(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Wah ida: ur final cash portion is only tis much lo!!

good leh!! me incurred abt $600 and baby's portion abt $100, including e UV sun-tanning..

Tonight b1 will be at IL's place.. hee..
so can have hubby all to myself!! haa..
else every night b1 will snatch hubby from me! haa...
hi twittymon,
re: induced
I am afraid what if the cervical dilation not open enough, half way have to move to c-sec, sob sob! faint!
cross finger!

hi Pei,
Welcome to the thread!
ciairie.. yeah fortunate me... glad aso--he knows... mumy got financial prib mah


ciaire... how come in matter of 4 minutes.. b1 will be back.. saw ur posting times?
Hi Audrey, u haven't popped yet? Take the time to enjoy the er4 ren2 shi4 jie4 (couplehood). My hubby and I barely have time for each other now that bb is here!! Oh, my birth was an elective c-section.
Re: Thomas the train Cake
Hopefully not too late!
I ordered Thomas train cake for W on his 3rd birthday from eCreative. Is chocolate sponge cake, taste not bad, and satisfied with their service.

Here the Thomas train
Tomorrow will be my last day of full term, going in to week41. If my baby don't come out by tomorrow, then she will no longer a apr baby

Did ask my gynae, what will he do to me, induce or any alternative ways, here is his answer "we will decide after week41" Oh no, I will still putting on weight and I will have a high chances going for c-sec.
hi audrey, wow.. how much was the cake can i ask? that's min 3 kg right? my boy's school said to provide only a 1kg cake...

wow, u gals' ms really good! till now even i tandem express only yield 80ml max at the un-nursed side. So even though i leak a lot, qty also not really great huh.. i suppose it's ok for now, since i don't intend to store yet, but will have to work harder at increasing supply closer to my returning to work.. foresee i wont be able to pump well at work again...
Wah tingting, 4.30am and you not sleeping?

My bb was awake from 7pm-12am last night, refused to sleep. Woke up @ 5am, and when I changed her diaper, she poo and pee, poo and pee on me, wet her clothes, stain the changing pad and comforter. Best leh....
clarie: i also have to settle the 2 kids before i can pump. bb got to be sleeping then #1 can sit with me if i just let her watch her video. feeling a bit guilty letting her watch more tv than before but no choice got to pump.

duffy: unless you have super good ss, it's not surprising to pump out very little after latching.

pei: welcome.

just finished a feed mah..

my gal also peed on me and hb before.. but at least not like last time when my boy peed.. haha..

wah, 7-12 quite siong woh.. so got to entertain her the whole time?

actually do you gals place any visual stimulating stuff in the cot? i couldnt find the ones i had previously.. will have to go and buy after my confinement ends.
ow_mummy: wow, your ss is good, latch and still can pump so much. i can't even get that much combined without latching! *envy*

idaa: waiting for her to let me know where she stays. maybe won't order already, really prefer simpler design. too complicated i see already headache. lol congrats on your hb's job!

karrie: last night managed to get bb to sleep in our room w ac, she wore 3 layers of clothes!!! i told hb i see her i feel hot!
Ida: supposed my hubby told me b1 nt coming back... den when hubby is leaving IL's place, b1 refused to stay back and wants daddy...
so hubby no choice, bring him back lo..
today's his BIRTHDAY!!! Finallly 2 yo!!!!

Thomas train cake: eventually went Polar to order tat.
0.5kg at $21.80 for royal choc filling..

theirs is just e pic which, nt e 3D type.
Yiling confectionery also selling, 2kg $74.

lilmoo: its tough hor!! cant imagine ida >> 4 kids!
given me... some murder case could have happen liao! haa..

Audrey: talk to bb la.. tell bb, bb can come out liao...

Ah Jam: at least urs is 7-12... mine ytd, nearly gt murder case happen in tampines!
he simply refused to sleep from 130am till abt 330am!
and that time supposed to be pumping milk time...
plus sleepy, hungry, neh neh wanna explode, bb refused to sleep!
Keeps asking for milk lo... dunno change diaper for how many donkey times!
Ida: good to hear tat ur hubby found a job!!
aiyo! dun thk so negative la... look on e bright side, having OT at this economic climate is a good thing le...

do sms more often to hubby lo... if u all really cant find time to talk..
cos i thk ur job also quite bz one right?
Pei - haha so clever u!! innovative sia!! in hospital, they will ask u to feed every 3 hrs...if bb sleep, u r supposed to wake her. but at home, my mil says if bb sleeps then dun disturb. but i think the longest i let her sleep is 5 hrs, i will disturb her abit n see if she wakes for milk. ks mummy me.
Idaar, actually me n my hb now communicate via msn / sms while he's at work more than talk face to face.. bcos by the time he's back we're usually each busy with 1 kid, and we're crashed out by night... so daytime we can chit chat more leisurely when #1 is in school and #2 sleeping.. :p As for job.. take on this first and see if a better one comes by..


