(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

(*wave*) Hope you mummies had fun at yesterday's gathering. Wished I was there =( Would be really nice to be able to put faces to all the nicks here.

Any mummies starting to feel increase pressure in the pelvic area and starting to experience back aches?

Haha, I'm now so tempted to walk with a hand supporting the waist cosI think baby is now bigger, causing me over-arch my back... feel sore all the time. Waiting to see when I will start waddling =p

My nesting instinct setting in. Washed lots of baby clothes the past few days. Even took photos of the little clothes hanging out to dry for the very first time. And suddenly has an urge to compile an ultrasound photo album for baby
i tink pressure is setting in to the pelvic area for many of us now...

as for backache.. mine been gone since mid 2nd tri.. aft correcting the posture of my back.
dun use ur hand to support the back n arch ur back.. cos thats hw the backache come about.
if the tummy is above the back.. thepain will b thr.. lean a little forward.. so that tummy dun press against the spine.. the pain will b gone aft a few days ...

i been doing that and so far so good... despite i got back injury
Thanks for the tip.
I'll try the lean forward thing.
Same here, have back injury before. Then went to drink coconut water.... think too cooling, back ache coming back with a vengence =p
oh dar
coconut water make u hav backache? gosh...
like that during confinement u must must must take more tonic to bu back ok...

the lean forward thg applies to when u sit in front of pc, on sofa n etc...
dun hunch ur back too.. lean forward tend to hunch... which make ur upp back ache.
lean like ermm... pisa tower??
i also lean backward when i walk (or waddle) rather. cannot lean forward cos cant balance

i also having pelvic pain. especially when i have to go sit and get up from potty, must do slowly. now i nkow how it feels like to be an old lady. everything must do slow-mo, carefully...
Anyone going to the Enfa pre-natal talk this sat morning? hmm, hope it wouldn't be as bore as the Abbott talk held in Feb.
wah <font color="ff0000">HBB</font> you are up early. Cannot sleep huh? I didn't zzz well last night too, alexis was having bad dreams so she kept waking up. Now I look like a panda bear and feel like one too!

<font color="ff0000">Pe@nut</font>, not going to Enfa talk, will be bringing my #1 to The Gingerbread Man at Alliance Francaise, some kid's play.
Morning Mummies,
I also use to have the tailbone pain few months back too but now, the pain is all gone. Same as Pea@nut.. haha..

Last night, I dun feel well.. My stomach area was really tight and I feel quite alot of discomfort.. Most prob its those braxton contractions.. It went off and came back again.. This morning after last night sleep was better. I feel that with a full bladder, my stomach feels more uncomfortable and the contractions is worse off.. Then I got some kinda stomach pain.. not sure if its becos I ate something wrong or cramps.. sigh.. Was so worried last night.. Only slept at 12plus..
Most of the days, my stomach feels nice and soft.. last night, not sure what happened was feeling so much discomfort.. Makes me really concern abt mothers who have many contractions will have a pre-term bb... Does anyone have the same experience as me??
HI Jamie,
For me, the contractions makes me feel as if bladder is full cos hard uterus press on bladder. Haha, as my boss keeps telling me "Gotta take it slow and easy". I try to avoid any activity that puts pressure on tummy area (bend over, pick up heavy things) cos the moment got pressure, I get contractions =(

Hi bestberries,
Hee. Me different. I always get contraction when I get up from potty. Not sure why. Bend over to brush teeth, rinse mouth also will get contractions

Haha, I'm trying out your 'leaning tower of pisa' pose as I type =) Cos my body type more "liang", so usually cooling food like kangkong, coconut water, coconut milk will cause my aches to come back =( I find coconut water especially cooling. Back ache never fails to make apearance after I take coconut water.

Hi coolkero,
Haha, I also thought, at the first glance, you were putting up photos of your own tummy!
Gd am all mommies, I went to file small claim ystd then to banks to tfer $$ cos bought lots of share the day before (still looking at the market, heard profit taking today and US mkt down last night... must earn enuf to pay for delivery ;P), so serve me right to have to read thru the "fast thread"..

RE Cordycep
I was tole that the very expensive ones are usually from sichuan (due to the earth quake last year), and was advised (EYS herbal book) that qinhai (if I dint rmbr wrongly) is better. I am not sure abt Tibet.. Usually the better ones are fatter and has more white than the brown part, and the soup is more bitter than the inferior quality. I have heard of "fake" ones but have no further studies on that. Now that someone say difficult to find fake ones here, I am more fong sum.

