(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Tiny M: Great, see u there at 6.30pm! Guess we will know who belongs to our group by looking at our tummy... keekeee

Vera: I'll b there earlier, tink the ERP is more expensive after 6pm.. Shall we meet earlier?
Gals ...

this website is a good place to look and do some research .. i checked the price .. its the same as those offered @ Kaki Bukit Baby Hypermart / Baby Kingdom .. just that they deliver to your doorstep at a charge.


you can see the pics of the strollers and short list some b4 you go do your shopping else where ...

Good luck !!!
hi Gie,

Whether or nt necessary to go thru Oscars , i tink depends on the gynae. For those older school of thought gynae, only do triple test(blood test) and measurement. Also my fren who is only 27, gynae also ask her to do the Oscars which cost more but accuracy is 90%. Cost more also....

However, there are also young mummies who dod the oscars but shows high risk. so hv to do amnio which is 100% accurate but carries 0.5% of risk of miscarriage.

U have to see which u are more comfortable as for us, we want 100% sure. Moreover yr gynae may be very confident tat u do nt need, may due to yr age? hw old are u ?
Hi Mums,
I'm not a new mum but am new in this thread.
Care to add me?

Nick : Kerene
EDD : 12-May-09
Gynae : Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hospital : TMC
# of current : 1
Gender of current : M-Mar08
Location : Jurong West
Gender : unknown and praying for Ger
tiny, i really went to see dr woody today ! haha. bluf him tat i feel some discomfort then ask him scan for me. he seems worried and faster ask me lie on the bed to scan. bb is fine. very active. too bad legs cross..so cant see gender..anyway i am 1 week earlier now. 16 weeks 3 days le

xue, can help me change my edd to 19 may ? thanks !

firefly, will keep u in mind if i orders from coozfashion. still have others wanna share ?

ladies, i am flying to HK this morning 6am. chat with u all after i back on 11th dec. hehe. have a nice weekend and public holiday !
Welcome Kerene =)

Which day are you ladies meeting up? Quite lost on the thread....forgotten what website to see the casting already.
u guys all very cute! msn n gossip in thread at the same time! ha ha! went out early n came back late today so cannot join in the fun..

have fun in hk porky jean! remember to try the mango thing!!

May 2009 MTBs Gathering #1

Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum

*Just add yr name in if you can make it?* hee
hi all

really loved to join u all for the makan leh but i got 3 assignments due on the following 3 days, not sure whether can make it or not
can i sms someone to confirm nearer to the date?

Tiny_M - Thanks for organising, do u mind if u PM me your hp no so that i can cfm with u the day be4?

prawnmee - am with prof tay for my previous and current pregnancy. He is very good, calm, assuring and patient, only thing is his waiting time a bit long lo and he doens't have nite clinics in SGH so if u can't take leave or time off for your check-up then it will be a bit tough. His first visit is abt $80+ and follow up is $61 per visit, excluding med & scanning..
Hello everyone!

piggy_cow: i tried PM-ing u but ur PM is not activated. Or u PM me then i email u my HP number?

porky: hee hee.. tell u can find excuse to see him one. ur baby is shy, dun wanna open the legs.. hahaha.. have a great trip in HK! I miss HK so much!!!

Re: Gathering
I can meet earlier too! Prob reach Suntec 6-615pm. Who else can make it earlier?

Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum

Meet earlier (at 6pm? where?)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m

Long time no log in.. too much work..

Anxious, I'm doing my detail scan at TMC on 22nd Dec too, my appt is 10am.

Gathering.. wish I could join as I worked in Suntec only.. but, that day will definately work late.. maybe I just come by to say hi.

BTW, Sizzler is at Tower 1 & 2 basement..
Joyce .. i shifted my Detailed scan to 17th Dec ... could wait till 22nd Dec coz tat is additional stress of 1week ~_~ ...

I working in Millenia Tower around Suntec too *hehe* .. but I already have prior appt on 10th (durian party with friends *hehe*) ....
Think so.. so, how do u still want to change gynae?

Mine is Dr Paul Tseng in TMC too.. Talks patiently.. no rush, always prepared to ans any qns.
Hi Hi,

Any mummies who have given birth before use this for their tummy firming ? Now have promotion and i am thinking to buy and stock up first.

Sizzler is near which shop? Dinno there's a Sizzler leh. Me so suak-ku. I will like to join but think latest to reach there hehe. Most likely to reach at 7.15pm.

Here's the revised list.

Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum
16) SK

Meet earlier (at 6pm? where?)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m

Tiny_M > Can pm ya contact so that I can liaise on that day?
I can meet early as well...

Here's the revised list.

Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum
16) SK

Meet earlier (at 6pm? where?)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m
5) glenlyn

btw, meet early to shop or...?
Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum
16) SK

Meet earlier (at 6pm? where?)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m
5) jacquise

I can meet earlier too!Or we just sit inside sizzler and drink... I cant remember if the drinks are free flow leh. Must wear nametag anot? Haha. I tink we still need to use our nicks.. or so confusing. hehe

JL Sale
Should be 8 Dec 08 last day. Quite a long sale. About 2 wks. Remember, if u dun want the stroller, tell them. Can deduct $50.

Are most of ur tummies showing already? Mine very obvious already. I think i look like 5 mths. Unless i wear those loose tubes. :p Everyday i weigh myself. Put on abt 5kg so far. Sigh! My target for whole pregnancy only 10kg leh. think hopeless already.
Hello mummies! I just came back from the John Little expo sale. Saw the cot and all but didn't buy. Was tempted to buy the babies stuffs but hubby stopped me cos he thinks too early to buy. I bought comfy shoes and rubber pants and maternity top instead. A lot of snacks this time i think.

Re: Tummies
Mine is showing already but looks like a du nan (pot belly) instead of a pregnant belly.
just yesterday i went to buy fruit juice and the lady actually recommended me this juice for slimming. *faint* i think we can compare our tummies during the gathering!

Re: Gathering
Date: 10th Dec 2008
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum
16) SK

Meet earlier (at 6pm. Outside Sizzler?)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m
5) glenlyn
6) jacquise

I think we can go in Sizzler and sit and chat first? Can prob order side dishes (got or not ah?) and chat chat first, while waiting for the rest. Think we can intro ourselves when we're there. Ppl who need my HP number to contact me on that day can PM me ya? SK, i'd PM-ed u my number liao.
Re: tummy

I think my belly looks like a pregger but hor also look bigger than 4 months..
We all wear tight tight top then can compare tummy mah..haha...Sometimes I wear tight tops and lose buttom. hee

I thought I am the only one that put on 4kg. so we sama sama. My last appt, gynae say 1 mth put on 2.4kg seems a lot.... wonder where it come from since i eat more vege than meat so far....

Indeed we can compare tummies.... so cute...looking forward...

If you buy, i bought 2 items from coozfashion.com and am thinking to buy one more pant from cooz. please include me in the list. how i gonna pay and collect the item?
Hi Firefly...
Our gynae sama rite? Joycelyn Wong? She tell me put on 2.7kg in a mth ok leh. How come double standards.... I was 52. sumtin kg last wk.. then suddenly put on 1 kg this wk. Strange man... Like overnite one. Sob.

Sizzler has buffet bar. Serve salad, pasta, fried maggi mee, soup that kind. So can eat that first. Really want wear tight? Paiseh leh. I look big... Sumore i petite. Was thinking i wear a loose tube. But actually hor, Im one of the most advanced May mummy leh. Im already gg into my 19th wk. So i shld be bigger hor... *self-consolation* haha. Excited to meet the mummies! the waiters are gonna be so bewildered. hiack!

I sama sama like u... Also petite wor..
Dressing up to individual bah,wear what u feel comfy. :p I am so looking forward to the gathering! Our first gathering!!! Must must bring my camera!
hi jacquise,
Yup, Dr Wong quite double stds leh. Anyway we hubby after every appt also say she quite plastic...superficial. I am so far ok with her, only that she quite brief lor.. aniwae also cant chg liao since take pkg alr. So far i juz passed 18 wks but alr put on 4kg liao. Faint. Lets see who bigger(tummy) next wed. haha.
Joyce, we will see how the detailed scan goes. If all goes well and my pregancy will continue to full term, than maybe my hubs will consider to change. Coz our Anenatal Package for Wen Lim already paid for. If to change I will go back to my old gynace Micelle Lee @ Thomsom Woman's Clinic @ AMK Hub bah ... coz I think me and her very good YUAN .. even if i lost her track in SGH last time ... still found her eventually. And now she is in TMC, she can go Mt A for delivery if requested. And I think TMC's equipment seems better than Mt A. I will see how ..

My Hubs is very particular with Male gynae touching me ~_~ last time i also once seen AL Lim @ TMC for some hormones issues, and my hubs gone with me once to see the doc.. and he not happy i was touched by other man *giggle* tats why after tat all my gynae chosen are females.

On Tummy:

I am definately not showing *Laffs* coz I am fat .. so till now most of my colleagues just think i gain more weight. But than my normal work pants cannot be worn already. I need to wear either rubber band top pants or preggy pants already ~_~ .. but those experience mothers in my office seems to notice that i had changed my clothes *hahahah* .. see how bah .. my mum say her tummy show only about 6th mths when she preggy with me .. so maybe i will also be like tat .. i believe that i follow my mum's footsteps ..
Tiny_M - can PM me your hp number?

I think we can go in there first to reserve seats since there are quite a number of mummies..

