(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi Glenlyn,

Thanks for your wishes.
I just saw the website that anxious_preggy mentioned.
Now i know that combi is a brand. ha ha.
I am first time mummy that know nothing.
Please guide me along ya.

Genlyn, yah the combi one is light. but its too low .. me and my hubs are consider tall esp for my hubs .. so i need to consider the height of of the parents too. If not always bend down ... after long .. back break ah! .. *hehe*

Combi have very nice colors .. the baby blue and baby pink colors are so nice !! i love the beige color too .. but than .. too bad its really too low for us ..

The Capella is just nice in terms of weight and height of the pram and my hubs thinks it ok for us to handle so in the end we decided on this model .. there are a few other models with reversible handles too but most of them are a bit more expensive ...

My mum suggested to get cheaper type of pram and change every year to suit the size of baby. but than i realised, even the cheaper ones are 100+ . .so might as well just invest on a good one that can use for the baby thru to toddler ..

Wat you gals think?
How come I cant fgind combi's stroller? From couple of singapore websites also cant find. It's a brand yah? Anyone can advise me?
good morning ladies

enjoy the makan and gathering tonite!

tiny_m n baby_may09, thanks for sharing
i went to see a dentist last nite -- he removed some pus from the infection area and gave me floride to mouth wash... hope the swelling will subside soon! now, i can only take soft food -- haha like a baby :p
Good morning ladies!

Remember our date tonight k? 6pm outside Sizzler for those who are early, those who are later can just come into Sizzler and look for a big group (17 people!) of preggies. Hahaha.. I got most of your numbers already, except star, pearly, jaime (junicorn), poohwei and SK. I think I'd PM-ed poohwei and SK my number number so u gals can just sms me later. jaime (junicorn), pearly and star, do PM me your number before 5pm today if possible!

Oh, hmm.. just tell u gals how to recognise me ba.. I'm short (very short! like sec sch/pri sch gal like that), wearing blue top and black pants, carrying brown bag, shoulder-length hair, no specs, pimple-y face (with one on my nose!). Should be enough to recognise me le ba? Do come up to me if you see someone like that k? :p

anxious_preggy & shers: I stay in Kovan too! but not in Kovan Melody, i'm staying in HDB flats opp Mac that side.

adv_sports & karen: Do take care of yourselves! Hope to see u all during the next gathering!

Re: Strollers
My hubby and I went to Baby Kingdom a few weeks back and shortlisted Capella S217. It was S$199, we think it's quite reasonable and light so we can take public transport with it. However, after reading the article on front and back facing strollers, my hubby wanna get one reversible one now. Sigh.. have to start finding all over again. I actually don't intend to buy until the 3rd trimester but scared later too big very difficult to shop. Must start to search online first..

I'm still having my flu! went to see my gynae last night to get some medications for it. now including multi-vits, folic acid & DHA, I'm taking like 6-7 types of medicine! dunno if the meds will "fight" in my stomach or not.. i just hope this flu go away quickly..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> morning all.
looks like many are looking for stroller nw... my mil bought a stroller for my #1 wen he's few mths old w/o telling us.! and nw both my hb and me finds it too small for my #1. and the basket below is too small and very hard to squeeze in stuffs.... before my son reach 1 yr old, the stroller is already too small for him... wen he slps in it, his legs are dangling. the stroller is not long enough to support his legs.. nw we're looking at lucky baby stroller....
Hi all

I wont be able to attend cos my #1 has been quite sticky these few days plus i am down with a cold. Dun wanna spread it to the mummies. Will give this gathering a miss..Enjoy and sorries..
RE: Stroller

i didnt buy reversible type.. just normal front facing.. My gal loves it.. on weekend, if i bring her out myself and on long hrs, i will bring pram (light and easier for me to push because its 3 wheels).

dont think she is scared by the things/ pple infront.. hehehe.. i found that sometimes studies are just research.. just listen.. no need to heed too much of advise.. depends on parents bah.. plus, i bought at bukit timah.. super cheap. think less than $120. i look for light, 1 hand open, fully declined type, with big basket below, cover and washable cushion.

will use the same stroller for my no 2.

those staying near to bukit timah.. can visit the shop upstairs.. sell alot.. super cheap.. i bought baby cot, bouncer, stroller, some baby home clothings there.. they do free deliver as well..

we are staying so near to each other... hehehe.. think only both of us staying at kovan..

flommy also staying at hougang..
anxious preggy: I wanted to get that too initially but in orange or red cuz I like bright colors =) And that stroller is damn comfy looking lor!! But too big when folded, my car might have problem. We drive a Swift and boot space quite limited.. so we got the combi cuz we're not very tall so still ok, and it's light enough for me to handle and the wheels have some kind of gd swivel system so handling is easier. and i definately agree that we shld get a spend more, get a gd stroller that can last instead of gng thru diff strollers every yr. too much hassle to keep choosing and spending.

