(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

bean, can't wait for yuan2 to sit on her own
she tried to wriggle her way out of the safety 1st bb chair while we were having dinner last nite...

shers, wah, shermay can poo when ur mum gek sai for her? yuan2's poo is still semi watery -- dunno how to gek sai leh... yesterday, she bombed big time in the car but din make noise -- i was stucked in traffic jam for 45min *haha*

tiny_m, yah, yuan2 also dunno how to sit in the exersaucer when we let her try at 4mth -- looked so uncomfy... gonna try again this weekend -- hope she can sit properly this time

I put a pillow in front on exersaucer and jumperoo too. As long as their head is stable,can put them in jumperoo or exersaucer liao.
poohwei, i actually turned off my laptop so dat i won't get distracted by it. deadline very tight la, another 4 sets of essays! jia you jia you.
apparently, Shermay can understand lor.. whahhaa.. anyway we r making her drink more water now especially she is on semi solid now.. but she drinks water as if its poison..

for teachers mummies, JIA YOU!!!

anyway, any mummies want to bring their babies to swim together in public pool?? sat morning at my place?
Ooohh.. i go and try the jumperoo and exersaucer again. i think i'll prob rent. my girl is getting too active and need to get some new entertainment for her..

Shers: my girl see water also like see poison! we try to make her drink after bathing then she'll drink more. she used to respond when my mum gek sai for her but now she's too playful liao. I wanna bring my girl swimming too! But must wait for her to finish her jab in Nov then I dare to bring her swimming.. And i haven't buy thermal swimming wear and sunblock yet!

Jia you feb_mum and poohwei! can understand the "pain" u all are going thru.. my hubby is starting his nightmare next week..
i'm interested! hubby will be tagging along.

tiny M,
my gal will either wear hand-me down swimsuit or thermal wear if we can get 1 before sat. can share sunblock! i got a sample bottle. but dunno face how leh...
yeah! yr hb is a very nice person to talk to.. hehehe.. if my hb is not working, he will join in also.. he needs to take care of Shermin in the pool..

come join la.. its ok de.. go and buy swim suit for her within these few days.. as for sunblock, can share! somemore we stay so near only..
I'm keen! Will join if I can buy the necessary things before sat... so besides swimwear and sunblock, anything else? Need swim diapers?
Swimming in Public Pool
I also want to bring Hui Xin to public pool, since I have bought her the neck float & bb swim pants! Have asked MIL to check with my BIL if he's home this sat morning liao! If his place not available, Shers, I will check with hubby if he wants to go ur place..
along with 2 elder kids & helper..

Binging bbies to condo pool is much better then SSC's pool!
i think sunblock is a must for morning swim.. swimwear, float?.. for showering, i will use califonia swimmer defence.. towel!
swim diaper, i didnt let both girls wear.. whahha.. but i let her wear a panties in the swimsuit..

i think nothing much la..
just to clarify, just to swim together ok? u mummies wldnt want to come to my hse right? my house is too small to accomodate so many pple..
ya.. i bought beco in the end.. dont think its better than bjorn.. almost the same just that it got better support..
shermay prefers to be in bjorn because can front facing.. beco cant.. and beco has more buckles..
tks shers. someone selling in bp for $200, wonder if i shd buy coz now dat rebecca is heavier, a bit more xiong to carry her in bjorn.
$200 is good deal! its BP?? so ready stock and new prints? alot of places still selling at $240-$250..

thermal wear can be bought at KP, robinson since u r nearer there.. so long got swimming department there.. u better get size 3 for macus.. dont think he can fit into size 2 (for 1 yr old) because Shermay is wearing size 2 already..
ya lor.. my hse also no place and messy.. hahah

i'm thinking see how many pple.. maybe can ask for delivery..
shers - ya, clearance sale, limited pcs, tink left 4pcs of river design. but if beco dun make much difference then i won't buy liao. anyway, carry rebecca for short short distance only. but design is chio la, hee.
I have beco and I love it hhehehehe.. I think my boy also likes it a lot, never really wriggle too much when I put him in..
S$200 is quite reasonable..
adv/tinyM, now my boy can stand in the exersaucer ! he is learning to rotate as well...now he much enjoy his time in there rather than the 1st 2 weeks i rented this..btw, now i no need use pillow to support infront since he wont lean against the seat liao

poohwei, my boy tend to vomit out some milk when he gets too active in the exersaucer...ur gal have this problem mah ?

