(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Tiny M
Hehe I also catch late nite movies sometimes with hubby after both kids zz.. and leave them with my MIL hehe.. but didn’t do it very often only as and when there is a bloodied and gore movie (my fave) on screen hahaha..
tinyM, i wish to bring my boy along to gathering loh...actually he is quite behave at outside de...he can sleep in stroller...only when he is super tired and cant sleep then he will gets cranky...ya, our babies can play together while the mummies play mj ! thats very cute hor...btw, ur girl so chubby leh...u sure wan to let her go on diet mah ?? wahahaha

my hubby quite zai now...i trained him ! but he dont allow me to go for mj ever since jaeden is born...he say when jaeden is older or i have to bring him along loh...

andrea, like shers say..we can take leave ! we always do that even before our babies are out to see the world...hehehe
tiny_m, think yuan2 was tired + hungry on monday -- she down 200ml in a wink after the swim & KO after that
previous times, still hv 2hr before her next feed -- so prob tired from staying in the pool for 20min+ :p

haha, so funny when u say lexuan go on milk strike to lose weight
she really cute n chubby!

re: gathering
actually, i prefer to hv hubby to join in -- then i can eat n chat in peace :p

porky, ur hubby ok to go gathering with u?

tiny_m, how abt we arrange to meet @ figets for one sunday morning (beat the crowd)?

nov 27 (fri) is hari raya haji -- how abt gathering on this day?

re: late night movies
no more for me till yuan2 grows up!

rc, u beri brave hor -- dare to watch horror movies... my hubby like but i can only watch comedy
adv, my hubby wont go de lah....ask him before but his answer always the same...hehe

btw, 27 nov is so far away ! better is next week or early nov

re : late nights movie
no more for me too ! hubby say watch dvd at home is more peaceful...he worried watch halfway my mil will call and wan us to rush back....
since is 27th oct, i wun be able to make it. next time!

27th nov sounds good! as long as i dun nid to get approval frm bossie!
which sunday u gals going to fidgets? i may be able to join also...

haha! phobia liao ah?
actually i also phobia of mil le. dat's why now, i will take leave when ifc closed so dat dun hv to leave my gal wif mil.

thanks for the feedback on milk strike!
brought YA for a PD visit today just to make sure his erratic drinking habit not due to sickness or unwell. PD checked on him and said he's all well, no teething as well and he is still active and playful so it's not much of a concern now.. just gonna keep offering him.. which means keep wasting my BM also, argh!

tiny m,
i think YA same as Le Xuan, just wana jian fei. he's 8.7kg now, 2 more days to 5 mth old..
juju, of cos phobia lah...not only me leh..my hb also..haha...i will also take leave if ifc not open...if wan to go out without bb...must quickly go and come back within 1 hr loh
i hv not realli gone out without bb yet, other than when she's in ifc. my mum works, mil alrdy complained my gal hard to take care.
good morning mummies!

howz everyone doing? me juz returned to work after being first on mc then child mc when my #1 kena stomach flu. is there gg to be gathering soon? i'm clearing my childcare leave next week so may be able to make it. shers you are organising?
Good morning mummies!

it's me that Shers is talking about! We met when I went to collect the baby cubes from u. Hahaha. Next time can play mj tog alr since we live so near. That day only managed to play a short while with Shers. Hands still itchy. Best is if can play next Tues at Sher's place =)

Both 27 Oct and 27 Nov oso ok for me. Thanks for organising!
ok girls!

Function room cannot play mj because its so open.. will get complaint! so i book AV room instead.. which is the super cozy room.. can play mj there.. eat food.. rest etc.. but its kinda small.. hope u mummies dont mind.. also 27th slot isnt available.. i go for the 28th..
can we have a vote? before 12noon

27th Oct (Function room only) - cannot play mj.. bigger space
- shers

28th Oct (AV room only) - can play mj, but smaller room
- shers
good morning mummies

re: gathering
1) 27/28 Oct (tue/wed)
shers, m busy with work so cannot take leave... u mummies enjoy mj

2) 27 Nov (fri, hari raya haji)
hubby juz reminded me that he will be away on reservist for that week (25 Nov-2 Dec)... no "helper"...

re: little red spots on legs
found these on yuan2's legs this morning... none on hands n body... any mummies know what r these?
Gd morning,

27th Oct (Function room only) - cannot play mj.. bigger space
- shers

28th Oct (AV room only) - can play mj, but smaller room
- shers
- Joyce (no mj for me tho
Tiny - I support your Fri gathering, I have 30 more days of maternity leave to clear!!

Porky - Maybe we can meet on a Friday with Tiny at Compasspoint a 1 of the Fridays since we all stay so near?

