(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Using wipes
I dun use so many wipes cos I use cotton pad (Watson buy 3pkt @ $2 then very big packet) plus boiled water. Cleaner & cheaper...I very clumsy...dun dare carry baby to wash bottom every time he poos....

happylittlewoman, i must find time to dig out the bill to compare, i will check n let u know, thanks for sharing...
I ordered fitti from the website some mummies posted here. Just call the number 6861 9155 during normal working hours. They would coordinate the delivery time with u...
I ordered 6 pkts of S size cos bb's weight a week ago is 4.6kg...if order NB, I scare he outgrow it in no time...
Kris, yeah I am going out soon to Courts to get a chest freezer. Will learn from your method of storage hee... I gonna stop pumping by 4.5 months as I will go back to work after a full 5 months so need time to stop the milk supply man...

karrie, wow so nice wor! Wonder when I will have the chance to enjoy "two person world" with my hubby hee... Anyway same same, my milk started leaking everytime after my post natal massage and dirtied my bedroom floor haha...

Yvonne, no problem, take your time.

My CL also uses a few cotton pieces with boiled water to clean baby's backside after she poos everytime. My baby poos everytime during or after feeding and in between so it's around 10x per day too! But my CL said it's normal for TBF babies to poo so many times per day leh.
And maybe I should also check, how often do we go visit PD? Is it like once in few weeks / when required (touchwood) type?

Is it important to have a fixed PD (i.e. private) or is it ok to go like NUH where they keep your record but PD will rotate based on shifts?
corine's dad: first PD visit shld be a few days or within a week after bb discharge.. after tt will be after full mth for jab.. den subsequently will be when required n also jabs..as for gg for a private PD or Nuh its up to u lo.. but to me isnt it abit troublesome to go to NUH every now n then.. mayb its better to see a PD near ur place..more convenient..
i bot mine at courts too... brand: techno.
price: $298 + extended warranty $69 = $367...

or there's a mummy selling at WTS thread, she's selling at $150..

Corine's dad: i wld prefer to go PD cos like wat ow_mum said, more convenient..
My PD actually gives newborn priorty which poly and hospital do nt practise tat..
Thanks ow_mummy and Ciarie, I think I will opt for NUH then (likely), as it is the nearest for me, just 5min drive away. But in the meantime, I have to visit the first PD in Toa Payoh, as a follow up from discharge.
Blurmom, I went thru induction wif EPI. I had my EPI before puttin on 2 bottles of drips to induce. Hmm had it around @ 12.45am and went to labour room @ abt 3.50am and BB was out at abt 4am. Hmm didnt feel any pain, legs were numb.

Pei, yup i found it quite gd wif the velcro when bb fidget it wont get loose, moreover i m very bad in using the wrap..it always get untidy n loose.
mummies: anyone having real bad appetite?? i cant seem to swallow..i m onli ok with fluid.. but nt solid food.. see ardy feel like vomitting.. i had started eating more normal food than confinement food this week, thought i haf no appetite for confinement food onli.. but seems like i don feel like eating anythin.. even my hubby bring me out i also no mood to eat, jus like now..my MIL bought me Big breakfast (my love) but same cant seem to swallow..
ow.... no wonder lah.. u keep winning this and that..

ciairie.. u just confirmed me ahh.. where got chioo.. wedding make up mah

jam.. thanks ahh.. 1 pack of S... if by then cannot use.. will sell back lorr... hehehe.. no probs lah.. if got transport... will go ur place... paiseh also make u bring out my things....that means u take public always must walk in arrr
<font color="119911">mousy,
dun stress urself. the more u stress, the lesser milk, juz relax n b4 u noe, ur ss would have increased.

i bring my manual pump out if more den 4hrs n i go out rite after a pump. i pump in the car wif my nursing shawl n after i pump, im usually less den 1hr away frm hm, so when reached hm, i will giv bb the ebm.

she sure poo after every feed n sometimes after we clear up, she poo a bit, sianz lor.

gd time to go courts, they having a mega sale, hope u got the chest freezer.

