(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

rc cola..i just order directly from UK website..and there is international postage provided. jsut that take ard 20 days to reach SG. its GBP 2.40 for 1 bag. its free if order 20 bags...
so the 15% discount was ard 2 gbp plus..so in the end the postage like also free lor..

even cheaper than sg supplier's discount. n the sg supplier dont even have the counting sheep design.

ju ju, for the dream bag brand, sg supplier sell for SGD 62 for tog 1. I buy directly from www.thedreambag.co.uk, i got it for GBP 16 (including postage) which SGD 40 plus and they have more design. only setback must wait for 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Hi mommies

actually the dreambag buy directly from UK is way cheaper + got additional discount.

last time i also buy from there for my #1.

but do note that 20bags will kena GST if i'm not wrong.
Jaime (precious)
Haha.. I need to let my frens know, remember I told u she paid about 10 dollars for the dreambag shipping..

Re: mothercare
I think for non-discounted items, the coupon can be used..
shers - thks for the advice, i goign to marina sq this wkend to try the twin stroller then i consider whether to buy or not cos is X leh... :s

Which twin stroller are u eyeing at? I think it’s better to go harbourfront one, coz it’s more complete there.
I have one twin stroller too hehehe.. cater for #1 and #2 :p
rc - me eyeing the Phil & Teds :p
my #1 now so competitive (not sure whether is e right word to use).. dun let didi use e stroller, either we use e carrier or hand carry didi (already 7plus kg, can't imagine if more than 10kg) so if buy now, can get more usage..

either she sits inside or she wants us to carry her.. said if not she will perspir *faint*
n everytime said want to go shopping but her terms of shopping is she sits inside e stroller n we push her ard. only willing to let didi lay inside when she sees things that she ve interest in.. sigh!!

so rc which brand did u get?

I had the Phil&Ted as well. Honestly, the stroller is pretty bulky and heavy, so if you are travelling by mrt – pushing all the way – should be okay.
But if you need to fold unfold fold unfold, I would suggest u to get mcclaren, but again, macclaren is side-by side stroller.

Phil & Ted u can use as single stroller, coz the seat at the back can be taken out one.. so quite useful.

My girl prefer to sit at the back though hehe.. didi is always on the front. I bought that coz next time if I was alone, and I need to do some marketing at near by my house, I can push the two of them together… easier.. but if ask me to go shopping (up and down the cab with stroller + toddler + baby) I would rather stay at home. Unless I can take mrt all the way hehehe

I think at this stage, the tod is still having the mindset of WAT IS MINE IS MINE, NO SHARING.. guess we just need to teach them more in sharing things with didi..
rc - but when she sees didi sleeping or so, she will said she lets didi sleep inside but she will want us to carry her instead.. saying abt e perspiration excuse.. sigh!
Hi Shers, thanks for offering to share the sub block. You make it sound so easy to take baby swimming. Pls include hubby & me in for the mass swimming. Can I collect the Healthy Times stuff from you then?


Sat (17th) Time:1030am
1) Shers + hb + helper
2) Juju + hb
3) Sei + hb + helper
4) Yvette + hb
5) Gie + hb
6) Cheekz + helper
7) Miichelle + helper
8) Baby_May_09 + hubby
Thinking of getting CB sunblock. Audrey, you have a friend who sell CB products? If I am not wrong, she has a website right? But I can't remember the website now. Can give me the website?
Have not been posting for very long cause have been busy with my work lately and have to stay late some times. Missed the time I spent with my boy during my maternity leave.
yr girl's behaviour is the same as mine.. Shermin will say that the stroller is hers.. Shermay cannot sit.. unless anything interest her.. initially i tot of buying twin stroller.. but my hb says things will go better.. thats y in the end, i bought new single stroller.. i bought maclaren coz i'm thinking can add in buggyboard so that she can stand behind while Shermay is in stroller..

so when we r out, Shermin will rotate with Shermay in stroller.. Carrier is another must when out.. alot of barang when out.. hahaha..

i think the maclaren side by side stroller is good le.. they can look at each other and play even when they r older.. for phil n ted, the 1 sitting at the back, will be very ke lian coz cant see the nice view out there.. hahaha..

just to check if u hor.. for maclaren stroller, any sunshade accessories available for adding on?
baby may,
okok... i can pass u yr stuff when i see u tml!

hmm.. actually nothing much to bring along for swim.. towel, swim diaper (but i didnt), swimsuit, float (not necessary), sunblock, showering stuff..

if think too much, in the end, will be very stressful and will stay at home.. hahhaa.. just heck care and go ahead!

take each outing as an experience.. if really forget something, learn from it.. next time will be more experience.. haha

Morning mummies
Yeah it’s Friday, I am gonna go for a meeting at this thunderstorm weather later *sigh*

For me, it’s very heavy, as for fold and unfold, once u get the hang of it should be alright, I used it very rarely, so I still prefer my single maclaren hehe..