dkaren: I got the miracle turn in orange http://www.taising.com/Combi/Combi_TJT450.jpg there's 2 types of miracle turn. the one in the picture is the "newer" version which costs $629. The one I bought costs $498. I think mine the code is TJT350 or something 350. The difference is the head cushion and the rims. Head cushion can easily settle with those baby cushion thingy la so I dun bother. U shld check out the stores so u can get a gd feel of the stroller.

glenlyn: combi has some cheaper ones.. I think 200-300+ also have.. u go see see is easier for u to find something u like ma.. i like the reversible type cuz i like how i can see my baby when we're out.. =)

xue: we almost bought that stroller ur talking abt.. but i also tot it'd be too squeezy once baby grows.. but the colors for that range is very sweet!! the pastel colors and all..

shers: ur rite, i think shldn't be so affected by this and that report.. What's impt is ur own thinking about wat's best for ur kids. Hubs wasn't too enthu abt reversible ones cuz he say scared baby get headache. (hahahaha!!) but i insisted cuz i nvr got headache sitting in those backward facing seats in bus wat! and I like to see my baby sometimes when im walking. and im pretty sure kids will grow up quite ok even if they just sit in a regular forward facing pram as did we in those days rite?? =)

yup.. we shouldnt be too affected. that report is just for reference only..

my no 1 gal is ok sitting on front facing pram. i dont think its a problem for my no 2 also.

hmm... i cant remember whether i did sit on pram when i was younger le.. hehehe..
shers: im pretty sure we olden prams are not reversible one lor.. I heard from my mom that I sat in those umbrella stroller types and fell off it a couple of times. =p
Ouch .. falling off the pram must be painful *laffs* .. i also dont remember if i got to sit in pram last time bo . .coz my grand aunt who took care of us uses sarong to carry us around ...

I also thinking of getting those sarong type of carrier for my mum next time to use also coz i see my MIL carry my nieces last time .. like anytime can fall coz they dont like use the sarong thingy .. than always complain backache and arm ache coz baby getting heavy .. than i ask her to use the sarong thing she say lay chey *bth* ... my mum is very open to using sarong carrier coz she also think its better for our back and arm ...

Aiyah .. seems like alot of things to buy hor?

I heard from my friend there is a warehouse sale coming up for baby clothes

got oshkosh, gap, oldnavy and ect... CHEAP CHEAP... . .$2 - $10 between .. I think is those QC office like tat kind .. in Tampine area .. i getting the details from my friend first .. sale between 19 - 21st Dec ... once i have more details i pass down to you gals ...
jamie, hmmm... my eldest sis always tell me that she always carried me to wait for my parents to knock off from work and i always poo on my way.. thats the only thing i know.. whahhah

yuko, maybe i can help abit..

depends on individual mums.. my 1st was overdue. pelvis didnt open at all. me no contraction. gynae mentioned even inductions wldnt help me in natural. so he suggested that i go for c-sect. my gynae is those super supportive of natural birth type. EDD is just an esimated date basing on yr last mens date and measurement of yr baby during scan.. like what u said, can be earlier or later.. nobody knows.. but gynae towards yr edd, he will check on whether u dilate already ornot and u will experience contractions (think mine is rare case)

i bought a MIM sarong also.. very good lor.. whahaha... straight after my confinement, i brought my gal out to shopping.. i used sarong to sling her.. very easy.. but as kid grows older, pressure on our shoulder and back will kick in.. try to switch between sarong and pram..

pram can be quite heaty inside.. sarong is cooler and we can hold bb closer to us.. and of course breastfeeding easier.. can use as cover
Shers .. so happy got out of confinement hor ? *laffs* ... i think i will also straight after my confinement go out .. coz i really am those who cannot stay at home too much .. even on weekends i ask my hubs to bring me go shopping or just go beach and walk *laffs* .. i dont know if i can survive my confinement at home .. *laffs* ...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> MIM slings :
Im selling mine lei. use less then 3 times. Silk type. let me know if anyone is interested.. wanted to get a beco carrier... hehee..

shers: i think i will get sarong carrier too. it seems more convenient lei, like at least u hv ur hands free to do other stuff like... erm.. drink water or watever.. I saw marina sq mothercare got nice color and print one got buckle thingy somemore but it's abt $41 or $51 i can't rmb.. is that expensive?

anxious preggy: must update on the sale! it's sounds very gd lei! confinement, the word is scary rite?? haha!! i'm very fightened of the no bath, no hair wash part!! i think if that happens, u seriously won't mind not gng out lor!! haha!
anxious_preggy: is the sale at kovan there? cos there's a wing tai warehouse there, always got lots of sale..