the exersaucer rental is expiry soon next week...so i gonna rent the jumperoo to try
think u can buy la.. $200 le.. think lily bought river as well.. BUY!!

also tempted to buy? hahhaa..
Hi Porky,
My gal dun regurgitate milk when she is too active leh. My gal can rotate well and play with the toys. Mine can slide left to right also and she is capable of it liao.

Re: Swimming
I need to check with hubby if we are going KL for this long weekend. If not, will probably join u gals.

hehe.. just see the link. Heng ah.. the design not really to my liking...hahahah.. I like the Bjorn spirit colours leh..wahhaha. :p My hubby says one bb need so many carriers for wat? :p
porky, sounds like jaeden is having fun with exersaucer
haiz, the toy rental shop dun recommend us to rent when she saw yuan2 so uncomfy... anyway, will try it out first before we go down to the toy rental shop again...

re: swimming
my friends gave me cute baby bikini for yuan2 -- hv 2 sets :p now considering to get her a thermal swim suit...

swim diaper -- means if bb urine will not leak into the pool water?
hi, i'm from aug mtb thread.. i have 2 boxes of Pigeon Sterilizing Tablets for sales. brought at $6.70 each selling at $5 per box. brought too many boxes and i'm leaving US already and i do hav a sterilizer over there so dun need the tablets le. if interested do PM me k!
Wah!! I forgot I'm going Genting this weekend! Blur me! Only remembered when i see poohwei's reply. Cannot join u all this time, next time got mass swimming again jio me!

Oh, for swim wear, is it a must to wear thermal swimwear? Cos my gal has a set of bikini also but dunno if will be too cold if wear that to swim in pools..

adv_sports & porky: What's the toy rental shop website u gals are renting from?
Just came back from a trial class at Kindermusik. Its so fun and bubbly! A lot of singing and movement. haha Claire enjoyed her lesson so I signed her up for it.
Sher, i wanna join too provided i can get a float before fri and also my baby no fever after fri morning jab. I will sms u on fri night to confirm.
shimaro, yes but i think it ended last sunday. if i am not wrong, it was 259, less 15%.

mattel sales at their warehouse were selling at $200. dunno anyone here got a better deal on the last day....;)
Is float necessary? What kind of float?
So baby goes in the water without diapers? Will pee/poo or not har? :p

count me in for the mass swimming! wanna meet up with all the babies and mummies again.

i think most mummies are going with the daddies rite? i will be solo, so i dun think i'll go this time...will feel the odd one out lah, heh...

River design is nice.. me and lily got river tat time, we bought together with Audrey.. Beco is gd.. my hb loves it. it really support our back v wel.. as u can c.. my gal is a heavy duty one.. haha,, when i carry her using that, i dun really feel her weight... hehe.. u can go to my fb and c the river design.
u feed shermay with banana n apple.. do u cook them b4 giving her? i tot of giving my boy eats apple by scrapping them.. must cook in water first?
glenlyn - tks. ya, ur gal is the heavy duty type, sure nid gd support. i a bit half hearted coz oreadi used to bjorn. but i find the river design pretty nice.
happy bellies is selling at unity pharmacy. so far i've not seen it at ntuc supermarket itself. its 9.90 per tin.


Sat (17th) Time:1030am
1) Shers + hb + helper
2) Juju + hb
3) Sei
4) Yvette + hb
5) Gie + hb
6) Cheekz + helper

I'm doing a headcount.. so appreciate if those who r joining to include name..

BTW, i'm thinking of ordering delivery.. how abt that?
