(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

twinkle, ur gal pimples outbreak on face ? can use calendula cream...i normally use this cream to apply for any pimples on my boy's face..quite effective leh..overnight can see results
hi mummies

this afternoon, brought my gal to peekaboo & we had great fun.

enjoy tmr and remember to bring your own socks so as to enter into the plyground + a jacket as its a bit cold for babies.
for mummies who are gg for outing @ peekaboo, just want to share that the mall only hv baby diaper changing station @ level 1 inside ladies toilet.
kallang leisure park got bb room, @ level 1. spacious enuff for 2-3 parents & bbs, stroller maybe can accomodate 2-3 as well
Rc & Shers - last sat went to marina sq to try the twin stroller from phil n teds.. finally conclusion, not buying.. cos is BUKLY!!... my gosh!! looked so diff from e website :p

i can see hubby breath a sigh of relief when i said "i decided not to get it".... n my #1 dun like it, she liked e umbrella stroller instead.. *faint*

Hehe that's what i told u. if u are going to fold unfold attach and reattach back seat.. it's really not that easy. But if you are travelling all the way with the stroller, then it's good to get it.. (push all the way hahaha)..

The stroller is very sturdy.. in fact we like it a lot...

I bought the stroller coz next time when i am left alone with both and i need to do marketing, i can just put both in that strollers and go.. :p
hahhaa... save yrself the $$.. maybe can stick to single stroller and see how it goes? maybe get a good carrier?
good morning, mummies

re: rice cereal
juz to check -- is it normal for bb who eat rice cereal to stretch the next feed timing? yesterday, yuan2 had her 1st rice cereal + milk @ 2.30pm... she only asked for milk at 8.30pm... she's on 4-hourly feed...
shers - i got a good carrier with lumbar support when i ve my #1 but now thinking whether to get "Maclaren twin stroller" but i dun think hubby likes it :p
need to go see n try 1st..
any comment on it?
hi mummies,

i remember last time someone used to post a website where we can custom-made baby rompers, baby tees with personalized names on it. Anyone know what is the website?
it's in a corner once u enter the corridor to the washroom. 1st turn left. i presume u r referring to the washrooms after the security counter
hi mummies

am new to this forum, my baby is 5 mths+ so need to start her on solid soon, any brand of rice cereals to recommend? any mummies have tried heniz organic vanilla custard? pls advice, thanks
Shers, Wow cereal already replace 1 feed for Shermay. How much is she taking? Can she finish the cereal or is she eating only half?

Heard that for pureering, just use spoon to mash & sift through before feeding. Is food processor/ blender a must? Any good brand to recommend. Thinking of getting one.
Baby May,
I have also replaced one of Claire's milk feed with cereal. She now feeds twice a day. lunch time = cereal mixed with a vegetable. tea time (around 5pm) = apple or other fruit (haven't tried others at the moment).

I got the Philips mini blender. ($59 less 15% at the recent taka sale). There are very few mini blenders in the market. Alternative is to get a hand-held blender. I heard its just as good. Personaly, I feel that blending is so must easier than to mash and sift (its just like a electronic pump vs a manual pump) hahaha .
Hi Baby_May
Since you bought the baby cubes and u are a FTWM, get a hand blender that comes with a chopper/grinder. Braun or Philips will be good. The blender can be used to make puree in greater quantity while the chopper can be used to grind ur ikan bilis to make home made ikan bilis powder.

Re: KL Trip
The trip was super fun!! I latch Xuan Xuan throughout the entire trip cos i dunno if the sterilisation using hot water is clean enuff for a 4.5 months old baby. Thank goodness that i brought nursing wear for my entire trip. I simply found a corner to nurse her w/o my shawl for 90% of the time cos it was too hot. The Glamormom Nursing Tank was fantastic! For my #2, i just pump out during her feeding time so that i dun need to re-heat the milk for her. Think i threw away 6-8 packs of milk cos it was too difficult to bring it back.

As for sleeping, she was able to sleep well in the cot that we requested. For the car ride, she was quite ok unless she wants to sleep or drink milk. Hence, when she is fussy, i will just latch her on. For now, she has very simple needs.

We brought her for a swim as well! She did not cry but she was not too happy either. Overall, she was a happy baby throughout the whole trip.

Think my hubby was the most tired one cos he drove the entire hols from KL to S'pore.
glad to hear u had a smooth trip wif Xuan2.
we r planning a trip to kuantan & melaka early nov. hope jodie will cooperate!
Poohwei, wow! u super clever n pro.. Latch her at overseas.. Did u bring a lot of things there?? Heard that must bring lots of things.. Next year Jul bringing Winston to China cos BIL holding wedding dinner there.. Will be there 2 weeks...
good morning mummies!

poohwei, sounds like u had a good trip with the kiddo

re: kallang leisure park
was delayed due to feeding yuan2 with rice cereal -- took lotsa of patience as she had only 3min interest... as the aircon from carpark was cold, we went to the bb room that ju mentioned at level 1 -- to put on long sleeves top n pants... met jaime on our way up -- they were done and rushing for late lunch... joined tiny_m @ peek-a-boo -- haha, both babies looked at each other curiously before lexuan pulled yuan2's bib
Hi andrea and Juju,
Clothes wise, not a lot cos it is "summer" in KL!If you are driving, try to coincide with their sleeping time. However, start to train them to take car-seat first. It saves u a lot of hassle cos you can pump at ease. Xuan Xuan has been taking the car seat since after my confinement.

