(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Re: Birdnest

I usually take the bottled ones at home. On weekends, my MIL will double boil and feed me and my SIL ( both of us happen to be pregnant at the same time for the previous and current pregnancy.)

Re: MS
My MS has not kicked in yet. I did not have MS for my #1 and gynae commented that i am very lucky. But i am starting to feel nauseous these few days...Haiz.

Re: Hungry
I am always feeling hungry. Previous pregnancy, no appetite, so put on only 13kg. This pregnancy, i am like forever eating.

Hi Gie,
You stay opp the train station too?

morning mummies...
welcome Gie & Casey!
having a terrible morning...the moment i finished my cup of milk & bread, i threw up everything...nw think of eating, i oso no appetite...haiz, finally understand those mummies feeling when they have bad MS..n so sleepy...can Zzz the whole day sia...

Re announcement: i have told my boss already as need her to approve my gynae claim although nw she dun allow mi to claim already. (previously, i can claim, diff boss)
Erm....what are the brands & hotlines to call for trying out milk samples for free ah? I only know Anmum. For preg mums. *puzzle*
hi MTBs,

any of you ladies start wearing maternity pants? any suggestions where to buy?

me only 5 weeks but my pants are all getting tight around my tummy.. haven even seen my gynae yet
Re: Green Tea
wat i understand is cannot drink.... cos is too cooling. is my favourite. one in a few days i will drink one cup.

Re: Tea/Coffee
i read from magazine...try to avoid but those cant give it a miss....can limit the most 1 cup per day. not more than that.

Re: Brunch
i took half day leave this morning.....very hungry when ordering food...but who knows...eaten halfway...i m very full. but still try my best to finish it cos i q very long one. haha
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> just vomited.. eewww... the acid...

doesnt ur gynae gives you free samples? You can try calling Meadjohnson. They have.

I had start wearing maternity pants. As sometimes i feels very bloated. and my normal bottoms seems kinda tight le.. sigh~ i remember when i had my #1, i start to wear maternity pants only at 4-5mths.. i saw someone saying abt the sales at cloud9 @ suntec. you mayb wana check there. there's quite a few of shops selling maternity clothings too. =)</font>.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Green Tea:
yea. Green Tea, tea (lipton tea), grass jelly, cheng teng... all are 'liang' food. better to avoid...</font>.
hi all,
someone posted that due to her having thalessmia she has to opt for caesearean...forgot who is the mommy who posted this. Is that true? your gynae told you that?

Realised i can't take cold drinks at nite, once i take liao, my whole tummy will feel v bloated den i will feel nauseous throughout, even when i gg to bed. anyone same same?

This week will be wk 9 for me. heard that wk 9 is the peak for MS. just nw lunch felt so hungry but when ordered food liao, dun hv appetite and felt nauseous. Sigh.
Hi Ah Bunny,

I did not post the msg. But i am a Thalessaemia carrier but i delivered naturally for my #1. Hope that that helps.
hi poohwei,
just wondering, though this is my #3 but i not sure during our triple test..the test for blood...are we tested for thalessemia?
cos our #1 was diagnosed with thalessemia minor few mths back, tat means either me or my hubby is a carrier..so far both of us havent gone for testing..my gynae aso didnt mention at all during my pregnancies that i am a carrier..so does it mean its actually my hubby who is the carrier? I went through normal delivery for the #1 too. 2nd one intended normal but was last min c-section
Hi Ah bunny,

I did my test for thalessaemia separately cos i was having fainting spell. So gynae asked for some test to check my haem level plus some other things. Hubby went for the test as well.

If your child is a thalessaemia minor, it means that both OR either of you is a carrier. Better ask your gynae to check for both of you. If both of you are carriers, there is a 25% chance that you will end up with a thalessaemia major kid. If only one of you is a carrier, then your kids are either normal or carriers only.
RE: Tea - I've asked my gynae before, she said its ok even for green tea but limited to one cup a day..

Tmr I will be seeing my gynae for the 2nd visit, kinda excited =)
Afternoon ladies,

I just came back from my gynae checkup. I'm now 9 weeks 4 days! Gynae let me hear the baby heartbeat. So fast! My baby is measuring 2.4cm now.

Re: MS
My morning sickness seems to be wearing off a little. Hopefully it will go off soon!

Re: Weight gain
I checked my weight today. I didn't gain any weight from the last check up 3 weeks ago. Is it normal?

