(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

just sent u a PM re the medela mini electric plus (twin pump)

i tried inducing at same time everyday too, used to be right before she showers in the morning, but very hard to keep that routine, cos sometimes she just doesnt feel like poo-ing..
<font color="6666600">Jam: Dun like that hor...accidentally enter lah....dat explains for the correct msg in correct color lor...

Anyway hor..Kris use</font> <font color="119911">GREEN</font><font color="666600"> lor

not</font> <font color="0000ff">BLUE</font>
<font color="aa00aa">moogey,I also dunno.My MIL says that if induce at same time long enough,bb will grow used to it and poo at the same time.I'll see if that works</font>
rose, my MIL oso said can induce bb to poo poo, i do tat to my girl since second mth but until now her poo poo timing still very off..
whenever i make the erh sound at my girl in the morning, she will look at me n smile as if i m a clown lor, never once she poo..
Kidzskidz: haha, i was laughing when i read you post on potty training. so our legs can double up as a mini potty/toilet bowl too.. mummies are just so multi purpose isnt it..

Hair care: i rebounded 2 weeks back. hair didnt drop much (yet)

KP: i also took the rum and raisin ice cream (think i finished 1/3 tub on my own). Corine is still as active, didnt KO by the alcohol..
mousy_pig, she oni started ysterday night then like that..wanna ask u, u go polyclinic for ur bb's jab, did ur bb go for rotarvirus?
marie, i ordered the ice cream liao leh.. thgt u dun wan... but i ordered 2 of the belgium choc.. so if u wan tat, i can let u have 1 tub
they likely to deliver tmr...

rose, the potty sooo cute
my mum bgt 1 for my son already.. those super boring kind... but its cheap lor.. hehe, will just use tat... but i dunno how to get him to use leh.. he always poo while drinking milk.. aiyoh, really v messy....
thanks mousy_pig. cos i am thinking of bringing her to polyclinic for jab or go to pd (but her pd Terence Tan if go here for jab may have to wait veri long)
Why don't you bring your girl to Sun Plaza Healthway Clinic for her jabs and rotavirus? Dr Raymond is very nice leh! Very convenient too. Rotavirus costs about $100odd/jab, 2 jabs in total.

I brought my girl for her modified 5in1 and rotavirus today, but the nurse told me she is not 3 mths old yet cos she was born on 18 Apr! ALamak, I thought it's counted in terms of weeks... will bring her again next Monday...

Actually quite fun to bring bb out hor. Either people will keep looking, if not some uncles and aunties will come up and chit chat with me, very interesting! =p
Yeah agree that Dr Terence is super popular! The queue at his clinic is even longer than that at polyclinic hehe... but he is a very nice dr indeed.
jam.. yeah happened... her font blue leh why u say green.. blue is LoveJ's color...

Leereiner.. no worries lah.. no rush.. if found let me know.. btw so good ar nothing to do.. what happened? i also got much leave thats y asking to clear half - 22 days this yr.. clearing 13 balance 8 to bring forward to next yr...
<font color="ff3399"> jam, i also see marie's wrong msg as green leh.. those quite striking green color right? kiki

then Mr bon use his PC and.. that msg is in BLACK!!! haha.. (Google Chrome)

then Mr Bon open Firefox on his PC, and msg is lime green!

then Mr Bon open Apple Safari, and the msg is Black!

then Mr bon open Internet Explorer, and msg is BLUE!!

then lastly, Mr Bon open Flock, and the msg is Lime Green!

So... that solves the mystery why different ppl see different color, cos we all using diff browsers.. TA DA!!!! *clap clap clap*</font>
Yvonne, your gal same as my boy! Haha when I induce hor, he just smile so happily! But if I manage to catch him POO the first poo, the hmmmmm sound will help induce another 2-3 rounds of poo! Then pooing done for the day. Really save diapers!! keke

KP how much u selling for the breastpad?? I found a shop in Whampo selling all the wipes etc at cheong choon pricing!! So no need to buy in bulk liaoz! keke...

Rose, I saw your description of your bb loving looks that's only reserved for you. It used to be like that for me and little Jovan.. but now.. sigh he looks past me to my MIL when she is behind me. How not to be sad? But bo bian loh.. I was super low last week coz of this... end up on sat.. i practically showered Jovan with ALL MY LOVE.. and on Sun, he ABUSED my love... haha kept fussing at me till I am so tired and scolded him!! AND today, I went facial!! By the time I was back.. he has slept! keke...

Tmr I shall shower abit of love again... haha this mummy got limited patience!!!
Going back to work really distort all the pumping schedule... eg, last min meeting will result in me doing a 9min pump instead of a 20min pump! I think my ss oso got drop bah... (aft losing patience with Jovan yesterday, I also can't pump much too!!)

I finally found a offpeak timing! It's 10am! haha dunno why all the mummies at my place pump at 11am.. people will start streaming in at 1045am.

And... I got another excuse to go shop shop liaoz... none of my working tops n pants fit anymore!!!!!!! SOB SOB SOB... I hate to say this.. but I prefer shopping for dresses than working clothes!!!
Bonbon ah.. Mr bonbon really got a lot of browsers leh! keke... helps solve the mystery before an illegal fight over colour copyright gets ignited!!!

