(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs


maybe we can gather at someone's house to learn baking.. then we will sling our babies while preparing the batter.. haha..

tks lilmoo!


yah, a 1 year unpaid leave will be a huge sacrifice for us too.. but we find it quite poor thing to place bb at infant care leh.. so if no choice then will have to do it lor.. i adopt the attitude that our parents don't have an obligation to raise our kids, so no point getting upset over their reluctance.. better to depend on ourselves.
Chocz: no idea but you can actually buy it from sheng shong supermkt (abt 50 cents a pack, last for quite a while) or indian spice store In mkt.
karrie - i also dunno leh. trying to find ways...marie said diamond water?? im thinking alow vera gel.trying to avoid use of steriod cream tho it definitely works. will share if i find a solution.

kris - heat rash can use steroid cream from PD. I used Fucicort, 1 application n all gone. shiok hor!!! haiyah now i cannot hit 300ml leh..so far 5 hrly, only 220ml

ow_mummy, thanks. think i'll get nepia. good?? eh u latch one side, pump the other, will get uneven breast. really latch will produce more milk? how come huh?i cant understand the logic. pumping is supposed to be like bb sucking? so i pump every 3 hrly also no use la..ss is not going to go up? so depressing... u latch already, u still supplement with EBM?
Hi all, I was reading the post and seems like many mummies r having veri gd supply of milk..but the ml that u all stated, issit both sides or one side...
lilmoo: good to hear tat u r healing 80%!
rem always e last few drops on ur nipples and areola to dry before u clip back ur nursing bra.
our breastmilk has got good healing power too!!

Kris: best lo! 1 side can yield 150-170ml..
my 1 side can max abt 120ml (3hrly)...
sometimes if pump 4-5hrly, thk can yield more, but e bottle gg overflow.
so stop there lo...
cos very leh chey to pour out or change bottle in midst of pumping..

plain lazy me! :p:p

chocz: eh.. im nt too sure myself, cos neva done tat before.
but maybe can try 1-2 teaspoon w 500ml water first??
tats wat i'll do to test out e effects first..
or can try lilmoo method..

mousy_pig: i based on start pump time, 3 hrs later to next pump time.
ow_mummy: thk will try nepia tis time..
cos Fitti selling at my place is $13.90 leh..
so its like $0.26 per pc..
compared to Nepia, is $0.25per pc... thk Nepia slightly cheaper...
now must find super cheap lobang liao!!
my bb use diaper like no nid money one lo..
just change only.. den... "prrrr"
ciarie, are u still on 3 hrs pump?

i find 3 hrs very tiring and would like to drag to 4 hrly. my supply very pathetic about 90-120ml every 3 hrly just enough for my baby.

did the fenugreek seed help to improve your ss? I've ordered the fenugreek herb in one of the BP. Hope it will be useful.
lilmoo...yahlah better to pump while your nipples heal. i had very very bad sore n cracked nipples with #1 and pumping really was a godsend. so we using the same routine...certainly hope it works with our babies...jiayou!

Kris, if 7 hours will still get engorged and leak a bit...but not soak thru my shirt like the first week lah. 5-6 hours still fine...

Ciarie, if u order from Fitti hotline it's only $10 per pack leh. my girl also like to prrrrrrttt right after i change her. can use 3 diapers within 15 minutes. -_-

eunice, i agree steroid cream is not very good. mebbe i'll try the aloe vera gel loh.
mousy_pig: no.. now stretch 4hrly pump.. cos i have to settle b2 to sleep before i can sit comfyly to start pumping...
if he doesnt want to sleep or near feeding time, i'll stretch e hour abit.
settle him before i pump..

karrie: wow! okok!! noted!! tmr will call them to make order.. ")
ow_mummy, wow juz 10mins n u can get 180ml. Can share ur recipe in how u get so much ss? now my gal 8 days old n is feeding 90ml per feed. Desparately nd to increase ss
THanks mousy..cos I also tried to pump out yesterday for the veri first time. I only manage to get about 80ml right side(15mins pump)..As for left side, he suckled 10mins so I tried to pump the balance out...barely left with 10ml...issit veri little?
ciarie: somemore nepia got free delivery when u order 4packs at one go..

Eunice: i aso dun understand y..but indeed the breast tt i latch on produce more, the one tt i don latch supply is dropping day by day..ya uneven breasts..lolx..dunno how sia.. but bopian leh my right breast very hard to latch...i do give FM when midnight i not enuff time to heat milk.. or when i m out my mil will feed her fm..haha.
ciarie, in the end u ordered ur bb gifts from where ah? i ordered from patridge pear, total 600 plus man!:p
ow_mummy, thanks for the info on Nepia. Same lor, mine also right side difficult to latch n my right breast originally already smaller than right. So u can imagine lor...if feed left, pump right hahaha.