shers &amp; anxious_preggy: next time we can have a hougang gathering with flommy! can get those who are staying nearby, like sengkang or punggol to join too!

to the ladies whom I was chatting on MSN with: sorry my msn kept hanging. i can't talk to more than 2 ppl at once. -_-" i gave up on it liao..

ya lor.. can go out straight after confinement confirmed happy lor.. CL did 28 days confinement for me and i went to my mum place to do remaining 12 days. i did full 40 days.. i nearly die lor.. but luckily towards the end of 12 days, my mum lets me shower once a day. dont worry la.. my in law bought me a dry powder shampoo. did magic lor.. pour and comb and u smell like after shower and no more oily feeling on hair.. whahhaa..

i also cannot stay home on weeekends.. i always bring my gal out to shopping.. now she also cant stay home like me.. whahhaa.. i think its good to go out and walk walk.. always stay home will grow fat..

xue, silk sling good?? will it be slippery?? i use normal MIM sling and i will tie a knot as well to make it more secure..

jamie, some mums love slings, some prefer to use another type of carrier.. like those bb hanging in the air type.. can shop, arms not as aching and can sling in diff pattern..

when i bought MIM sling, it comes with a CD.. if u go to the shop and buy, can ask the sales person to demonstrate for u.. i tried sarong pattern, kangaroo, sit up, piggy back also.. hehehe.. my gal loves kangaroo because she can see the front..

cant really rem the price already.. either its $49.90 or $59.90..

now alot of brands already.. i bought MIM because my 2 sis in laws also use that brand.. and i used their kids to experience before i buy.. whahhaha

think anxious_preggy is talking abt tampines area.. ya.. the wing tai factory always got sales.. i never go there before.. its crazy! short hr also..

yup yup.. can gather together.. hehehe..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Shers,
It's not sliipery at all.. same as the rest of the slings. just tt it wont be as warm the the rest lor...

Ur confinement only 28days.. so gd. i did 44 days for #1. will be the same for #2...</font>.
*faint* 40day?!?!?!?!!? .. I tot only 1 mth = 4wks = 28days ?!?! *faint till cannot stand up* ... 28days i already saying cannot liao .. 40days ?! *cry to god* ...

Anyway my mum will let me bath just dont wash hair .. coz we can close all the windows in the room and than wear clothes liao than come out .. so wont "kam" dio .. i had to wash my hair one lor .. coz my hair is oily type ~_~ .. *faint* 24hrs dont wash only will become oily than dandruff come out liao .. cannot lah .. 1mth cannot bath / wash hair already wan to die liao .. 40day ?!
Btw .. these few days i having bad gastric pain ... i tot at first is gastric flu leh coz bloated .. but today i think i know why liao .. coz my tummy growing and the internal organs are being shifted ? ...

Experience mummies .. issit ?
xue, i did 40days.. 1st 28 days with CL and remaining 12 days with my mum.

jamie, traditional, confinement got to be full 40days.. but nowadays pple throw full month around 28days.. so our confinement period automatically cut short.. something like that la..

i tried to eat confinement food on 42 days, i cannot take it already because my throat started to pain and heaty feeling comes in.. thats y my mum says within 40days, can eat as much tonic as possible.. after that, our body cant take it already..
anxious_preggy, dont be scared la.. best not to shower la.. use pre-pack herbal shower and wipe body can liao.. my CL boiled ginger water for me..

there was once i was so desperate to shower.. i sneaked into the toilet and have a quick shower and ganna caught by my CL.. ganna scolded.. said its good for my own body.. i wldnt know abt the pain and aching till over 40yrs old..

so i 'ren'.. hair is ok la.. just bun up all.. and use the dry powder shampoo is good..

when my hb returned from work, he always tells me, i got a funny smell.. i was so 'haiz...'

i can wash hair and shower the day i celebrated full month.. whahhaa... damn shiok lor..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Yea. traditional confinement is 40 days. and malay i heard is 44 days.. Thou im not malay but hb said tt only 4 more days and its for my own gd.. so i did 44 days.. for the 1st week i din bath. only from 2nd week onwards.. I did bath and wash my hair every 3-4 days using herbal packs.. i think its very hard not to bath. esp wen u're bf-ing... + hot weather... and whole body will smell very 'kiam' </font>.
i still remember i had my confinement during the month of July.. whole of my confinement, no rain at all.. everyday i have to use loads of towels to wipe away my sweat. plus if we sweat, we must change our tops.

ya.. bf-ing v hard.. so everytime before i bf, my CL will give me warm towel to wipe my breasts.. and as we bf, we sweat as well.. then see my bb also sweats.. whahhaa because no fans, no window..

luckily i enjoyed eating confinement food.. so food is no problem.. its the sweating part that is tough only..

