(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

leereiner: u got the bellamy baby rice or porridge type?? i wanna buy over the weekend
<font face="Verdana"> Mummies,
What is the difference between <font color="ff6000"><font face="georgia">cereal</font></font> and <font color="aa00aa"><font face="neuropol">bee gor</font></font>? Should we give either one or give both?</font>
<font face="trebuchet ms"> hi gallop let me request for sample then we do exchange hor? possible MRT- east/west line?

hi andrea,
let me call to request for sample then pass to you lah... no selling yah... since its sample leh.. same too... can meet along east/west line... other points me need to make arrangement...</font>

<font face="comic sans"> give me the FM request sample HOTLINE number to call, please... thanks</font>
i finally started my gal on rice cereal, but she doesnt like it leh.. gave a frown n pushed everything out with her tongue. should i try again few days later or change cereal brand?
leereiner, cannot, like this one.. will pay u...
Mamil Gold - 18002653188
Enfa - 18003455213
Similac - 62786220 62776349
Nestle - 68367116 look for clara
Friso - 64198484
Promil Gold - 18006886886 look for Jennifer
Leereiner no prblm, can do the exchange in east west line.. pm me when you get the sample.

So far I've fed my bb solid once a day, he tried brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut squash, green beans, avocado and peas. He doesn't seem to like brown rice much, prefers oatmeal, and I notice that when he takes brown rice, his poop will be a bit hard, ie, got shape.. but if other food, then it will be creamy and pasty. Other mummies experience this?
Huggies Dry Comfort M Size - hi, i'm a Mar 09 MTB. i have one unopened pack of 66 pcs to let go cos my son is too big for it. Willing to sell for super cheap price of $10 cos dun want it to go to waste. Any takers pls pm me. Thanks!
chelsey bite me this evening... den i realise tt she is teething ardy... 2 at the lower gums.. its out abit ardy..anyone knw hw long does it take? Karen?
<font color="0000ff">Moo Mum:</font> Tx 4 posting e two BP links on milk storage bags. One is KP's BP, totally 4got she's selling as well
. E Blue Egg one quite cheap hor, any1 use b4? Izzit gd like Lansinoh?

<font color="ff6000">Piggypig:</font> Whc flr is e organic produce shop in HFC? I got appt there on Fri so wld like 2 go look-see
I can see some of the mummies here are able to give your babies up to 2-4 tbsp of cereal..that's alot. Or is it not? So far I have tried giving bb only 1-2 tsp of cereal and she can hardly finish.

My schedule:
7plus: 160ml milk
11plus: 1-2tsp cereal then milk
3pm: 160ml milk
6plus: 1-2tsp cereal then milk
10plus: 160ml milk

My bb was able to finish the 2 tsp of cereal last week when I tried to feed. However, she has been refusing to open her mouth this week. Anyone have similar experience? How do you overcome the challenge? I have tried singing song and praising her but it is no use. She simply shut her mouth tight.
hi mommies,
Sorry, was out whole day!
All payment received and will proceed to do the ordering. Will update the progress later.

Yes, is in today! I don't have UOB bank account, but a good experience for me to know
All the while my hubby is the one to do all the transaction, so now I am slowly picking up

Received, but why $36.40? Should be $32,40, right?
Let me know if I have captured your order wrongly.

<table border=1><tr><td>#</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>Total ($)</TD><TD> Payment</TD><TD> Date Received </TD></TR><TR><TD>1.</TD><TD>Audrey</TD><TD>38.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2.</TD><TD>Baby_mummy</TD><TD>32.40</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>25Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3.</TD><TD>cocobunz</TD><TD>14.20</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>27Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4.</TD><TD>Corine's Mum</TD><TD>6.00</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>26Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5.</TD><TD>Eunice</TD><TD>18.00</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>26Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6.</TD><TD>eviangal</TD><TD>26.20</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>26Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7.</TD><TD>Jas J.</TD><TD>18.00</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>24Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8.</TD><TD>Jean</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">32.40</font></TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>25Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9.</TD><TD>Leereiner</TD><TD>21.20</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>26Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10.</TD><TD>lovj</TD><TD>32.40</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>26Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11.</TD><TD>Pravina</TD><TD>13.00</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>27Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12.</TD><TD>Sanni</TD><TD>12.00</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD> 27Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13.</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>19.20</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>25Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14.</TD><TD>milkmonster</TD><TD>26.20</TD><TD>Paid</TD><TD>27Oct09 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Grand Total:</TD><TD>309.40</td></tr></table>
<font color="666600"><font color="0000ff">kidzskidz:</font> Rcv my ON stuff. Ur gerber puffs are with lilmoo.
Please advise on my payment. How abt my god sis's ON stuff?? Can update me?

