(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs


I guess our bill differs probably due to the gynae charges. I think Mt A maternity package is more or less the same, just that the doctor charges make a difference. I was in the labour ward for less than 3 hours, not sure whether that makes a difference too? Anyway here's my bill breakdown:

Hospital Charges for Mummy
Assisted delivery with epidural = $1,130
Single ward charges for 2days (3D2N) = $700
Clinical consumable & supply = $39
Companion (non claim) = $150
Equipment usage = $20
F&B Services (non claim) = $6.40
Pharmacy = $36.75
Total Hospital Charges with GST = $2227.90

Doctor Charges for Mummy
Doctor attendance fee = $400
Doctor operation fee = $1,000
Doctor other fee = $80
Total chargable = $1480

Doctor Operation Fee for Mummy
Epiduralist = $350

Total charges for mummy = $4057.90

Hospital Charges for Baby
Baby package = $298
Nursery bed charges @ $85 for 2 days = $170
Clinical consumable % supply = $5.75
Diagnostic Imaging Services = $63
Laboratory Services = $24
Pharmacy = $1.50
Total hospital charges with GST = $601.61

Doctor Charges for Baby
Doctor attendance fee = $278.20

Total charges for baby = $879.81

re: letdown
sometimes i only have feeling of milk making in the process where e electrifying feel..
letdown.. seldom have le.. only when i see milk coming out, den i know.. letdown lai liao..
mousy_pig - thanks =)

karrie - u bao ur bb like ba zhang, but u on aircon right? everything i bao, even with thin sarong cloth, she will perspire...so poor thing. happy anniversary btw!! =) enjoy ur massage...

jam/bonbon - envy ur engorged feeling leh...at least got milk!!!

Pei - my bb sleeps on pillow. my grandma made a really flat one which looks comfy...too high i find she looks uncomfy. PD also use pillow wat...

ow_mummy - really v envy u manz...pump so short while n so much milk. i pump n squeeze my breasts also not so much hahaha

queen - how to achieve as many letdowns as possible during pumping? how do u "feel" the letdown...i dun feel anything!! v insensitive!!! =P

SKS - cos BM is pretty sweet (u can taste for urself)...so not surprising...anw my FIL says ants r attracted to newborns' head cos its apparently sweet too, so be careful.

cocobunz - same lor..when first start, it squirts (v shiok!!) but i find its for my right breast. my left breast not so leh..but left breast usually yield slightly more.

SKS - hahaha u arent the only one. im sure all mummies here wish our babies cld just tell us wat they want!!! =)

Pei - Ruyi oil is v hot, tts y some babies develop rash. im using telon oil, so far so good..not so hot i think. just a warning, tt day i go n rub till hot hot n apply to her tummy then she cried!!! i think was too hot!!! my hb said to us its nice n warm but too hot for bb =(

Ciarie - haha same...must SEE...tt time when i saw LC, she said i must learn to FEEL without seeing. i cant la.. anw now i pump n bottle feed liao... envy those still latching. wish i can...but my girl looks v cham when i try to latch so i rather not. v heartbreaking...n when i desperate i just hold without pillow support so maybe she's not comfy n i dun wan to accidentally hurt her neck. only when she is not hungry n good mood i still latch once in a while. hope can improve ss. my bb girl helping mummy already... =)
any mummies here the breasts dun feel heavy or engorged anymore? even after pumping, i dun feel the difference anymore. last time can feel its lighter after pumping. now like no diff liao. any idea why???
Baby moving here n there twisting while drinking milk: for my case is becuz baby gonna do some big business or she need to be burp..

Eunice:now i don feel much diff after pump.. unless my breasts was super engorged la ( with lumps).. if not no difference..
eunice, I read in kellymom website that once your breasts get used to the new ms, you won't have the engorged or full feeling anymore. Anyone can substantiate that?
btw mums... i havent seen the earlier posts - Congrats to PRAVINA - she popped - she finally is our last April Mummy - her EDD was early may... all the best gerl!!
thanks mummies for the well wishes about my hubby getting a job.. finally and yesh till now he is werking.. otw home..... i guess to make up for all the time he was not werking past 2 months

yup... i do believe in other commmunication other than home coz we will be bz with other stuff.. so last time we used to cath up a lot on the bike talking

Since he is werking in TUAS... and have to be there at 0745hrs - i start work 0730 hours - we mite have to consider getting another bike - his was lost at JB 2 years ago and setlled only using my bike... and we have to go our individual ways i guess.. but my bike is 5 yrs old.. so lots of things need to be done to the bike... engine and stuff.. but m taking it slow... will go to werk earlier a bit and go home myself by public if he has to work OT... if everything settled then get another bike lorrr.. some more this year planning to move house
so envy mums who babies scared of aircon.. my boys are sleeping w/out blanket i aircon leh.. some more still sweating... with both fan and aircon on....