1st 2 weeks, i found it hard.. but subsequently, get used to it already.. so ok la..

experienced mummies, u got on air-con at nite??
anxious_preggy, i dont know abt internal organs changing position le.. maybe u can check with gynae??

i always got bloated feeling.. either its time to eat, cannot poo or just bloated.. whahha
anxious preggy: i know last nite when i was slping, i was cramping up alot. Can feel the cramps but too tired to wake up to bother. But by morning gone liao. I also dunno y. But I thinking it's got smt to do the the uterus expanding to fit growing fetus?
I feel numbness of my uppper limbs but on my legs. Any mummies exp that? It's been sometimes already.
gd afternoon ladies!

Re: Strollers
I din buy any strollers until my gal was 9 mths old.before that i was using baby bjorn to carry her. I think carriers are better coz babies are closer to us, so we can shield them when we are outside walking in any event. As for strollers, i find that it is hard to manoveur in a shopping area esp in sgp and if someone were to fall onto the stroller or anything, i cannot stop it in time...anyway juz sharing my opinions here

Re: Confinement
I think i did almost 40 days too. My CL did 28 days for me then my mil came and continue another 2 weeks. But i wash my hair since day 1 though...so my definition of confinement is only in terms of eating the food nia..

Re: Cramps
I also get cramps on my upper limbs when i sleep sometimes.but i guess it's the position i sleep kwa...read the website and books that the best position is to sleep on your left side with a little pillow supporting the tummy.
SK, try not to lie flat on your back to sleep and if possible do a bit of stretching on the feet to avoid cramps
shers: my hair is short... cannot bun.. =( the most put hairband to put up the fringe.. and we give birth in may/june.. very warm period.. jia lat liao!!
HUH? No FAN no WIND during SUMMER ?! *faint again and again* .. cannot lah .. no bath i will stink one lor .. my mum say later even the baby dont wan to come near us for BF *faint* ...

Almost all women (even my MIL who took all the necessary precaution and do her full confinemment as per rules) also feel ache all over after 40yrs old lor .. how many women you meet who had been mothers .. dont have pain all over after 40yrs old .. engine and equipment all start to spoil liao mah *hehe* .. <<< this one my mum say one .. tats why she dont bother about no bathing and all .. coz she say last time cannot bath coz no hot water in shower .. now we have all modern equipment .. make use of it lor *hehe* ..

I dont know lah .. i will sure take hot showers one .. i cannot take it too hot .. i sure on AC / Fan one coz sure cannot tahan in Summer esp my mum's place .. April till July is damn bloody hot in the day time .. ~_~ ...
Sorry mummmies attending the gathering tonight,

I wont be able to make it as the maid just arrived today! supposed to be tom hence need to fetch her and settle her down later.

Enjoy your gathering and hope to see you at the next one!
yah my hubs bought me those body pillow that is very long and "moon" shape one .. for me to lay on my left side and support my tummy and also for my face and head .... comfy .. like bolster but longer ... but than i will get numb on my left arm very fast ... so also tend to turn around on bed .. lately i did tat alot till my hubs also kenna disturbed in his sleep .. not nice but than i told him no choice .. if not ask him take over the preganancy and try *laffs* .. than he say ok ok ..
haha..anxious_preggy..the way u write very funny

My #1 was born in June, so also very very hot then..i also on aircon and shower (once a day for the first 2 weeks then 2 times a day after the 3rd week). like you said lor, that period so hot, somemore want to bf really very jiak lat. i still remembered my milk was dripping and my t-shirt were soaked with milk and stinky even though i had air-con on, so i showered anyway.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> 915,
same as you.. top is wet with milk.. every morning i wake up the breastpad sure soak with milk until my top oso kana. even my hb oso say 全身有奶味. hahaa..
this time im gng to on aircon wen i do confinement.. as long as its not facing me its ok le... </font>.

Anxious - u got gastric? i got dat too on sun.. very bad till hubby ve to rush back n bought me go see doc.. ve to drag n hold me type.. vomit n faint thru sun.. spoil by wkend (hubby initially wanted to go orchard at night for pic taking).. sain!!
anyone knows prevention for them? too scary for another 'attack'..

Re confinment:
i did 28days (too attempt by the 1st mth buffet to last 40days) :p
initially got aircon but my gal kena e flu so ended up me n gal no fan.. huge torture!!!..
only washes my hair when i go see gyne (using herb water) rest uses e dry shampoo but i sweat alot!!! tonnes of them till my hair looks like just came out of shower..
1 day b4 bb 1st mth, i went salon to get them to wash my hair, e lady almost faint at my hair 'condition' :p