the bad appetite could b due to the confinement food n coz we eat 3 regular meals everyday. when CL was here, i had bfast, lunch n dinner w/out fail. once she left, i missed my lunch yest, dunno wat to eat oso, juz snack my junk - chips, chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, etc.</font>
for those who are interested in increasing the milk supply.... my fren said can get the mustard seeds from those indian spice shop.... it works like the gnc fenugreek... except this one we boil ourselves... basically 1 tablespoon with 1 1/2 cup water... boil until the seed/skin open... should left only 1 cup or less... i tried for 2 days still no results.... according to my fren, it works for her.. but only from 5th day... its cheap too... 1 packet cost only $1...
but i have to share with u all, the drink is bitter... so if u all cannot take it, maybe its better to buy the pills from gnc
kris: i cancelled my Natal essentials lo.. waste my money man! i ate 2 weeks den cancel..first week still can eat abit.. 2nd week onwards i m like throwing away all e meals..haix.. reali no appetite leh.. i kip on feeling thirsty onli no hunger at all..
Blurmom, i also went through induce with Epi... only asked for epi when contractions came... abit torture for tat 15 mins while waiting for the doc.. prob due to the drip, the contractions came almost like every 2 mins...

i start the drip at 1am... gave birth at 7am... with the epi, u dun feel any pain.. cos leg also numb....
mummies.. finally today had my massage!!

happylilwoman: din use e massage lady u had cos she's charging $500 leh... so ended up using bonbon's massage lady, ida.
very good... bone crack and freed! shiok!!!
tummy wrapped like dumpling... hee..
den she did e breast massage, den milk start spirting out like fountain! best!

ultrabeary: thk u r talking abt e fenugreek seed is it???
Chest Freezer

Hi mummies, I am back from COurts Tampines. Saw and bought the Techno 100litre chest freezer there, now having sale! Ciarie, not sure whether it's the same one which you have gotten, anyway it's going for $248 (usual $328) now, delivery charge $29.90, extended warranty for 2 more years at $69. We didn't get the extended warranty cos plan to sell it after all the BM is consumed. Very worth it, so whoever needs one do go grab one this weekend.

Ciarie, actually polyclinics do give new borns priority queue numbers, but still I don't quite like bringing my baby to polyclinic, really too many sick people there! As for the massage, yeah unless you are staying nearby, my ML charges extra $100 for transport, so doesn't make it so worthwhile already.

I am planning to bring my girl to a GP for vaccinations, not planning to visit a PD unless absolutely necessary, cos I think it's quite a waste of money. Am I right to think this way?
Happylilwoman: oh.. thk its e same model bah... sharks! kena con! selling $248 lo!!! hmm...
nevamind la....
when are they delivering?
mine is coming today........ now all my ebm in milkbag are placed in plastic bag..
very messy like garang guni like tat!

later will pack again when e freezer is here..

re: PD vs Polyclinic
actually hv long time neva gone to polyclinic, and its way too far for me.
but i thk for bb vacines, like wat u said, if gt q no, appt, so long as dun have to stay there for donkey hours, shd be fine bah..
think charges will be more economical..

for me, all vacines are taken at PD cos his records are there since born.
and tat my b1 has got urine infection b4, jaundice,etc..
so tot just stick to pd..
but normal cough and flu, will bring him to our regular gp which is downstairs only.
mummies.. need some advise here... >>> HIRING A MAID.....
Wat are e costs involved??
Is it usually standard thruout all diff agencies??
ciaire... different prices lah....

maid agency will be higher if u decide to pay the maid's salary for the forst 8-10 months monthly.. if u decide to pay one lump sum before hiring.. the agncy fees lower.... but got pros and cons.. and may diff agencies,diff fees horrr

happylittle woman.. u are rite--we must save what we can...

chest freezer.. shucks - if got extra cash.. sure go grab one....but dun have
<font color="0050b3">Corine's Dad / Chocz / ultrabeary <font face="symbol">®</font> I really appreciate the experience that you have shared! Seem that I'm being over-paranoid or haunted by scary experience shared by inexperience MTBs? Your post really ease my hurricane thoughts, once again thank you
read that we can go gnc and buy fenugreek to increase milk supply? is it pills form? Has anyone bought it and try it?

