(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

BabyEthan (babyethan) and HBB,
How come both of you have pelvic pain? Is there any reason for it and how do you make it go away? Sounds so poor thing.. Do take care!

i tink if u r earlier than 6.30 u can buzz mi ... if not can jus go in direct. cos they dun take reservation n I pob will go in early to sit n chop place
base on what i see.. i supposed onli 10 or 11 of us onli...
the pelvic pain is prob due to the weight of the bb pressing against us..
but i did not know is pelvic pain initialy... i tot it was my injury becos i gt bad pelvic injury(resulting in cant even walk or take off slippers or undies for a few mth)
it was aft a few week of pain i told my gf and she told mi is due to the weight.. not my injury haha

no way it will go away.. until birth i tink hehe.. wat to do... limp a bit walk like penguin for now haha.. at least its better than my injured days

not sure hw bad is BBethan one thou...
HBB, i will be joining too! cos my another side no news. keke.

See you all pretty mummies later.
My gynae was telling me it's due to baby's weight pressing downwards. He advised to ly down flat on the bed to alleviate the pressure. Said even if we sit down, the pressure will be there. So the best solution is avoid too much walking n sitting for prolong perioid. It's quite true especially over the weekends when I'm at home. From all the housework, entertaining my #1 and shopping, i get very sore down there. Sometimes after sitting too long in office, i will limp when i get up and walk. Now have difficulties changing clothes especially when putting on bottoms cos when stand on one leg, the pain gets worse. So where possible, i'll try to sit down n wear my pants/skirts.

i used the bubble mat when changing baby diaper or after bathing. waterproof material and easy to wipe off/wash if kena stained by urine/poo poo. The cot liner... u r refering those especially for the cot or? I rememmbered for my #1, i used the disposable bed liner (which we can use to prevent waterbag leakage) to line below the mattress. I used only for the 1st few mths only when they are more prone to reflux. Then i stopped lining. now gets occassional accidents from urine leakage while he's sleeping. Me too lazy to keep putting on cos those not very cheap too.
Thanks for the kind msgs, I can still walk...like penguin haha. Not painful but achey.
Then the bone thingy at the side of the foot is a bit swollen. Haha I wish I can take MC :p but too minor

pelvic pain is quite common especially in late pregnancy, that is what I learnt in antenatal class.
Cos of the hormone relaxin that relaxes our ligaments in the joints. The pelvic bone area has a few joints...so if the joints are loose and the bones can shift when you walk, you get discomfort.
Part and parcel of pregnancy lor.
Without it, our pelvic bone area cannot expand to allow the baby to pass through during birth.
ya if sit down the pain got more...
for mi is i cant sit or lie down.. turn also got prob
but if i walk once i start walking for a while.. the pain loosen...
last time nothg could heal the injury.. onli via walk the golf course w my golf bag aft few mth then it slowly heal.. but not solucky tis time round.. hav the pain since week 25 or so... carry this bowling ball day n nite also no better...

i din even bother to tell my gynae bout it.. cos i know surely he will say its ok hehe

jus endure for a few weeks more....

meanwhile i can still shop n carry my nepehw once a while i tink shldnt b that bad liaoz..
yes my cousin's boy
still in ICU
liver gt prob.. heard fr my parents sayin sth bout need liver transplant or sth
i did not ask my cousin or aunt much also.. the daddy feel v upset and giving up hope haiz..
HBB, cos I k.s. think, mayb 2 layer is good enuf.

BabyEthan, ya, maybe I should just do with the disposable liners balance from waterbag prevention then see if need to get more. ya, the disposable ones are indeed cheaper.
HBB, so sorry to hear abt your cousin's bb.. if there is a chance, tell the father not to gv up hope so quickly. Will keep them in prayers.
thanx for the prayers =)
i hope he get well soon too.. no baby or parents deserve such heart wrenchin situation manz..

u want to put 2 or 3 layer is so tat if dirty already can jsu remove top pc n use the 2nd oen thr? or scare mattress will get dirty?

bought mine from www.maternitymall.com. But it's a US website, so may be a little late for u now since already so advanced in the preg.

