(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">happy leh! My friend going to US in Sep,she will help me buy the CUTE potty ! Hurray!I will ask her to get me a coach and kate spade bag too :D What other things are cheaper in US huh?</font>

<font color="aa00aa"> ya lor,bonbon and mummies,thanks for checking my colour
Hee I also dunno why I bother what colour you all will see me as,I have OCD sometimes
<font color="666600">morning mummies..

Rose: ur hb plays the piano..so nice..but practise so late..ur neighbours wont complain meh?

Rose: U can ask ur frens to help u buy GAP bb clothes..
Rose, fisherprice cheaper in US ah? But the item quite big and gotta lug back isnt it? But the potty is really cute! Spore dun sell?:p

If u're ordering from bunique store, i may also want to order pillow cases for isaac! u consolidating orders? he uses his 2 pillows all the time and i get my maid to wash the cases everyday, so 1 pillow also does not have a cover! Btw, 4 items and above she'll give discount one! so remember to ask for discount! Also hor, even after discount she'll give normal delivery to each individual
thanks... for your reply, moo mum... shall get the mamil gold to try out on my boy...

saw the potty @ tai seng... that shop which carry combi pdts... 3yrs ago... hee!!!

err... really hard to catch up with you young mummies leh... scan thru... that there's HOT of WETBAGS.... errrr... any1 still taking orders, can tompang??
Leereiner, I am not sure if it is fine to mix the two and hence did a quick check on the web.
Babycentre doesn't recommend it as
1) it changes the composition of BM and
2) the micronutrients in the formula will become so much more concentrated that it can be very hard on your baby's immature kidneys
3) Wastage if your bb can't finish the mixture


Why don't you try to pump every 3hrs to up your supply. (If possible, need to pump at night too if you want ss to kick in fast). Keep the EBM (although can be very little) into a bottle in the fridge. Then you keep filling it up from every pump session till you get 1 full feed. Then u give bb 1 full feed of EBM followed by FM for the rest of the feeds. I did that when I had very low supply initially. Each pump was like droplets!! =)

Then you try to up your supply by drinking lots of fluids. I drank lots of soups. Fish+papaya is the best! When I have no time.. I just boil red dates, longan and danggui.. drink it throughout the day. Really helps ah..
Since you have frozen EBM, it means u used to have quite a lot of ss right?? Could it be blocked ducts that is affecting the supply? After I cleared the blocked ducts, ss resumed. Hence you might want to try that too.
very interesting that your baby fussed in sakae sushi... mine did too .. BIG TIME.. nothing worked and i had to glup down my sushi and left the place.. once out , my boy was fine...hmm

has not happened in other restaurants.. and hawker centre..

mebbe its really true that babies are super sensitive to environment??
bonbon &amp; pravina,
strangely my girl also fussed a lot in Sakae Sushi! The moment we started eating, she woke up and started fussing, then proceeded to screaming and crying! We had to take turns to eat and ended up warming EBM in the restaurant and feeding baby there to keep her quiet though it was not her milk time yet. Maybe babies are 'sensitive' to the smell in Sakae Sushi? Hehe...
I think try to go on weekdays morning or afternoon, usually Dr Raymond will be there. Those locums (relief drs) are usually housemen or MOs recently graduated from medicine, cos they earn a couple of hundreds for a few hours' job sitting there, super good money! The more experienced ones like Registrar and above earn a lot more and no need to moonlight already hehehe... Anyway I think it's safer to call before going down. Luckily it's nearby, so when I dropped by yesterday and my girl couldn't have the jab, I just went shopping around hehe...
HMMM... so sake sushi is "forbidden pl" lor??

thanks bb_mummy for the info on the FM &amp; BM... ya used to able to pump 150ml in 3hrs (satified liao lor) ans have extra ss (so happy) but gotta adjust timing to suit office hr... so started the "training" 3 weeks before returning to work... the ss is becoming low, lower... now 6-7 hrs 150ml... pump twice in office... wake up mid nite to pump too... doesnt seem to help... take fenugreek seeds too... no result leh... sob!!!

BLOCKED? no hard lump leh... always soft soft ones, no more have the FULL feel @ all... massage before and while pumping, no see any increase of drops too...

now bb increase his milk need so dont think frozen ebm can tong lor...

is this my end of bm??

thanks pravina for the link... shall get one for my girl...
hee my baby wasn't happy in Suntec Ichiban too leh.. and in Yamagawa @ Furniture Mall, he oso nv sleep.. EYE HUGE HUGE... like traumatised like that!

Babies don't like raw fishy smell?? keke
Why today so quiet one? got outing is it?? Or is there a BIG SALE?? haha

I did something silly today. I accidentally THREW AWAY my pump VALVE!! It's a yellow silicon piece with medela FS.. OMG! KP can buy 1 single yellow valve anot?? or anyone wanna sell me 1 piece??
today's forum abit strange.. i jus typed a message, and it didn't appear..
ya lor, why so quiet?

baby_mummy, are u referring to the white flap tat is attached to the pump? i have extra cos tat time karrie passed some to me, but i've since stopped pumping liao.. u want?

my bb hates frozen BM leh, how? i pumped so hard to fill up my freezer and now she doesn't want to drink.. in fact, she not keen on FM too... like dun want to drink anything.. everyday drink so little.. sigh
I've got 1 brand new packet of Lasinoh milk bags (50 pieces) to let go. Anyone interested?
Will sell at $18.50 including postage if you keen. PM me k?
Since u had supply initially, I think can build back one. But alot of effort leh.. need to do the 3hrly pump again.. and gradually build up. Drink LOTS of fluids and don't be stressed!! Easier said than done.. but just try lah.. FM oso has lots of goodies!! As long as you relax... you'll have a happier time pumping!

