(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

heh.. was just about to ask if anyone has switched to the 3 month teat for Avent. Jade seems to be drinking ok on the #2, so not sure if I should bother to change? for mummies who have both, is there a big difference in the flow?

oshgosh, u still have the lasinoh milk bags? i can buy off u.

<font color="666600">HLW: I would recommend the LG playmats. Quality is definitely better than Parklon. I bought the 18mm LG Asobang Thomas Train Mat. My family love it!! Xander stays on the mat most of the time during the day. He even sleeps on it for in between feeds.</font>
yup, still hv the milkbags..
do u need it urgently?
i gotta find a time to go post office to post it..

and ya, for Avent no3, it is a lot faster, the minute i put into her mouth, i can see milk all coming out..
it might be too fast for my bb now..
unless she's v v hungry..
my boy is on NUK 0-6M, small feed... can finish 150ml in less than 10min.. so far he's okie leh... err... small flow is meant for bm, medium is for FM, then large is for thicker one like add in chou bee kor... hope my assumption is correct..

ya. hope to build back my ss... since no job now, may try to pump 3hrs @ work tmr onwards...
Sob! Sob!
I cried while reading about the little Ian!
So sad!
My heart broke when I saw the photos of little Ian and tears just kept flowing non-stop. I wanted to hug my girl almost immediately after reading, but she's in her deep sleep, dont want to disturb her.

I feel so blessed to have Corine well and growing normally.
my heart break too, can't stop my tear when reading the story of little ian..
one of the pic where little ian gazing at his mummy while being held in his mummy's arms reali reali break my heart..

few days ago someone asked me what is my aspiration for my daughter..my answer was, nothing great, i just want her to be healthy n happy..
<font color="119911">bbmum,
i was out yesterday afternoon.

i bot a btl frm unity till nw still cant finish, u bot a few btls? takes u hw long to finish?

nothing beats raising a healthy n hapi bb.</font>
Tan, tks for posting the web. As im doing full shift now taking care of bb day and night cos hb's not around. Im really really tired. Whenever i need to carry my bb i think of the story and feel blessed that i can hold my bb for as long as i want......if not of this story i think i break down liao. Really gonna lose my cool/patience any time....

Im awake since 4.30am..
hi mummies, have been a silent reader following this thread, hope to be able to join u gals here. *hellowave to gallop &amp; kris*

pumping now- hubby juz woke up to ask me, how come pump so long...45mins already....*sigh* very hard mah....
<font color="0077aa">Tan:</font> Tx as well. I also feel like Dodos -- sometimes overwhelmed esp w B1 @ TT stage.

<font color="ff0000">This vaccination issue is nt so easy coz each person is diff fr others.</font> Rmbr when we had BCG and some frenz' juz took longer to heal? Same for bb vac -- what if we withold and our child kena the virus when they could hv been protected? I know there's lotsa controversary (loudest fr parents in US) and it's nt an easy decision to make bt we nd to b aware that vaccines can save lives and it does most of the time. Only in the minority (bt reality) does a case like Ian comes along. @ e end of e day, again itz us parents who feels the heaviest responsibility abt doing right by our kidz and also we are the ones 2 feel the damnest guilt when the decisions we make do them >harm dan good...

<font color="0000ff">For me, as I read Ian's story it is also nt so much the issue of to vaccinate or nt that grabs me bt exactly how precious life is and how much we should treasure our loved ones -- kidz and adults alike no matter how difficult they can be. Okie, gotta go give B1 a Good Morning Kiss now...
<font color="119911">starflower,
hihi, ur bb is an april bb? wow 45mins is veri long leh, juz make sure dun get cracked nippl can le. mummies will do anythin to get more ss.</font>
<font color="ff3399">sigh so sad to see lil Ian's story, i guess same like kidz, its not so much the vaccine/medications etc that strikes me, but more to treasure those ard us for all the "what ifs" that could happen and make us regreat later on..

anyway.. nice cooling morning, hubby had to struggle to get outta bed to go work.. haha.. gonna spend some time playing with cait now before heading to work..

catch up on posts later!</font>
<font color="666600">Sad to see Ian's story. Just have to tbe thankful that we have healthy babies.

bonbon: jie mei 赖床 ah...my hb also lor..haiz..men..

starflower: y u pump so long...Y dun u pump at shorter intervals n shorter duration like 15mins every 4hrly? as Kris said, make sure dun get cracked nipple. do apply nipple cream.</font>
Morning mummies...does any of yr babies like to rub their face &amp; ended up with scratches all over the face?? Mine got 2 permenant red patches @ cheek...my parents &amp; pils are questioning me whether kenna insects bites/rashes &amp; whether I got cut his nails...but I cut until very short (bled twice) but he still can scratch himself...
Cat, its like that one... my girl loves to rub her face too and then i thought i cut her finger nails already but then still like very sharp kind
yup, so sad after reading the website
But at least god blessed them with another cute baby..

Btw, rose, are u still ordering from bunique store?
Hi mummies, been some time since I logged on...been busy with both babies trying to spend time with them before going back to work..