Re: Thalessaemia
I'm also a Thalessaemia carrier. I don't think you can screen for thalessaemia during normal preggy checks. You have to go through a thalessaemia screen. It can done at any GP. Normal blood test should detect abnormalitiies if you are a thalessaemia carrier, then you will be advise to go through a thalessaemia screen, if your normal blood test result is abnormal.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> bean,
congrats ! i still din get the chance to listen to my bb's heartbeat.... gonna ask during my next visit...</font>.
bean, wow, it must be an amazing experience to hear your bb heartbeat!! my next visit to gynae is 3 weeks later(arghhh, such a long wait)... and great that your MS is better

re: Thalessaemia
my gynae recommended both my hubby and me to do the screening for Thalessaemia -- my hubby did his on our first visit to gynae and I will do mine along with other tests at my next visit. this is our first bb...

re: cord blood
any MTB considering cord blood storage?
hi piggycow, thanks for the update.

Nick : twinkle_sp
Hospital : TMC
No. of Pregancy: 1
Current child : -
Staying in CCK
Hi Hi,

I just went Cloud 9 just now.. some new design bottoms are going for 50% &amp; some tops for $15 to $18 &amp; some 2 for $24.XX

Bot 2 tops &amp; 1 skirt &amp; 1 long pants for $100.

Really worth it.. However, they are closing down totally on 12 Oct.

If you want to get.. pls act fast..
O...cloud 9 closing dwn soon.. seems like sure alot of ppl go &amp; buy tis wkend...i dun intend to buy 1st leh, coz wana wait till baby stable dwn. hw huh? confused...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> WL,
its only few weeks more to 2nd tri right.. im sure ur bb will be healthy. somemore there's discount. y not.? =)</font>.
ya..few more wks jiu 2nd tri le...mayb i think too much again...sorry....hrmm, ask my hubby go wif mi to c..mayb get some tops...thanks xue for the advice...;-)
Hi ladies,

Havent been visiting this site regularly coz work is really busy. And I'm also getting this nagging migraine at the left temple, driving me nutz. It's nothing really serious, but it's just there and wont go away.

So far, I havent told anyone yet. But I dun think I can put it off for too long. I'm already looking like I'm 3mths preg!! My gawk, in my last preg, I could wear norm clothes will I was 9-10wks. And here I am, barely in my 7wks and I've put on 2kg. Def hv to control better this preg. :S

Will be seeing my gyne this sat, cant wait. So excited..
Re: Thalessaemia
There are 2 kinds of thalessaemia, alpha &amp; beta. If its the beta kind, its life threathening and the baby won't live long and requires blood tranfusion all the time.

Most carriers are alpha kind, meaning they will be always anemic. Eat iron pills also won't cure. But other then being anemic, the alpha patient is healthy and does not need to depend on any medication.

Thalessaemia is genetic. This means that if mother or father has it, the baby MIGHT inherit it. However, the baby will at most be alpha type and will be normal and healthy.

The problem comes when BOTH parents are thalessaemic, means that there is HIGH risk that baby will be the beta type, meaning cannot live long.

So when one parent is a known case of thalessaemia, the gynae will have to make sure that the other parent is clean.

Thalessaemia is genetic, so if there is no family history of it, it is unlikely that you will have it.

Hope this explanation helps.
I just reach 9 weeks today. Haiz.. Juz now puke my dinner out... Try to eat a sandwich thereafter but still puke it out in the end...Does that mean it is the start of "real" MS??
hi all!

May - 10oct is coming up soon! All the best for ur 1st check-up.

xue - thanks but i went to buy 6 packets from Giant at Tampines cos they having promotion now. hehe..

bean - isn't it amazing to hear the heartbeat? sounds like horse racing rite?

JRT - oh no, have u tried taking sour plum since u never threw up till today rite?

adv_sports - dun tink am keeping the cord blood. I donated my #1's cord blood to the bank last yr..most prob will do it this time round as well..
hi gals,

my lst visit is very exp $350 @ KKH include consulation, blood tests, scan, medicine.
hubby done the blood test too.

her medicine include dydrogesterone said to stablise the pregancy...$80+ for one mth supply. sigh.

done a tummy scan ....able to scan my sac. is ard 0.3cm. Dr said EDD cant confirm cos is too small but mostly end of may 09.

if my 2nd visit (4wk later) going to so exp again...think i better change gynae liao.

your lst visit $200…include blood test?

i think your dr loh is better, cos my Dr din recommend screening for Thalessaemia ....cos she just said later will do the blood tests include thalesaemia. i tot is normal blood tests...din know in the end cost so much.

how much is your lst visit? at TPS or specialist clinic?