pei and lisa.. wah ur children must be good looking with english fatherssss....
hi..regarding e fenugreek seed..i cant get e ones frm gnc..cos i cant swallow pills..n i heard e ones frm gnc r really big..hee.
so am wondering where can i get fenugreek seeds other than there..can how shld i consume it leh?? really hope it can increase my supply..
to those mummies who can get loads of breast milk when pumping:
may i noe hw do u gals manage to get so much breast milk? im so jealous..hee..did u all eat anything to help in e supply??
i actually do drink e fish head papaya soup..but doesnt seem to help much..

help!!! hai..
re: letdown
sometimes i only have feeling of milk making in the process where e electrifying feel..
letdown.. seldom have le.. only when i see milk coming out, den i know.. letdown lai liao..
immas: maybe u can stick to a constant schedule, ie 3hrly or 4hrly pumping so tat ur breasts are "trained" to make milk...

re: fenugreek seed
u can get it from any malay or indian spice shop. they shd be selling tat.
use e seed to boil to water... and drink...

Sharon & Pravina: CONGRATS!!!!!!! Enjoy bf-ing!! :D take care!!! jia you!!!
waiting for your birth story....
pravina, congrats!

wah, last night v shiok.. hb offered to do night duty so he'll wake me up only when bb needs to feed.. havent had a long sleep liao! but in the end ended up with hard breasts bcos bb didn't wake up for 5 hrs to feed, and have to pump 1st thing in the morning.. :p
Kris: shiok ah!! hee.... WHEN WILL BE MY TURN??

have decided to go buy a chest freezer le..
whether ss will be as good in e months ahd.. right now, my mum's freezer lower compactment is like pasar malam filled w packs of ice-lolipop ebm!!
good problem!!! :D
Kris, u r my role model!!! shall keep up pumpin and pumping to fill e chest freezer!! hee...
Tingting: so nice of ur hubby! since e return of bb, i havent got a 1-time good rest in e wee hours le..
only if bb sleeps thru a good 3-4hr interval, den i can catch some sleep..
else, i'll be like a zombie walking ard e house, fetching milk, warming milk.. :p:p
for those of you latching baby, then after that pumping, is it very tiring?

or anyone latching, then give bottle to supplement further then pump? CL recommend to do that to increase supply if baby is not getting enough from the breast...wah, but it will be very tiring.

or do you all usually pump only when you offer the EBM for that feed?
ciarie, jia you on the chest freezer fill up mission!

even though i latch on directly, hence less work on washing n warming milk, i'm still v zombie.. several times i dozed off while feeding my gal, and her head actually rolled off my arm a few times... quite scared that i snap off her head man.. so now i try to walk around a bit, drink cold water, wash my face to wake myself up before feeding her..
tingting: YES!!! JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!!

eh.. e rolling off head sounds familiar!! hee...
aiyo... u still have energy to wash face.. e very min i woke up, i'll turn on my warmer, max it, open fridge door, bring out a bottle ebm to warm..
can u imagine.. all these are done w only 1/4 eyes open!! haa....

must sing e song, "zombie.. zombie.. zom bie bie bie.."
congrats Pravina, finally u hv popz.

Finally, get to log in today. I'v been hving runs since yesterday, i suspect its the papaya fish soup i m drinking everyday..coz i've sensitive stomache even before preggie, if i take banana or papaya.. i will go to toilet after a few mins. Sigh..dun knw wat to do ...cos after taking the papaya soup ss did increase. So pathetic,take too much red date drink become too heaty, my sil still commented tat she nvr heard of pple during confinement will get heaty...tired of reasoning wif her coz i knw my body better than her..she oso said tat must take eat more fatty pork so tats ss will increase but my family normally take in only white meat...she cant use the SOP on everyone mah..
good morning mummies!!!

congrats pravina, u r just in time, if u gave birth slightly later u'll be May 09 mummy instead if April 09..

happylittlewoman, thanks for sharing..

mummies, i remember some mummies shared abt a shop to get cheaper pigeon wet wipe, anyone have the address?? can let me know?? thanks...

can i check with u mummies, how long a pack of pigeon 80pcs wet wipe can last you??

i think mine used up very fast, my girl poo like twice a day, i use abt 1 pack every 2 to 3 days lei..izit very fast??
<font color="119911">juz came back frm ikea, it was a total madness. need to q to get into the restaurant, need to q to get food, everything oso q. super wrong to go out 2dae. but the gd thing is, i had my 1st cup of coffee after delivery, shiok.

ur turn veri soon, u r 1wk+ after me rite? gd to get a chest freezer coz the ebm will b clean. no role model lah, we encourage one another along the wee hrs pumpin path aheads, dats hw some of the 2007 forum mums became my veri gd frenz, we meet for bfast on most wkends till nw.