I see BLUE too! =)
oshgosh, my hairstylist REFUSED to allow me to colour my hair.. or do any chemical treatment coz he says hair will drop... so really depends on individual..

so now i go back work with a head of BLACK BLACK hair! So aunty haha

and yes! my hair is really falling alot everyday!
Marie! You hubby really nice leh...finish up all your milk!

My hubby happily pour away 50ml of my milk for almost every feed loh.. coz my little brat here will take bet 100-150ml.. so need to prepare 150ml for each bottle!! Initially oso very sim tia leh.. esp when I had to throw away the initial batches.. but now I just try my best to pump more... sigh pump till my neh neh really sore leh...
marie, agree with bb_mum tat yor hubby is reali nice, help to finish the EBM..
there was once i kept forcing raynie to finish the EBM tat i warmed up, my hubby c already buay tahan so offer to drink it, he regretted big time, use mouth rinse to rinse his mouth couple of times, he said got after taste..haha..
baby mummy if that is the case why dun u make like 120ml and then make more if there is a need. I also see lime green. me using firefox. At first I thought I also colour blind...haha.
<font color="aa00aa">The case of the mysterious colours! Wow thanks Mr Bon bon you solved the big mystery.I was actually thinking that these mummies are purposely playing a prank on us by saying blue as green!! Hee hee

Can you all tell me what you see my colour as?Cuz I type purple and I do see it in purple

Me using IE</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Yah Yvonne/bb mummy,sometimes when bb not ready to poo poo,no matter how you induce also no use one.I also kena Justin smiling/laughing at me when I mmmmmm mmmmm at him.When I see that,I know he's not ready so try again after the next feed!</font>
HLW, i will call and check if the doc is available. cos my hubby don realli like it there leh.. especially when a doc is not around and there's a relief doc. there's once we went and got a relief doc. he seems so young, my hb and i joke among ourselves and say that he look like untrained doc just like sch when they sometime engage untrained relief teachers.
hi mummies,

can advise my qns...
/bold, yellow {1) how to intro FM to BM babies eh?
2) which FM is highly recommended? did give enfalac during the 1st week but its really ex leh... how about mamil gold 1? saw it on the tv ad...}
mousy_pig, my little one drinking very little.. and in order not to miss his "big appetite" times, I had to put in 150ml.. today MIL managed to coaxed 3X150ml!! So happy. Maybe the ridwind helps too! =)

Instead of lamenting at the wastage.. i channel it into my perserverence to continue pumping!!

Yvonne... haha I really need cooling time to unwind so I can be a better mom.... i usu get super irritated when i need to calm bb, hb is sleeping and i need to pump!! Hee its really not easy to be a full time baby caregiver!!

I myself don't like the feel of EBM on my hands leh.. drinking it is the last thing on my mind! haha
1) how to intro FM to BM babies eh?
2) which FM is highly recommended? did give enfalac during the 1st week but its really ex leh... how about mamil gold 1? saw it on the tv ad...

Leereiner, you can try by replacing one BM feed to one FM feed. Moinitor bb poo and if everything is ok.. then u replace another feed. Gradually, bb would be able to adapt. Gradual change is more to ensure the bb can digest and adjust to the change hence will not fuss too much unncessarily.

Then again, there are mummies who switch to FM immediately with no side effects. =)
hi baby mummy,

so no need to mix bm with fm? for eg drink 150ml, so 1st give 30mlFM with 120ml BM, then gradully increse FM , then decrease BM....

or can mix FM with BM to give baby? wanna build up my ss... bu gan xin to give up halfway leh...
<font color="ff3399">haha mummies, mr bon is happy to be of help.

rose, i see u as purple too! hahahaha MR bon was laughing and he joke if wan him to check for u? then all the helpful mummies start to post to confirm ur color haha

marie, ur welcome kiki

just to share, this afternoon hubby took half day leave cos sth he bought from funan was faulty so had to go back exchange. then cait was slping cutely in carrier till we started having lunch at sakae, she fuss n scream n kick. wah! super malu, the other patrons kept turning to stare at us..

try everything like push tu tu into her mouth, sayang her, swaddle her, unswaddle her, stood up to walk walk ard, haha even feed her milk, all dun work. kept making the gek sound.. errrrrr.... which was really very irritating.. then we chop chop swallow the food, make payment time she still fussing. once step out of sakae, she kept quiet immediately! faint.. think that was hubby n my most stressful meal.. :p</font>
Hi Leereiner, there was once I got food poisoning and took medicine, for the 24 hr period after that I pumped and dumped BM and gave baby Mamex Gold for all feeds, and everything was ok. It's good to be cautious and intro FM gradually as baby mummy said.

For FM, my gynae recommended Mamex Gold so I used it for 2 months (only 1 feed per day, the rest BM). But I kiasu now changed to enfalac. I think similac and friso is good also, though I have not tried them.
Any mummies want to buy Bumbo? Baby Hypermart @ Kaki Bukit selling at $70 with play tray, wonder if it's cheaper than Batch Purchase?
bonbon, is there a certain aura about sakae that your baby don't like? Babies are ultra sensitive and accurate in detecting such things....

<font color="aa00aa">ow mummy,sure! You tumpang me bah,send me details on what to buy.I want to get a personalised romper and bean sprout pillow for Justin</font>
