(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

kidskidz, sure! I wanna check out the NTUC finest there...

KP, good buy!!

Indulgence Queen, oh dear, sounds like you had a bad time there. Glad to know you found something that worked. Have you been using the munchkin tub?

Rose, I saw the Tripp Trapp in France, after disc and tax only 120 euros, about S$240. BUT... my CFO refused to lug it back. Sadness.

Audrey and mummies, enjoy the lunch this week. I will rejoin the gatherings next week onwards. Need time to resettle into life here.

Morning Mummies.
Additional 5% on socks for apr09 mummies!

if thomas mozzie patch, total can collate more than 20 boxes = $6.40 per box. note i'm left with ~22 boxes....
doraemon patches, down to last 10 packs....any orders more than this will be preorder...
<font color="0077aa">P.seed wanted to thank u n ur dad for making e trip down. :D thank u very much. Haha haven had e time to try out, I've blow it up up though, and let her try sitting it in. Thinks she likes it. Haha! She was smiling away when we took pics of her in e tub! How was ur trip btw?</font>
Any1 wanna share w me 2 get Mozzie Repellant Patch fr Sh's BP? Rainy season coming...

Thomas or Doremon design. 24pcs per pkt. 10pkts for $66. Regular price $7.50/pkt. I'll start e ball rolling

Sh's BP: Mozzie Repellant Patch
1. Kidzskidz -> Thomas
2. Kidzskidz -> Thomas
3. Joie -> Doraemon
4. Joie-> Doraemon
5. Pravina -> Doraemon

View her range of items here http://kiddymum.webs.com/apps/photos/
Her BP here http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3051849.html?1254497238
anyone has bought LINDAM safety gate? how much is it for BN eh?

HI dodos,
how to spilt the cost for the items eh?

Hi eunice,
can help?
Hi mummies!

I am a April mummy too. My boy was born on 3 April. Have just become a SAHM.

i'm thinking of bringing my boy for a swim. Any good recommendation for swimwear?
Hi Mummies

Just came back from batam harris. Great trip. Great place to bring your babies there too. Wana bring Valene there next time. Will try to find time to update my blog and inform you all again.

Thanks for the update on the toy sale. Looking forward to it for soo... long liaoz.. Def going.

Leereiner: You can check out Kidzloft. Saw them selling it at $59.90.

Sunbeam: Welcome! You can consider iplay brand swim diaper.
Hi mummies,
Intending to bring my girl swimming. Besides swimming costume and swim diaper,what would u suggest for floats? neck floats?
Sorry to intrude. I have 3tins of 900g Enfapro to let go. Overstocked and bb has decided to switch formula. Letting go at $35 each. Get all 3 at further discount.
kp, I also just got the FP Jumperoo, but i got a 2nd hand one. My boy loves it!

Did any of you mommies here get one of those inflatable baby tubs/pools + neck floats? I want to take my boy swimming but because he has really sensitive skin I've been thinking about just getting one just to be safe. They are selling it here:


and here:


I don't know which one is better! Any mommies have any experience and can help me decide?

Rice Cereal:

Have all here started giving you LO rice cereal? My bb has just turned 6 months 2 days ago and i am about to start him on some Happy Bellies brown rice cereal. I chose it because it's organic and more importantly, the only baby cereal with probiotics. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my boy will like it.
Have rec'd ur PM &amp; replied ur email.

help with what huh??

welcome n congrats leh...so lucky. i wish i cld b SAHM too!!

definitely neck float!
TangoFango: You can also consider getting a waverider instead of neck float. I used neck float initially. Now want to try waverider since baby is older. She can see more.

But for a first time trial, maybe you can start off with neck float first.

NM: I got my dd a baby tub from Mambo. The non inflatable kind. It requires at least 10 buckets of water to get it 3/4 full only. I got it as I find her abit scared of pool water. Maybe bcos its too cold. Well, she is getting used to swimming now. Can move her to pool soon.