My let down oso fewer than before liaoz... But I also can't pump too much and too long coz my nipples n "O" ring and bumps on the aerola gets "bruised" very easily.. It's been a week at work.. and it's tough maintaining our "optimal" pump schedule even when I'm on part time now!!

Cia, Marie, Cocobunz, how are u gals coping with pumping at work??

And we are approaching end july leh! Almost 3-4months of pumping!! Wow... not bad already!! =)
oshgosh, thanks for the offer.. but the pump I am using is MEDELA Freestyle. The valve is a silicon thingy that is not perishable kind... and they sell it in a set. Sigh...

You wanna try giving baby milk at a higher temperature? Bonbon tried it and it worked on Cait. My MIL and hubby oso tried it. Jovan is drinking 150ml now after I complain about him!! haha.. but it's 150ml warmed.. break into 2 feeds over 1 hr.. and warmed again for the 2nd feed. Very troublesome!! But as long as he drinks, I feel more reassured.

He went on strike once.. drank only 20-30ml! Scared me to death! Sent him to the PD who prescribed RIDWIND. Very effective. U may want to try it! =)
KP, ya.. but I only threw the yellow membrane away.. still got the casing cover and the big fan like thing!!

So blur!!

Do they sell the membrane alone??
Mummies using NUK teats, what is the size you are using now??

How about those on AVENT teats??

My baby is using NUK 0-6M medium flow. But he drank till like very xin ku leh.. I tried the fast flow and he nearly choke.. confusing leh..
I just tried Jade on 3M Avent teat today...
she did cough cough abit when she first drank it.. but after that, ok.. managed to drink finish..
will need to monitor again the next time i use it, cos i still using the Avent number 2 teat also..
bb_mummy, my bb is using NUK 0-6M medium when drinking milk.. its v fast... so i usually stop a few times when feeding him so to prevent him from choking.. if i give him the small feed, he will never finish his milk....
baby mum, isaac on milk strike also..i tried ridwind, but only used 1 time a day since yesterday, like dun seem to help leh...how often u give him ridwind? and 0.5ml each time?
<font color="ff3399">re:sakae, i really burst out laffing with hubby knowing that so many other mums experience the same as us!! i think its the spotlights n heat of the lights on the baby? dunno why also..

babymum, u bring jovan go sakae n test it out.. kiki

i letting my girl use NUK 0-6mth, medium flow now, she still slow coach, take abt 30-45min finish 1 feed, cos in between must rest n smile n heat up milk then she will continue..

previously she was using Avent #3 2 weeks before she turn 3mths old, it was ok and about the same speed at NUK, but i changed to NUK cos Avent teats too hard!! dunno if uncomfy for baby or not.. </font>
Think the forum here is really a bit weird today, a post I typed did not appear... now then I realise! *faint*

I was asking mummies who have gotten the bumper playmats here, are Parklon ones good? Cos they are cheaper than LG leh... by the way, 11 or 12mm is it too thin? Any designs to recommend? Thanks!
hee I oso bought the avent 3M teat! Haven tried it out yet as I just progressed to teat#2 recently. He is taking #2 quite well.. But I am really tired of my leaking avent bottle although bb drinks betta on avent!!

I did 2 rounds of trial n error with NUK. Currently using 0-6M medium flow but still too slow for him. 0-6M large hole fast flow rejected as it's too fast! Doubt there is a in between size.. so i bought >6M medium. Going to test it out later. If it doesnt work.. then maybe i shd buy >6M small hole...
My girl is using NUK 0-6mths, medium flow since the first month. I find the flow ok leh, when she is hungry, she can finish 120ml in 10minutes. A few days back, she finished 40ml of water within 1 minute, both my maid and I were so shocked and we ended up laughing like mad hehe. I think it all depends on whether the bb is willing to suck. The few days when she had milk rejection, I went to get NUK 0-6mths fast flow and she ended up choking and crying like mad. That one is way too fast! The milk just flowed non-stop leh. =p
KP.. hehe i am using all 3 sets at the same time. Coz i no maid mah.. so i can pump 3 rounds and wash all at once. If working, just bring 2 or 3 sets depending on the no of times I'll be pumping.

now i m handicapped. Got only 2.5sets!!
HLW, bb suck on the med flow till the teat collapsed leh.. think he too hungry n suck too fast!! Pulling the teat out broke the momentum... and he may lose interest in the feed totally.

So now trying to figure which one to try. Really quite a waste of $$ to do trial n error!! :p
KP, u sure issac is on strike?? He drinking alot already leh

PD tap tap on jovan's tummy and got the hollow hollow sound hence he says 0.5ml, 3 times a day, at least 6hrs apart and 30min before feed.

If his condition gets better, then it'll just be once a day.
wah!!! Your boy can suck so hard! Hee... then I think u shld use >6m medium too, I think the difference between <6m>6m is the length of the teat, is there any difference in the hole size?
HLW, yup the hole size looks the same!!! I just sterilised it!! Will try it tonight! Ya loh.. i have a very impatient monster in my home!!
Happen to chance upon this website on vaccination.
We should not take for granted regarding the vaccination we give our bb..
See alreadi i also scare regarding bb take vaccination.

HLW: i just order the playmat from SSW cos its oni $99 and i don noe if it would be useful for me. so buy this to try first.

yeah the hole size for the nuk teat seems the same for <6m>6m.

baby_mummy, u using latex or silicon? u may want to consider to get the hole puncher from kiddy palace. in this case, no need get so many teats.

my boy also same as your bb, drink 130-140ml within 1 hour, break 2 times. so tiring.

since your bb drink for an hour, does he ask for milk again after 3 hrs?
