(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

kris, you lying to me right? you told me you never bring kelly down to sculpture park before hor..i cannot rely on you to jalan jalan with me to parks if i become SAHM loe..

wah lao, my hubby also another one kind pig. me up since 8am to take care of andrea, wash bb and adult clothes and my good friend here is still sleeping loe. he slept at 5am, reason not becos of andrea but surfing net. just now my floor mat drop to the ground so i need to go down to collect it, wake him to keep watch on andrea whose sleeping on sofa. but when i came back, he's still in the room sleeping!! guys!! simply cannot make IT

<font color="119911">pumpkin,
yup, those r the big ones. im left wif not many, hw many packs do u wan? i c if i order somemore can get the same price anot.

for u i will try to bring them down.

guys r guys, no use being angry.</font>
Jamgal, Guys will def be guys. Most of them are best at playing with baby, changing occasional diaper and feed.

Kris, thanks thanks
Can I have 6 packets of 80 wipes please? If it's better to order more, I don't mind waiting. Still have 1 packet of Mothercare wipes left.
kris, if i were to ever quarrel with him over these things, i tink my life span left 5 years ah..hahaha..so i just take it in stride loe...bobian keke

yesterday i went to sculpture park in the late noon, nice weather leh...was tinking this ah kris if i ask her down she sure reject me immediately!
For cheong choon, can order Napisan please?? Really recommend it to all of you. It's $4.90 only and great for stains and as a disinfectant for baby clothing. I use it on my Bumwear and there are zero stains til now. It's selling for $7 at the pharmacy in Yew Tee.
And I want a Bebepod Plus too! Should try asking for a 2nd hand one in the WTB forum. It's so expensive brand new. The Bumbo is good for now but her chubby thighs get stuck sometimes already
<font color="119911">pumpkin,
1 pack consist of 3x80pcs, so u wan 2 packs of 3x80pcs or 6 packs of 3x80pcs? the waiting wun b long, onli 3-4days unless OOS.

napisan is bb detergent or stain remover? im using kodomo, oso stainless but $4.90 is cheap.

dats the rite attitude manz. my hb oso lidat, he can surf net n dun hear bb cry de lor. anyway men r men. as long as they do their duty of caring, lovin n providin for the family can liaoz.</font>
yah, totally agree with you kris. no point changing them, cos they will never change haha...

men are born to hunt while women are born to nurture...so daddies, bring in more bread and butter pls..
Oh then 2 packs of wipes please

Napisan is germicidal in-wash stain remover with active oxygen. Removes germs and stains from your wash even at low temperatures. For nappies, bibs and soiled stuff, I soak in Napisan. Then when throw in washing machine, I don't add anymore detergent.

It's a UK product. My family has been using it for 20 years already. I find it's the only one that really works. Even Napisan Vanish is not as good.
<font color="119911">those who wanna order angel wipes, PM me by tues k, i get the guy to deliver. collection frm my plc onli ah, dun expect me to deliver the wipes to ur doorstep hor.</font>
<font color="119911">jam/owmum,
help me order 2packs/btls of napisan k. bring over to my plc on fri ah.

i will keep the 2packs for u, pass u at our next gathering. btw hws ur thrush? better oreadi?</font>
thanks jris. it's better but habve to finish 2 wks meds. no side effect as yet. sorrytyping with her on knee an d she's kicking my arm
Kris, Jamgal &amp; Ow_mummy: Ok! I would take 3 boxes of pigeon breastpads from Kris &amp; 3 ordered from CC. I can self-collect...How much is the Pigeon bottle detergent refill? If not cheaper, I can get from Isetan

Heehee...I'm using ordinary laundry detergent &amp; softener on my bb's clothes leh...even mixing his with our's laundry...
Talk about hubby...I'm feeling under the weather today (most prob gastric acting up due to last night's dinner...) told my hubby I need to rest but he also cannot jaga my #1...I still have to endure &amp; cook lunch &amp; look after #2....
Finally bck frm the rush...manage to get a Techno chest freezer @ $298..will b delivered tomoro..shld hv got it earlier...nw need to get some rest..wat a day.

