(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs


Ikan Bilies
This is how I do, wash the ikan bilies, pan fry dry without oil, grind to powder & store in air tight container & pop into fridge. Add a teaspoon to each serving of porridge when bb is 9mths.
shers..i also wanna start green peas..which can better..those frozen or those in can?

any one know if green peas coz gassiness in babies. i know sweet potatoes makes baby very gassy

adv sports..yuan2 is a milk junkie..that;s so good..then how much is she able to take in a day?
good morning, mummies

think human body very smart...i m planning to stop bfg when yuan2 turns 6mth next week -- reduce to 1 latch n 1 pump this week... and my menses came yesterday! certainly feels uncomfy after "freedom" for 15mths *haha*

jaime, yuan2's normal intake is 1 latch + 3x 200ml feed... but yesterday, she went on growth spurt -- 1 latch + 1 cereal + 4x 200ml feed! today, i increased the cereal to 4tbsp - using HT brown rice cereal.
i bought the baby jar.. its much easier.. once again, i'm lazy! hahha.. not sure abt gassy le.. so far Shermay takes for 2 days.. quite ok..

Ikan bilies bones is known to have dont know what nutrients which can make claire stronger! hahaha.. i'm a knowledge-less mum of 2! hahhaa.. if u dont wan to grind it yrself, can buy off the shelf.. in powder form.. it can add nice taste to porridge..

if i rem correctly, what my mum did is almost the same as yrs except that she sun-tanned it rather than fried (which she mentioned heaty).. my mum washes many many times and super sun tan it for many days..
yuanx2 really can drink alot!! good!!! i wish shermay can drink 3/4 of yuanx2.. now she only takes in ard 80-90ml for 2.5hrs interval only.. super little..
but luckily she likes cereals and fruits..
Morning everyone..

I have been reading but didn’t post anything..

Seems like almost all the babies have started on solids and some have even tried various things.. mine still on milk hehe.. but gonna start him on solid this weekend.. coz his teething makes him wake up so often at nite and his appetite for milk seems to drop..
He has also been mumbling mumm--- mumm—mummm --- mummm--- whenever he saw us eating..

Will start him on my potato puree.. hope he likes it..

Re: sweet potato
Although sweet potato makes bb fart more, but it is not causing gassiness, in fact it helps the wind to pass out..
My #1 was perfectly fine with sweet potato.. and it has lots of fiber, so good for digestive systems (but not too much of it)

Re: ikan bilis
Bean.. ikan bilis is believed to contain high level of DHA (someone correct me if I am wrong).. so it’s good to put into baby’s food. So far what I did for my #1 was to cook ikan bilis + pork + huang dou into stock… and use the stock to cook porridge (baby below 1 yo is not recommended to take any soya sauce, etc)..

Just sharing some of my experience as a 2nd time mummy hehe..
u used huang dou? thats good le..

i used ikan bilis, pork bones to cook into stock when shermin was ard 1yr old.. before that, i used ikan bilis powder grinded by my mum..
Yes I use huang dou, also heard from ppl that is good, so I just add hehehe..
My MIL grinded 2 boxes for me le, now sitting nicely in the fridge.. but during my #1, nobody grinded for her (I dun have time to do all the sun tan, pan fry, etc – main point: LAZY hehe).. so she just take the stock.. so far so good hehe.. I started making the stock when she started her porridge.. oh she was a vegan then turn meat eater at 9 mths old hahaa

As for the peas, or vege, I chopped small pieces and dumped inside the porridge..
Re: Preparation of Ikan Bilis
1)Buy high quality ikan bilis (Headless type with "internal organs" mainly removed?"
2)Water clean until the water is pretty clean.
3)Soak in water for 1-2hours to remove the salt content.
4)Lay flat in a plate, place in microwave. Set high.Microwave for 3 min, stir, repeat a few times for 2-3 min each session until it is crispy. You may want to place a cover over the plate. My neighbour managed to use the oven to do it. (No frying required.)
5)Use the grinder to grind into powder and store in container.
6) Can keep in the fridge for abt 1 month.

To use:
Place half a teaspoon of the powder when cooking the porridge. It makes the porridge smell and taste better. Rich in calcium too.

Re: Cereal
My gal was staring so hard at our food yesterday that we decided to give her some cereal. She is only 4.5 months old. Mixed some bellamies rice cereal with her ebm. She cant wait to eat and kept pulling our hands so that she can push it into her mouth. She was enjoying the process so much that she looked so sad when we said "no more". Think she ate abt 5 teaspoons yesterday. Will be trying more later again.
Mummies, sharing this story with you all..

A story worth sharing
4 years ago, an accident took my beloved away and very often I wonder, how does my wife, who is now in the heavenly realm, feel right now? She must be feeling extremely sad for leaving a husband who is incapable to taking care of the house and the kid. 'cos that is the exact feeling that I have, as I feel that I have failed to provide for the physical and emotional needs of my child, and failed to be the dad and mum for my child.

