(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies! Just went to Gynae to confirm my pregnancy. My baby is 8 weeks old

Nick: graceofgod
EDD: 15 May 09
Gynae : Dr Selina Chua
Hospital : Mount E
Current child : 1 boy (20 months)
Location: Yew Tee

Hope to make some friends here

And for mummies who are suffering from MS like me, try Fox sweets (the coloured ones). My gynae said they work!!! Haven't gone around to get some for myself. Today perhaps???

Can try smaller meals at 2 hrs interval. I find this very effective.

Also, try bread and 'su1 ta2 bing3' (cream crackers) cos they are supposed to absorb the constant gas that is produced in our tummies

No harm giving it a try yah?
Hi SK,

I also asked my hubby to bring me to Cloud9 to buy clothes. Spent $170 on 11 pieces. The tops were very worthed it! Ranges from $10 to $20 per piece. I bought a few $10 pieces for home wear too. Dresses were going at $25 to $30.

Re: Growing fat
Haiz, for my #1, i kept complaining that i was not putting on weight. For my #2, i seem to be ever putting on weight leh! Growing so fat now. Joke with my hubby that i should start to slim down and he said i am crazy...hahaha..

Re: Sashimi
Yummy Yummy...but now, we only get to see....sob sob
Welcome graceofgod...

Poohwei - yah I also bought a lot of tops and bottoms, cos its really cheap... can wear to work also..

RE: Sashimi - my gynae told me not to eat leh.. she said cos its raw and might have bacteria..
Good morning Mummies!

Have a nice week ahead!
Today is Monday...*Stressed* Coz Tues got test and presentation...

Yes yes, I eat Fox sweets too! They realy work to ease MS for a while
Like instant medicine. haha

oh and welcome welcome to the thread.
hi all mummies... morning

my edd : 05-05-09
Gynae : Dr Joycelyn Wong
Hosp : TMC
Current Child : 15-mth Girl
stay @ Toa payoh

Hi May... remember me? July07_mum.... happi to see you

mon... vy bored and sianz
Morning mummies,

Today I got blocked nose again..
My girl is having fever and running nose.. it's always her teething symptoms.. pity her ler.. her nose is so blocked..

Btw, I just had fried bee hoon and a quite ripe egg.. but some part a bit raw.. now after eating, guilty ler..
Hi WL,
Yes, you can arrange for the cord blood to be donated even if you are delivering at a pte hosiptal. You can go their website and get in touch with them via email. They will arrange to meet up with you and hubby to do an assessment. If found suitable, they will make the necessary arrangements for the cord blood to be collected during your delivery. Hope this helps. :)
Hi Piggy Cow
Yes I’m new to this thread. Came here in desperation after knowing the shock news of being preggie... yet again! Ha Ha.. Now gotta relearn everything again.

By the way, do the mummies-to-be intend to breastfeed? I think it's strongly recommended in view of the recent scare in milk powder. I fully bf my 2 kids for a long time. No. 3 depends on my stamina this time.

Nick: Anxylyn
EDD: 30 May 09
Gynae : Dr Heng Tung Lan
Hospital : East Shore
Current child : 1 girl (6 yr) 1 boy (5 yr)
Location: Bedok

I last minute call Dr Heng after testing +ve cos I know she’s the most popular gynae in East Shore. I gave birth in East Shore for my past 2 babies because of proximity. Didn’t compare with other hospitals so dunno leh. But so far experience is good lah. Nurses are quite caring. The only cons I can think of is the hospital is small and there are no eateries / shopping so can be quite boring if need to stay for more than a few days (touch wood!).
graceofgod, are you from feb 07 thread? i follow that thread quite a fair bit when i was pregnant with my first gal, but never really got down to posting there ;p thot i should be more active with my #2, hee.
Feb Mum,

Oh really? I didnt know we can donate if we deliver in prvt hospi. That means it's my gynae who doesnt want to do it for me kekeke.
hi rc-cola
must take care of ur girl n urself...
my girl this few days also abit diarrhoea think must be teething symptoms
feb_mum, yup, am from feb07 thread
but due to my work, I hardly have the time to 'chat'. Joined them quite late, a few months after my delivery so missed out all the 'chats' before the arrival of my boy

Joining this thread cos I hope to learn more from all of you
So many new comers.. congrats to all who just joined

Yeah, teething is really an evil symptom ler.. during her first tooth she was having runny nose for a month before the first tooth popped out.. during her 5th tooth, a bit running nose and temperature.. this is supposed to be her 7th and 8th teeth, hopefully it will last soon..

