(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

hi mummies.. have been veru bz with hari raya.... down with flu.. and loads of work.. haizz.... dun manage to catch up a lot

kidzz.. adelene is a veri nice lady.. just went to her place last week to get jeans for my elder doters (with their hari raya collection monet

i am gg to her to exchange one pack of rompers.. the just kidding rompers are nice but small size.. for B4 i got in 18 months in 1 pack.. and tot of changing the other in 24 months... 36 montsh for my 19 months... its long but slim cutting.. can keep and wear longer... if u all want.. i can collect for u all and get a better price and pass to aneone... who is gg gatherings or anething.. she is very nice.. planning to c her next week... let me know if i dun loggin often... just sms me.. kidzz.. u have my no rite

just a quick update on B4 .. he finally wanted to eat the pear puree exactly at 6 months old which was 28 Sept after the 3rd attempt.. in which before he was just satisfied with my milk... slowly making the change to cereal again then to others.. no time to puree my own.. but will try .... btw.. no plans to make a 6 month old bash for april babies... or the BBQ i read before is gg to be like one??
<font color="ff6000">Idaa:</font> Okie, wl c how response is fr other mommies 1st
U've been kept veri busy, end up holiday is no holiday?
I hvn't started B2 on solids. Wl do 2mr w e Nestle Rice Cereal bought fr Pumpkinseed (her fren'z). Bt I think B2 super ready coz he open his mouth when I was eating Cookies n Cream ice-cream juz now...
kidz.. yup true... my hari raya visiting like never ending.. with me sick.. never take mc while preggie... now already take like 7 days after back frm maternity leave.. wah seyyy.. never in my 5 yrs of werking.. i hit that high.. my record was 4 days in a year.. the most..

at werk.. i m the only team leader left. so very bzzz.. and m changing maid soon.... aiyyaahh.. headachheee

let me know ok... if u guys want.. can help.. if not.. its ok.. B4 was totally not ready .. he starts the latest among my 4 kids.... he does not open his mouth readily too... just so lazy to eat.. but eating half a bottle now... just take it easy coz i see may mummies here and in march gving babies puffs liao which i started on B3 only after he was 1 yr old ... hehehehe
<font color="666600">sh: OIC. Cos I'm a Tupperware consultant. hehe. Just got the mailer of the promo then u posted le.

kidzskidz: I'll try to consolidate my orders then email u. When i do that i'll sms u.

Ida: When are u gg to meet Adelene? Do let us noe so we can give her the orders before u go.</font>
Marie.. its u.. why u change ur nick to small caps.. hee.. not used to see ur nick this way but i still remember ur font color.. remember.. u are one of the hard working mummies ...

i have no issue on when to go... once collated... let me know.. i can wait.. and let adelene know.. say let's do it within this week.. for mummies to collate... i tell u.. her house is so full of many2 stuff.... whole house full of clothes.. her sleepwears look better than in pics... super nice.. and her gap socks - are a steal too... (dunno whether have in the webby she has... the pack rompers i got.. was not even in the webby yet when i saw her last week... good buy... good quality

I collect for u so that minus postage charges - she can give better price ..
have typed so long and B3 deleted off everthing.. so angrryyy

let me know if u ahev any queries on the clothes.. can advise if i have seen them before at her place... that day can go crazy seeing all the nice nice clothes... gerls have even more choices...

KP... if u wanna get the pack rompers frm Just Kidding.. get the 18 mnth ones .. slim and long cutting... coz our boys almost like same size mah
<font color="ff6000">Idaa:</font> Now I'm curious, wonder if I kan drop by her plc 2 chk out some of e items on her blogsite... Where's Ad's plc tho?
Bonbon, Cait eating alot
I also giving Dexter porridge due to his resistance to cereals but limiting him to 3 teaspoon now. Added potato, tomato and sweet potato into the porridge and then mashed them thro a sieve. I had to do your way of adding some cereals into his milk bottle but he can taste the cereals then he start to fuss.

Don't know whether to let him eat more as scared he cannot poo. Then need to think of a way to increase his iron intake.

For the wolfberry, do you also let Cait eat or just add into the porridge to cook?
<font color="666600">powerball: I can send u the latest one once I get it.

ask your sis to check out this site.
@ the right bottom corner, this month's latest under Singapore, pg12. There's no pricing, U can sms me if she wants to noe the price.