does your baby has small little dots (like oil seeds) on their face? Recently, i realise that my baby has quite a number of small little red dots on her face? What to do with it? will it go away?
kidz.. pam is pravina leh.. hehehehe

maid agencyfee - 500..
insirance - take plan 2 . .middle range... 280++.. so must say put aside like 800 for a maid...fresh one.. if transfer - must pay more

porky - dun do anething with it - will go away on its own
ciarie : some of the costs involved are
- The Agent's admin fee (This depends from agent to another agent), mine was $200 if i remember correctly.
- The Maid's loan to the agent, again, the amount depends from agent to agent. Then some agents will ask for lump sum payment when you come and fetch the maid. For mine, the agent asked for dated cheques. Let say the maid has to pay 8 mths of her pay to agent, so need to issue 8 chqs, each chq dated on the beginning of d month.
- Maid's insurance .. I forgot how much, i think about 200++
- Foreign worker's Levy ... it's $225 mthly (giro from cpf), but then if you're hiring a maid to take care of your baby (child under 12), you can get a rebate ..
- then of course, there's the maid's wage ehehe .. I think now minimum bout $300/mthly
ha, talking about employing a maid makes my blood boil! I have been married for 4 years (married in singapore) and a few months back updated my address in my IC. But when I tried to employ a maid, the agency applied and it was rejected by MOM cos according to their records, I am still single and am still staying at my old address (my parents')!???!!!!!!! What a joke!!
porkylim, fenugreek from GNC is in pill form.

those small little red dots my boy also have, can just leave them alone, they will go away.
<font color="119911">ciarie,
the fee is diff between maid agencies, u can chk out 3-4 agencies b4 hiring. the rate nw for no experience indon maid is $320 n experienced is $360. the loan u pay upfront will b deducted frm maid's salary every mth. insurance is abt $200 per 2yrs. levy for working mum is $170 frm cpf. The monthly cost of maid is abt $600.

it shld either b heat rash or milk rash, if heat rash can apply calamine lotion which some mummies recommend and its reli gd. if milk rash, juz got to clean wif cotton wool after every milk feed.

i shaved my bb's hair at 1mth. i did it at the salon downstair.

dunno y MOM got tis problem wif address. my neighbour who shifted 1/2 yr back still got his letters frm MOM delivered to the old address, he was so angry.</font>
kris, u shaved bb's hair at 1st mth, how abt eye brow?? my mum said eye brow oso need to shave lei..like tat my girl is going to look botak for mths lei..
<font color="119911">yvonne,
my cl shaved the eyebrow for my bb, i was so scare dat i dun wanna look, juz leave the shaver wif her, keke.</font>
huh, got to shave eyebrows as well? Then my girl is going to look so weird and boyish (she already looks like a boy now)!

i didn't know can just got to any salon, thought must go to those esp for babies.
re: shave bb hair and eyebrow
i dun shave my bb's hair for first month acc to tradition...
only shave to do the tai mao bi and e shop asst did e shaving.
likewise for b2, will do e same.
mummies... thanks for e advise on hiring a maid...

oh.. e levy is from our cpf ah?? hmm..
kris: when u say monthly $600 means in cash ah?
thk nid to go shopping ard agencies le..
but hor... thk my MIL gt plan change.. she was mentioning she's nt able to take care of b1 &amp; b2 at e same time..
<font color="119911">ciarie,
i cant rmbr levy frm cpf or giro. $600 coz $360 in cash n $170 levy, so abt $600 lor. if u give ur MIL a maid, she shld b able to look after both ba.</font>
Kris: she jus told my hubby tat she cant handle 2 leh..

so.. i guess we jus have to stick ard at my mum's place first bah...
and seriuosly pray abt it and see how things goes..

thanks for ur notes on e costs...

btw.. my chest freezer arrives today!!!!!!!
now is "heating up" den mybe tmr can start filling it up le!!

meanwhile, ai bia jia eh yia (hokkien).. keep pumping!!!

<font color="0050b3">Ciarie <font face="symbol">®</font> Jia you on pumping! You got quite alot supply arh, hahaha... Hope that I will have good supply too!</font>
