(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


My latex mattress is cheeky bon bon & the infant pillow (or rather called the newborn pillow) is from babysafe.

Seriously to compare, the normal mattress tat come wif the cot is too warm to sleep wif...

No offence 2 other mummies who intend 2 use the normal mattress.
I was about to ask u if its true tt latex one is warmer than foam cos my gf complaint her bbsafe mattress is v warm
nw u clear my doubt!!!
Hi Muffingirl,
The swaddle-me u can bring it to the hospital and wrap ur bb back home one too right? IT can also be use as a receiving blanket?

hi SUNSWEET (sunsweet)
I tot i like the aussino bedding set cos it looks pretty comfy..
i see... saw those nice nice blankets. Tempted to buy but scared no use cos no intention to sleep in aircon too. maybe just use Mrs Wong's swaddle wrap if go out in shopping malls.

so is latex really much cooler? even until today, my boy sweats in his sleep when the weather gets too warm at night. We are also using the normal mattress.

Yr gal can sleep on the pillow now after u introduce at 1 yo? I didn't use any pillows at all. Now i gave him a small pillow. Will sleep on it for a while. After that when he turns about, he will roll off it. as good as not using.
Muffingirl, ya, I m also thinking nothing for bb until older.. but I got the materials for the bean husk pillow woh (in case it's needed). I was also told bb actually dun need aircon like us, and it's better to keep them warm (not hot) when they are young.

I am thinking a need a room thermometer in Yoda's room.

U mean ur gf's bbsafe mattress is warm? I not using bbsafe mattress. mine is cheeky bon bon which got holes in betw the mattress. I tink bbsafe shd be the same. It shdnt be warm leh.
I tink its quite normal to sweat a bit whn we slp cos body is using energy whn we slp... but of cos nt to e extent of sweat n cannot slp...
so I guess if ur boy onli sweat on warm days.... shld b fine bahh....

I suppose u gt receiving blanket? cn use those as blanket whn go mall aso
RE: Latex mattress
When I was at Kiddy Palace ystd to check the cot-bed, I was intro to a latex mattress that has the coconut husk on the other side. Sales person told me it's cooler and dun hv to worry about dust-mites with this type of mattresses. I am not sure of the coconut husk side, but I know we never need to worry about dust mites for latex material..
Hi Muffin Gal,
Hope you ankle swelling will go away soon

Hi Kitty, Hope your mum will be well enough to discharge today

re: Interesting baby Facts
Saw a program on Discovery Channel on baby (inside tummy) last night
- baby can only hear sounds above 90 decibel when in mummy's tummy.
- Proteins from baby's mature lungs trigger contraction, so baby will let you know when they are ready to come out.
- Baby can taste/smell via the amiotic fluid. So literally whatever we eat can be tasted by baby. Mummies who eat a large variety of food will have babies who are likely to be more curious about new smells and taste
- In the lst trimester, baby can grow 20-40grams a day

Back from my gynea check up. Another week of MC. Gynae cannot give me HL cos not admitted to hospital. So i guess I have already exceed 14 days of MC for the year.... My boss suggested I take the additional days from ML rather than annual leave....

Sigh. I put on 1kg for the week and baby did not put on weight at all. Hope baby still ok. Last trimester baby suppose to put on lots of weight.... but mine didn't gain a single gram..... But funny did console me by showing me baby's hair. Haha, now my baby's head looks like a husky coconut from the ultrasound....
ya bbsafe brand.
ya it gt holes in e mattress for air circulation so bb dn suffocate as easily
tt y I was surprised she say v warm

I suspect is e weather ...

i tink shd be the weather. even we adults will sweat if weather 2 hot rite.

plus nowadays the kids i realize sweat super ez!
lamagier (lamagier)
Hi Dear, dun worry about the weight, i think by or after week 31 or 32 it is the growth period where bb weight will increased quite a bit.. So cute, u mean u can see the hair already! Is it short spurts or? So how many weeks are u now?
Lamagier, hope you will be better too. U got the 4D today? how exciting.. Hubby & I kept looking for babies/ toddler to see if Yoda will be somewhat like them (skin or hair or eyes etcs).. So wish doc will give me a 4D Scan to sooth this itch..
Hi Jamie,
I've just passed week 30. baby hair like those fuzzy little spikes on a catus ~ round head then little spikes sticking out =) reminds me of those old coconut after you peel off the outer husk =p

Hi Kimberly,
I didn't request for 3D or 4D scan, doc also never asked. Haha, the documentary I saw last night did a short intro of a company in France that did ceramic cast of baby based on ultrasound. Showed them doing a replica of a 3 month old fetus and presenting the clayy model to the mummy. So cool. YOu can literally get a clay replica of baby and hold baby in your hands

the matress cover from Aussino are fitted sheet not those with zip.

its cottony soft I like it very much.

it has matching pillow & pillow case x1, bolster & bolster case x1, cot bumper x1 and comforter x1.