<font color="0000ff">pravina:</font> ur gerber puffs are with lilmoo.</font>
Kris: maybe lo!

i need advice here:

I had been experiencing movements in my tummy, but i m nt pregnant leh cuz i still haf my periods every mth, but i do haf spotting every now n then still... I m feelin so weird now, esp jus now i spent 15 mins in e washrm lookin at my tummy (becuz its getting bigger a lil) n its like bloated to the left.. den i see e movements jus like as if theres bb inside (but i doubt so), now i m feelin so worried... did a research, seems like is sth related with gastro problems or might b even worse...WA! make me cant slp leh... any one experience this? cannot be contractions of e womb right..=(
Chelsey new schedule:

7-8 am: 160ML milk (sumtimes cant finish)
10-11am: 70ml puree with 2tablespoons of cereal &amp; 40ml of water..
12.30-1.30pm: 160ml of milk with a few gerber puffs...
3-4pm: 100ml of juice mix with water with 2pcs of babybites /pigeon biscuits n some gerber puffs(approx 10)...
5.30-6.30pm: 1.5 bowl of porridge (measured ard 180-200ml) n 50ml water/juice..
8-8.30PM: 160-200ml of milk...
11-11.30PM: 160ml of milk...

e onli thing is if she is outside, e schedule of milk will be lesser...haha.. she don reali finish her milk when she is out...
owmum, got period every mth also can be pregnant one leh..congrats in advance ah...hahahaha..i ever heard of a fren she had her menses as usual for like 5 mths, and becos she had her menses she never suspected she's pregnant. One fine day she went to see her doc, then doc says congrats, u're 5 mths preg!:p
Audrey, tks for coordinating this! Me no rush now... hubby went past an organic shop and saw Bellamy's for 4+ mth, so he got one to 'tong' already... phew! >_<
<font color="aa00aa">wa,jac,I suggest you go take a home pregnancy test.Got movement?!! Sounds like you're preggy loe cuz ppl say for 2nd babies &amp; above ,earlier to feel babies' movements!</font>
ow mummy,
i thot i was the only one with weird movements in the tummy!!!
no period ( last one was like when boy was 2mths old)
a bit concerning cos movements usually after food or while eating, getting a tad harder and my pants getting tighter .. thot i was getting fat!!!
gonna make appt with my gynae to check it out... not sure if womb is doing something strange...
IDAARSHAD, I wish to order:

Socks F2,F3,F4,G1,G5 and K6
Bob Dog Sandal Size: 16, Length: 13cm (Black)
Mickey Shoes Size: 17, Length: 13.5cm
Nissen Big PP Pants: 4

For the Little Gentleman, if is two piece i will get it..

Where to collect when arrives?

Thanx for passing the puffs to lilmoo.. will contact her for collection!!
hey i still owe you monies right?? for the mozzie patch?? PM me with details please!!! or did i miss the post??
Dodos, my bb still not on FM as i just got the Nan sample. I increased my pump schedule and bought some capsules fr Mumsfairy BP to increase BM supply. But I very scared to try FM as keep thinking about what the nanny told me " If ur bb drinking bm happily, then u shld be happy as if u have one bb that refuses to drink, u have more headache". I think what she said is very true as read some posts abt mothers whose babies refuse to drink milk. So now i tell myself to have patience as if can sustain till one year then can give him cow's milk.

How are your efforts to change to FM coming along? If u need Friso sample, let me know.

Ow_mummy, spotting like a sign of pregnancy. Last time i mistook my spotting and thought menses flow very little. Turned out was preg. U better rush out to buy a test kit. For teething, Dexter took about a week before he was back to his normal self.
my boy takes both BM and FM and baby cereal now.. and his FM intake is reduced cos got water as well now.
in my experience,its a plus point for me, cos in public where the nursing rooms are not available, i can quickly whip up his FM and he's a happy baby..
i latch him on as much as i can and pump at work; also bought the capsules from Mumsfairy to increase my BM cos wanna BF till next May.

you can try FM slowly and see if you baby likes it.. just changed from Enfalac to Similac for my boy.. his taste suddenly changed.
powerball, i still express and feed her bm in the day and night. I only give FM in the afternoon. She like similac. At first very hard to make her drink. Die die don't give her BM when she is hungry she have to take FM. Now i think she got use to it cos she know afternoon NO BM for her.
Im satisfied. Now if i want to give her total bm is not impossible but i have to work hard again. I think no lah so far so good at least i don't have to wake up at night anymore. But i notice if you don't wake up to express in the night then BM will decrease quite alot. If you are not tired then give BM all the way don't give FM. I bf my 3rd till 1 yr old but then he can latch but 4th one cannot so i gave up don't think i can tahan another 6mths. I still have BM in the freezer going to add to cereal and clear them off. Slower i will add another time FM minus off the morning BM feed then night. Sometimes she still refuse FM in the afternoon got to make her happy sing song to her.......Hard work. I learn something new again this time. If want to give BM give all the way it's very difficult to stop half way when bb is older. Now i even have problem introducing water to her. She refuse to drink water. "slap head".
yups, she's on semi solids, tts y drink so little. last time without solids, she can drink abt 20-24 oz per day. now im thinking whether i shd cut back on solids to give more milk. at this age, issit more impt to hv more milk or solids? cos i know now iron is depleting. so confusing!!