For me, think no one can tell I am pregnant..haha.. cos my tummy is not showing up though I did gain some weight.. I think I will wear dress ba, more comfortable also..

Looking forward to seeing all of you next wed =)
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Icyen,
np. just let me know once u've done the Detail scan. =)

Mayb u look arnd the forum for recommendation for CL. I know there's quite a few gd ones out there. =) It's better for both parent to work and provide better living for ur child right? and both u and ur hb are still young...=)


anxious preggy, u work at MT ND suntec? I used to be with Citibank at MT!!

firefly, I was looking for this Elancyl cream too.. Where did u get it? How much? I also wanna get.. Maybe can get together?

tiny m, pencil me in for dinner!! and I can be there by 6 too!! So u can put my name in both lists! Yay!
Yes tiny_m, got ya mobile =)

Im so eager to know how much i hv gained. Appetite seems so good nowadays...cham.
Hi jamie,

U referring to the one i attached pics? tat one is for tummy one which i intend to use after birth(so kiasu rite). $89.90 for 2pcs x 75ml from TMC. I am going TMC on Tues and if u wan, can pass u on Wed at gathering.

Meanwhile, I am using the preventing stretch mark one. the one is 2pcs for $47.30 IIRC. Elancyl has got wide range of pdts. Maybe u go www.elancyl.com see see, let mi know wat u want ?
Re: Gathering

Date: 10th Dec 2008 (Wed)
Venue: Sizzler Suntec City
Time: Starts at 630-7pm

1) 915
2) star
3) firefly
4) JRTlover
5) okipoki
6) jacquise
7) baby_may_09
8) mikojade
9) jaime (junicorn)
10) pearly
11) vera
12) me! (tiny_m)
13) poohwei
14) glenlyn
15) feb_mum
16) SK
17) jamie_nov

Meet earlier (at 6pm. Meet outside Sizzler)
1) mikojade
2) vera
3) firefly
4) tiny_m
5) glenlyn
6) jacquise
7) jamie_nov

I got a few ppl's number already - firefly, glenlyn and JRT lover. 915, had i PM-ed you? I forgot liao.. vera, will PM u after i sent this msg.

I wonder how we're going to recognise each other, esp some of us are not showing yet. Hahahah.. carry a rose? hee hee.. i should be wearing loose top to cover my pot belly.. :p
Hi Tiny_m,

I have PM-ed you my contact number as well. Likely I will be early as well cos my last appt is ard Shenton Way

Cya gers !!

Talking abt our little tummy showing... Mine shown overnite &amp; it can be pretty obvious now. My colleague commented " Ehh last week didnt see anything, why suddenly this week so much". Kekeke..

I have got yr contact no!
My tummy is showing liao.. haha.. Think u gals should not have a problem recognizing me..

Ermm.. Haven thot of what to wear though...


Maybe you should measure yr tummy every week! Then u know how much it grew! :p
Hi all,

Long time no log in liao.

I think I will be wearing a dress there so that you all can see my bump. So far, people will give up their seats for me when I wear dresses. But they will sleep, look elsewhere etc. when I wear 2 piece(I think they are thinking this girl's tummy is quite big). I gained 6kg of weight so far and my baby bump is quite obvious at 19 weeks.

I will reach Sizzler around 615pm. See you gals.

Hi Tiny_M, I have PM you my HP no. Can you PM me your HP no. too (in case I blur blur cannot find you all).
Oh, I just looked at the table and saw that the gender of my baby is not updated. I am having a baby boy.

Xue, can you help me update the table. Thanks.
Thks Firefly....
I am 30 this year already... i still can't make up my mind about the oscar test. Think will talk to my gynae again.
RE: Baby Movement
I still can't feel any Baby Movement yet (at 19 weeks), so abit worried. My next gynae visit, together with my detail scan is on 22 Dec - long wait of 5 weeks from my previous visit. I booked another appointment on 13th Dec (actually wanted to book on 6th Dec, but gynae is overseas). Still thinking whether to go one week earlier or not, cause will be seeing gynae on the 22nd anyway. I will prob cancel the appointment if I can feel my baby's movement by next Saturday.

RE: Chinese Herbs
MY MIL puts pao shen together with the bird nests to cook. Wonder whether pao shen is safe for pregnant lady. Does anyone know what is the English name for pao shen?

Is cordycepts safe for pregnant lady? What about Chicken Essence with cordycept?

Hi Gie,

I think there are different tests testing about the same thing (with varying degree of accuracy).

I never do Oscar test either. One thing good about Oscar test is that it is done at an earlier stage, around 12 weeks.

I did my blood test at around 16th weeks, so blood test is done at a later stage. My doctor only advises me to go for blood test and Detail Scan, so I just follow. My detail scan will be at around 21 weeks.