I see from the website its having sale till 5 June.. maybe should go and check it out?

my gal born in year of pig so she had a piggy set.. now #2 born in year of ox.. likely to buy the ox.cow design..

u can view at www.aussino.com

My gal has total of 4 pillows 3 flat flat ones MIL made for her when she was much younger and 1 from Aussino. keke so now matter how 80% of tiem she will be sleeping on the pillow.. but she can sleep without pillow too.. no a must.. sometimes at my mum's place i just pop her head up slight with a towel haha thats all to do the trick

Easy for me.. for she no need a "smelly Pillow" to fall asleep.
But haha... she got her "smelly Blanket". it was only when she was 1+ then she started to fall for 1 particular blanket.. though i have 5-6 blankets to rotate ard for her to use..
So cute... I also noticed that my boy has begin to develop his smelly bao bao habit. It's either his bolster, if not 1 particular beansprout pillow we made for him. Will hold and smell hard before lying down to sleep. LOL.. hope it doesnt develop into a habit.
Lamagier, I think I saw part of the program..but fell asleep after that.. I think I did see the lady holding the replica of the clay embryo (inside the uterus)..
Mommies, see you tonight, I go for my 4:30pm appt liao! ..so excited, think Yoda is too, he's been moving whole am till now, dun think he stop at all..
Hi sherryl,

I've signed up with Stemcord, dunno how beneficial it is. we just take it as an insurance for our girl.

A lot of my friends took it up as an insurance as well.
Hi sherryl (pinklilies)
Similarly to Fluffysheep, I have signed up for Stemcord months back when there were having some promotion. I think its like an insurance too. :D Yap i went to signed with my friends too.

Hi Lamagier,
So cute, when i went for the scan at week 30, cant see any hair yet. heehee, think perhaps the next scan i will get to see her hair! So exciting! Yeah u take care too!
Hi mummies,

Im not able to turn up for today dinner due to some last min urgent matters to attend.. sigh..
so sorry.. u mummies enjoy urselves!
Thks Jamie,Babyethan and Fluffysheep for the feedback.

I intend to sign up with Cordlife next month.We called and ask last mth,the person in charge told us not to sign up so early,can wait for next mth promo.

Hmm,so upon delivery,do we have to tell our doc that we had signed up with the company,so that they can make arrangement?
I wonder how do they work?

check with u,how much u gonna pay yearly since u had signed up with cordlife?
HBB n Kimberly,
yah,children nowadays all very smart n cute.. i have alot of children in the sch asking me everyday wen they see me.."tchr..yr tummy inside got bb rite?" "wen bb coming out? why he everyday dowan to come out?can ask him come out faster?" haha.. wen u hear the children asking u liddat u feel like laughing..=D

Thanks Mashy.. yah..i think too late for me to get one also..=(.. nvm..mayb next pregnancy? haha..

i think i'll call u wen i reach?..
ya kids r so smart... hope our kids will b smart int he right way! else we headache manz haha

yea u can call mi when u reach =)

c ya all im out of home liao
Hi sherryl,

You can sign up with cordlife at the Motherhood fair at Expo next month, i'm sure they will have promo at the fair.

They will give you a letter to pass to your gynae at your next visit, then on the day of delivery, you just need to bring the cord blood kit to the hospital.

Hope this helps =)
Hi All Mummies who are meeting today, enjoy your meet-up.. I cant join again cos of my workload nowadays quite heavy too! Have fun and take lotsa pictures to show those who cant make it!
Hi mommies!
Went for my 32wk checkup last Sat. Bb weighing @1.9kg. Guess the gynae really made mistake during my last visit @30wk. Bb weighing @1.916kg back then. Scare me. At least now her weight is normal

I've signed up with Cordlife too. Like all other mommies, it's like an insurance for my bb & even better! It's life-saving should we need it in future. There's $450 discount for FBI member & another $50 if u have a referral.
For #1, i paid $1200 after $200 discount. Not a FBI member so didn't get much discount and also it's a last minute signup.