Introducing solids,

Any mommies can advise when I can start introducing solids twice a day? I have only just started weaning baby about 5 days ago. Thanks!
Catherine, you saw ulcers in their mouth? Good grief, 2 sick children on hand to take care plus DH flying off. You very poor thing.
I suspected yesterday night cos my #2 have blisters @ base of feet &amp; palms. #2 had fever (39degree)2 nights ago n recovered. last night #1 fever...Brought both to pd this morning...both have ulcers in mouth (me &amp; DH dun know how to see until this morning...*blur*) now #1 refused to eat or drink. #2 also refused to latch on/bottle feed so have to spoon feed...
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010. brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. thanks..
kidz.. her place is in woodlands.... u wanna go together one day??

catherine... oh no . alamak,.... who else to help u around?
yups, please PM me your orders &amp; address cos she will send individually to our addresses. For 2 bks, I'm not sure how much the discount will be. Its $13 for 4 bks. I'll check with her for u.

Seems like only both of us are interested in the bloomers. I think its buy 3 get 1 free. But the free is solid colour. U wanna share with me tt offer? If u want both pattern, I can take the solid one &amp; we can work out how to share the "free" pc or I can write to her &amp; ask if she can give us discount if the 4th pc is also design. PM me?
<font color="ff3399">powerball, the wolfberrie not everyday, like once a week my MIL just put abt 5pieces n cook in the slow cooker with the porridge. use the short grain rice (zhen zhu mi) its sticker and supposedly better for baby..

cait can eat quite chunky textures so i dun mash her food so finely now. like small carrot chunks she can munch munch and swallow too..

marie, i thinking to get some stuff from querida too. want to get another H. carrier.. she at woodlands i think.. </font>
Re: Orders from Bebelicious

So far N.M, baked potato and Joie has transferred funds yah? Who else are we wating for? Pravina?
Powerball still keen on ordering towel set?
sure pei, will wait for you. Marie taught me to start 2 times a day on the 3rd week of intro solid.

catherine, wow, triple taxing on u....got to tahan thru ya......
<font color="666600">Cat: Hang in there!!

Pei: No hurry. Take ur time to introduce. I did a apple puree with rice cereal &amp; apple juice mix. Xander loves it! :p </font>
<font color="119911">Cath:</font> U super poor thing - both kena HFMD? Any1 kan come during day 2 lend xtra help &amp; support? Try &amp; stay positive, take one thing @ a time as it comes. C if B1 kan help w some stuffs @ home 2 kp him occupied - if he's nt 2 tired or in discomfort. Where do u ur DS caught fr? Since it sounds like both kena exposed @ same x leh, HFMD incubation is like 5-7D tho my gal was like 3D dan caught fr fren in CC. Some1 @ bbsitter's? U take care 2 coz u r surrounded!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Regarding HFMD:</font></font> Juz like 2 remind other mommies dat in my gal's case (last Dec) she onli had some blisters on her hands and NEVER had fever or uclers. Bt @ initial trip 2 GP, e young locum refused 2 call it HFMD. Later she had blisters on feet &amp; we went back 2 c e snr GP who confirmed dat it was HFMD - she said she's seen many cases &amp; nt all must exhibit all e symptoms! Most impt, b mindful incubation is usually between 5-7D so if bb has older siblings, goes 2 external caregiver (Infant Care/babysitter) or brought 2 family gathering -- these are potential source of infection once child comes down w it. In our case, my gal even ever passed it 2 my hb who kena veri mild case (3D onli) of HFMD bt when she passed it 2 me, I had blisters 4 2wks yet like her had NO fever or uclers.

<font color="ff0000">Every1 take care! Think HFMD always in season, lurking all e x.</font>
Re: Orders from Bebelicious

anymore orders?

KP i have not transffered funds yet... also got andrea1985 on my list..
i dun have your personalisation details..

