(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

i think only pikolo can face outward but after a certain weight shouldn't face outwards any more so it dep on how long you want to use the carrier.

where are you? punggol plaza in front has LRT stop. i never take the bus before but i know they have a shuttle running. the shuttle stop at certain bus stops along punggol.

i bought 2 packs but didn't order a lot for them to deliver, now kind of regretting it. the price is good, think giant sell $14.99. i eat everything already.

when the time come then ask lor, cos bb very diff age/stage by then.

your bb very fast already cut down to 4x a day.

<font color="119911">kidz,
shes giving us leash n bibs, c hw many we got, if enough for everyone will b gd, else will goes to those dat got the highest amt.</font>
<font color="666600">kris: so disappointing..I like the Ji Xiang Ru Yi very much leh..tot can let Xander wear during CNY. I'll view thru n revert asap. </font>
i refuse to use stroller on escalator. i've seen some parents do it in such dangerous manner, very scary. even saw a kid fell out before. that's why we use the bjorn so much with #1 cos with stroller very troublesome in mall going on escalator up and down. i was using peg perego also but not P3, so will always use the lift. now using another stroller then will use escalator.

i also find fitti cutting very small.

lol that's what i was thinking too, marie wearing fitti now?

i bought one pack of mamy poko then stop buying, every time poop will leak from the back.

i also have the carnival print for beco.
i wil try to trsf to you tonight. thanks for organizing the bp and getting 15% discount!

think the bp is organized by cozybabies.
<font color="119911">Wetbags,
great great news!!! seller agreed to give each mummy a bib, yipee! onli in solid color k. i will get a mizture of colors n u all choose wat u wan.</font>
<font color="119911">cia,
we orderin wetbags, bibs n diaper clutch. u go c, if u wan, PM me ur order by 2nite.

xander can drool till he shiok, keke.</font>
Hi all,
I just recently joined the forum and have been reading the thread... my son was born on 2nd April, so now is 2 mth+... Btw i also have the $30off voucher for Beco, so if anyone interested can PM me, I can post it to you.

I would like to order wetbag as well, can order for me 1 Juicy Jungle in Medium and 1 diaper clutch Dots in Flamingo. I think I need postage as I live in bukit timah area and quite far from sengkang. Will PM you my add later. Thanks
thanks LovJ.. oh ya, which hospital did you deliver? I was at TMC... he is quite a big baby at birth, 4.175kg 53cm. At 2 mth he weigh 6.85, 62cm.. how about your son?
<font color="0000ff">wah gallop, that was big leh.. envy envy leh..
Mine was delivered at mount alvernia.. born at 2.75 kg.. now only 4.5 kg..

Ya he is big, but now so heavy!! Very tiring cos now he wants to be carried.. cannot just put him in cot and sleep, so now i latch him to sleep most of the time, cos my back also cannot take it..

Kris, so sorry, I want to order Jungle Jam in medium, not Juicy Jungle.. somehow got the name mixed up... pls change for me. Thanks
Cia, after seeing your link, I ordered too! Hehe...
Actually I still have one and a half boxes at home, just being kiasu and ordering more... =p
When you intend to stop pumping?
My ss is dropping cos I am so lazy to pump!
Basically I only pump 4-5x a day only... *faint*
allo mummies,
so long never log on.. see got stuff to buy and all. plus gatherings and all... sighs..
my son is keeping me very occupied at all time.. wants to latch on and be carried all the time.. trying very hard to get rid of these habits now... but failing badly.. any advise??

happylilwoman >> you pump so many times a day?? i only pump once a day and i get only 100 to 150ml...=( rest he latches on for it..

cant remember if i asked this b4, but is coloring and rebonding hair oki while breastfeeding?? anyone??
Cia, no lah didn't improve a lot. But because now I give my boy FM at night so can store 1 bag every other day. As for the freezer, it's not becos I have a lot of bags but because my freezer has a lot of raw food and my mil keeps opening the freezer so rather buy a separate freezer to store.