If you want to get 1 of these, do be prepared to know how to get rid of the water wisely. If not the water bill can be quite high. In my case, we usually use the water for housework after each swim.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Andrea:</font></font> Eh, no leh. No 1 call me 2 arrange pick up. Remind her 2 call me 1hr b4hand 2 cfm dat I'l b in. Btw stl owe u $1 so I put w ur things hor? Hey, u wanna activate ur Private Message function, under Profile tick 2 rec'd -- dan kan PM u directly when nd coz this thread moves veri fast somedays...
Hi NM,

I have the tub and neckfloat from Mambo. I try to let my girl swim once a week and she loves it! She loves to kick and splash and even when taking a bathe in her tub, she'll kick and splash all about.

like what eviangal mentioned, the water consumption is very high! convince myself that it is for her weekly exercise so it's worth it!
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula 700gm to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010 brought at NTUC at $29.95. give me your best price..
brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. self collect at hougang. thanks..
my pumps are down... using 2 nos of medela mini electric... so wonder any mummies wanna let go your set? prefer medela ones... BUT me is on real tight budget and very very cheapo one hor... so far me have not bot any pump... all are hand-me-down ones... need real urgent... just now use hand to squeeze till ache leh...
<font color="666600">Any1 wanna share w me 2 get Mozzie Repellant Patch fr Sh's BP? Rainy season coming...

Thomas or Doremon design. 24pcs per pkt. 10pkts for $66. Regular price $7.50/pkt. I'll start e ball rolling

Sh's BP: Mozzie Repellant Patch
1. Kidzskidz -> Thomas
2. Kidzskidz -> Thomas
3. Joie -> Doraemon
4. Joie-> Doraemon
5. Pravina -> Doraemon
6. Marie -> Thomas
7. Marie -> Thomas
8. Marie -> Doraemon
9. Marie -> Thomas
10.Marie -> Doraemon

I can help to pick up the items. Cos I'm getting some from Sh too. Joie &amp; Pravina, where u gals stay?

View her range of items here http://kiddymum.webs.com/apps/photos/
Her BP here http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3051849.html?1254497238</font>
Just order from the website (i posted the link earlier). Just choose the 3 items individually (so u can make colour selection) n they will recalculate the cost at their end. Just pay $32.
Eviangal and baked potato, thanks for the info! I think i will get the mambo, since both of you use that. Good point about the water consumption but i guess i will have to make sure the water is properly utilized after his swim.

baked potato, is yours the inflatable one?

Mommies, i just gave my boy his first ever cereal meal! He loved it, but made a super big mess! Hahaha. I gave him 1 tablespoon of brown rice cereal mixed with 75ml bm, but maybe a quarter of that went on to his face, clothes bib and table. But i don't think that is enough for a full feed right? I tried to latch him on but he refused to. He just wanted to play. Maybe i should feed him later when he cries for milk?

Mommies who have started your LO on solids:

Can you share your feeding schedules with me? Should i start with one cereal meal a day or 2? I think i am 'supposed' start and finish his day with milk feeds and give the cereal feed in between right?
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Wanna split 1 box of Nestle Sinlac Baby Cereal?</font></font>
This is e made in Germany one dat I got fr Pumpkinseed (her fren bought in Europe). The box came w 2 pouches in side (each 325g) bt B2 kant finish coz I also bought box of Rice Cereal fr Pumpkinseed &amp; some1 gave me Friso Creme 2! I bought e box for $12.50 so any1 wanna split it w me, can let u hv one pouch @ $5? Expiry is in Jan 2010. Here's e product info:

<font color="119911">Nestlé Sinlac a special gluten-free grain products not containing cow's milk protein and soy protein, which can be administered from 5 months of age as a component of the diet. When an allergy to cow milk proteins occurs in your baby, it is necessary to omit milk or dairy products from his or her fare. It is difficult to find an adequate substitute which would compensate for the missing food healthily and tastefully. Sinlac contains valuable proteins only with the minimum possibility of causing an allergic reaction, and therefore it is suitable for babies already from the 4th month of age. Sinlac is suitable also for older children and adults. Sinlac is prepared with water (in case of proved allergy) or with hypoallergenic baby milk food (in case of the increased risk of allergy occurrence). It can be combined also with other food.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Btw, I also managed 2 download various recipes where Sinlac can be added -- all 2 make semi-solids meals 4 bb. Can share w those who bought Sinlac as well.</font>
<font color="119911">Pls confirm your attendance by 16/10 n indicate how many ppl coming so that enough food is catered.

Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Time: 5pm
Venue: Serangoon Gdn

Food - will cater mini buffet just in case rain and prepare bbq food.

1. kris - 2A
2. sh - 2A
3. bonbon
4. eviangal - 2A
5. owmum - 2A
6. KP
7. Pei
8. Marie - 2A
9) Audrey (KIV)
10) Powerball (KIV)
12) Rose (KIV)
13) Catherine (KIV)
14) Lovj, Fiona
15) Pumpkin Seed
16) Pat</font>
<font color="119911">Pls confirm your attendance by 16/10 n indicate how many ppl coming so that enough food is catered.

Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Time: 5pm
Venue: Serangoon Gdn

Food - estinated $30 per pax with seafood BBQ. will cater mini buffet just in case rain and prepare bbq food. Owmum is our seafood chief for dat day.

1. kris - 2A
2. sh - 2A
3. bonbon
4. eviangal - 2A
5. owmum - 2A
6. KP
7. Pei - 2A
8. Marie - 2A
9) Audrey (KIV)
10) Powerball (KIV)
12) Rose (KIV)
13) Catherine (KIV)
14) Lovj, Fiona
15) Pumpkin Seed
16) Pat</font>
Pls confirm your attendance by 16/10 n indicate how many ppl coming so that enough food is catered.

Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Time: 5pm
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30

Food - will cater mini buffet just in case rain and prepare seafood bbq food.

1. kris - 2A
2. sh - 2A
3. bonbon
4. eviangal - 2A
5. owmum - 2A
6. KP
7. Pei - 2A
8. Marie - 2A
9) Audrey (KIV)
10) Powerball (KIV)
12) Rose (KIV)
13) Catherine (KIV)
14) Lovj, Fiona
15) Pumpkin Seed
16) Pat

ur gal is super tall! ours just 1-2 days apart right? ariel is now only 6.9kg n 65cm tall.. still have a lot to catch up!

realised it's really not easy being a FTWM. Every morning got to wake up early to prepare for the day, feed #2 and rush #1 to finish breakfast n change (often delayed by his tantrums n super slow motions), rush out of the house by 7.30am (though usually late), drop them off, rush to work, rush to pump, rush to pick them up at the end of the day, and then rush home to put #2 to bed. It's only my 3rd day at work and I'm seriously contemplating to quit my job... n my hb is going on reservist this month.. i should have extended my leave till Nov..feeling so stressed now..
rose, what happened? u take care yah? Justin has a history of bronchitis?

ow, isaac is 70.5cm too
ow_mummy, mine also 11/4 leh.. oh, i think u delivered slightly past midnight right? my gal was born in the evening...maybe bcos she was born at 37 wks, so need more time to catch up
pei, pm u.....

rose, wat happen? wats tat and how did justin kena tat? take care of yourself too ya, so that u can take care of justin....
Is 7 nov ah? then i can join u guys liao..
cause is my best friend birthday that day..

by the way, wat make ow mummy the expert in seafood.. U specialise ah??? too bad i cant eat ..
kris: ok.. will check out the rates..

KP: wen u measure him?

LovJ; no la.. its jus tt theres one plc tt sell fresh seafood which mr ow always go there n buy for bbq.. boston lobster crayfish n prawns n squids...kekex..

Pls confirm your attendance by 16/10 n indicate how many ppl coming so that enough food is catered.

Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Time: 5pm
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30

Food - will cater mini buffet just in case rain and prepare seafood bbq food.

1. kris - 2A
2. sh - 2A
3. bonbon
4. eviangal - 2A
5. owmum - 2A
6. KP
7. Pei - 2A
8. Marie - 2A
9) Audrey - 2A
10) Powerball (KIV)
12) Rose (KIV)
13) Catherine (KIV)
14) Lovj, Fiona
15) Pumpkin Seed
16) Pat