Kris, maybe i collect frm u nxt weekend as still need to collect my breastshield @ SK from kp's sis.
<font color="119911">pumpkin,
gd to noe dat u r on the rd to recovery.

tot hes always the one looking after #1? juz tell him u not feeling well n need to rest, he sure will help.

muz b relieved dat u got the chest freezer. will keep ur wetbags for u, juz let me noe when u wanna drop by.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ow mummy,I also want 2 bottles of napisan please.Btw,what else do they sell huh?What brand of baby bottle detergent refill is the cheapest?Help me get 1 refill pack too?Bring to Kris house on friday,k?

So my order is:
2 napisan
1 baby bottle detergent refill- the cheapest one per ml</font>
<font color="aa00aa">pumpkin,if i soak the soiled nappies in napisan ,can i just rinse off without putting in washing machine?I do bb's laundry once once every 2 days so i just soak the nappies instead of using machine</font>
HLW: my house is just beside the Endeavour Primary School.. hehehe..ya,can always meet up at Sun Plaza or Sembawang shopping centre...

Wanna ask the mummies here, my gal don seems to like to drink milk.. the moment she taste milk she will cry and cry until the face red red.. is there any thing i can do to make her drink?
marie: u no need the breastpad? if not, i buy from u
haha, freezer got 1 tub of ice cream can still buy another 1 mah.. hahaa... i ordering 2 tubs just for myself... hehe, is ok if u not getting.. i will order 3 tubs, 1 for my nieces

ow_mummy or jam: pls get 2 boxes of breastpads for me n 1 bottle of napisan... thanks
mousy_pig, yesterday 1am she cries so give her milk but she cries harder.. today morning feed her at 9am, she still cries.. din even drink about 90 ml. just now feed her also drink 120ml then don wan. hicup so try to get her to drink but still cry then give her drink water oki.. so try to bluff her by pulling out the water and give her milk, she cries again.. ah.. cannot take it man.. so scare that she like water now but not the milk..
and now i feel that she got irregular feeding time and amt.. suka suka she drink like up to 165ml if not, then just drink about 100ml and i also don noe how to feed her liao..
what can i do now?.. stress ah..
Thks alot to all mummies...yup feeling relieved after getting the chest freezer and hope that this kinda of bad things stay far far away from me.

bonbon, thks alot for the dvds

sry had been busy, jus come in thread.. for those who wana order can u pls PM me so its easier for me.. i will put a list down of the items they do sell which i knw with pricing shortly... THANKS mummies!

Pumpkinseed: i wanted to buy a bebepod plus too post on WTB but nobody responding... hmm.. i will check with Cheung choon see if they can get bebepod plus...
Tan, my boy I also dunno why he doesn't seem to know how to suck the teat. He will bite and then no milk then he will refuse to drink liao. Sometimes after 4-5 hours he is still not hungry.

Usually when he is sleepy he can drink whatever amount i give him so very difficult for me to estimate how much he drinks also.

Is your baby on FM or BM? How old is your gal?
My girl had milk rejection a few weeks back, simply refused to drink milk and kept crying when the teat was in her mouth. She kinda 'recovered' after like 2 days. Probably it's the same case?

By the way, I realised I made a mistake! I meant to say you live near Endeavour Pri but I typed Innova Pri which is in Woodlands! Both are very new schools! Very blur! =p
hi Mummies..long time nvr post le..these few days bz doing my assignment..finally started doing it..due next wed, 15 July..am only a third thru it..find it dif to tink properly while taking care of bb so getting my mum to come over tmr to help me take care of bb so that I can concentrate..cant wait to finish it manz..den wil be free le..