Thanks Bean for thalesaemia info.

Ya. I eat the sour plums and drink 100 plus after puking lor.. It helps a bit. But after puking, my stomach will feel empty later and if I eat I am afraid I might puke again.
good morning ladies!

re: MS &amp; puking
me, too, puked twice yesterday
read on the web that to ease MS, drink 30min before or after meal -- not during meal. i tried it last nite and it seems to work. i try to break my meals to 2 parts and nibble on bread if i feel nauseous in between... but now i gotta eat like every 2 hours *faint* my waistline is fast disappearing!! haha... hope all MTB's MS will be over soon -- jia you, a few more weeks to 2nd tri!

re: cord blood
one of my colleagues has stored his daughter's cord blood. my hubby n me thinking of doing that for our bb

3wkold, for my 1st visit @ TPS, i paid abt $160 for consulation, scan, blood test for hubby, medicine(folic acid, vit B6 and MS medicine). urs more expensive due to ur medicine to stablise pregnancy? thot someone mentioned that vaginal scan is better during early pregnancy? r u comfortable with this gynae?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> morning all.! TGIF !

glad tt u manage to fin better prices.. my hubby said they're gng to remove Pampers Dry from the market. Might be true. Stock up if u can. =)

Mayb ur hb had done the test tts y it so ex? saying abt blodd test, i have not done any yet.. most prob gynae willl do during the next visit.

Anyone intend to do testes other than blood test? Eg, Oscar test, DS test...</font>.

You should be able to see the sac in Week 6.
Some people dun see the sac is coz they miscalculate their ovuluation.
Dun worry! See positive k?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> May,
me loh. haha. i went for a scan at 5.5wks due to spotting. And there I saw the sac. =)</font>.
Morning I am back..

Enjoyed my holidays

How's everyone..

Re: vaginal scan
Luckily my gynae never did that to me.. ya during early stage, before u go for scanning, make sure your bladder full, coz with full blader, it's easier to see the sac and baby
I ever read that after vaginal scan, there might be risk of bleeding, guess that is one reason y my gynae never do anything "down below".. until later stage of my pregnancy.. which he checked for dilation, it happened once only (last visit), after that I went for labour already..
Tts y i stick to him for my #2 coz never feel traumatised by the pre-natal visits...

I didnt see anything during my first visit, managed to see the sac during my 2nd visit.. (cant see the baby).
On my 3rd visit, we saw the baby "mickey mouse" in shape, has head, legs, hands.. and heard the heartbeat!!! This is when my bb is 8.5 wks..

My gynae was drawing my last on my last visit.. I dun think i am going to do any other test.. like my #1, didnt do any test ler, except blood test and CTG scan (for contraction of bb during my 8 mths*like the scanning during delivery*

Btw xue, my gynae said it's good to start young.. not much complication and problem.
ohh!! i've just changed my appt to 7oct.. excited...

rc_cola.. my gynae also leh.. last visit help mi check for dilation.. then tat nite i went for labour too...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> cola,
Me too wont be doing any test except blood test. My gynae oso mention since i started young, wont be much problem.. the test are not cheap oso...</font>.

Yes my first visit was $200. doesn't include blood test for both me and hubby cuz I already knew I had thalessaemia. hubby already tested before too. It includes 3 week supply of medicine to stablise pregnancy also. but my medicine was Daphuston or something. I have finished them and the gynae says I don't have to eat them anymore. So don't worry, you don't have to keep buying the expensive medicine.

Xue, I was told to decide on the triple blood by my next gynae visit. Is that the oscar test you are talking about? What is the oscar test ah? Sorry for being silly.

May, I saw the sac and heartbeat when I went for the first gynae appointment when i was 6 weeks.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> bean, found this in TMC website.

a first trimester option offered to all pregnant women as an earlier and more accurate method of screening for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).

1. Screening for chromosomal defects in the first rather than the second trimester provides earlier reassurance for those with a normal result.
2. The composite risk score will help you decide whether you want any invasive testing such as CVS or Amniocentesis.
3. For those choosing this optional test, it will also be less traumatic if a termination is necessary.
What does OSCAR involve?
1. Ultrasound measurement of Nuchal Translucency (NT) at 11-13 weeks days gestation of the fetus.
2. A sample of the mother’s blood is analysed for levels of free beta hCG and PAPP-A (Pregnancy associated plasma Protein A). </font>.
Hahha, RC, no I m not. Just that I happen to saw SK, whom I think I noe...keke...=p I hope to be preggy soon thou.
