do u mind giving me the address?
Read that if you let him lie on your tummy or you imitate his position, he can relate to it and distract him from being angry
Can try?

Re: Feeding interval
My boy suddenly pooing again after every feed (has been abt once a day)...dunno if there's anything to worry about? Poop still normal consistency, yellow and slightly curdish. sigh...paedi got no emergency number to call. Mebbe need to change to another doc.
its at tanglin shopping center level 5.. ehh i dun hv the card w mi liao so dun hav the unit number w me.. hehe

ur bb is TBF baby? if he/she is i tink tis normal
HBB: no, I supplement partially with formula. .but I've been doing this since day 1. So I'm not sure why suddenly the frequency in pooing has increased.
Can it be due to me eating spicy food the last few days? been trying to think logically...does that make sense?
Thanks.... will call TMC post natal hotline tmrw if still persists tonight.HOpefully its nothing.

I'm totally in awe that you have so much milk! I'd be happy if I can store for more than 1 extra feed...sigh!
i sent my previous maid back. and this maid is wif me for 1 week plus alreadi. ever since dae 1 she come. i ask her to see hw i bath bb. end up todae when i ask her to bath she stare at me. so i tell her u see wad i do everitime, u jus do, i see. and she start to undress baby without preparing anything! not even water. realli fed up liao. i even break up the sentence into words. and sae it slowly, repeatedly. still the same. sigh. im going back to work in abt 2-3weeks time. duno hw im going to go back without worrying.
and yes, i hate it when u sae, dey dun understand. tell u yes mdm and do wrongly.

put them on our tummy ahs? mayb i try. bcos mine is single bed, so cannt lie tog wif him. hahas! mayb will try tml to put him on my tummy. but i did try to put him on the tummy wif a bolester supporting, still, it last abt 1 min longer only.
i tink should b ok unless the poo is veri watery which suggest diahorrea. i didnt reali bother whether my bb poo after everi 2 feed, everi feed or onli once a dae as long as the poo is normal and he's well :)
i removed my #2 at about 1 to 2 weeks coz i got so irritated by my boy removing it.. and the way the CL was wear it for my boy! like twisting of his hands. so sim tia to see. but yah i am having the same Qs as HBB. is that why he is sucking his fingers now? some more is suck till got the zhu zhu sound! haiz

sigh have issues too!!! she want to bring #1 out on her own! and the last time she was here can even feed him rubbish till he refused dinner and ask me why my boy don want dinner! sigh. can only hope that she will give up the idea that she wants to bring my #1 out on her own.
Thanks...will check later tonight at next feed (3am)
Yup, for tummy time, it worked even better on my hubby's chest cos bigger flat surface for bb to balance on..ha ha

*Alarmed* Is dropping hair a post natal symptom too?
oops... i'm too late. seems like u all hv form a class. I'll give the massage class a miss.

i can fit into some pre preg clothings... not all. this time better than my #1 which i can't fit in at all. Got to wear maternity skirt back to work.
today i just went back to gynae for follow up n do papsmear. weighed myself n found i'm left 1.5kg to pre preg weight. i was stuck with 3kg for 2 mths. think must hv lost the 1.5kg over the last 1 mth due to the stress of 2 kids n recently fr my mil. something to be happy abt after all the unhappiness... LOL

i'm dropping hair too. each time i wash, see more hair on the floor liao. expected it already. just hope won't be too much.

Hair loss is part of post natal symptom. due to changes in our hormones. but not all will get it. I didn't drop a lot of hair when preggy. so i guess now that hormones r regulating back, the hair loss is normal.

Today Amanda managed to sleep in her pram all the way while we walked from Gleneagles to ION. She awoke when we were at Wisma and managed to stay in it until Taka when she starts to cry liao. Hopes there are more such days,

Went to Vitakids at Paragon today. Didn't manage to get the MLMMP... out of stock. The lady recommended Gaia Herbs. something similar... same ingredients just different brands. Bought it and hopes ss will go up a bit.
Yes, pls help us get the contact okie? Thanks!

Me too.. got one day my neighbour's maid saw me w/ bb (also not in pink that day) & told their 1yr plus gal, "see.. didi is so cuteee.." I was like "EKKK... it's meimei leh!"

My hair & my bb's hair also start to drop liao.. Din quite believe when first heard abt it from my colleague..

Re: Massage class
What do we need to prepare/bring?
I'm ordering BB Bjorn online from US. Anyone wanna tompang can let me know before Monday.

1. Baby Bjorn Carrier Air - Gray/White (S$120 incl shipment). Here is selling S$199 i think.

2. Baby Bjorn Carrier Synergy - Black (S$185 incl shipment). Here is selling S$299.

BB Ethan
Have u bought your 2nd Ameda? I'm buying online for S$200plus too. Need one at the office otherwise every morning gotta carry very heavy & look like ah sam.. sweating like nobody biz also.. haiz!
<font color="119911">Kitty</font>
Nope, like <font color="119911">Babyethan</font> I am unable to squeeze into most of my old clothes, in fact I have some 5-6kg to shift and it is so darn tough. I got a couple of new outfits for work and wear some clothes I don when I was preggy. Very sad every morning opening the wardrobe full of lovely clothes and not being able to get into them. Plus my #1's birthday is coming up and I do want to look good in the photos - super vain, I know. Hehe...

<font color="119911">LS</font>
Hey I am keen in the Bjorn, not sure if I shld get Air or Syergy - is it worth spending an extra $65 just for an additional kg? Which one are you getting? When will shipment be expected to arrive?

<font color="119911">Infection</font>
I have an infection in my areola area due to an abrasion because I didn't centralize my pump properly when I express! Thus have to take anti-biotics, it is super painful when I nurse/pump now. Aiyoh! Anyone as stupid as me?

<font color="119911">The Ugly Truth</font>
This was great, go catch it!

<font color="119911">Montage</font>
Hey, would you like to put together a montage for our little ones - what do you guys think? Interested?
gina, miss ur ju en smiley face wor.

kim, thanks for the invitation. but is really tough to bring my boy out alone now. unless i keep "rocking" him in stroller. he will cry like mad. guess i dont need to explain further. u can see during the lesson. haha. cant expect me to carry him throughout even with sling or carrier. I will *faint* even thou he still <4kg. haha.

Jes/HBB can send me the gp photos to my email @ [email protected]

Wahhh.. so many kalong mommies still awake hahahah

I'm taking Air cos' i dun like Synergy in black &amp; for Synergy in white, it'll be much more expensive as demands r higher i think.. certain colors they'd sell at higher price.. Items will arrive ard mid of Oct.

Re: Montage
Cool! It's a great idea! Let me know where we could gather the photos okie?!

Thanks for the useful info!