Things that i brought for a 3 days 2 nites road trip,

1 towel
1 diaper cloth (to cover the cot mattress)
2 covered foot sleepsuit (Therefore, no need to bring jacket)
6 sets of clothes
1 swimwear
17 diapers (Still left with 5 pieces!)
Wet wipes
Changing mat
Shower foam+ Shampoo
Swimming costume.
Ru Yi Yu
California Baby Cream

But since i was pumping for #1, i had to bring along 1 more separate bag to store my FTG, pump and funnels. Hopefully, by Dec when i go again for another trip, my supply has dropped more so that i need not pump so regularly. I had to pump 3 times a day even after latching my gal. "Sad to say..my supply never drop for this trip. Was hoping that it will drop naturally!!"

Please apply sunblock for ur kids if u are bringing them out to the sun! Think Xuan Xuan kena sunburnt on her face cos her face is so rosy now!! Hahaha.
xuan2 look so pretty! nice get-up!

thanks for the tips! will note when i'm doing my packing! jodie takes the car seat, but she will cry if bad mood... hope she'll be in good mood or sleeping, then can have some peace!

i was thinking whether to pack pump, bowl & spoon & some pkt cereal, in case she start to wan semi-solid... hmm... issit necessary?
Hi adv sports: how much rice cereal you prepared for yuan yuan. how many times are u feeding her with cereal a day?

yest keith had his 1st brown rice cereal. dont know how much to give actually, only prepare half a tablespoon with milk.

Hi shers: wah, one meal replace with cereal, shermay must be eating alot.
Poohwei, Xuan Xuan looks soo pretty... soo fast know how to sit le!! Winston and Xuan Xuan almost 5 weeks different cant sit still.. very shakey... Mayb my son is plump.. haha.. I soo angry when the nurse at polyclinic said he is overweight.. Cos I know once he fall sick he will sure slim down..
piggypig, i gave yuan2 2 tblsp of homemade rice cereal (blending rice with EBM) -- mix with EBM 20ml. When she got impatient, i poured cereal in bottle, add EBM 40ml and bottle feed. How's keith taking the brown rice cereal?
adv sports: wah you so good, homemade rice ceral for yuan yuan. you mean just blend normal rice wirh EBM?? must boil??

i only give keith healthy times brown rice cereal. i gave half feed of FM, than feed him 2 teaspoon cereal with agar agar amt of FM, then feed FM again. Today day 2 only, he's taking it well.
baby may,
i tot its quite normal for them at this time to replace 1 feeding.. hahhaa.. i dont know le.. when my mum cared for Shermin time till now also like this.. since Shermay is comfortable with cereal mixed with BM.. she took around 8-10 tablespoon (i think its alot) mixed with 1 Oz BM, i will include some jar food such as green pea (so far only this). she enjoys eating that unless she is super hungry or tired then she will fuss abit.. normally she will finish all.. if she wants more, will give fruit such as papaya or banana then another 1 Oz of plain water.

i didnt buy any blender or mixer because i'm lazy. i just mashed the food or cook till super soft (sometimes i will just put in slow cooker)..

thats nice trip! xuanx2 is getting prettier each day..
adv sports, tiny m...nice meeting u both after a 2 months plus i think since the gathering at shers...realise its not easy to estimate meeting time coz of baby's feeding esp with solid..can only do it at home..miss gie as well coz she left before i reach..

had to rush off coz parents were hungry


anyways, i realise they are still young to enjoy..its for the parents to experience the place n maybe check out the toys there see suitable to buy n put at home..hahahah...n lots of photo opportunity..

hope yuan2 had fun...tiny m, do email me the pic of justin with le xuan...

i am going to do a trip like poohwei this thurs..going down kl..then up to genting..so i have a chance to dress my boy up in "winter" wear..hope he can experience his first "pop" the ear experience when going up genting...so that next time i can prepare for his first flight...(gosh..dont know when)

adv sports...u blend the rice grain?

so far i only mostly mix ebm with happy bellies brown rice cereal..coz its fast...
piggypig, jaime, i used cooked rice and blended it with EBM.

very simple -- think i took less than 1 hour to cook, blend(10sec) and store in baby cubes. half cup of rice + EBM 60ml -- made into 8 tbsp (store in 4 baby cubes).

will let yuan2 try the HT brown rice cereal this week -- so that I can still feed on-the-go (no need to bring cooler bag).

shers, wah, shermay can finish 8-10 tbsp at 1 go! very good! think yuan2 still prefers her milk -- which she can drink fast and finish 200ml in 5 mins. i took ard 1 hr to feed her 2tbsp of rice cereal and top up with FM 120ml...

jaime, yuan2 had fun @ peek-a-boo
she was spider women -- clingg on to the net while watching kids playing with balls inside :p
i think shermay really eats alot.. i cut down for her but she still wants more so my mum says just give lor.. partly its because she refused to drink milk.. each feeding only 3oz.. so no choice la.. at least she is taking in cereal well.. so same as bean.. i have replaced 2 feeding with cereal already..
Hi mummies!