haha.. cool down.. i had 1 bout of it few nights back.. latch for less than 5 min then fall asleep, kept waking up every 1/2 hr.. i think it's more of a torture to keep being woken up just when i've fallen asleep! grrrhh....
pei, welcome n hi!

ida, congrats on ur hubby's job! ya.. think gonna be busy tmr!! dunno how to pump with so many ppl in our cramped flat.. joke with hubby must pump in toilet liao.. haha

Jam, Ciarie, my baby also starting to be more awake now, but lucky last nite she was awake from 6+pm till 11+pm haha.. v tiring she kept wanting to be sayang, put her down on mattress she start to pout n cry like kitten.. carry her she shut up.. then my baby weird.. like cold cold, when she wear too thick t-shirt she v gao wei, cover blanket she cry. must remove everything n blow fan then she keep quiet n look innocent n happy. then put her in air con room she dun like!! tried abt 4-5times she will fuss n struggle in aircon room, bring her outside she immediately keep quiet...

later in afternoon gonna cut hair, thinking shd dye hair or not.. wanna ask stylist cut a "younger" style.. kiki so bring baby out ppl will say .. wah.. so young mummy.. LOL. any breastfeeding mum dye hair? think mrs wong told my Nov mom fren its safe to dye hair n all those chemical dun get passed on to baby in BM.. but i still feel a bit scared scared.. kiki maybe too long neva dye hair liao from pregnancy
Ciarie, i think the worst is when no one help us, alone with baby at home, then i wanna pump cos engorged liao, then she kept fussing n refuse to slp. it went on for 4hr that time when i had fever n inflammation.. really wanna just scream out! haha.. lucky today's new no murder case in Tampines wor..
kris/ow_mummy/ciarie - ur ss really damn good *envy* i pump 3 hrly only can get 100ml combined now. can anyone share how to increase ss by pumping exclusively? issit pump more frequently will increase ss? do u guys still get engorged?? after like 5 hrs, i still dun get engorged but pump still got milk la...
haha..got companion liao. My bb sometimes also refused to sleep at night when i want to express milk. Drink ebm liao still don't want to sleep want to carry. But tk god that doesn't always happen. At least not every night. That will be a few hrs of sleep ley. Damn tired. This can happen during day time also.
ida: glad your hb found job liao. OT = $$$ esp at this economy situation. u can still spend time when he's back home or sms if miss him sooooo.... much lah! hee hee

your ss still beta than mine. is ok, some BM better than none lor. mine also dun feel engorged even if have is only a tiny bit only - then pump/press oso get a little bit only. but is ok lah, at least bb get some BM and supplement with FM.

i dye my hair during pregnancy coz look like crazy woman with grey hair sticking out every corner!! now confinement can't go out n hair getting more messier & greyish! argh... i just nid to tong another 1 week then will go dye my hair liao - can't stand oredi. so far no prob for me coz both pregnancy i oso go dye hair :D
<font color="119911">ciarie,
whahhaha, luckily no news abt tampines.

kittybride, bonbon,
i wan to perm hair+dye+highlight but hair too short, i butt itchy, b4 delivery go cut short short, sianz.</font>
bonbon, dodos, ting2: ya lor! imagine ur neh neh wanna explode already, yet cant pump... cos bb not asleep.
know wats e best part?? cos neh neh very very full liao, latch bb on, bb refuse.. den all e milk start squirting out when bb let out e nipple, den e milk all kena his face!! haa..

like wat dodos said, thank God its nt every night, if nt will become China's guo bao >> PANDA BEAR!!! wahaha!!
tingting, from 7pm-12am, cannot properly sit down and do something loe. My mum, hubby and I took turns to carry her, she will fall asleep awhile then when we put her back to cot, she will wake up in few minutes time. And was hungry every 1 hour, no wonder she so exhausted, after that slept till 5am. Think she get scared easily also, sometimes wake up in the middle of the night crying so loud (louder than when she's hungry), so i guess she had a nightmare. So young also got nightmare one ah?

yah, i had a cot mobile for her, sometimes manage to distract her while changing her diapers, haha.

lilmoo, my baby don't really like aircon, sleep awhile will make noise one, so we use fan, and only cover her with a thin diaper cloth. maybe becos of that, she gets startle easily from sleep, cos no swaddling feeling.

Ciarie, i also kena that kind of feeling before leh, cos i overslept and neh neh also wanna burst liao, then bb start crying, no choice, must attend to her first, change, feed, coax to sleep..i understand how you feel man. the hard rock neh neh feeling + tired--->desperado....
Hehe..I think all of us are dying to get our hair done immediately after confinement. I just did mine also, cut + color, even though confinement not over. Must look pretty pretty during bb 1st month mah...