Sorry to hear abt your cousin's bb. Must be so heart breaking for the parents.

I got 3 dozens hankies and 7 bath towels for my #1. :p I started with just 1 dozen, later feel not enough coz he used so much everyday ( i double up as bib). So kept buying till 3 dozens. Heheh.
Mashy, thanks for the info.. further to the hankies, I can get those that are sold in a pack of 6 or 10 or 12 right? I was told a shop at waterloo has very resonably priced bb items, but hasnt check out the plc.. so I better start.

HBB, ya, I tot if the top layer is soiled, then jus need to remove the top and use the second layer esp during the night, when we are sleepy and also dun want bb to be disturbed so much..
u gg to RH later for check up rite? aft that u can pop by to see the shop sellign those bb stuff at waterloo hehe
HBB, ya will probably do that.. hears it's close to the temple.

So excited about the check up today, wonder if I can get a 4D scan today.. and I prep a list of qns for doc too..
hi BabyEthan (babyethan)
I rem you posted stg on what to bring to the hosptial..do u still have your list on what to bring to the hospital for delivery? I just cant find the thread on that.. sigh.. so fustrating..
It's the HDB block directly opp guanyin temple. They have shops on the 1st n 2nd floor selling all those dried seafood stuff. It's on the left side of the block at a corner.
did I? hehe
I don't have a comprehensive list. I think it's Elijah's mummy who gave a long list. For me, it'll be:

Clothes to go home
Swaddle blanket
Mittens and booties
Cordlife kit

2 pyjamas
1 jacket
1 go home clothings
disposable panties
nursing bra
nursing pad
a pack of maternity sanitary pads
nipple cream

Think that should be abt it.

anything else missed out... just ask hubby to go home and bring... kekeke
Not sure if this is the one, I copied and paste in a txt file after reading, so I can copy to my phone and walk around the house finding the stuff.

Labour Bag

1. Clean T-Shirt or front-opening nightie, dressing gown and slippers (gown provide by hospital)
2. A drinking straw (provided by hospital)
3. A small facial sponge, for dabbing and sucking on (provided by hospital)
4. Body oil, fine talcum powder or lotion for back rubs
5. Hairbrush, soap, towel and flannel, toothbrush and paste, and any other toiletries you want
6. Maternity pads (night time sanitary pads) x 20
7. Spare pants
8. Underwear x 5

Hospital Bag

1. Front opening nightie (at least 1 for every day in the hospital)
2. Comfortable clothes (at least 1 for every day in the hospital)
3. Sandals (a pair is enough for you to walk to the nursery to see baby)
4. Knickers and maternity pads for heavy bleeding after birth (bring extra, I changed at least 2 to 3 per day)
5. Nursing bras x 2 (at least 1 for every day in the hospital)
6. Towels x 2 (provided by the hospital)
7. Breast pads x 4 (not a necessity as the milk flow was not in yet. can bring a pair just in case)
8. Magazines and books (did not use it as all the time was spent looking at baby)
9. Writing Material (did not use it as all the time was spent looking at baby)
10. Music CDs and CD Player / MP3 player (did not use it as all the time was spent looking at baby)
11. Drinks and snacks (can be bought in the hospital)
12. Baby clothes (one set for bringing baby home in.)
13. Nappies for baby (provided by the hospital)
14. Wet Wipes (provided by the hospital)
15. Tissues (provided by the hospital)
16. Lip Balm (needed as lips get very dry)
17. Hair band/Scrunchies (needed as to keep hair from falling into baby’s face)
18. Plain water (provided by the hospital)
19. Fruit Bar (Alpen)(not needed but a happy snack for me)
20. Digital Camera (Olympus)(very important, as this will take and record all the happy moments)
21. Handphone charger (very important, as the phone will be used lots to communicate with the relatives)
22. Hairbrush
23. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
24. Shampoo & Body Shower
25. Socks (felt more clammy wearing it)
26. Cooling/Ice Pack x 2 (as be asked, hospital can provide)
27. Baby Bottle x 4 (not used)
28. Breast Pump (din get to use it at the hospital at all as baby was directly latched on)
29. Baby Diapers x 2 (provided by the hospital)
What's not on the list are probaby the documents you might need like:
1. You and your spouse's NRIC,
2. hospital documents (admission, cordblood/stemcord etc), and cards like TMC's FBI/SBI
3. your birth plan
babyethan and sam,
Thanks for the info!! HUGS!! Lifesavers.. I like the comprehensive list cos its better than the websites..
Yeah, i think its was elijahmummy who has the long list.
Thanks anyways! appreciate it! Muack!
ghess what are cot liners?

