(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Kimberley > you mentioned that malt milk is not good for breastfeeding mothers (reduces milk production)....what exactly is malt tea/milk?? Not bubble tea and teh ping right???

Sentosa Siloso beach is kinda nice, stayed there before. There's a tiled slide underneath the front desk area in the pool which is popular with kids and adults, though I think with kids need supervision, water depth might still be a little high. If alone, better go early, gets a little noisy and hot with the tiled floors. Rooms are quite nice, but 1 central lift lobby, and the concrete stairs will be tiring for preggies, especially going to and fro to the car park. Food is so-so, and staff sometimes a little blur cos I suspect they are hospitality school trainees.

Can also drop by the Fish Therapy massage centre beside Underwater World whilst you are there, that's one of the usual things I go for when I go to Sentosa, cos it's a little cheaper with credit card promos. I won't go for the foot massage lar because I think they are not knowledgable for handling preggies. But just the fish therapy is nice enough if you are not squimish.

tat's cheap 4 the siloso beach resort. may i knw where u book the room from?

hb is tinking of bringing me & my #1 during the last wk of May 2 unwind.


haha, i'm kind of scared of fish. Can look at them, but not so close to them. that's why when i buy fish for cooking, it's always fillet/cross sections. When i go snorkling, I stay away from the fishes. hahah. Just look at them from afar.
Hey <font color="ff0000">Sam</font>
I heard/read before some horror stories abt the fish therapy, how some people got infection and what not skin-related diseases due to unclean water. Best be careful...

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Will def check out the sentosa promos, sounds very attractive indeed. Haha abt being scared of fishes though, I love diving and had so much fun when I swam into schools of fish. I will bring bread down so I can feed them so they will swim near me :p
Nice meeting all mummies who turn up for the dinner last night.

PM me the $ I owe okie? keke dun hang pig head I'll faint!! :p

Yah as Muffingirl was saying, you mentioned Malt tea, how abt malt drink like Milo n Holicks? can drink? I intend to have them for Bfast during confinement.. haha cos my mum says not cold fresh milk leh..
ic. I just stick with the Sentosa one because their tanks are not so gimmicky - nothing but fish and water, and they require you to wash your feet properly before going in (some centres like Kenko-type, decorate their tanks with plants and pebbles, I feel will not be cleaned out often, so infection is not surprising), and they've have dealt with the issue of contamination, killing the entire stock, so quite strict with the use of the fishes, once you pick the breed to put your feet in, you can't change. Otherwise, if got open wounds like blister etc, better don't go, the fish won't treat you nice either :p.
Yup, let's us know how much to trf to you. We'll help you feed your POSB acct.

Not fan of Horlicks, and can live without Milo, but this is also first time I heard that Malt has this effect on BF. There's a Lipton 3-in-1 with Malt in the market I think. I only heard red date tea was the confinement norm, which comes to mind, I should go ask my doc if I can use Fenugreek.

Thanks! Indeed it is cheaper than the booking.com which I booked 4 siloso beach resort in early April. It was fun so hb says wan 2 bring us again 2 relax b4 i pop. Hee...

Can share with me the medical hall you go to to buy your herbs?

I would want to go with my mum to buy them too.

The last time my mum bought the herbs at Fu Lu Shou, but its not a medical hall place, just a wholesaler.. so maybe that why i felt i did not have a nourishing enough confinement.. haha

BTW anyone knows if we can take Bai Feng Wan from EYS after delivery as a more convenient way of tonic?
Hi Sunsweet,
For the bai feng wan from EYS,i had checked with the person that during confinement,is best to take 2 bottles per week.
To sort of like act as a tonic after delivery.

But not too sure if can take while breastfeeding,this might have to check again.
Hi mommies,

Sorry for the interruption.

Siemens Healthcare Sector (Ultrasound Division) is providing free 3D ultrasound scans for ex pectant mothers. A total of 2 mothers are required. So bring along your friends! A free CD with your baby's 3D images will be given after the scan.

1) If you are in 18-31 weeks pregnancy on 04 June 09
2) Date: 04 June 2009 (Thursday)
3) Time slot: 1400-1600hrs, 1600-1700hrs
4) Duration: 1hr
5) Venue: The Siemens Center, 60 MacPherson Road Level 13
6) Contact: Jessie Wong, ofc 6490 8076

Please be assured that for the Siemens free scan, you are not guinea pigs, and Siemens is not testing the machines. They are selling these machines to OB doctors in the region, and worldwide. They need you as models to train their sonographers and sales people, so they can learn how to scan pregnant mommies and things to look out for.