Hm.. coz the top-shade (dunno what it’s called) is quite wide, I dun think macclaren sale any of the sun-shade.. except for the rain-preventor, which is a plastic cover that come with the stroller??

Very strangely, Meg prefers to sit at the back seat of P&T, maybe she feels closer to the one who pushes rather than when she sits in the front..
Hi Shers,

Same loh. My En En will insist that she sits in the stroller. So when we go to the playground, we will bring 2 strollers. Sometimes, when she is having her meal in a highchair at the restaurant and Xuan Xuan sleeps in the stroller, she will complain and cry!! Grr..Terrible 2s at work.

Re: Long Weekend
Yippie. Gonna go to KL this weekend! Started to pack last nite. Gonna pack the rest today.Gonna latch Xuan Xuan for 90% of the time and perhaps 1 bottle feed each day only (very scared that she will reject bottle after the trip) For #1, i will pump out my milk during her feeding time to let her consume. Praying hard that both gals can take the car seat for the road trip. I know that my #1 will definitely enjoy the car ride cos she can watch cartoons in the car for the entire journey. Dunno abt Xuan cos the max length of time that she sat in the car seat was only 1 hour (How big can singapore be right? =P)
shers - thks for yr input, hope is a passing phase if not our pocket will suffer a huge blowout

rc - hubby will try out this wkend n see how
Dear all mummies,

I am from Aug's mummies.

calling Similac baby
I have 3 tin of 400g Similac 2 to let go! anyone interested pls PM me! selling cheap cheap since my boy drinking Friso now! i stay north.
ya lor.. twin stroller super expensive le.. i can buy alot of things liao.. its like another LV bag.. whahhaa..

maybe u can use carrier till #2 is older? like 8mths.. then hopefully #1 passes the phrase?
My 4yo also insisted on sitting on mei mei's stroller, I got the buggy board attached to it & let him stand there, however, only used once so far!
Hi all mummies,

I have 3 tins of Isomil Advance EyeQ (soy-protein formula) for 0-6 mths to let go.

Powder : 900g per tin
Price : S$25.00 per tin
Manufacturing Date : Dec 2008 / Expiry Date : Dec 2010
Location : East Area

Pls pm me if interested.
hello mummies,
i finally cleared all my exam marking at 12.15am! no more marking until 2010, yay yay.

re twin stroller - i oso considered getting dat b4. in fact my fren passed me hers to use. but tis small mummy dun hv the strength to lift the pram into the boot! so pram was returned.

then a mummy was selling her twin stroller on the wts thread. it's a lighter version. but when we brought our gals there to try, my #1 refused to sit in it. so didn't buy in the end.

tink still more mobile if i carry #2 in carrier and hold #1's hand. #1 has not used the stroller for over a yr, she prefers to walk/run on her own. we told her stroller is for mei mei coz mei mei can't walk like her. so now, she doesn't ask to be in stroller even when we bring stroller out. muz appeal to the jie jie in her and she will be ok. child psychology, haha.
hi mummies

for the oct 19 gathering at fidget now change to peekaboo at kallang leisure park coz peakaboo is free for those below 6 months..so will try that first.

myself, tiny m, gie , adv sports will be there maybe ard noon to 1pm..
if free to come n join us!
anymore mummies & daddies?
i'm gonna buy 10 pcs teochew kueh, mixed png kueh & soon kueh, cos think not all will eat. let me noe if not enuff!

Sat (17th) Time:1030am
1) Shers + hb + helper
2) Juju + hb
3) Sei + hb + helper
4) Yvette + hb
5) Gie + hb
6) Cheekz + helper
7) Miichelle + helper
8) Baby_May_09 + hubby
Hi mummies, i have few bottles of NeurogainPB Fish Oil (for pregnancy) to let go. Selling at $26 per bottle. PM me if you are interested. Thanks..
yuki come lah, join us... I am not sure too but look at the website looks fun so thot of gg to check it out since is free for 6mths and below babies.

think i will change it...

Enfalac-->> Enfapro
Any mummies using enfalac? the enfapro is for 6th mth OR 7th mth? I'm so confused by the "after 6mths" on the tin as it states 7th mth usage.. then website states 6th mth n above...