There was one particular day, when I had an emergency at work. Hence, I had to leave home whilst my child was still sleeping. So thinking that there was still rice leftovers, I hastily cooked an egg and left after informing my sleepy child.

With the double roles, I am often exhausted at work as well as when I am home. So after a long day, I came home, totally drained of all energy. So with just a brief hug and kiss for my child, I went straight into the room, skipping dinner. However, when I jumped into my bed with intention of just having a well-deserved sleep, all i heard and felt was broken porcelain and warm liquid! I flipped open my blanket, and there lies the source of the 'problem'... a broken bowl with instant noodles and a mess on the bedsheet and blanket!

Boy, was I mad! I was so furious that I took a clothes hanger, charged straight at my child who was happily playing with his toy, and give him a good spanking! He merely cried but not asking for mercy, except a short explanation:

"Dad, I was hungry and there wasn't anymore leftover rice. But you were not back yet, hence I wanted to cook some instant noodles. But I remembered you reminding me not to touch or use the gas stove without any adults around, hence I turned on the shower and used the hot water from the bathroom to cook the noodles. One is for you and the other is for me. However, I was afraid that the noodles will turn cold, so I hid it under the blanket to keep it warm till you return. But I forgot to remind you 'cos I was playing with my toys...I am sorry Dad..."

At that moment, tears were starting to run down my cheeks...but I didn't want my son to see his dad crying so I dashed into the bathroom and cried with the shower head on to mask my cries. After that episode, I went towards my son to give him a tight hug and applied medication on him, while coaxing him to sleep. Then, it was time to clear up the mess on the bed. When everything was done and well past midnight, I passed my son's room, and saw that he was still crying, not from the pain on his little buttock, but from looking at the photograph of his beloved mummy.

A year has passed since the episode, I have tried, in this period, to focus on giving him both the love of his dad and mum, and to attend to most of his needs. And soon, he is turning seven, and will be graduating from kindergarten. Fortunately, the incident did not leave a lasting impression on his childhood memories and he is still happily growing up.

However, not so long ago, I hit my boy again, with much regret. This time, his kindergarten teacher called, informing me of my son's absence from school. I took off early from work and went home, expecting him to explain. But he wasn't to be found, so I went around our house, calling out his name and eventually found him outside a stationery shop, happily playing computer games. I was fuming, brought him home and whack the hell out of him. He did not retaliate, except to say, 'I am sorry, Dad'. But after much probing, I realized that it was a 'Talent Show' organized by his school and the invite is for every student's mummy. And that was the reason for his absence as he has no mummy.....

Few days after the caning, my son came home to tell me, the kindergarten has recently taught him how to read and write. Since then, he has kept to himself and stayed in his room to practise his writing, which I am sure, would make my wife proud, if she was still around. 'cos he makes me proud too!

Time passes by very quickly, and soon another year has passed. It's winter, and its Christmas time. Everywhere the christmas spirit is in every passer-by....Christmas carols and frantic shoppers....but alas, my son got into another trouble. When I was about to knock off from the day's work, the post office called. Due to the peak season, the post master was also on an edgy mood. He called to tell me that my son has attempted to post several letters with no addressee. Although I did make a promise never to hit my son again, I couldn't help but to hit him as I feel that this child of mine is really beyond control. Once again, as before, he apologized, ' I'm sorry, Dad' and no additional reason to explain. I pushed him towards a corner, went to the post office to collect the letters with no addressee and came home, and angrily questioned my son on his prank, during this time of the year.

His answer, amidst his sobbing, was : The letters were for Mummy.

My eyes grew teary, but I tried to control my emotions and continued to ask him: " But why did u post so many letters, at one time?" My son's reply was: " I have been writing to mummy for a long time, but each time I reach out for the post box, it was too high for me, hence I was not able to post the letters. But recently, when I went back to the postbox, I could reach it and I sent it all at once..."

After hearing this, I was lost. Lost at not knowing what to do, what to say....

I told my son, " Son, mummy is in the heavenly kingdom, so in future, if you have anything to tell her, just burn the letter and it will reach mummy. My son, on hearing this, was much pacified and calm, and soon after, he was sleeping soundly. On promising that I will burn the letters on his behalf, I brought the letters outside, but couldnt help opening the letter before they turn to ash.

And one of the letters broke my heart....