But haven decided on the freezer yet, see how much first
Supposed to sell my pump to a Nov mum early last month, but this woman tell me to hold it for her till end of may, so that she can pay me when her salary is in. i even offered to forward her resume to my colleagues (me in recruitment line) since her contract is up soon. I think sometimes it doesn't pay to be kind at all. First week of June, no news from her, sms her and she replied on Wednesday that she's busy the whole week, and not feeling well..Ok, nvm, went to check her entries in the SMH. This woman no time, don't feel well, still got time to go to motherhood fair and spend $58..best loe, no money to pay for pump, got money to buy other rubbish. i sms her to trsf the $$ to me first then we meet up next week, she then reply me say pay not in yet, want to meet next week...now is wednesday le, still nothing from her...this kind of buyer really sickening. becos of her, i rejected other interested buyers...decided to give her a small piece of mind in her month forum, so that other people will be cautious of her!

Now I sold my pump to another mum, transaction was so smooth and quick..haizzz.
Hi mummies, I have been following this thread. My second gal was born on 19 April. Delivered in tmc.

Kinda envy you ladies going to gatherings. Some take two kids along too, super duper!

Pravina: my gal keeps me occupied too, has been exercising her lungs apart frm sleeping. Also likes to be carried. I need tips too. She is a super powerhouse! Rebonding is fine according to my gynae. Did it after my confinement for #1 n #2.
<font color="ff3399">hi gallop, i was also at TMC n gave birth 2april..

marie, which branch cold storage u going to? any near punggol plaza area? cos no cold storage near my side leh.. hmm must go check web for all their branches..

kris, i trsf u later k.. now watching movie with mr bon on his new movie device.. kiki.. lazy do ibank.. :p

Jam, that buyer really too much liao la.. me n mr bon went to kaypoh the Nov thread n hor. mr bon said u not harsh enuf to her leh.. haha.. cool down la.. next time blacklist such ppl..
<font color="ff3399">pravina, i colored n highlight my hair, plus do treatment etc at the last few days on confinement, that time i was still bf-ing as well.. gynae n LC advise was go ahead! hair dye doesn;t go into the BM.. but its up to ur personal comfort level..
veron, i was following her thread in Nov le..she machiam act like super experienced mum, she's 23, having 3rd child now..i really buay tahan her, but don't want to spoil her name too bad in her forum, give her a 'raw road' lah..

watching simi movie you???
Ok thanks Marie! Shall go KP to have a look

Sigh, my bugaboo bee stroller is one of those that's affected by the brake recall... somemore, this was bought by my BIL from US, dunno how to get the extra brake bracket needed.. so troublesome..that's the problem with buying things from overseas sometimes..
<font color="aa00aa">Oshgosh,Both KP and KP sell the fan ley.
KP=Kiddy Palace,KP=Karen Pan Kekeke

KP,suddenly noticed your initial same as Kiddy Palace woh,no wonder you're selling so many Mums &amp; babies stuff</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jam ,I also went to KPO the nov thread and saw what you wrote.Nice of you to give her some HOU LU.

When I saw what they were chatting about,suddenly miss being pregnant and zi you zi zai sigh!!</font>
Rose, hehe, i knew you people will sure go check it out one keke. haiyah, scold her until so jialat also no use. see she small ger, give her some face lah..

very farni to see their threads loe, last time when we preggy, we were always talking about everything under the sun, like what we eat for lunch, where we go shopping, where to get good coconuts, our baby scan status etc haha...
dear mummy,
can someone advise me if baby (just 2 mths and 3 days) constipation got any solution...

Is mamil gold heaty or similac?

long time didn't come in cos working liao...
iris, feed the baby a little water every day? it will help with constipation. btw, your baby never poo how long le?

i'm using mamex, not heaty at all..poo comes once every 2 days, smooth and yellow kind
<font color="aa00aa">Is it mamil or mamex that has the immunity thingy in the milk?
Thinking of feeding that to Justin 1 or 2 feeds daily ,then the other feeds i continue with enfalac. Actually can I even do this? I want the best of both worlds, FM with highest DHA and the immunity thingy...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Oh about Avent teat 2,does it fit standard necked bottles? You all say until so good and so fast,thinking maybe I should change too_Only problem is I dont own Avent bottles. I have Pigeon,NUK and Bfree bottles</font>
