(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

ok, you need to have a worklife balance

Hmm... Youngest bb
but don't think will be the last for weaning! Plan to wean her at 6 months but can't 'tong' till that day, cos this few days she keep waking up in the night for more feeding, during the day, almost every 2 n half hours asking for milk! I am exhausted liao!

I tested her by putting a spoon near her lips, then she open her mouth wide and move towards. When I take away the spoon, oh she make noise! So we decided to wean her this week
starts with rice cereal 1st.
<font color="aa00aa"> catherine, take care yah! Hope B1 and B2 recovers from HFMD SOON. Really tough to take care of a sick baby,let alone 2!!!I finally got a taste of it since sat.Justin caught a cold,sneezing and coughing the whole night since friday night.Until now havent recover.I try to suck the mucus out from his nose using the pigeon sucker thingy,but it irritates him and make him sneeze more! I used tissue paper to pinch his nose,hoping he will blow his nose,but each time he will only suck in instead of blowing it out *Faint* Giving medicine is another problem.If I give before milk, he will keep crying and refuse to cooperate.If I give after milk,he pukes all his milk + medicine all over me!! Refuse to sleep,keep waking up every 2 hours or so,daytime only sleep 1 hr in total.Argggghhhh,super shag now.Dunno how long he will take to recover.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">audrey,justin was sick the whole weekend,i couldnt bear to leave him to visit the toy fair.Also din want to bring him along ,scared the place hot &amp; dusty will aggravate his condition</font>
Re: Constipation
Issit when baby cries when she is poo-ing means constipation? The poo tt comes out is not exactly hard, more like our own "normal" but no longer watery(baby's normal). I've been giving her carrots for the ast 2 days. Cld it be the carrots? Any natural remedies - ie prune juice? Where can i get prune juice suitable for babies?? Thanks in advance!
RE: Doidy Cup promo
If u guys r interested, better place order quick cos this promo was supposed to end 1 Oct. Just tt she forgot to remove the ad. I've told her some of u r interested n hope she will extend the promo.
my boy has been sick for the last few weeks and also waking up at 5.30am-6am everyday for his feed although his last feed was at 1am. so shag too.
Oh! Luckily you didn't bring him out. You too have to take care. The hardest part to take care of bb is when they fall sick!

So many babies here fall sick! bb E has rashes on her forehead, hands and legs, not those heat rashes, i also don't know how to explain, n it looks so horrible. need to bring her see doctor later to check on her condition!
yeah i wonder why so many babies fall sick when they are so young. My gal never fall sick when she was younger until about 1 years+ but my boy 2 mths was already having running nose.
HI eunice,

so gotta take the package eh? me keen on the cup only... can help to ask... or any1 need the other stuff so to share?
Rose, same as isaac last week loe!:p Now he seems to have a bit of running nose, maybe cos we brought him swimming downstairs yesterday..but it was pure torture during the night when he was sick..btw, PD says to give medicine before food and not after else they will voimit. Btw, isaac voimitted each time i gave him the orange panadol GP gave me but when i fed him the pink one from the PD, it was fine..think its the taste also...the one PD gave was strawberry flavour, maybe more yummy!
<font color="aa00aa"> Kp,yalor,I forgot to give him his medicine before milk and after milk then gave him.In the end ,he merlioned all over me! It was those forceful kind of puke that will shoot out at other ppl but never kena himself! After that,I always remember to feed medicine b4 milk!!!

Audrey,I'm also looking for a mummy who is going to the toys sale!

Mummies who are driving,is anyone going to the toys warehouse sale? If yes,can i meet you somewhere convenient to you and get a ride to the warehouse sale? This week,justin sick and hubby is very busy with work and is in a bad mood and doesnt want to drive me there!</font>
harlow mummies!!
long time never post..i started work on 1st Oct, really miss raynie a lot when at work n happy to c her when get home in the evening..
Hi Yvonne..

I miss Jayden when I started working after my maternity leave..

Hai.. Now still in office serving notice.. My stupid company need to serve 2 months leh.. I like doing nothing in office.. dunno how to endure till 29 oct

Yvonne,, U started working?? Doing Sales?
baked potato, Andrea1985, Joie, N.M Maman, KP
You got MAIL!!!

