(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">Justin is coming to 4th month SOON .Time to introduce solids,can't wait

Just nice to buy baby cubes !

rose, my PD recommended to only start baby on solid at 6 mths or when baby dun seem satisfied with drinking milk alone.

you may want to check cos heard bb who are introduce to solid too early may be more prone to food allergies.
Updates from Vaccination
Dr Wee is really good. He weighs, measures the length, checks the heart beat and milestones development of my bb personally. He even worked out the chart and informs me which percentile the bb length, weight &amp; head circumference are. Asked about feedings and told me my bb is on the small side and we will keep monitoring bb in the next visit.

Feels more reassured after the visit compared to TMC SBCC clinic where my PD scolds me if I ask too many qn, NEVER work out the percentile of my bb, told me everything is NORMAL if I express any concern… Eg feeding problem etc. And my PD charges $50 for every 10min! Hence I really don’t mind making the long trip from my home to healthyway punggol!!

Jovan is a tiny bb! At 3M5days, he weighs 5.5kg (10th-15th percentile), 60cm (20th-25th percentile) in length but has a BIG head at 40cm (50th percentile)! HAHA..
Tan, hee can use dang gui too? I like dang gui leh..

Babies really have “good” taste buds. My hubby hated the pao sheng water… but my baby can drink it better than plain water!

Oh btw I took 6in1 and rotovirus today! Next visit is 5months!
Kittybride, ya my boy has his own schedule too! He will not follow strictly everyday one.. he is more of a 6am to 6pm baby instead of the 7am to 7pm baby! The schedule is just a guideline now! heee

SKS, Kittybride, so envy of u mummies! My little boy still asks for milk at night!!
Kris, I am also planning a Bintan trip. Most prob the last few days of July before I go back to full time work. U shd all book a VILLA if the group is BIG!

Rose, fish &amp; co NOVENA?? Hee lidat I can make it in TIME!
Hi mousy_pig,

I prepare 5 bottles for the day and 1 bottle for the night feed. Only the night feed is 100ml as I would like to discourage the bb from waking at night! Taking too much at night usually puts him off his 7am feed. ;)

So far I have not mixed EBM with frozen EBM. But thawed EBM can lasts 24hrs in the fridge. Prefer to give the freshly pumped ones as antibodies are gone once the EBM is frozen.

I do mix the EBM with the previous pump. Eg 3 to 4hrs before as not all pumps will yield a full feed.

<u>Feeding Timings are as follows:</u>
Night can be anytime between 3-5am
There is usually a +/- of 30min within the range.

<u>My pump cycles</u>
I will pump throughout the day and keep it in the fridge.

Middle of the night: 10am &amp; 2pm feed
9/10am: 5pm &amp; 1030pm feed (OFFICE)
2pm: Night feed
6/7pm: Bag and store
10pm: 7am feed (Sometimes I miss this pump or the 6/7pm pump)
Then it goes back to the middle of the night pump.
my bb also poop half way through a feed. don't know how she's so accurate, always leave 1oz then will pump. heehee

my mom also cannot remember when is what or what time she did what. when i had to leave my bb with her for 1 full day recently, i use my dymo to print out and stick on the bottle.

my bb drinking 3.5oz now per feed. she's quite big though, according to my bathroom scale, she is now 6.5kg already at 13+ weeks.

just fyi on the bb cubes. i bought them for #1 (2 sets) and they popped open in the freezer. same case for some other mommies i know, some end up putting the cubes in lock lock. i bought the mothercare freezer pots instead (cheaper and better quality imo). with #1, her pd recommend semi solid when she turns 6m.

hello kitty pots/pans - seen them in taka before.
hi marie~ thinking of bringing bb to see dr ngiam thye eng at gleneagles..heard good reviews - any comments?
<font color="119911">haiz, my lappie died on me lor. super sianz, dunno hb can revive it anot.

when u gg? which resort u staying?</font>
I am planning maybe the last weekend of Jul ah..

Some say the Mayang Sari Beach Resort is nice.. so I am checking out the offers now.

Choosing between those high end shiok shiok ones or the rustic close to beach chalet(mayang sari). I want my SPAS!!!

For travel over national day weekend, might be a bit late.. plus bo hua coz there are public holidays surcharges.. and there will be a crowd.
baby_mummy, do you still latch? My boy's timing quite similar to yours but instead of the 10pm feed, I give him at 8.30pm so he can sleep and wake up at about 2am for the night feed.

Wonder whether is ok to mix the frozen with the fresh in a bottle earlier in preparation for my mum to feed later in the day. Kris you know if it is ok?

Once we mix, will there still be anti-bodies?
Think me &amp; hubby are the "evil" parents...I latch on #2 @ 9pm then he sleeps until 3am...then we use pacifier or feed plain water...then slowly (day by day, we try to drag his timing...) now he sleeps at 9.30pm &amp; wakes up @ 5.30am. Both times I latch on.

you are not being evil .. in fact i read somewhere its a tried and tested mathod to wean the baby off the middle of the night feeds...by feeding water
i want to try it too.. but in my sleepyhead mode, i just latch on and sleep sitting upright!!
Pravina: It worked for my #1..but like u, I'm lazy &amp; it's much easier to latch #2 in the middle of the night but I'm going back to work soon so can't afford to wake up in the middle of the night....
<font color="666600">KP: Think u can ask powerball. Cos I think i remembered her mentioning this PD before.

bb_mum: Dr Wee super nice hor..I also go there for Xander's Jabs. So patient n careful doctor.</font>
water works for some bb while other bb will end up being trained to wake up for water. it's the case for 3 of my frens. one the kid is 7, still wake up in the middle of the night and demand water. the other 2, their kids are 2 and 3 respectively. also wake up and ask for water.
i'm back at work and struggling with my sleeeep!! so hoping my boy will sleep thru the nite soon!! he's drinking abt 150ml FM before he goes to sleep but still wakes up abt 3-4pm and drinks another 50-100ml ( vol tried with EBM and FM)

i have heard of this too..thanx for reminding me ..hoping my boy will sleep thru the nite soon!!

after the 3-4pm feed, he tends to get up every hour after that so i have "broken" sleep .. eg today been up since 5am!!