Mommies - My boy kept pulling his ears then I realise that his ear is peeling/flaky, what can I apply? Am oso afraid he pull his ear after applying cream and put his fingers into his mouth, he luvs chewing his fingers these days.
Anyone wants to meet 6 Nov (next next fri) at Compasspoint? I'm bringing Esther for HepB jab at SK polyclinic so thinking of taking the whole day off :p
Gd morning mummies,

Brought my girl for her 3rd 3-in-1 jab this morning, surprising she just 'ouch' and no cry!! What a brave girl! Her weight is 6.32kg at 5mth 10days.

Any babies crawling? Mine is starting to pull herself wif backside a little up, still not steady yet!
morning mummies ! ytd whole day never log in..cos i went in jb for shopping and makan..hehe

miiichellle, so is u ! i am so confuse on all the michelle...we can play mj tog next time..but must wait for our kiddo to sit upright and able to play with each other first...hahaha

flommy/tinyM, i am ok on a fri...just decide which fri then i will apply for leave...must bring bb or only mummies ?

sei, 6 nov is fine for me also...u mean aft the jab u still can bring ur ger to meet up ?

flommy, i think can apply calendula...the person told me is edible..but apply very thin only...my boy also suck fingers alot...

joyce, my boy somemore turn his head to look at his bum when pd jab him ! wahahaha...no cry only a slight eh eh...btw, huixin looks so chubby but only 6.32kg ?
My gal also showing signs of crawling. She will lift her bum up and try..hehe.. Very cute to see that.. She can glide across the playmat though.

I think they are just exploring themselves, mine also kept pulling his right ears..
Dunno y, perhaps irritated due to teething..

Mine crawl le.. he can move forward now.. to reach the things that he wants.. tho not crawling on four yet, he will use his legs to push all the body forward, then lift up the legs again to do another push till he reaches the objects..

I have just started on solids for my boy hehe.. he seems to quite like it.. but I wont be forcing him to gulp everything down.. next wk will make sweet potato puree hehe..
Joyce, adv sport, hailey also did tt abt 2 wks ago bt ever since tt one time she nv did it again.. =/

Is at shers plc is it?
jamie, is at shers condo function room..the last time we went there but u not able to join...wanna join us this time ? come lah !

28th Oct (AV room only) - can play mj, but smaller room
- shers
- Joyce (no mj for me tho )
- porky
Shers/Porky - 27 Oct I can't, let me try to apply leave on 28 Oct arvo.

Tiny/Porky/Miichellle/Sei -I took leave on 2 Nov, bring my gal to Peek A Boo again, i like the place. Will try and apply leave oso on 6 Nov if you all can confirm tis day to meet at Compasspoint? I won't bring my kids so if any of you bringing kids, I can help carry and play with them.

Ok now I know Porky, Miichellle and Shers are very nearby mahjong kakis <grin>
Bean - was thinking y'day when I was at the supermart to get the same for Terence too!! Cute lil' Claire can sit on her own, so steady! Cheers...
I didn't know the teething biscuit is so HARD.. hahaha This one is bellamy's one.. I saw many others with salt content in it.. so I didn't get those.
bean, look at the way claire holds the biscuit so cute ! btw, u put her on playmat will she make a mess ? wahahaha

so must have teeth then can bite the biscuit ah ? i got the healthy times one...next month will give jaeden try..hope he will enjoy it like claire !

any mummies can teach me how do u sterilise toys for your baby ?
flommy, i think i also confirm apply leave on 28th oct liao..morning i gg to ICA to collect my new passport then we can meet up ? i dunno wan to fetch jaeden back from ifc or not...
Bean - Oh u bought the bellamy one, tat one totally cannot eat and swallow, super hard, juz for chewing and ease their itching gums since they are teething soon.

Porky - I will take half day leave in the arvo, i oso juz applied for a new passport, waiting for it to be ready for collection. You see whether convenient to fetch jaeden anot first lor. Let me know what time to meet.
This is her 3rd hepB jab so no fever one... should be ok bah :p

The appt is at 2.40pm, so either meet for early lunch or kopi in the afternoon?

Hi mummies!

Had been busy at work, no time to post!

Re: Gathering @ Shers'
I can't make it! Mid-weeks are bad for me and work is piling up!

Re: Sengkang gathering on 6Nov
I can take time off! But dunno if my baby will be going or not cos I most prob will be going from work. I can help to carry babies too!

Flommy! Peek a boo is near my workplace! What time u going? If during lucnh time, i can pop by and see u and the kids! I haven't seen Terence before!

Bean! Claire is super cute! She's soooo ba ba!!! and she's sitting until so steady!! teething biscuit for what purpose ah?

adv_sports &amp; juju! Let's check out Fidgets @ Turf City one of these days! I'm usually free on Sundays so just PM me when u wanna go!

*sorry for so many exclamation marks. had been running on adrenalin these few days and excited about going home to spend weekend with baby! have a GREAT weekend mummies!