KP i'll send you transfer details soon!!

sorry for the delay ah.. me down with food poisoning!! =(
re: bb constipation
raynie used to be ok when poo pooing but these few days, her pattern changed, she poo 2 or 3 times a day, her poo oso more solid n each time is 1 or 2 small lump. not sure if she is having constipation..
ya lor, decided to join the work force again.. envy u, going to b a SAHM soon, can spend more time with jayden..
yes, i m with a country club doing sales..
<font color="0000ff">Dodos:</font> Last yr my sis went 2 e Toys Warehouse Sale twice - I tagged along on her 2nd trip - she ended up buying some more stuffs w me coz of quite a lot of new stuffs added. She also pointed out 2 me e new things dat she didn't c &amp; thus didn't get for my B1. While we were there they brought out more new items &amp; ppl were juz hanging around waiting 4 them 2 unload. I think itz e Mattel strategy lah, otherwise everyone also juz chiong 1st few days &amp; then they dun hv biz aft dat.
I get 10% off debabyshoppe as VIP but hmm, I don't remember how much it was when we bought the Doidy cups.

Also, Kidskid sorry but can give me Joy's e-mail again? I can't find it in the archives somehow.

Is the BBQ still on? I am so blur with dates now.

By the way, I am back in Singapore now. Should not be travelling anymore til Dec. So can collect your stuff from me anytime, just arrange a time so I can be home.

Busy unpacking now, looks like it will take a while!
<font color="aa00aa">Pumpkinseed:</font> When u r settled, wanna go eat nonya mee sian @ BT Plaza? I also wanna chk out e ballet sch there, thinking of sending B1 coz she singing &amp; dancing. Let me noe
pravina, thanks for co-ordinating! I've sent in our orders just, I decided to get 2 towel sets instead of the bathrobe for isaac:p

Went to the mattel sale with mum in the afternoon. Bought the rainforest high chair! The jumperoo is alo on sale there at $200, but i bought it yesterday at tangs, which after rebate and krisflyer discount is around $205. BB loves the jumperoo!
kidz, listed as $200, but they later sold to me at $150 cos the box was quite badly damaged! heh..think taka was selling at 299 right?
<font color="119911">KP:</font> Gd deal! Datz why if got x &amp; transport, worth going 2 such sale
My sis nt going diz yr so I got no ride
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Any1 wanna share w me 2 get Mozzie Repellant Patch fr Sh's BP? Rainy season coming...</font></font>

Thomas or Doremon design. 24pcs per pkt. 10pkts for $66. Regular price $7.50/pkt. I'll start e ball rolling

<font color="ff0000">Sh's BP: Mozzie Repellant Patch</font>
1. Kidzskidz -> Thomas
2. Kidzskidz -> Thomas

View her range of items here http://kiddymum.webs.com/apps/photos/
Her BP here http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3051849.html?1254497238
Mats for Crawling/rolling/napping
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies, believe most of you already have mats for your little dears... where you get your mats from huh? Any recommendation and lobangs?</font>
<font color="666600">kidzskidz: I've passed the breast pads to lilmoo.
Kindly tt $14 to my acc, POSB Savings 171-39969-6. I'm interested in getting the mozzie patches. I'm getting more stuff from Sh..Prob I contact her direct.

lilmoo:Nice catching up with u. And thanks for the tips on weaning.
<font color="0077aa">Lilmoo:</font> U also catching up aft darlings in bed?

<font color="aa00aa">Marie:</font> Tx! I'l transfer now
Sorry for not replying you, tied up with house chores.

Any mummies want to join us for lunch?
Date: 08Oct2009
Time: 12pm
Venue: TPY (any suggestion?)

1) Rose
2) Audrey
<font color="0077aa">Hi mummies, jus sharing my exprience when Prudence was down wif flu n cough, we took her to a GP n was given cough syrup n flu medi, after feeding her for almost a week ( wif lots of crying of cos) she's still nt getting better. And she's always cold sweating hands n feet n forehead always cold cold n got even more phlegm. My mum suggeted we stop giving her those medi, and change to Yu Yan Sang Bo Eng Tang ( those power kind "Yao fen") n she tottaly got alot better after 3-4 days of feeding (once every morning n evening) and wif less fuss when feeding her e powder, think she likes it.

So mummies who don mind feeding baby Chinese medi can give it a try, jus go to any Yu Yan Sang outlet and ask for Bao Ying Tang powder, e staff there should know, or can also ask em for medi to treat cough n flu.. Hope this helps. Can tottaly understand ur feeling cos when I see baby's sick how I wish I was e one suffering instead of baby, and as parents we will get very tired n stress out too. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Jas:</font> I buy e thicker gym mats dat joins 2gthr like puzzle pieces. Been using since my B1 started crawling. These provide more cushioning so we weren't worried when she started walking &amp; falling, running &amp; falling, jumping &amp; falling, etc. I bought these in large &amp; medium sizes so lay around bed, in play area &amp; inside her Big Block house. Now I can let B2 crawl around on this &amp; when he topples ovr e mats protects his head fr impact w e flr!