Those with tots can consider going to the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, i brot B1 there on Sun and he really loved it
be sure to bring change of clothes cos there's a small lil water play area.

Catherine, my girl also likes to rub her face and ends up scratching it thats why i let her wear mitts. only took it off last week...i also cut her nails until v short, but they are still sharp so she ends up scratching herself... issit very serious? mebbe can try apply some aloe vera gel on the area to help the cuts to heal.

Marie, have u PMed me your hp no...? sorry ah me so forgetful these days sigh. let me know when u wanna pick up the milk n milkbags k?
morning mummies,
cried my eyes out when i read and saw Ian's pics..really sad .. and just thankful for what we have.
always have pros and cons to any medical stuff..
Hi starflower,

Welcome!! Now we have a few mommies who joins both april and march threads!! Me, Ida, Kris, pumpkin and now you!!

Thanks for jagar-ing my mat, can I leave it at your place for the time being?? No problem about Keenan using it to do stunts!! :p
Morning!!! *yawn*

missed alot of the posts... dont think i'll catch up.

back to work n i miss simran so much
... can just imagine her smiling ... am so tired and sleepy .. not enough sleep..every nite sleep abt 12.30am n get up @ 4.45am so that i can pump n then get ready for work .. i hope i get use to it soon...

abt pumping at work .. i find myself more on schedule to pump now then when i was at home... supply is going up *touchwood* ... manage to pump every 4 hrs .. thnk god my RO is very supportive

didnt read Ian's story after reading all ur post.. dont want to cry in the office n miss Simran even more ...
yeah the mat you are talking about is a good deal! Now hb is asking whether the mat is necessary, hehe but I don't care, will decide on one soon. =p

I know which one you are talking about, the mat you have is the most exp one! Me heartpain to pay >$300 though it seems real good and soft! Think your whole family can lie on the mat to play with xander or relax too hee...

you are right, it takes a long time to finish one bot cos I usually give my girl Gripe water as colic preventive measure. Me kiasu lor, cos earlier on I couldn't find Ridwind everywhere and gotta post here to ask mummies where to get it so just buy a few bots more, just in case. =p
By the way, when my wetbag is ready, do PM me and let me know how much postage to pay you, thanks.

i'm scared to cut my boy's nails and thismorning found him with 2 huge scratches to his right cheek.. managed to take off his mittens.. sighs..
shd i put something on it??.. dun want scars on him..

I ask you ah - my terrier machiam like wrong side leh, like Jo's. Now the horizontal strip and the colourful print is on the outside. IS that correct? Because once I sew and turn it over, then no more horizontal lines from the green material and also the colourful prints leh. Does that mean my terrier is now inside out?? Am soo confused!!
pravina - i took my girl's mittens off for almost a mth now n she scratched herself a few times.. no worries the scars will go off
Ian's story is very sad. I think the parents are really brave!

Same here.. after reading it, I just wanna hug and dote my little "monster" more! haha... maybe I shd start to change to "angel" instead!

Looks like all babies love to scratch themselves!! Mine always do when he is waking up! Duno why he needs to get SO AGITATED during each waking that he has to scratch himself!! There was once, the daddy found blood!! Wah.. very deep cuts leh.. Now I am contemplating FILING his nails.. besides trimming it regularly!

Mine oso rubs his eyes and eyebrows leh! So the eyebrows looks very red! Eeks.. not so cute haha... must grab his hands before he perform any more of such stunts.. but as usual.. we can't 100% prevent it.. eg once I turn to get the milk ready, damage is already DONE!
i miss my boy too.. =)
welcome to the sleepless club... me clocking the same hours as you .. and trying hard to maintain alertness.. been downing chicken essence but dunno how long i can stay sane!!
no help from hubby and its making me super angry as well..sighs..

worried i'll fall sick ( TOUCHWOOD)...=(
also depressed abt the weight gain... so sad cant fit into my fav clothes...

Ian's story is really very sad.. i got the pics itched in mind now and tear everytime...
din realise i'll be this emotional after having a baby...
mousy_pig, the hold puncher is such a good idea! I am using the silicon one. One qn though, will additional holes make the anti-colic design fail??

Hmmm.. after the 1hr feed, my bb will feed after 3-4hrs.. I am following the gina ford routine.. so they did advised timings that I shouldn't exceed so as not to put him off the next feed.

Eg, Feed 1 starts about 1030, should end by 1130am, Feed 2 starts about 2pm, finish by 315pm. Usually it's a combination of long and short feeds throughout the day. So it could be 120ml, 150ml, 130ml.. +/-
my boy rubs his face on the sheets when he is on his tummy..
on his back , his hands go straight to his face, particularly the eyes and brow..mebbe they will outgrow this behaviour..
they also do it really fast..
today, he pooed all over the changing table this morning... splattered clean diapers, tissue and mat...and then gave me his huge open mouth GRIN!!
To all mummies who read about Ian.. So sorry always post some sad stories here. I also veri tired having to take care of bb and she now seems to reject milk at night , cry her lung out until i also cannot take it. After reading Ian story, like dodos, i also feel blessed that at least bb is well.. so even when she cry and cry i also try to be patient with her...So sad.. I cried when i read till his 37-47 days.. feel so heartpain for his parents too..
Lately Giselle seems to have slimmed down. Today she went to have her jab, doc say that she is growing well, at least more "fang xin"...