Saw somebody talking about Breastfeeding..
I will sure BF my #2 as well.. coz the BF baby tends to have better immune systems.. *finger crossed* up til now my girl is very seldom sick.. unless she is teething.. I managed to BF her for 6.5 mths.. i think that is enough, coz after that baby's body will produce their own immune system and does not really need BM to help in the immunity production...
Thanks mummies for the warm welcome

Bean, so Fox sweets really work ah? Must try... Nauseous in the morning and at night... Don't remember MS to be so bad for my first pregnancy...

Sashimi? My gynae said it's perfectly alright to eat it so long as we eat it at reputable restaurants. Guess what she told me when I asked her about it? 'How do Japanese women survive during their pregnancy then?' Hahaha!

Cloud9 maternity? Really so cheap??? Maternity clothes are normally so expensive and I really feel the pinch this time round... thinking of buying some babydoll tops to wear...
RE: Breastfeeding - just wondering.. after maternity leave already, how do we store the breastmilk? I heard we need to freeze them.. so we need special containers/storage bags?

RE: sashimi, haha... now that you mention japanese woman, its so funny haha.. think they ate sashimi throughout hor..

RE: Cloud9, some tops are going at 10-20.. while the some are going at 2 for 24.90.. dress at 30, bottoms are all 50% off.. so I guess its pretty cheap ba..
good morning ladies! hope everyone had a good weekend

congrads and welcome all new MTBs

may, wish u speedy recovery! rest well!

rc_cola, take care and rest well, too!

3wkold, i hv emailed the details of my bill to u.

will be heading down to cloud 9 today... need to get more maternity wear -- gosh, i put on 2kg for the past 2 weeks!! all thanks to the every 2-hour munching on bread... actually, i now hv phobia eating bread but no choice, that's the easiest snack to keep MS at bay...

re: ginger
last nite, i cooked chicken with sesame oil & ginger + steamed fish with ginger -- appetite was better and able to finish a bowl of rice
for MTBs having MS, maybe can try cooking food with ginger -- helps to "remove gas"...
hi icyen! happy to see u here too! hehe
thanks adv_sports.. now staying home liao.. lucky im on no pay leave to take care of my boy till jan 09.. but abit guilty coz i cant "bond" with him as much as i would like to liao..

piggy_cow.. at first told u i dun have much MS hor.. now dun knw why.. headache and abit nausea.. no appetite for food leh..
issit the cause of the dupston pill? (paiseh.. dun knw how to spell it..)
hi adv_sports
yo last nite my MIL also cooked chicken sesame oil ginger.. but wasted i onli ate one pcs of meat... no appetite coz i got evening sickness
No need to freeze if your bb drinks the BM within 48 hours. Usually I express 2 bottles on Monday for Tues supply and so on so forth. Put in office fridge then bring home at night. Only if you got "extra" that she does not drink within 48 hr, then you freeze it. I try not to freeze cos not as "fresh". If cannot get enough supply, then do OT at night lor.
Piggy_Cow and May, can I know do your visit Prof Tay on Weekdays or is there Sat appt to visit him too? Can I know how much it cost to visit him and need to wait how long? Quite long also?

I got a Doc at SGH whom strongly advice me to visit the gynae at SGH if I am preggy.
I also went for Ginny classes. was intending to have the birth without doula but had a emergency c-section. did u have a doula ? do u think its helpful, necessary ? I am wondering if just practising the methods by self is enuff..

Ya no need to freeze.. it's better to drink fresh.. I gave away my 12 bags of frozen milk to another mum coz my girl didnt want the frozen milk..
Btw some expert bfs mummies told me, if your fridge is cold (not open like so many times per day), the milk can be stored for 72 hours...

Since my girl didnt like the frozen milk, I never bother to freeze again, i used it to wash my hands hehehe.. tho i dun have much excess but frozen she also didnt want so rather than pour away, i pour it to my hand heheheh Or you can use it as antiseptic hehehe.. just in case your nipple crack hehehe

I never do OT at nite.. too tired.. used to pump 4 times per day, 6am, 12 am, 6pm, and 11 pm before i dozed off, and I would say BF needs a lot of persistency..
On some days I was so tired, that I cried when I pumped.. the tiredness was killing me.. but i managed to pass the 6 months period after that i just gave up.. coz it's really very very very very very tiring..
My posting seems to be very pessimistic, but for first time mummies, i should say, despite all the tiredness, when you see your baby not constipated, and not sick... very active.. all the tiredness paid off...
and I am very proud to say that she was an exclusive BF baby

The satisfaction will also come from the full bottle of milk after you finish pumping.. i always thought.. "I could mooo mooo this much meh?" hahahaha
RE: Breastmilk - cos most likely my mum will be taking care of bb after my maternity leave ends and we only fetching bb home once a wk, so I think I might need to freeze in order to give a weekly supply? So can just store in bottle or do we need special package to store it?