Ciarie - ur ss also good wat!! pumping can increase ss? how?
A BIG hello to everyone!! Have been following the threads since Oct but were a bit hesitant to post (hee hee a bit shy lah). A brief intro - was staying in London till I got pregnant then decide to have the bb in Singapore. Gave birth to a girl on 9th Apr. Next week is end of confinement!!! Hurray!!!!!!!!!
Really envy mothers who can pump loads. I latch bb 100% so have no idea how much she is drinking at all! Tried pumping once, but ms not that great. So am wondering if bb is having enough milk. But so far she seems satisfied. So am feeling a bit confused...
welcome pei! don need to be shy.. jus need to b fast to catch up with this F1 thread..haha.. but nw slower ardy.. as most in confinement n busy with babies=)..mine confinement will end next weekend too..
eunice: i always latch left ardy den will pump both sides.. guess wad? in e end.. e amt i pump out from left is still more than right.. sometimes i wonder if bb reali full after the latch leh.. but she jus slp..
welcome pei!! n congrats on being able to latch 100%...when i was latching, i also felt the same way. the advice i got was tt if bb seems satisfied then its ok...if she's hungry, she will just wake up earlier.

ow_mummy, u latch already then pump still left side more? wah ur left breast power sia! how much can u get? u pump after every feed? tt means the interval v short la...every 3 hrs??
Hi ow_mummy, yah, my baby just sleeps too...I wonder if she is full also. Have been weighing her on our kitchen scales ( got to balance her on a chopping board!) every 3 days to see if she is putting on weight. So far so good.
Hi eunice, sometimes I think my baby prefers her sleep over drinking milk. While in hospital, there was once she slept for almost 6 hours!! *faint* loh!
eunice & mousy_pig: haha.. after latching i will still get 100-120ml... i think my left breast is over working..lolx.. my right now can onli get 60-90ml without latching leh.. if my left don latch.. like the first pump of the day.. i get 200ml easily for my left in jus 5mins..i m lazy, whenever the flow slow like tortoise den i will stop..
<font color="119911">owmum,
y dun u let bb latch on right breast? i can onli tahan longest 30mins. sometimes lazy, pump 20mins n zzz liaoz.

KP, bonbon,
my hb got the calamine lotion le. the bottle is pink in color with menthol. its exactly $4. juz tried on bb's neck, hopefuli will b better. anywae 2nite i let her slp aircon room, c if better anot. tmr CL leaving le, super sianz.

i try not to use steriod. mayb u can get the calamine lotion n try? the one i got have aloe vera in it.

apply nipple cream, it helps too.

i tink u shld upsize to the big btl liaoz lor. small one sure overflow de.

i pump every 4hr nw. average abt 150-170ml each breast, left is always lesser den right.

welcome! wow ur bb can slp 6hrs, hw i wish mine can do dat.</font>
Kgal: eventually ah lao say no nid to do card cos no one will keep lo...
so we're settling for Yiling Confectionery to try out their cakes..

Ow_mummy: ya lor.. but since fitti also have delivery...
will cont to use fitti first.. hee.. budget budget... :p:p

Eunice: so far, 4hrly pump can get abt 300-320ml in total.
for 3hrly pump can get abt 260ml lo.. nt alot..
thking if shd start e fenugreek seed water.. maybe try e cocoa powder first.. hee..
nt too sure if pumping can increase ss but i pump to empty breasts so tat they can prepare to make more 3hrly later..
realized nw my bb dun like to latch on.. maybe milk spirts too many compared to teat single hole.
easier to control for him bah...
everytime latch, everytime he angry... LOLz...

Wow!!100% latch on.. tats very good!!
no worries la.. bb nt enuf, they will cry for more..

Ow_mummy: usually e side tat i latch, balance pump out will be lesser than usual.
tat means ur breasts working very hard for u leh!!


Kris: no nid to upsize yet la.. later i cannot meet e brim, den i super sad lo! :p:p

Mousy_pig: i dun literally take care of him, but when im pumping milk, he'll always be ard me.
and whenever im carry bb, he'll also like to be ard me..
and i'll try my best to carry those routine stuff for him, ie make milk for him, change diaper, change pj, sing song tgt every moni..

dun want him to feel neglected...
ow_mum, my bb also prefers my left to my right breast. Sometimes I get lucky and she latches, but sometimes not.
There's once I got quite stressed and tried to feed her EBM from a bottle, but she rejected the teat!!! Will try introducing the bottle again, cos I was told if I don't intro within 4 weeks, she might henceforth always reject bottles!
Ciarie, isn't 300-320ml a lot?? Why still need to take fenugreek? I am thinking of taking fenugreek pills. Read somewhere there's some kind of tea which increases ms, but can't remember.
Ciaire... glad we had that sms conversation

PEI - welcomee....

ow mmumy and another whom i forget who - u can change ur NB size to other sizes mah - just call up NEPIA again - if in the end no mummy gets frm u lah...

i almost forget i had in NB - i tot i only had S size.... wah liao... fortunately found in time... left sealer / nepia and fitti all already used in NB to go....

ciaire - mine aso mah.. use like nobody busineess,, i tink 1 month close to 200 diapers liao... change then poo a bit / poo again....

ur ss so good ah ciaire.. 320ml or more every 4 hours.. so more why wanna boost.. so much liao
bon bon.. u are gonna be bz this fri lor...

wah sey.. fortunately TMC refunded my deposit not so long like 1 month aft i gave birth.. managed to get $595 out of $800 i deposit.. so use only $205 -- lucky me
Pei: maybe try different brand's teat.. sometimes it works..

Eh.. 300-320ml is good already.. but thking if more better, than can stock for reserve..

so far, i know can take, fenugreek seed boiled water, moms in mind has gt nursing tea.

Ida: ya lor.. at least someone to share my woes with.. thanks,gal!
and yes.. they literally can input and output same time lo..
but its a good sign tat they are absorbing e nutrients well..
and... poo well, drink well can bring down jaundice well too!

im trying to see if can push for higher or nt lo..
at least can save more for reserve and b1 also can take mah..

hi ow_mummy,
Are you still there? Seeing my gynae tomorrow, will it possible to arrange to meet you for the diaper? Hopefully not to rush for you, if not convenient, then arrange another date. Just reserve the diaper for me, ok