Re: Outing @ Peekaboo!
It was fun! Great to see Jaime & adv_sports and the babies again! My girl was initially very amazed to see all the colors and the children running around. She especially like the balls and Yuan2's bib! hahah.. Jaime, will send u the pics once i find the time to load them. I didn't managed to use my camera to take pics of Le Xuan and Yuan2 cos my memory card was full!
piggypig: Peeaboo is at Kallang Leisure Park.

adv_sports: Wanna bring babies to swim together this Sun?

Re: Holiday with baby
Wow! Poohwei, you're so lihai!!! I went on a trip to Genting with my hubby last weekend too but didn't bring my girl along cos we dunno how to handle her abroad! Sounds like u all really enjoyed urselves! Ur Xuan is such a good girl!! The problem with my girl is she doesn't take the carseat well, she can only be on it for a grand total of <5mins. If carry her all the way can die.. Still thinking where can we go for holiday with my girl this Dec.. Am toying with the idea of taking plane somewhere but my hb not v keen cos he scared baby might feel uncomfy..

Re: Feeding semi-solids
I'd replaced one feed with rice cereals at the moment. Like Shermay, my girl is drinking very little milk (3 oz also) so need to eat more. She's quite comfortable with her one feed of cereal now leh and sometimes in the late morning, my mum will give her fresh apple juice. For juice and puree, my mum uses a grater only, no blender or anything else cos our blender is a common use one and my mum scared got bacteria. My mum will pour boiling water on the feeding spoon, bowl and grater before preparing food. I'm such a lousy mum in terms of feeding my baby, everything rely on my mum.. Haha..

adv_sports: Wow! U cooked ur own rice cereal? It takes time doesn't it? My girl needs her food fast so we'd been using those rice cereal that just add warmed milk!

Shers: Shermay is eating a lot! She likes green peas? I got a jar of green peas too (bought by my sis) but I dun feel like giving my girl cos I hate peas! My mum tried feeding my girl canned apples and it's super sour and her face looks like this!

Oh, for those who wanna know how to change milk formula, I got this from the Dumex advisor..

Assuming your child takes 4 milk feeds per day;
Day 1 to 3
- continue regular feeding routine with existing milk formula for the 1st, 2nd &amp; 4th feed.
- use new formula for 3rd feed
Day 4 to 6
- Resume regular feeding routine with existing milk formula for 1st and 4th feed.
- use new formula for 2nd &amp; 3rd feed
Day 7 to 10
- Resume regular feeding routine with existing milk formula for the 1st feed only.
- use new formula for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th feed.
Day 11 to 14
- Your child is ready for the daily feed.
aiyo.. Le Xuan is super cute lor! whahhaa.. Shermay doesnt like apple too.. she will give me this face follow by a shake.. hehhee..

i bought green pea because i love pea.. but the pea is really not nice lor.. i taste it! YUCKS.. but shermay takes it well.. whahaha.. i tot add some vegetables in to help her in poo poo.. i add 3 tablespoons into her cereal and BM.. the taste and colour is yucky..

Shermay loves banana.. she can finish 1 small banana.. the thing abt feeding banana is the stain left on bib! very hard to wash off..
re: outing @ peekaboo!
tiny_m, my hubby took lotsa pics -- will find time to upload, too... now no time to upload pic to FB as busy with work @ office n busy with yuan2 @ home...

re: feeding solids
IFC juz informed me that yuan2 ate well with spoon n my rice cereal not enough... hmmm, she only can eat with spoon for a few mins @ home... maybe will pop by to see how they feed during lunch... will prepare more cereal tonite

btw, if i wanna add fruits or vege, i gotta blend separately? or together with the rice cereal?

shers, i c... yuan2 still likes her milk - IFC gave her a full feed(200ml) 40mins after her 2tbsp of cereal

re : bb swim
tiny_m, wah, lexuan so cute :p as for swim on sun, we cannot make it as i hv a family bbq @ my place. how abt next sunday?

we brought yuan2 for swim after peekaboo -- she only swam a while as she was tired... then cried till very chiam when we changed her clothes (porky &amp; ling, u saw that the last time)... haiz, seems like she always cranky after swim

jamie_nov, sorry, i cannot access yahoo @ work... will check 2nite...
