(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff0000">Xmas Party for April Mommies</font>

Allo Mummies,
Planning for Xmas party in Dec.
Available dates are
5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
any other dates suggestions, most welcome.
Venues - Please suggest!!

hi mommies, please state which dates you can make it.
please also suggest venues for the party. i'm inquiring at a few places so will post info here
VIPS are our babies and hubbies are most welcome!!!
Please add onto the list!!

Christmas Party
Date: 5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
Venue: ?? (Please suggest!!)

1. Pravina - prefer 5th
2. Eviangal
3. Oshgosh baby (provided she's in Singapore)
4. Catherine
5. Audrey
6. Idaarshad (if my roster permits)
7. SH...(asp_23)
8. LovJ
9. Jean

<font color="ff0000">B2 almost fell off bed...</font> Last nite I was sneaking in x 2 post &amp; surf. He was aslp bt woke up &amp; climbed ovr e heavy pillows. Thankfully hb heard his little whimper &amp; woke up in x 2 pull him back fr edge of bed
Looks like we may hvta dismantle e bed 4 now &amp; put mattress on flr til B2 is able 2 climb on &amp; off bed properly. We did dat w B1 when she also almost fell off bed in middle of nite - I woke 2 go loo &amp; hb was also e one who happened 2 wake up 2 pull her back (she had rolled two rounds til almost @ edge). Thank God 4 sending His guardian angels 2 watch ovr them.
Eviangal, the NUK yellow teats cannot sterilize as they are latex. The clear ones are made of silicon so can sterilize. With the yellow teats, i soak in hot water for 5 to 10mins before use.

Leereiner, so the brown rice powder under Rabbit brand is considered chor bee gor?
Received the FM sample from Nestle. They are really professional. Gave a free cooler bag, samples of oats and rice cereal as well as a Gerber Applesauce. Very impressed
Kidzkidz: I faced the same problem as you. Except I am not so lucky. I saw my daughter fell off the bed right in front of my eyes. Thankfully, she turned out ok except for a little bruise on her forehead.

I was expressing milk whilst she was playing around on the bed. My husband seeing I was around went to take a shower. However, I couldnt catch my baby in time, end up she rolled off the bed. =(

Cried like hell. Understandable, it was a pretty hard fall. Quickly pick her up and latch her on to soothe her. Husband got ice to relief her pain. Checked her all over but didnt find any cuts except a red forehead. She stopped crying after sometime and started to fall asleep. Woke up cheery and normal today. I hope nothing bad goes wrong....

Never dare to leave her on the bed when I am busy again.... I will feel extremely guilty and sad if something serious had happened....
Powerball: Thanks. Didnt know that. Sighz.. Threw 3 away because of that.. Will take note of that in future..

Btw, how did you contact Nestle for the sample?
eviangal u call 68367200 and look for clara.. U register at Nestle club already? If not, u register first.. then u call her give her ur email address..
<font face="trebuchet ms"> ya to me... the rabbit brand is the chor bee gor... or you wanna sample to try? me can pass some to you... me took a small portion for my boy to ry before commit a large qty... sil said gotta buy the brown rice ourselves, gotta wash, sun tanning the rice, then pass to the medical hall to grind and add the chinese "bu" thingy in... my nephew is "gek gek" lor not with flabby flabby flesh one... and a good eater too.. keke... too bad, my girl didnt want to eat this chor bee gor... </font>
how come got nappy rash? mabbe diaper brand not suitable? bb got sensitive skin? wet diaper wear for too long? do u put desitin before wearing diaper? i always put n never (thank God!) had diaper rash before. mabbe can ask PD for some cream if desitin not strong enuf? just my 2 cents worth.
I've stopped applying diaper cream already, only occasionally when bb butt is a little red. My mum said too much chemical cream is not good for bb.
leereiner, ya true.. but still need to use.. Nappy cloth cant fit to my bb...

Eunice, i tried most of the diaper brand already but still have.. Desitin is VERY GOOD!! Start applying a few days ago n it gets better...

moo mun, u nvr apply anything, just occasionally? I'm applying evertime I change his diaper..
hi mommies,
any of your babies having watery poo due to teething? gaby's having multiple LS during the day n night for the past 5 days... it's worrying me! sigh...
thanks for the link - just signed up and was told the goodie bag will reach in 2 weeks time.
ps: clara's DID is 68367116
Andrea, yes I dun apply anything, but try to check often and wash clean after pooping, allow bb butt to dry completely before putting on diaper again.