Please refer to this thread for one of an earlier scan for Dec 2008 mommies. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/m essages/578191/1742857.html?1222314404#POST5865189
Hi all mommies.. I may have been "hyper-stimulated" last night, I got home showered and tido-- then at 2am, I w/up and brain very active. stayed up picking my Tao-gay until 4, then struggle to to back to sleep.. upper backache. Hubby w/up to massage me then he can't sleep, so went and watch tv. Meanwhile I read my bible story book and fell asleep with one hand still holding my book..

(Muffingirl) Malt Tea: I read this in the confinement recipe book, I will post the details tomorrow.

(Sunsweet) Chinese Med Hall: the place I went is Queen St (Temp) market (their actual shop is Albert St but under reno), also a wholesaler type. 玉发海味补品行 Blk270 Queen St #02-50/51 M:97519775 T:63387761 &amp; 63363157. Ask for 老板娘. I paid about between $415 &amp; $525 for my last Cordycep (she'll mix all the necessary ingredients such as the wolfberries, red dates etc and pack into individual serving) recipe (about total of 10 use). And I paid $340 for the medium grade 龙牙燕(燕窝), approx 10pcs. But I tell you, although every one looks very clean, the picking of the remaining fur from the bird nest is no joke.. I just soak 2 pcs this morning, have to pick them tonight before the brew.

Some of my cousins also do not go to shops like this to get their herbs, I have one who is supporter of EYS and another 2 who swear by Hock Hua.. But I think their quality do not vary very much. But as far as I was told by an ex colleague before that when she tried to buy top grade bird nest from a shop along Chinatown, the sale girl told her only EYS had top grade bird nest, she also told her that EYS will not cheat their customer of the grade and the price. So I myself do believe in EYS too!
hello ladies,
nice meeting those who were there for dinner last nite.. =D
n rem the secret of my sch..=X..haha..

let me noe the amt of $$ that i have to pay kays? den i'll xfer to u.. anw, one of the passion fruit drink is mine..haha..so pls include that in my bill.. Thanks!! =D
Hi Mashy,
Thanks for the info on the Hotel Siloso at Sentosa, I immediately check it out w my husband.. haha maybe planning for a short stay there too since its quite affordable.

HI Kim,
Thanks for the info too, I prefer to buy from EYS too as compared to HockHua... cos of some personal experience with HockHua staffs. But most prob, you are right, the quality shd not differ too much. Oh yes, did u buy the lotus to go with the birdnest too? My mother in law added it in for one of my birdnest that she brewed for me, its taste great.. but she told me that there are some benefits too...
Jamie, I didn't, I just do the birdnest &amp; rock sugar.. can you find out how many lotus I need to add and how do we prep lotus seed in bird nest? Thanks!
hi mummies,
Nice meeting all of you yesterday.
HBB, let me know how much I have to pay too.
Muffingal, I passed your money to HBB liao.
Lotus seed with birdnest? Maybe i can get my mum to try that.

usually my mum will cook birdnest with pao sheng rock sugar and 2 red dates.

Kim, the Cordecypes you got like quite reasonable leh.

I was thinking if I should go to the chinese physician to get my pluse read after my delivery then let him prescribe the tonic instead? like that I too can get co. subsidy.. :p
Re: Fenugreek
actually u can buy the Fenugreek seeds at those indian spice shops in the market. and brew into tea for consumption.

but I heard it has strong smell indian spice.. so dunno if its plesant to drink or not?

It looks like this loh..

how to tell if the cordyceps good qly or not? EYS selling them at $800 for 1 tael(with discount somemore) and my jaw nearly dropped.
hi ladies finaly i can log in.. out since 6+ this morning... yawnz...

mummies who attended gathering yesterday.. u r welcome =) my pleasure to organise it.. hope can do it again yea hehe...

i will calculate hw much per pax and email or sms u girls. meanwhile i need to know who else had the soup apart fr kim, and sunsweet and drinks... hehe.. so i can tabulate everythg =)
sms or pm mi k


haa u hyperstimulated by us is it? pick tau gay at such wee hours... so all done??
rem to air it even if u r not picking them yet else they will rot as the tau gay auntie says hehe

hope tomolo i can sew the pillow case liaoz...
if im not wrong cordycep price goes according by the size of the cordycep.. big or small.. the bigger the more expensive...

from what i heard, also have qly ones. So also not just the size. There's origin etc. And there's fakes ones too, so diff to know which are the real stuff.
i ask bout fake ones
the hock hua lady told mi in spore unlikely to get fake ones esp if u get it fr those shops w established name
anyway the lady say its alrite to get the smaller ones cos she say its more or less the same.. buy small one jus add 1 or 2 strands more...
There are some side effects related to Fenugreek such as effect on blood glucose levels and blood pressure, so I'm probably gonna check with the doc then whether it can be taken when I'm bf-ing. hehe, I'm the type don't like herbal teas one, probably take the capsules.