Tan: I oso feel that my bb is drinking lesser these days..and she has bottle rejection lor..cos I total latch and it's been quite a while since she took a bottle but just now had to go dinner wif hb family at a restaurant where there's no nursing rm ma and I'm too shy to bf even wif the nursing cover so pumped out for her..den she dun wan to drink..kept crying..haiz..den I bf her in the car on the way bk..so poor thg..like super hungry le..
I just tried dream feeding and it works for Andrea. She drank it all while sleeping, in one gulp and continue to sleep after finishing her milk!!
ow_mummy, did u burp her then? i din leh. but read online a bb got choked on her milk after dreamfeeding and died. very scary..
My stress starts from today. Hb will be away for a week. Got to wake up so many times a night. Leaking still need to carry bb/feed bb and then express milk. Praying hard that she can sleep thru the night. Usually hb will do the feeding and put her to sleep. He super fast and bb is back to sleep. Wonder why i can't do it. After feeding her i put her down she will make noise. Why hb put her down she ok...

My mermaid also don't drink much. When they are sleepy can drink alot. How much you give they will finish up.
dodos, still haven't put it to use outside leh. but my first try was an easy one and andrea didn't fuss. pei and rose seems to like it loe.

ow_mummy, yah, me gonna watch her loe..scared scared
wah, u can monitor since u in same room as her loe..andrea sleep in her own room ah!! i think i should burp her next time she dream feed!
<font color="666600">Audrey: Techinically 2 sons lor..heehee..

Kris: These Men dunno wat we Mummies go thru hor...My hb now very amazed with the volume of milk i have, comparing to the first mth. glad he is very supportive lor..just now Xander also cant finish left abt 15ml...hb gulp it up! :p

Ultrabeary: I dun mind ordering ice-cream. Can i let u noe the flavour tml? Too tired to go n see now. Waiting for time to pump. The breast pads i can sell u lah..no prob..I dun need. mine wont leak. :p Thank God!</font>
<font color="ff3399">marie i wanna complain!! kiki told mr bon ur hubby so supportive n gulp ur milk down.. mr bon just jaw drop n stare at me, he say he prefer Meiji milk... !!!!!!!!! kiki

chocz, no prob! paiseh din really comfort u abt the BM spoilt when i met u just now cos i haven read the posts here yet.. kiki sorry make u go all way up and din manage to chat much cos rushing off.. kiki next time can arrange haf lunch and i wanna visit ur workplace too! kiki

KP, thanks hor, now i struggling not to click on the gelato BP link n order kiki.. i also planning to get the same Belgium, Rum and Yoghurt!! but after hearing abt ur rum hor, i thinking get Mango or Durian, but alot ppl feedback the fruit taste all not strong kiki... decisions decisions.. </font>
<font color="666600">bonbon: u must tell jiemei that EBM super 'bu'. My hb also love meiji milk..but how often got EBM to drink. My bro in law also drink EBm when my niece cant finish. :p</font>
chocz.. glad u bought the freezer..

Marie... so ur HB not so pantang to drink ur EBM.. so good... coz malays ar sort of like.. if another bb drinks ur EBM.envy2 ur child and that child who drinks cannt get married.. we are called the milk mom.. somthing like that lah
chocz.. and i know soon the freezer will be filled up.. dun worry

jam .. both of us start work same day.. betta arrange one day pop over ur place
<font color="ff3399">jam, think our hubbies have the same reaction to BM drinking kiki but mr bon quite funny, said he will drink if BM + Meiji mix together faint </font>
bonbon, mr bonbon will still drink if bm mix with something else. mr vu is don't even wanna taste a single drop haha...

ida, hiyoh, i tink hor, difficult to meet up lah, if not you pass the socks to another girl girl loe? i'm ok one ;) no worries.
bon bon .. at least he wil drink

jam .. ya lah.. man .. i was so pissed with myself for forgetting that day to pass u .. some more pack nice2.. nvm..see how.. i will go to ur place lah.. no worries one lah

<font color="666600">Ida: me no pantang. I'm christian. Besides, EBM is gd for anyone who takes it. So hb say y waste.

Bonbon: tell jiemei when ur #2..ask him to try lor..

Jam: be notti. if u have #2, sneak a bit of the EBM in his coffee :></font>