Thanks babe.

for my girl opposite. when she takes any food, her poo will hv shape tho not hard. but got to "gek". ony cereal (either white or brown) will still be pasty.

for ur "milk after cereal" how much do u give?
mabbe ur baby prefers milk. my baby prefers solids.
can u share the link for mumsfairy pls? issit fenugreek?

my girl is opposite from urs. she loves water! she prefers water to milk sometimes.
Hi Mummies,

It's been a long long time since I come back to thise thread...think most of you would have forgotten about me. My son (2nd bb) Coen was born on 26 Apr I had been busy at home working and taking care of him and my gal. Just came back to office full time.

Realise I've been doing less for #2, but really stretched now that I have two. Ida, I really think you're great to be able to care for so many!

Kidzkidz, I use blue egg and it's good. I have about 10+ pieces left I can let go, I go home check the quantity and let you know? Cos now I'm using glass bottle to store when I come to work and everyday I just express enough so do not need the extra bags.

Ida, yes, your friend is selling cheap, I bought the superman and it was $16.90 and I thought cheap liao cos another was selling $18.90. Now you friend half the price. I'd liek to order some of the clothes, do we order together or individually?

Some updates on Coen - he was on borderline case for jaundice at birth and I had to bring him to hosp for bloddtest almost daily thill 6wks old...Tough time then. Now he's a chubby boy. About 9kg at 5mths 3wks. I started him on 1 tsp of heinz riceceral at 24wks and gradually increase to 1 tbs of rice ceral with 20ml of milk. I also do my own pureen to add in. Today will start him on 1 tbsp of porridge with carrot for lunch and gradually work up the amount and subsequently replace one meal then start to replace the dinner too by 8mth old.
Dodos, congrats on ur breakthrough. I don't pump at night as i let him latch but he drinks very little at night now. So my daytime pumps are 8.30am, 11.30am, 2.30pm and 5.30pm in order to maintain supply, sigh. I think i prob will try to last for one year as Dexter quite poor thing -he hardly sleeps in the day as my next door got construction and my dogs like to bark. Plus i too softhearted.

Hahaha, luckily is your 4th that is your naughty one. If it was your 2nd or 3rd that are naughty, the 4th probably would not be here now. Sometimes hard to say when to intro new things to bb. Think is all about their character. Ie Dexter knows how to drink fr a bottle as gave him when he was newborn. Then suddenly he refused bottles and i had a long battle with him over it.
Hi mummies, I'm on half day leave on 6 Nov. Who can meetup for lunch? Any suggestion and venue?

6 Nov 2009
Venue: To Be Confirmed
Food: To Be Confirmed

1) Andrea
karen n rose: i test b4 leh 2 mths ago don haf lo..cannot be preg right.. damn scary... i think the chances of gastro prob is higher...lol..

Pravina: ya i gg to see doc also.. cuz i gettin more obvious eh.,..very scary..
this the link for capsules to increase BM. its not fenugreek but malunggay; more info at the link.


buying to try out... apparently takes a few days to see effect so i'll feedback here next week.

initially had resistance but eventually starting liking it. taste change was very obvious cos he'd throw a tantrum while trying to feed him and wasted quite a bit

ow mummy
scary...me dun want baby just yet; i want to enjoy my time with my son...
<font color="0000ff">Marie:</font> Rest of items OOS, also u dropped women's order dropped when no add. discount. Kp fingers cross 4 end- fall sale, c if kan grab more @ better discounts. Tx 4 passing puffs n patches 2 Lilmoo. Wl contra my patches costs against ur ON. :)
Pravina: Do feedback on the capsules. I using fernugreek now. Works ok so far.

Kidzkidz: Ever considered using milk trays from Mum's Fairy? Cheaper in the long run. I am using it over milk bags. More cost efficient.

Eviangal: Tx, Wl chk out trays.

@ United Sq waitg 4 fren now, veri slow posting on hp. B2 nursed now slp.

Andrea: i'm gamed 4 lunch. I got women's weekly 1-for-1 coupon. Mayb som1 else hv n we combined 2 eat buffet @ one of e listed plc?