Seems like BF is a very tedious process wor.. so we should BF until 6mths?

rc_cola - you sounds as if we are a cow haha LOLzzz
naivesg.. prof tay has sat appt too.. but only morning.. the consultation charge is $80 coz he is a senior consultant.. i forgot how much it cost for the scanning though coz im using hubby's CSC card..
u intend to get prof tay as gynae? i like him! he's good! but tat day when i visit him, the nurses over the counter dun knw what happen.. all like attitude de leh... hmmm...
good morning ladies.

Re: Breastfeeding

vera, u r right. BF is a very tedious process. like rc_cola, even when i'm very very tired, also must wake up at 6 am to pump. then what's worse is when i started work, everyday is like ninja-turtle, has to carry the breast pump in the haversack to work and then to the conf room during lunch to pump.

Usually a baby will benefit with min 6 mths total breastfeeding. But for me, even though i breastfeed her for 10mths, i did partial coz sometimes really squeeze until no milk and still not enuff to feed her.

you will know what is cow when ur milk start dripping and u were so tired to wake up ..heheh
I also chose Eastshore cuz its the closest hospital. Actually I chose the hospital first before choosing the gynae. haha

Yes, I tried and test FOX sweets. It works! I was thinking any hard candy sweets will work as well I think! But FOX sweets is very sweet leh, try not to eat too much lah.

RC cola,
I'm also thinking about how long should I breastfeed. I cannot imagine how long could i last. I hope I can perserve long enough!!!
So u wil be a weekend mum? ic ic.. hm.. actually it's good to let baby drink fresh milk, coz the antibody wont be killed as when you freeze it..
May be u can try to just deliver it to your mum place every 2 days.. or so..

Haha.. wait when u BF, u know u are a moo mooo hhehehhe

Actually I will not let my baby go far away from me.. both me and hb are not local, so my ILs came here to help us with the kids, it is very nice of them..
they offered to bring baby to my home country to take care, but both me and hubby are against that idea.. so in the end they are coming here to help us.
Let me tell u hor, I think i will go crazy if i dun see my girl for one day hehehe.. until now, whenever we travel abroad, sure this little girl is tagging along hehehe..
She will also feel unease, everytime i go home late coz sometimes go to go drink with business partners..
I guess that is the bonding betweem parents and kids..

When u see your baby, maybe u wont want to become a weekend mum ler.. hehehe i dunno, personally for myself, I wont be able to not see my kids for so long hehe..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> morning all..
anyone knows when doesnt the sales at cloud9 ends?

Ribena :
Guess ribena doesnt helps my MS/nausea. I vomited more freq. haha. any other remedies???</font>.
Xue, cloud9 sales ends this sun, 12 oct. They will close down and will sell online sometime in nov. That's what the lady at the shop said.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> cola,
im wkend mum leh. haha. Of cause i dont hv any choice but to take this option..</font>.
May, is it? If he has a Sat appt then I may consider to see him, cos I heard fr another mum who see gynae at SGH say they only have weekday clinic....

Cos Weekday I dun wan to see Gynae alone, wan hubby to accompany me for all visit. So at least he can accompany me on Sat. I also can use my HB's CSC card, so I dunno to see pte or govt cos pte more detail and caring since u paid fully.

Ur first one also see him rite? How much u pay for delivery, can use CSC card also and if you got emergency can call him?

Thanks for answering my queries.
Ya I understand ahahha some ppl got no choice..
I am contemplating to be a sahm after my IL goes back.. she said she will help us for another 3 yrs.. after that she wants to enjoy life already hehe
hm.. now i suspect if you are preg already.. anyway girl, here are baby dusts for you to roll on..
915 and bean,

We here should all presevere to BF our babies if we have milk k.. it's really beneficial for our babies, think of the babies' health, a bit of sacrifice is alright, rather than to see our babies sick rite?

If not enough, dun worry, can always compliment with formula, dun blame or stress yourself mummies, if the milk is not enough, just give whatever you have to the babies.. that's my suggestions, by thinking that way, you will feel much relaxed and your body can produce properly..