Sunsweet, according to my memory, my confinement lady's drink recipes include: 红枣,南枣,党参,杞子,桂圆(龙眼干),北耆. As for bathing, I was told the ingredients are all in a pack already (like a large tea pouch, not tea bag k?), just need to throw one into the boiled water. My girlffriend told me she got a special recipe from dunno KH or TMC, she just say remind her to pass me when we meet but I forgot what purpose and where actually this is from too (preg brain)

Muffingirl, I also forgot to check on the malt tea last night when I was home.. Let you know when I have the info. Sorry..

Sherryl, was is you or Sheryl (single r) asking about cord blood banking? I decided to have the baby's cord blood stored because my hubby's side, the genes not very good-- Parkinson (who knows in future this can be cured), Alzheima &amp; Cancer. I also decided to use CordLife because in case we need to relocate Cordlife guarantee the freezing up to 7days, and on top of that, my friend in insurance told me the process before storage is of a higher standard than that of StemCord. Now StemCord's advantage according to them was that they store in 4 units (test tubes) and can be use up to 4 times while CordLife stored in bags and can only use once as cord blood cannot be re-freeze. However, according to doctors, they usually would not thaw just enough for each transplant, so end of the day, you may also end up utilizing all the cord blood in one surgery.

Yes, you can use the CDA for payment, and we the parents are the guardians/ trustees until the child turns 21, therefore, you can choose to pay up to 21 years for processing and storage. CordLife's best offer is their 10year package.

When I called both companies up t check on these details, only CordLife did a proper follow up with me, and makes me think if their follow-up is going to be such when I need the stem cells to save life.. I signed up at the March's bb fair, I guess the "next month" the Cordlife staff is telling you may well be the June's Motherhood fair at Expo (Jun4-7).

I can't say Cordlife is best for everyone, you have to see your needs. I also think sometimes your personal experience with the company can influence your decision. Like I say, for me is more because of relocation, so the 7days guarantee is most crucial (Stemcord can't give me this and I have to look for my own shipper), second is the storage, and of course the last was the service follow-up that Stemcord never show.
Hi Kimberly,

I'm the one asking abt cord blood banking..hee

Yes,intend to take up with cordlife also.Shall check with the staff which we currently had contact with,and hear the advises given by her whether to sign up during Jun the expo fair.
I'm doing the cord blood banking due to thalessemia which I might have.
So now like what most mummies say,is like an insurance to us.
I get them every few days or so, but usually after a prior day that I overexert myself (especially when I feel "fit"). But how much activity I can do is kinda hard to regulate so often.

Probably should go empty your bladder often if it's convenient, as a full bladder makes it uncomfortable and worse feeling when my bb moves and bumps against my bladder. But keep yourself hydrated as well, read that it helps. Most times, I go take a quick bath, that definitely helps me a lot, I feel more relaxed and the effect seems to pass on to the bb as well, she relaxes on her movements, less jabbing. I'm trying to remain medication-free if possible, my gynae hasn't given me any drugs either when I complain, just watch my diet and swim, haha, like what Kimberly said during our meetup, training the power of the mind over body.

Bai Feng Wan is not to be taken during pregnancy!!! But during confinement abt 10 -12 day or when the bleeding is subsided.

U cannot take Bai Feng Wan Now ok?

Its little black pills abt 2-3mm in diameter. each bottle has abt 100s of them keke.. usually I'll put in a chinese spoon and take it by about 2-3 spoonful with warm water that's all.

I know bird nest is nice but i dare not take it daily in case it trigger off any allergy of the little one. cos I've allergy background though is to medication but it may or may not lead to food allergy.

Also some ppl advise that too much birdnest will cause Lil one to be phlegmy. So maybe once a week is good enough.

So far the tonic I've taken once a week (any of each)
1) Cordecepys, wolfberries with chix/ ribs soup
2) Pao Sheng, wolfberries with Chix soup
3) Birdnest with pao sheng, red dates and rock sugar
4) Chix Essence

ALmost 1x or 2x a week I'll take Beancurd stick with barley, lotus seed and Ginko nuts (might add some dried longan too
Sunsweet, your birdnest needs fur picking? I am cross-eyed from the picking of fur from birdnest liao.. I could have bought the all cleaned birdnest, but I was afraid that those were bleached and even the fur color is being bleached...

Last time a friend told me take uncleaned birdnest will cause asthma in child, now I dun believe what he say cos the fur doesnt travel to bb's stomach, how to cause asthma right?

I was told the beancurd stick &amp; ginko is good for bb skin too.. But din knw can put barley-- chinese barley or the western barley?

I also take the tonic once a week, but birdnest also once a week, I have the pao shen &amp; tang shen all inside my cordycep so it was easy for me..
I went for the massage at Babies Bellies yesterdat. Agree that the strength used not too strong. So gentle until i actually fall asleep. Anyway, at least i get a good rub and ease a bit of the tension of my shoulder.

Today on MC... kena running nose and sore throat last night. Weather is bad... u gals take care and drink more water.