i cant get the stick the head in the fridge image out of my head, so funi.

i heard my CL say cant drink papaya fish soup too often coz veri liang2, if weak stomach sure cant take it. yup, too much red date tea will b heaty, u try to add some water into ur red date tea, else will get sore throat.

i got the 100pcs wet wipes n got to open every 3days. its super fast coz after poo got to use 3-4pcs, after pee another 1-2pcs. diaper oso veri fast, my bb likes to poo a bit, change den poo a bit, faint.</font>
u know how to ride a bike, as in motorbike, ah? So cool!!!!!!I always wanted to learn, but scared parents will kill me! Hee hee, nearly wanted to learn secretly :p

normally I don't pump after latching cos am too lazy. Even if I do pump, I barely get anything, so I feel it's not worth the effort lor, what's more need to sterilise the pump and bottles etc

tingting, ciarie,
I know what u mean about having trouble staying awake. I once found myself falling asleep and having dreams whilst breastfeeding my bb!! And I know someone who can sleep while standing up!!

my mother is the same as your SIL, always say women in confinement cannot get too heaty. Like you I told my mom that I know my body!!! And ask her if she would rather I keep eating those heaty food and then fall sick and both me and bb suffer!
you just came back from ikea? So envious! My confinement officially ends next fri, can't wait! And I am dying to get my hands on a cup of cold teh C slurp slurp...
eunice, yah will on aircon coz my room is super stuffy n hot. she will also perspire coz her corner of the room doesn't get the aircon that much, but she seems to like it that way. when i tried to direct the aircon her way, she would complain.
Pei, tingting, ciarie i also fall asleep when breastfeeding bb. there was once i had to like nudge my breast aside so that she could breathe while drinking and i fell asleep...and i ended up resting my whole hand on her face!!!! so scary. luckily i didn't suffocate her. that's why i dun like to latch her at nite. my hb wants to take the easy way out (i.e. avoid his share of the night duty) keep asking me to put her on the bed beside me and just whip the breast out when she's hungry...but im really scared of rolling over and crushing her.

ciarie, i feel like getting the chest freezer too. there's a mummy selling second hand on the WTS thread...wonder if i should get it or just buy a totally new one.
<font color="119911">pei,
tink we can stay organising outing next wk le, most of the mummies finished their confinement tis wk, whr u stayin?

shld we do a list of whr the mummies r stayin? if u too bzee, mayb i can help u wif it, u juz 4ward me the list n i add on to it. whens ur confinement ending?</font>

I am staying at serangoon
How about you?? An outing with all the mummies will be good, esp after having been coped up at home all these weeks!!
<font color="119911">pei,
im stayin at sengkang, quite near each other. my hb kept askin me if thrs anyway i wanna go coz im at hm most of the time due to csect wound. my #1 was natural so i went out on the 2nd wk onwards, tis one was csect n i onli start gg out on 3th wk onwards, so bored at hm.</font>

mine's a c-section too. I can understand how boring it is to stay at home. I have been cooking up excuses to get out of the house as often as I can!!
Anyone happened to be in Mt A now? My wife just delivered on 29 Apr, staying till tomolo due to baby developing high level of jaundice.

My gal was born to be at 3.605kg, 52cm long. Is she on the big side? We were quite surprised with her weight, as my wife's tummy dun look big even till the morning we admitted. Last estimation by gynae 2 weeks before labour was 2.9kg...
wow Corine's Dad, 3.6 kg is pretty big for a gal, and 52 cm is long too! Think she can be supermodel next time..
u and/or your wife are tall as well?
corine's dad, your gal's weight and height are exactly the same as my #1. But now my gal turning 2.5 yrs is just at the 50% for her height and 25% for her weight because she doesn't eat much.

I'm not tall but my husband is, maybe that's explains her height.

It's a good weight to start with for a baby. Easier to look after.
pei, it's wonderful tat ur confinement ends nxt wk. I still hv a long long way to go ..abt another 19 days to go.....sianz..dunno who came up with this idea of confinement. Mummies suffer for 10 mths oredi still nd to go thru another round of sufferings for 1mth.
Kris: no problem le.. my hubby finally settled e excel problem tat im hving w this notebook le..


eh its really to keep close r/s w 07 mummies!
ive totally lost touch le... :p:p
no choice, even if we don't believe in confinement, we still have to do it cos of the older generation. It will be interesting to see if we would want our daughters to do confinement in future!!
RE: Induction

Hi Mummy!

I was wondering if anybody went thru induction here? I might need to induce my baby hence would love to hear some advises/experience! A million tks!

<font color="119911">ciarie,
not the apr ones but the may de, coz my edd was supposed to be eali may, who noes bb decided to come out on 22/4. k, i stay in sengkang, so mummies who wanna b updated, mayb can let ciarie noes