This Dr Wee, he is at punggol?? where exactly ah??
is his clinic very crowded??

my frens were there and really enjoyed themselves; they mentioned that its more for families with kids..
i'm in the biomedical field; R&amp;D..
was actually considering IC near workplace, up the hill like you say.. so you like it ah? planning to have a tour of the facility.. backup plan lah .. right now, mum looking after my boy while i work half days for now.

i have been pooed, peed and vomited on .. now getting scratched and hair pulled..=) and he's fascinated with my curly hair, usually in a bun at home, now ponytail for work so he keep touching and pulling at it!..

this is not available in SG ah?? buy from the US??
mummies, I am going to Bintan Banyu Biru villa this weekend, shal;l give review when I return.

Bebepod Plus avail at Mums &amp; Babes, AMK and United Sq.

My PD is awesome. But expensive. Lucky it's covered by our insurance. Elizabeth Khor at Paragon, near Toys R Us. She gave another mummy a free Sophie!!
moogey, hahah it's DH company who has to pay for insurance. French people working for French companies really benefit man. Pay not high but benefits make up for it. My whole delivery and her ICU fees were covered. If we had to pay, will be eating grass for half a year.
ah.. i thought so! that's so good.. sigh.. we need such welfare too! the govt should do more of such things to encourage people to have children.. keke
yes absolutely!! In Norway, my friend got 1 yr paid ML, plus a huge hamper of diapers, wipes, milk powder etc from the govt. But bear in mind their taxes are very very high. Almost half their wages.
Hi everyone, i just brought isaac to see dr ngiam after researching on the net and seeing good comments on him! he's really very experienced and gives good advise lor, not like the ones at TMC:p He gave me a lecture lor...say isaac is overweight liao...and target is 9.5kg at one year old..! Says to feed on demand and if he starts playing with the teat cry etc, it means he's had enuff cos too much reserve liao..its his body';s way of saying its enuff:p heheh..good, now i dun have to keep wasting so much time to feed! Btw, he explained the concept of ridwind and gripe water and says no need to take at all! No point..
KP, my fren also brought all her 3 kids to go c dr ngiam.. heard he is good...

haha.. so my jinfeng also overweight liao lor.. haha... my pd did mentioned that babies should be double their birth weight by 4th mth.. but some babies will slow down in putting on weight on the 3rd n 4th mth... so karen, maybe tats y isaac is drinking lesser now??

but y no need ridwind n gripe water??
rose, i think most major HK shops will sell..yesterday the one i went to (where we bought the bb bottles) got sell i think, but i din check out the prices.
baby_mummy, ur bb roughly same as mine just that head is bigger.. then good ah.. cos like that means the bb brain is growing well... hmm.. mine head is smaller.. don noe if its becos she seldom sleep in the day? cos she super KPO.. people talk she also listen and babbles.. she always think that everyone is talking to her so she don like to sleep.. end up when we wan to make her sleep we make sure that the environment is quiet.
KP, which clinic u went to?
Hee Jovan super small sized loh.. tummy lots of wind hence cannot feed.. that's y need the RIDWIND help. Hee your Issac has reserves wor!! Good for you.. can cut down on feeding liaoz!!

Pumpkinseed, what's your clinic name?? I see if it's my hubby list of clinic covered by the insurance. Then I can save too!!
wow, seems like all of our BBs are at the same phase - MILK REFUSAL phase of their life.

Any idea anyone - if I express my milk and store them in the office FREEZER and bring home (by the time I reach home, sometimes the top layer is a little melted already), can I still put them in my home freezer and store for 2mths? Or once transported, I should use them within 24hrs?
mousy_pig, sigh.. I wish I could latch on. Now my bb totally hated my nipples! But I still try to psycho him coz i need his help to clear the ducts.. Makes pumping so much easier!! He usually scream and twist n turn within 5min of latching..

Any solutions?? He has not been a keen latcher since birth lah.. maybe I nv "discipline" him enuff to fall in love with my breasts... he only love the milk!
Pumpkin Seed
my fren in canada their ML also 1 year, but the taxes are quite scary.

how much does isaac weigh now? wah, then my #1 must be quite underweight. she is turning 2 and not even 10kg yet.

maybe it is better if you put the ebm in fridge in the office, then transport it home using a FTG. when you get home then freeze.

that's what my bb has been doing the past week+. latch then suddenly get very frustrated and cry/scream. she does better on the right but don't like the left so i try to latch on the right to calm her down then switch to left. problem is she will never empty my left so i still got to pump after latching, which is very time consuming.
baby_mummy, me also facing the same problem as you....my son will also twist and turn during latching. I suspect maybe my flow too slow and he is impatient after drinking from bottle.

Jas, usually I dun store in office freezer. I just put in normal fridge and then go home and place in my fridge to consume within 2 days.

Dun think once defrost and put back in the freezer.