HLW: hahaha.. my hb give up on me liao cos he say i internet addict.. surf and buy and buy.. he cant wait for me to go sch so that i will be busy with the work, no time to surf and shop.. left 5 weeks oni .. sob sob..
Pravina, hee can fully relate to your description!

Once he grinned, u smiled also right?? haha
I also can't understand lah.. but if my bb do notti things I found him adorable instead. I wonder if I will spoil him like mad in future! (I hope not!)

Mine like girl girl.. he touches his hair when he finishes his bath or before he goes to bed. I wonder will he cry if I shave him bald.. hehe
Tan, thanks for sharing the stories. I'm glad you posted it coz it made me realise how precious life is and we should treasure our loved ones. Now I try to be more patient with my bb and nicer to my MIL.
yeah lor, cannot stop smiling after he smiles at me..that wonderful, heart-warming toothless grin!!

mins touches his hair too!!! and also grabs and pulls his and scratches his head too.. has started reaching out and pulling mine and gets his tiny hands tangled in my super curly mess!!

tan .. i also like to shop online... mummies here post some really nice links.. very hard NOT to look leh!!

there is always two sides to everything .. just makes us aware that nothing is perfect, nothing's forever and to treasure all things, big and small..
just imagine what our parents had to go thru to bring us up.. now we will learn as we embark on our parenthood journeys....
baby_mummy, eh not sure about the colic thing if we poke an extra hole. Have u tried the >6mths teat? My boy also found it small so I poke another hole.

wow, the gina ford routine sounds cheam, how u know when to give a big or small feed?
I cannot stand my MIL leh, she always forget what time she last feed baby even though she is the one feeding. aiyo like that how can I trust her to look after baby when I go back to work. I ask her to write down on a paper the timing then she say no need but always come asking me what time is the last feed. Do any of you encounter any such problems with our baby's care-taker?
mousy_pig, actually when I first started on the routine, was VERY confused. Now, bb just falls into the schedule naturally. Very amazing.

Total 6 feeds and 3 naps.
The small and big ones really varies depending on when he wake up at night for that feed.

Eg if he drank 100ml at 5pm, it usu put him off the 7am feed. Since he drank so little at 7am, he will glup down the full bottle at the 10am+ feed.

As you can see, very difficult to plan ahead his feeding amount.. so I will bottle up 5bottles of 150ml and 1 bottle of 100ml in the fridge. Bobian.. really waste of milk when he doesn't finish.

And I gotta bottle up coz I am working ;) So my MIL will just take the bottle with the timing marked on it for his feeds.
mousy_pig, I think the older we get, the more forgetful we are.

Imagine my hb and I teaching my MIL about SCHEDULES and Gina Ford routine. Really need to have lots of patience to guide them.

Would doing a feeding chart helps? A note book or a sheet with the margins and header drawn might be more encouraging? If she sees you filing it up conscientiously BEFORE every feed, I think she will follow. I did that to my confinement lady!! Haha.. and you can show this feeding chart to your PD during the routine checkups. Tell her it's for the DOCTOR! :p

Anyways, a bb will SCREAM when they are hungry.. so she will know when to feed one. It's either she can choose to prepare bb feed before he scream or when he is screaming! It is just like us, always guessing why is bb crying.. diaper?Milk?Gas?scare? Just let her know noting it down will make caring for bb easier.. everyone loves a smiley, happy and healthy bb!

You certainly can trust her with feedings!! =)

I told my MIL to try her best to encourage my bb to drink and sleep at the right timings.. else her children will suffer during the night feeds.

Tan, Ian's story is veri sad. I wanted to cry when reading it. I will be returning to work next week, gonna miss my boy so much.
Oh my hb forgot to try out the >6M teat ytd night. Looks like we need to slot it in today! :D

Time for me to knock off! Hee can go home and hug my little one.

Today is vaccination day! Hope no fever ah... I'm feeding him pao sheng water.. that is supposed to prevent fever! Hope it works!!

Catch up later!
great idea you have just explained.. i think i shall try it on my mom ...
right now, i prepare the bottles for mom and tell her what to do .. but mebbe shd encourage her to record it down.
been trying to put my boy into a routine but need to work on it a bit more...

About potty training, my boy poos about 4-5 times a day. Always poos half way through the feeds. What i do now is to hold him over the potty during his feed then after he finish his milk then i make the 'eng eng' sounds to let him know that after feeding then poo. Been trying for the past few days but no effect yet. He still poos halfway through the feeds.
Do ur babies poo so much each day? My bb is on EBM.

These 2 days supply seems to have dropped, dun know why. Next week going back work, prob will drop again.

baby_mummy, my also had her jab today but din give her pao sheng cos my mum say she too heaty liao..poo poo veri solid hard.. so we give her dang gui water.. still monitoring.. hope no fever. my gal weighs oni 5.39kg.. seems like a little small but she is 63-64 cm..