Dear Mummy,

I miss you so much! Today, there was a 'Talent Show' in school, and the school invited all mothers for the show. But you are not around, so I did not want to participate as well. I did not tell Dad about it as I was afraid that Dad would start to cry and miss you all over again. Dad went around looking for me, but in order to hide my sadness, I sat in front of the computer and started playing games at one of the shops. Dad was furious, and he couldnt help it but scolded and hit me, but I did not tell him the real reason. Mummy, everyday I see Dad missing you and whenever he think of you, he is so sad and often hide and cry in his room. I think we both miss you very very much. Too much for our own good I think. But Mummy, I am starting to forget your face. Can you please appear in my dreams so that I can see your face and remember you? I heard that if you fall asleep with the photograph of the person whom you miss, you will see the person in your dreams. But mummy, why havent you appear?

After reading the letter, I cant stop sobbing. 'cos I can never replace the irreplaceable gap left behind by my wife....

For the females with children:

Don't do so much overtime. If you cannot finish the work, it must be some kind of problems within the company, and it is not your sole problem. Feedback to your boss. Endless overtime may not necessary be the answer to the problem. Take care of your health so that you can treasure and take care of your little precious.

For the married men:

Drink less, smoke less, cos nothing can replace your good health, not even business nor clients.

Try thinking this way, are you able to work till your clients are totally dependent on you? or your boss is totally dependent on you? In this society, no one is indispensable.

Take care of your health, so that you can take care of your little precious and your loved ones.

For those singles out there:

Beauty lies in loving yourself first.

With confidence and loving yourself, you will see the beauty in other things around you. You will be able to work better and happier. Don't let your health be affected by your work or your boss, so nothing matters more than your well being.
hi ladies

i have a new tin of frisocrem wheat-based milk cereal bought at $6.90 willing to let go at $4.50
PM me if interested
Shers: I'm interested in the gathering too! When where?

Porky: yah lo, so long never chat with u liao, been a long time since I last saw Jaeden.. When u free? I usually ok on Sun.

adv_sports: Will arrange another time to go swimming again! U enjoy your family bbq! Yuan2 cried when she comes up becos she's hungry issit? Cos my girl when hungry or tired will wail non-stop. But usually she can tahan hunger quite well, just distract her with the music toy and she'll stop. Ur Yuan2 eat a lot so good, my girl feed her still have to coax and coax..

Re: Ikan bilis
When can we give this to baby? We can't feed porridge till 10months right?

rc_cola: That's a great story! Makes me feel guilty cos sometimes go home after work so tired to play with baby and distracted by TV. sigh..
shers - i want to go for the gathering too. feeling very deprived these days. almost 6 months never go out with friends already.
andrea, juju, tiny_m, ak,
gathering will most probably on weekday noon time.. how abt tues?

as for location, u prefer to be at my place function room again?
shers, andrea, juju, tiny_m & ak,

im interested in the gathering too! never meet any of u except jamie (our bbies are roomate in TMC) hee..
will back to spore from 14 nov to 5 dec.. hope can meet up wi u all if there's any gathering at that period!

re milk strike:

help! my boy has been on milk strike for a week. he not interested in milk at all, can go 5 hours w/o milk and when i offer him he takes abt 50ml then struggle and dun wan anymore..
he's testing my patience man!
any mummy went thru this? how long it took for ur bbies to resume their normal drinking habit? g

My MIL just called me.. he said my boy dun want to drink since morning only drinklike 60ml so far.. i told her it's okay.. but IS IT REALLY OKAY?
Hi, sorry to disturb your thread. I hv a pre-loved FP rainforest Jumperoo for sale at $160/-. Condition 8/10. come w box. Interested pls PM me. Thanks.
i mean 27th oct.. i took half day PM leave from tml till end of the month.. so i'm thinking of another gathering..

am playing with the idea of xmas party in dec.. but of course if there isnt another gathering that time, still can meet up..

oh.. shermay's on milk strike for many weeks already.. now still on! i dont know when she will continue.. anyway can try to give semi solid.. this is what my PD suggests..
I tink it shld be ok. Coz past few weeks my gal also on milk strike. We hv to pamper n distract her to drink milk and she even skip a few milk feed but now she's back to normal liao.
We conclude tat it could be due to teething coz last fri her teeth erupt out from her gum liao.
U monitor a few days to see how 1st ba.
shers, i am keen on the gathering too ! i dont mind ur hse function room cos is near and i can push stroller all the way there...and the room next to it is very comfy ! 27th i shd be ok

tinyM, sun is family day for me leh...mayb we shd meet up at compasspoint one day..hehe...the Nestle roadshow i din manage to meet up with u...

ak, where got 6mths ?? u last met up with me & ling last month at harbourfront leh...u remember ? and we saw adv, jamie and cynthia
jean - haha. i remember. but i miss those outings where i can just hang around for hours and not to worry abt rushing home. esp those late night outings.
ak, ya loh...i also miss those days and my mj sessions ! so long i haven play mj liao...when jaeden can sit up on his own i think i can arrange my kahki to play liao...wahahahaha
miichelle is always looks for kakhi to play mj.. let me ask the management whether can play mj in the ktv room ornot.. then i will move the table there and let u all play.. hahhaa..

but gathering will be ard 2pm ok?

promoted to mummy already, v hard to have late nites..
shers - i can't go on 27/10. not so nice to take so much leave since i just joined my new company for < 1mth. already going to take leave on 2/11 for my bb's jab.
how i envied my mum who used to dump me to my grandma so that she can have her late night mj sessions. haha (my mum and mil can't look after my bb for me
Shers next week tues n wed I cant.. Mon, Thurs and Fri maybe I can make it.. where u working at? 2pm I'm ok with it..

juju, tiny_m and ak, are u all working?