Btw, BF helps to slim down (very fast!!) I am back to my old figure in my 3rd to 4th months... I ate like a cow *a lot* and the weight is going down to normal, perhaps it is due to the rushing, tiredness, and our body is actively burning calories to make milk..
Thanks for all the feedback on BF, I think I must try to try as long as I can.. so when freeze it, do we need special packaging to store it in freezer?

Actually I dont want to be weekend mum one.. but no choice, my in laws just opposite my blk, but MIL doesnt want to take care for me as she is working and doesnt want to resign loh.. my FIL wants to take care but he currently got 2 kids (SIL) on hand so he cant handle one more bb so I got no choice but to resort to my mum.. but she stay East while I stay West.. so I can only bring home once a week.. a bit cant bear with it, but I guess no choice as my hb doesnt want to send to infantcare, he's quite worried abt the std there.. hmm guess what I can do is prob go and see bb aft work then go home ba..

xue - the lady at cloud9 told me its 14th but i cant rem its oct or nov.. paiseh..
naive.. i dun knw how much i paid for delivery etc leh.. coz my hubby handled it.. emergency ah.. cant call him leh.. but can call labour ward...
Yes u need to buy those milk bag, that is specially used for freezing..
Or else, when u deliver, they said u can ask the nurse to give u those glasses bottle for storing of breast milk.. easiest is to buy milk bags, not as bulky, and just threw them away after thawing.. easier, and more hygienic..

Hm.. I understand your situation. dun send to infant care, so young, pity them ler.. somemore they are so young, and in infantcare, they tend to be exposed to many babies, and not forgetting many diseases.. remember their immune systems is not developed enough to tackle even the simplest infection, better dun take change.. my 2 cents to you..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> vera,
me too starting to get worried when the times comes when i need to go back to work while still bf-ing.. my mum stays queenstown &amp; i stay boon keng... so im planning to deliver my express b-milk to my mum's place everyday or once every 2 days..</font>.
Okie Thanks May.

rc cola, no la, still not preggy, waiting for gd news end of this week or beginning next week.
Prepare in advance first ma...cos I KS...kekek...
Thanks for ur babydust! =p
naive.. no prob!

xue.. infact i also worry how for my #2.. my mum stays at bukit merah.. and mi at buangkok(SK).. i dun wan to let my in law take care.. so mi n hubby still deciding whether to put bb in infant care at my office..
my mum says she can help mi take care of #2 then i bring her home every weekend.. but i scare #1 and #2 will not be close leh...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> May,
Do you intend to place ur #1 in childcare/playgroup? If you're, y not find a location near ur mum's place? Then bring both of them hm during wkends? Am thinking of doing this way... Visit them once every 2 days after wrk..</font>.
Re: BF

I Bf fully for 8 mths and partial until my gal was 11mth. Hehehe..once stopped BF, i strike liaoz.

Storage of BF
Store them according to the amt that your baby drinks and transport them via cooler bags (Fridge to go if GOOD) to the care-givers place. (i.e: Your baby drinks 100ml per feed, fill each bottle with 100ml of milk) Yes! You need many bottles. This method will prevent wastage of milk due to spillage.

Freshly pumped milk can be kept in the fridge (normal compartment) for 48hours.

Freezing of BM
It should be for emergency purposes. As i was blessed with lotsa bm, my gal did not have to drink frozen ones until very much later. If you wanna save $, freeze your bm in playtex milkbags and seal them with ikea big clips. Alternatively, if you are richer, you may consider using lasinoh milk bags that cost ard 5 times more but with ziplog features. Personally, i feel that milk liners are good enough. I used ard 250 pieces of milk liners for emergency purposes...that will cost you several hundreds of $ for milk bags already. Milk liners are good for pple blessed with lotsa supply.

Alternatively, if you do not have much bm, you can still freeze the excess in glass bottles that you can get for free at the nursery. Then you can purchase the plastic caps from the pharmacy at $1 each.

Like what RC_cola has said, i would say that my gal's immune system is quite good. Unless she is teething, she will not fall sick so easily. Even if she falls sick, she requires after 2-3days.

BF is good!! but tiring. Plus i was exclusively pumping from 5th mth onwards as my gal refused to latch. Invest in a good pump!!
xue.. i've registered my #1 at a childcare near my ofc..
like u all, i feel uneasy if bb not ard with mi.. 1 day not so bad.. if more than a day, i will be super uneasy..
i still prefer them to be with mi lor..


Last friday when i was at cloud9, still have S size. and the jeans are cheap, @ $25 each if u dun mind the cut. In the end i bought only 1 top and 1 bottom coz hubby said dun overbuy coz he knows my pattern that i will buy more along the way..hehe