For diaper cream, I've not tried Desitin before though it's the best apparently. I tried a few brands before and PUREEN works best.
mousy_pig: wah 3tbsp bee gou alot manz! i only give 1tbsp. my boy drinking bet 90-120ml only.

mommies giving semi solids: do u all give brown rice or rice cereal? some said brown rice hard to digest and so good? i'm not sure le! i started my boy on HT brown rice cereal and the bee gou for almost a week liao. can i give veg and fruits liao??
Hi mommies,
Sorry to interrupt.

I have this Sean Lau Photo package to let go. Already paid $94 to Sean Lau as deposit but the balance($84 exc GST) has to be paid after the session.

This is the "Classic Baby" package (valued at $238) as advertised on Sean Lau's website (www.seanlau.com) but based on the promo i was able to get it at only $178.

The photo session is on this Sat, 31st Oct at 130pm to 330pm. I'm willing to sell this off at a fracture of the deposit, i.e $65 only. Please PM me by end of today.

The package includes:
02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau
05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”
01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)
DVD with selected images in high resolution

Let me know. Thks!!
moo mum
ya my aunts said tt also...so now i apply very very little but almost after every diaper change unless middle of the night n im too tired/lazy haha. ya i think desitin is fantastic! my aunt got the super old brand, drapolene i think, for me but i've yet to try it. so far i think i've used up like 1 - 1.5 tubes of desitin?

my girl also drinks tt kinda amt...v little hor.
Thanks Andrea and Kittybride for the Nestle tip ;)

FYI, you can join Friso on facebook and request for free sample (I have not received mine though). Stand a chance to win 6 month milk supply too.
<font color="0000ff">Nestle sample:</font> Think many of us calling, I kant get thru

<font color="119911">Drypantz/Drypers sample 1800 466 3002:</font> I juz called 2 get Drypantz samples for B1 &amp; B2. B1 stl undergoing potty training so diaper pantz r nec. I requested a sample 4 B2 coz he's so wiggly &amp; since he kan stand it'l b easier job of diaper changing if he's in diaper pantz - 4 going out tho, @ home wl stl use reg diapers. Drypantz smallest is M, for 6kg upwards
<font color="ff0000">Any1 has milk storage bags 2 let go?</font> Juz wondering if any1 got stocks 2 clear? I prefer e ziploc type. Pls PM me brand, qty &amp; price if u do. Or if any mommy come across in BP or WTS, etc. can trouble u 2 4ward link 2 me? Tx!
hey mums..... u all very bz ah with shopping... hahaha..

btw my good fren (found here also) set up BP.. i can tell you (not becoz she is a good fren) that her prices are the lowest among all items from BPs.. dunno how she can do that lah (biz secrets) .. see if you mummies want anething and who knows if consolidate orders .. i see can ask her for a bit of discount??


eunice... i will update u on the clothes later.. that lady havent replied me
Btw I have 2 tins of similac 2 liao, 1 from OCBC CDA and 1 from pd, but I'm also requesting from the website, hope they wun see this msg, haha.
moo mum,
Mamil Gold - received on 5th day
Enfa - received on 5th day
Similac - received on 5th day
Nestle - received one week later
Friso - received 10th day later
Promil Gold - I went down to collect cos that time they run out of the sample pack.. So I collected the 900g tin.
<font face="sybil green">andrea, only mamil gold send me on 5th day. If I dun hear from them, does it mean that I should request again?</font>
<font size="+2"><font face="boopee">Andrea, I applied about 2 weeks ago. Din call them, just applied through website.</font></font>
<font face="trebuchet ms"> wow so many sample FM to request leh... me just requested for MAMIL. now my boy is on partial FM/BM... so wonder any mummies is willing to let go your mamil to me eh? need the 400g tin for travel in nov...</font>

<font face="arial black">chor bee gor</font>
<font face="trebuchet ms"> what si the ratio of chor bee gor to water to cook? then how aobut the milk which you goona mix eh?

Hi piggypig,
me started veg, fruits then rice cereal follow by bee gor.... next step will be chicken...</font>
andrea.. i tink like dun have rite?? u see./. she pasted new things each time lorr... got bob dog.. very nice

leereiner.. ur clothes in my bag.. bring here and to work.. but havent meet u .. will sms to arrange ok

<font face="trebuchet ms">me give bellamy... bad thing happened to HT... nestle is very very sweet as per frenz feedback... heniz- no comment. where did you get the organic bee gor eh?

ya, ida, sorry for letting you to hold on my stuff for so long... arrange again, okay?</font>