Porky, come and join us..
shers, u are great !!! if got mj i think adelyee will join us too ?? hahaha

2pm i am ok..will take full day leave...but who look aft bb when we play huh ? btw u say which miichelle ??

ak, actually i dont like late nights outings...very tired the next day...i am not a party girl lah...
27th then i can't make it le.
this fri on AL cos ifc closed, then 1 wk ML frm 9th nov. cannot apply any more leave liaoz...

ya, am FTWM. so hv to see boss' face when applying leave
u hor.. any day next week, i'm ok...

miichelle is the 1 who stay at buangkok! hahha.. i had a short mj session with her, michelle (stay at serangoon north) and michelle's hb after the mass swim last week.. they hor.. very mj siao de.. almost like u.. hehhee..

adelyee is the one who ask me when gathering is.. so i organise.. or she says can hold at her place also..

u can leave yr bb.. whoever available to take care lor..
jean - i'm also not party girl, don't like clubbing. but i like to hang out at cafe and chat with friends till late into the nights. my fav haunt is holland v.

andrea - yes, i'm working full-time.
jean - i'm also not party girl, don't like clubbing. but i like to hang out at cafe and chat with friends till late into the nights. my fav haunt is holland v.

andrea - yes, i'm working full-time.

My boy has been teething for few weeks already but his appetite has been maintaining quite normally. His tooth is about to erupt (but not yet)..
I am going to make some potato puree tonite so tomorrow my MIL can feed him a bit..
Dear Mommies,

I am June 09 Thread mommy, but i need some help from may 09 mommy. So far have anyone bring the baby to genting?? My gal will turn 5mths 2weeks old on that genting trip. We will be driving up there. Anyone mommy have advise in it? Does the bb have breathing Difficulty up there? How much clothes to let them wear? Still need to bath them there? Need to take any special precaution or any important thing to note. Pls advise.
Sincerely Thanks
shers, wow u all actually played mj tog before ! there are so many miichelle michelle...i am so confuse...i only know this miichelle tat comes my place to collect the bb cubes and another michelle tat stays near jamie_nov...the others i dunno who...wahahaha

convenient or not wor...or i can leave my boy at ifc...but like very bad mummy hor...

adelyee place very far leh...then i cant bring stroller liao...
andrea, sure i will join de...i love gatherings !

ak, oic...i thot u go partying till late nights ! wahahah...anyway i also dont like to hang out at cafe leh...my only late nights is stacking white tiles (mj) at frens hse...that is before my boy boy is born...hehe
Re: Gathering
I want a gathering too but can be on a Fri? I very sian mid-week take leave then next day gotta go back to work again.. I dun have much leave left and am going to survive on childcare leave till the end of this year!
if this time got more people, we can ask for sponsors! wahhaha.. *yao gui auntie*

porky: I see if can arrange or not. Cos Sat is my WHOLE family day, my mum &amp; dad will tag along.. only Sun only my hubby and I with bb. Let me go ask my hubby what plans we have for the weekends.. We should have a Sengkang/Punggol/Hougang mini-gathering! Oh, bring Jaeden along for the gathering @ Shers' house lah! Long time never see him liao! we can all help to look after one another's baby while the mummies play MJ.. hahha..

andrea: Yah, I'm working too.. and slacking now to surf the web.. hahaha..

Re: Milk strike
My girl has been on the longest milk strike, think since two months ago - drinking only 60-100ml depending on her mood and takes a long time to finish (needs several breaks in between for us to entertain her). We started her early on semi-solids since PD said if bb refused to drink milk, can start earlier. So far, she likes her rice cereals and we just add more breastmilk to it and she'll finish the milk up.
Oh, my girl not teething yet. I think she's just trying to lose weight.. heee..

Re: Late nights
I managed to catch a few late night movies with my hubby after baby was born. It a good thing she sleeps rather early (around 8-9pm) then i just leave her in my mum's care and quickly (and quietly) go out.
ak: i think u still can go for late night kopi chatting sessions, can bring ur boy along lah! i'm sure ur gfs will be happy to see him!
porky: leave ur boy with ur hubby then go mj lah! he seems quite zai with Jaeden! my hubby gone case de, one night i went out and he was home alone with bb and 15mins later, he called me to go home cos my bb was wailing and screaming! cannot make it..