Subsequent yr is $150 per yr.

#2, i get $600 discount due to sibling signup. So paying $800.

Now can use CDA account to pay, so effectively you pay only half of whatever they offer.

If u need referral, can always contact me.
ladies - enjoy your outing tonight !

there's a lady trying to sel her aus bedding set on the want to sell thread if you're interested. think she's asking $69.90

pillow: i din think of folding the cloth method but sounds good and practical!
Hi babyethan,

Now we can use CDA account to pay?Hmm,do u guys do that too?
Actually i need a referral,dun mind can PM me some of ur details which they will ask me upon signing up with them next mth?

My cousin actually can be my referral,but till now she never give me any details,which I think I use u as my referral instead of her then,,hee
Thks in advance..!!!

Thks for the feedback.Will sign up for it next mth.Hope i am not too late.
Hi. i am new here.. Me expecting a boy. due date on 070709 but most likely to due early as my 1st and sec child due 2weeks plus earlier.

recently been feeling pain in the stomach.. quite worry as baby only 33 weeks old.. abit like contraction pain.. my #1 and #2 i nv take epidural so i know hows the pain like. the pain now can tahan. but worry.. any mummies here experience the same thing as me?

then go and see gynae. U could be having early contractions. My friend gave birth to her gal at 30 weeks. So don't play play.
haha, hope you can see baby's hair in your next checkup =)

Hi jeslyn,
Must be very nice to see the kids you are in charge of so interested in your belly.
hi mummies, sorry to intrude, me is Jan mummy...got this to sell

Graco Playpen with bassinet

Selling at 9.5/10

GRACO playpen with bassinet.
Selling it coz baby prefer to sleep in cot.
Used less than 3 times, not even 5 mins.

Bought at $259 now selling at $200, will include playpen mattress (bought at $34) still in plastic
Comes with motor which vibrates and got lights and light music.
comes with a bag
Note: the toys hanging there is not the actual toys, actual toys will be given together with the playpen.

Self pick up at sembawang.

yah. that's contractions. Contractions can feel is like very bad menses cramps. The diff between a real contraction and a false one is the timing. Real ones occurs at regular intervals while the false ones comes and goes. Usually False ones aren't painful, maybe just slight discomfort. But it differs from pp to pp. Some pp can have real contractions and don't feel a thing.
Good morning, mommies! I was so disaapointed not to be able to join in the gathering last evening so how did it go? Must be fun, so many women yakking away, and all bonded by a little one inside her. I was unwell and thought I better not spread the germs. Did you guys stay late? Pictures?

Went to KKH for my 32 weeks checkup and happy to report my baby is now almost 2kg, that means he put on about 1kg since the last visit 4 weeks ago. His head is down and heartbeat is strong, everything seem okay. Dr said this is an average size baby.

I also signed up with Stemcord, paid $950 and will get first year storage off plus $50 off the following year. Also will get $50 off from my #1 next year storage fees. Also will be using CDA account to pay for this.

Heading off to Club Med Bintan with hubby and my #1 end of this month, so looking fwd!

Have a good day ahead, mommies!

how much is it for the club med bintan? I'm going sentosa siloso beach this thurs. Been wanting to go club med, but the price always puts me off (which can easily pay for a trip to BKK) and not sure if it's really worth the moeny.
Hi <font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>, I paid $2,122 for the 3 of us (2 adults, 1 kid) which includes everything from ferry tickets to trasnfers from ferry terminal to Club Med, and of course food and lodging, for 3 days 2 nights. My room is more expensive because I asked for a deluxe room with terrace and seaview, it is one category below a suite. I also found it expensive, but you can't go anywhere now with a bulging tummy that looks like it will explode anytime soon! How much is sentosa siloso beach??

Paid $245 nett per night for a seaview deluxe room. Going to stay 2 nights. Include breakfast &amp; lunch.

Well, for me, with the bulging tummy, i find no pt going Club med now since can't join in any of their activities anyway. So will just stone at the beach/swimming pool for the next 3 days. hehe.