I only got those waterproof piece for the cot mattress. i got them at robinson.

I was full cot size but i half it cos baby bottom will be lying on 1.2 the mattress only not the full mattress.. moreover i scare its warm to sleep on it esp for the back...
sunsweet i also afraid too hot..
esp so since using latex mattress...
n latex one cannot wash also.. if puke then jia lat liao

i tot latex ones can wash?

hehe I'm using cheapo foam mattress.. so if need to can change frequently. will work out abt the same as laxtex if i change like once a year.. but so far for 2 years my gal did not pee on bed so hehe ok loh ..

Also to share, I am not using a pillow for my #2 but fold a towel/large face towel/ muslin nappy a few times to act as pillow. This way i can wash the "pillow" daily as infant tends to puke even while lying down. Also if baby perspire a lot, its more hygenic.

U can't possibliy be washing the nice fluffy pillow right?

anyway it also prevents suffocation during sleep as the child wiggles ard on the soft fluffy pillow.
ehh latex one can wash huh? i did not know.. anyway its pretty heavy even w/o water.. so if wash i duno hw to hold it manz haa

bought the latex one cos scare bb suffocate. mayb i shld pop by n ask the sales girl can wash anot
ehh babies need pillow?? dun need rite?
but i got wat u mean by the use of the muslim cloth.. in case they puke... hehe
For me, I'm not gonna have any pillows, cot padding thingy for the sides of the cot, soft toys, blankets, bolster etcetc, at least not for the first 4 months.

I read that having those stuff around the bed can increase the risk of SIDS.

Baby just going to have a naked bed with fitted bedsheet over mattress and one of those safe blankets....those that baby wear over their body (top long sleeve, bottom like pouch), so that no chance that he can sink down under the blanket.

well some of us buys bedding set for the cot comes with pillows and bolsters mah..

I only gave my gal her real pillow when she's almost 1 ..

But I'm eyeing on a new set of Aussino bedding for my #2.. i had 1 set of Aussino for #1 and its really comfy..
re : latex mattress/pillow

I bought both for my #1. you can wash but can only air dry it within the house. cannot put under sunlight.

I tink latex mattres/pillow are gd as more airy, ventilation, anti dust mites/bacteria..

Last time when my #1 puke or vomit milk, i will immediately clean with very damped cloth a few times, then let it air dry. No stain so far.
u noe e aussino bedsheet is it jus lup over kind or come w zipper kind?
I was given e lup over kind
like u say v comfy jUs wonder they gt zipper kind anot.

ur latex one is it babysafe brand? thanx for e tips on e washing n drying

ya e sleeping bag is safer indeed

yah, some gals from Aug thread went there to buy stuff. Got a dozen hankies for $3.

I'm also going to fold the nappy cloth to make pillow. THen everyday can change new one.

The "Blankie" you mention is like Sleeping Bag right?

I tot of buying them but they feel warm .. unless in aircon room. and might outgrow very fast..

I might just swaddle + a towel blankie tuck under the mattress

Yeah Sunsweet, I think it is the same thing we are talking about.
I bought the Swaddle-Me already, and this safe blanket thingy (my memory is so bad, I cannot remember the name of the blanket lol) is from the same company I think.
I'm already feeling so hot every night, have to sleep with aircon and still feeling very hot!
Baby cot is going to be in my room, and my friends who had babies already said that they still feel very hot even after giving birth....so I think I will have to have the aircon on in my room!
Better keep baby warm.

I read that better to keep baby warm than cold, so that the baby does not utilize so much of his precious energy to keep himself warm, and have less energy for growing.