I had a Mango juice, and the crepe.
u r right
the fenugreek pill actualy will lower our sugar level (diabetics take sth similar)
but if u eat normal meals or more(bf sure eat alot of hi cal stuff) then its actualy not a prob to take the fenugreek.
if u still feel unsure... u can ask ur doc... while soem doc will prob say no scientifically proven fenugreek helps in milk supply
hi guys, can you pls help me pass along the following job vacancy to someone who may be keen?

<font color="ff0000">Senior / Administrative Assistant, Corporate Planning</font>

<font color="0000ff">The Challenges</font>
You will provide administrative support to the Corporate Planning department. As part of your duties, you will assist in the organization and logistics of Board meetings, management meetings and strategic retreats. Other deliverables include scheduling of department matters and handling all payment systems for the department, such as raising of payment requests. From time to time, you will also be required to handle the organization’s general calls and mails. You may also be assigned other ad-hoc duties as required.

<font color="0000ff">The Requirements</font>
- Minimum GCE “A” Level or Polytechnic Diploma
- Minimum 2 years of relevant working experience
- Event management and secretarial experience would be an advantage
- Possess good writing and conversational skills
- Energetic, positive-minded individual who is meticulous and organized
- Independent team player with good interpersonal skills
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications is required
- Full time

<font color="0000ff">Details</font>
Location: Commonwealth
Working hours: 8.30 to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Firm: National Healthcare Group

PM me if you wish to know the salary range.
Thank you so much!
Considering Fenugreek as an alternative since its effects are mild unless taken in substantial dosage, in case the papaya fish soup too power
Keeping fingers crossed, hope I'm lucky in the breastfeeding department since this is all new to me.
i know cordycept from Tibet is more exp than from other places and the bigger the size the more expensive it is. Last time the tonic shop boss told me to smell it, sth like rubber smell and you can look at the back whether it has 8 pair of legs or not.
ya try the fish soup n see how
but i tot feenugreek might b more power... haa i also duno leh...
i also v new in such thg.. lets experiment it n share the results haaa

8 pair of leg? or u mean 4 pair?
mummies who met up last nite(except muffin girl).. i already sent out the individual email to u all on the bills liao..
cordecyps = dong cong xia cao

so winter time its a worm, and comes summer is a plant..

keke so when it was a worm it had legs loh..

Re: EYS Bai Feng Wan
I went to EYS during lunch and ask the Snr sales aunty there.. she say BFW can be taken abt 10-12 days after delievery.. when the Lochita is subsiding.

it will help the the womb to contract better and nourishing effects too. It does not affect our milk supply.

Currently there is a 20% discount for the item so its abt $37 /box of 6 bottles(I roughly remember).

As for the dosage is 1 bottle a day.. will need to take abt 12 bottles (2 boxes)...

possible to share what kind of confinement herbs had you bought other than the Red Dates Tea Ingredients?
<font color="0000ff">Jamie</font>
no lah, not HR. For my department so lend a helping hand
You have someone in mind?? Though people say times are bad, still when we put up the advert in jobsDB, not that many applicants...

<font color="0000ff">Sunsweet</font>
How does Bai Feng Wan taste like? Sweet? Savoury? Just have it on its own? Like bird nest? I have been drinking bird nest almost everyday since the third trimester, now getting a tad bored of it. Want to try something else.

<font color="0000ff">pinklilies</font>
You are welcome
Pass it on please...
Ya, funny hor.. some pple said that jobs are hard to get, but i see many of my friends whose contract ended due to bad times, got jobs within a month.. while some others took like 6 mths still cant find.. so i think its all individual.. haha

my hb said last time he had 1 open position, just a few applicants, now whenever there's an open position, so many applicants.

Maybe jobsDB not so good? How abt the govt portal?

<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
I am not very certain about the various portals - I leave it to my HR to sort this out. I did suggest to them to try also jobstreet, monster, etc. but the ultimate decision maker is HR.

<font color="ff0000">Jamie</font>
Probably got to do with expectations. If you are not willing to accept a job which is, for instance, offers too low, or is too far from your house, or job scope not what you had in mind, etc. then obviously it may be more challenging to find a job. However I believe in Singapore, there are still jobs avail - perhaps just lower one's expectations?