KP, Andrea1985, N.M (maman) and Joie,
i will send you all email with excel sheet. please check throughly and confirm it with KP and me...

kidzkidz: can i ask how does e blisters look like? i m super wry bout this issue, as #1 school haf gt alot of such cases b4..n my MIL dont practice personal hygiene to #1 (come hm must bathe n etc) , so i m super scare will affect #2...
audrey... cant be so active liao lah.. werk almost 12 hrs.. hv OT .. me the only teamleader around now.... n bb is super clingy to me ... so still cm in here once in while to catch up.... how's enya .. the youngest bb here???
<font color="119911">hi everyone,
im back frm genting. a veri wonderful trip, both kids had fun. its not a difficult drive n tink we will b gg again soon. will update my blog den share the pix.</font>
Now #1 refuses to eat or drink cos got ulcers all over his mouth...then he donno how to rinse his mouth else would try to let him wash mouth with salt water...#2 better. Now can latch on &amp; drink bm, just got blister all over 2 arms &amp; legs
<font color="0000ff">Ow mummy:</font> 1st look like little red dots under e skin - so long as u spot one or more on e hands or soles, u shd observe. Dan ovr next 24hrs wl get more and eventually reali become blisters - again small ones. Last x B1 had it, I eventually brought her 2 PD 4 follow-up - he told us dat e red dots can dev behind e knees &amp; also on bum. <font color="119911">Pls make ur MIL see e pics of children w HFMD so she can understand e suffering she can help her grandchildren 2 avoid!</font> Remind her young children kan onli learn gd hygiene habits when itz reinforced @ home. Hopefully she'l wake up her ideas dan
Better show ur hubby 2. The thing is dat my hb actually got HFMD fr B1 thru her CC frenz bt she didn't even come down w it dan! So B1 was a 'carrier'!

<font color="ff0000">Abt HFMD: Visit these sites for pics of e symptoms so u know wat 2 lookout for. Incubation period: 3-7D</font>
Sgp Health Promotion Board --> http://www.hpb.gov.sg/health_articles/hfmd/
KKH --> http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/ChildrensHealth/ChildhoodIllnesses/HFMD.htm
Q &amp; A abt HFMD -->
Care Guide Info -->
<font color="aa00aa">Cath:</font> My ex-colleague's boy had HFMD twice. She said e poor kid cld onli eat porridge coz of e ucler. Bt she also gave him ice-cream 2 help soothe e pain
Better get ur hubby 2 stock up groceries b4 he flies 2mr... Meal-wise, u got tingkat dinner? Mayb order 1wk trial 1st 2 tide ovr so u nd nt cook? If u gotta take leave 2 care for them, u can save leftovrs 4 next day's lunch coz ur boys also kant eat. Talking abt dat, I gotta find another caterer 2 try out. My 1wk trial venture w Champ-Way was so-so onli coz food came 2 Clementi fr Bedok so super soggy by dan...
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Toys Warehouse Sale @ No. 1 Lok Yang Way (Boon Lay)</font></font> -- On daily till 11 Oct, 11am to 6pm. This is e Fisher-Price, Barbie, Carz etc sale where kan get BN items (mayb packaging bit dented) @ gd discounts. My sis went twice last yr &amp; said more items added during her 2nd visit. We got B1 a tricyle @ abt $49 or less when usual price was $69. Itz a single row warehouse &amp; sale is in tentage outside, veri cramp &amp; stuffy conditions so b prepared i.e. dun bring stroller, muz bring H2O. Last yr we went @ 11am &amp; left by 12:30pm for lunch @ Jurong Pt.
kidzskidz, this mattel sales started 1 Oct. I guess good stuffs all don't have liao.

Mummies, i need to stop bm but bb don't want fm. what should i do?
<font color="ff0000">RE: DOIDY CUPS</font>
May I know who was the one who co-ordinated the purchase of this cup? May I have the contact of the seller pls?? Anybody got VIP status with the seller? Thanks in advance!
Oh dun need the contact already. They have a Children's Day promo going on now - DOIDY cup + Easy Pocket Baby Bib + Spill Resistant Bowl = $32. I think its quite worth it!
Hubby and me panda eye alr...#1 keeps asking for milk in the middle of the night then refused to drink it after we make it. Until hubby very angry, beat him. I took the medicine syringe &amp; fed him 5ml by 5ml....
catherine, think #1 must be really feeling terrible and cranky...

pravina, baked potato also paid me already. Andrea, kindly pls transfer funds to me today, would like to close this off asap..
Can leave out my order and i'll fill mine in after i get the list from u

how many orders have we got in total?

Me too! My hair keep dropping like no body business! Especial when I washed my hair
horrible, but luckily hubby didn't complaint.