Re tonics
Not advisable to take bird nest daily? My mum normally cooks 2 pieces each week. Then i keep it in the fridge and take 1-2 tablespoon every morning. Shd be ok right? Also, do u gals take it in morning or night before sleep? seems like got different sch of thoughts on the timing to consume.
arrgghhh... my stretchmark has all creep out on my tummy around the navel area liao.... sian.... reddish flowerly like. so ugly.
BabyEthan, I tot you went Babies Bellies last week? I arranged Sal to come massage me tomorrow evening, so need it, so wish she just sty next door..

I also brew 2 pcs each time, but only last me 2 servings (a bowl each time) and I usually consume 1-2 hrs before next meal so body can absorb the "goodness" (just my own thinking la), my mom says gotta have it wee hrs in the am, when I was young, I remembered she usually woke us up like 3 or 4am to take the birdnest.
well i'll soak the nest for a few hours and check + pick the furs even they come clean..

Was advised by my dad's frd who supply birdnest to local medical halls. Its better to dbl confirm that there is no feather/fur b4 cooking.

Yah was told the same abt unclean birdnest... i guess it irritates the throat and difficult to get it off? keke

eh I dun like chinese barley.. so i always put western ones but its more cooling than the chi ones.. I know some on my cantonese frd will add beaten egg to the fu zhok yi mai and its really nice

Another dessert we can have it White fungus + red dates + rock sugar (anyway sometimes i'll pop in lotus seed, dried lily bulb dried longan and ginko nuts) haha similar to cheng ting! :p

I've watched a taiwanese show and they say the protein found in white fungus is as much as bird nest. except one is veg and the other is from veg.

so in some ways white fungus can be taken in place of birdnest.. keke well its a much cheaper option :p
Sunsweet, and easy to prep too.. still cross-eyed fr fur picking. I already soaked the nest over night, pick in the day, then in the night, and still not clean enough..
winnie mummy
Yes... it does appear especially during the last few weeks when the tummy stretch to the max. some had it at the waist area, buttocks. Mine started from the navel. will normally subside after delivery. but takes time. that's the reason why most ppl will apply stretchmark cream from early stage of pregnancy to preven the formation.
I bought the tweezer, like those use to pluck chicken feathers that get stuck between the wings.. then decided to use the smaller ones like the ones we use to tweeze our eyebrows
Re: when to eat birdnest

My frd's wife told me to take birdnest like 3-4am in the middle of the night cos that's when the body will absorb all the goodness.

But like that dun we all need to take our tonic at the kind of hours too? to absorb max. amt of goodness?

humm I will just take it on empty stomach in the morning 2 hrs b4 I take my b-fast :p
wanted to go last wk but was busy wif work. so dragged until yesterday. wish can hv massage everyday. hubby's massage skill not good enuf... hehe...
BabyEthan, did you apply anything in the early stage of preg? My girlfriend told me her sister did not and stretch mark was very bad--ugly and still there after almost 3 yrs.
yes. applied the clarins tonic oil. but this time round, not as religiously.... keke. for my #1, i applied every day but it still pops out in the last stage too. and it spreads real fast. so somehow this time round, i more or less expected it. but happy that this time round it doesn't come out as fast as #1. mine almost subsided 8 mths after delivery.
hi ladies, was watching ch 70 (home channel) about giving birth and saw came across this website about timing our contraction, since we all are techno savy with computer beside us, check this website out and bookmark it, so the next time we have contraction, just click, click and click...
i wake up v early one
ard 6 plus i will b awake hehe.. cant sleep much

bbethan.. today i also gt runny nose! haiz... startign to hav a b it of cough also.. this is my 3rd flu for the year! use up my 5 yr quota of flu liao manz...
back to my comfort food of ice cream now to make myself feel better...

re: birdnest vs white fungus
the medical hall auntie did say white fungus is the poor man form of birdnest so can take more =) hehe

to those who have transfer mi the $.. i will log in to check later =)
HBB, the poor man birdnest may suit me better since I am really quite tired of picking the fur... I should have just save my money and brew more white fungus/ fu-zuk.. sigh
thr are those v clean bird nest at hock hua leh those i buy literaly no feather one...

fu chok yi mai is good.. yumm...
white fungus also... slurp... LOL
My gyne told me streatch marks is largely genetic.

so if you are those who will get strech marks, by applying streach mark cream it will lessen the marks. but you cannot prevent it from appearing loh.

HBB, ya, but I am quite skeptical those look very clean are bleached and even the fur is also bleached until as if no fur inside woh.

Sigh, I have at least 6 more pcs to work on for future use.. If I know earlier, I just drink those concentrate (1tsp/day) from EYS, no fuss..

I think I am gonna sneak out to baby kingdom 2 check on bb cot/bed later..