KP, I ordered the 'Your baby can read' DVD le, not sure if Taka is cheaper ornot, but nvm lah...send to my house directly, since I won't be going town these few weeks also.
Kris: exactly!!!!!!!!!! super fustrating lo!!!! haa...
me thking to cut bob after confinement... for chg of look... hee.. hopefully can look younger!
do rebonding also.. hee..
Jam: so fast do hair liao!!! actually i was thking if nid to do rebonding, easily takes 4hrs..
plus cut, treatment all these, sure more than 5hrs!!
den neh neh sure will burst lo!!!
cant be expressing in hair salon right?? hmmm...

neh neh feeling + tired --> desperado --> near murder case!!! haa...
Kris: how does ur chest freezer looks like??
does it have shelvings?? or...
can take pic and share share hw u store ur ebm??
cos ther's a mummy selling her chest freezer, but hor no shelvings..

wonder how to store ebm using FIFO... cos e most first batch will be at e bottom lo!
eunice, in the daytime, I also try and wake bb every 3-4hrs. But night time, just feed on demand. I know, older pp always think we should just let the bb sleep. But I was told by LC to wake bb up every 3 hrs during daytime to feed too.
hey mummies who latch on bb for milk. how often do does feeding takes place? for me, its seems every 2 hrs need to latch her. eg. i start to feed her at 7am, for abt 20 mins each side, then 9 plus she's hungry again. is this normal ?
Anyone keen to get this item? Seems quite good and cute..its a teether..

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Don't let the price deter you!, October 11, 2008
By L. Cabrera (Bellingham, WA USA) - See all my reviews

My 5 month old daughter LOVES her Sophie the Giraffe toy! This toy is absolutely wonderful in every way. Sophie is made of soft rubber and makes a pleasant-sounding squeak whenever any part of her body is squeezed, so even a young baby can elicit a reaction from the toy with minimal effort.

I don't know what it is about Sophie, but whenever my daughter plays with her, she gets very vocal and talkative.

I saw another review which referred to this toy as "a glorified dog toy". That reviewer is mistaken, and simply doesn't realize the value of this toy.

- Sophie's body, while soft, has several areas of thicker rubber (the nubs on her head, her ears, and her feet) which are perfect for teething babies to gnaw on for relief.
- Sophie's contrasting colors (spots) are visually stimulating to a baby.
- She is easy to grip given her long, thin neck.
- This toy is made of 100% natural rubber and uses food-grade paint (SAFE!).
- This is a quality baby toy which will last for many years.

I would much rather pay $20 for a safe, engaging toy for my baby, than pay $5 for some piece of junk with lead paint.
hee hee, I am also planning when to cut my hair. Looks like that is a big concern for most mommies!
Can't wait for confinement to be over. Almost always eating the same kind of food, so boring. But cos I had c-section, can't take seafood for 3 months so can't have sashimi even after confinement.
Am going to start my massage tmr. Want to ask ah, what if bb gets hungry in the middle of massage? I latch her on so a bit worried she will wake up and get hungry in the middle of my massage!!
dodos, that happens to me to. At night, I will ask my husband to help out so I can pump, morning I will ask my MIL to help. But when after my confinement dunno how am I to cope in the day.

Eunice, my supply is same as yours, still wondering if I should extend to 4 hourly. I bought the fenugreek pill, will let you know if it is effective after I've tried.
hi cocobunz, I latch my bb also. Will feed her every 3-4hrs (start of one feed to start of another). Timing on each breast depends on her. If she falls asleep and I can't wake her, then I let it be. But normally it's 15-20mins on each breast.
Pei, tahan for awhile, soon confinement will be over. i aso have the same feeling as ya, same food until i have not much apetite. i had c sect too, its better to avoid seafood. my PD aso told me to avoid seafood if we are bf, cos may cos bb to have ezcema or skin prob.
when i massage, i ask my mil to feed bb with EBM.

mousy_Pig, i'm aso thinking of taking fenugreek or nursing tea, let us know if its effective. i have been drinking fish papaya soup during confinement. my ms is abt 140 ml per pump ( both side tog) for 3 hrly. need to increase aso my girl is drinkg abt 120 ml.
hi mummies! hmm seems like a lot of babies here dun like air con, esp girls!!

ciarie, HAHAHAHA neh neh too full then squirt all over bb's face...yah yah that sounds all too familiar!!!

re: cut hair...yah i also wanna cut. i oredi have a bob but i want it SHORTER coz weather so hot.

i feel like buying the Kiddopotamus Swaddleme wrap coz my bb keeps wriggling out of the blanket when we swaddle her. she really likes being 'pao' until like 'ba zhang'.
lilmoo, hahahah congrats on getting her to sleep in air con! mine also we dress her in long jammies and swaddle her tightly in a blankey, and then give her pacifier--she still fusses for abt 20min but eventually does sleep. Tracy Hoggs say dun give pacifier as a prop...but bo bian my girl has very strong suckling reflex and i dun wan to keep giving her my breast. scared overfeed her.

Karrie, i have the Kiddopotamus Swaddleme. its a hand me down and i like using it to swaddle bb. very secure and comfy.

Gina Fords says you can give pacifier but dun let bb suck it to sleep cos it can be a habit. just it to soothe her down.
enjoy your couple massage!

mousy_pig, i think if i din drink the fish papaya soup, my ms will be even less.
