(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

ow_mummy, i oso scare wen after deliver neh neh shrink n wil have lots of stretchmarks, so i apply stretchmarks cream on neh neh oso ha hah..

pat, she doesn't wash for me haha. for her she's quite traditional type, ask me to handwash my own undies n bra. cannot mix in washing machine cos more hygenic cos got man's clothes inside. but i do see her throwing her own bra inside when she lazy to wash.. so i just diam diam. she just like to sun thing, soft toy, pillows, all she like to take out to sun. haha

RE: pregnant breast
any mummies encounter the aerola area around the nipple getting v dark n big? i'm so sad cos pre-pregnancy its light brown n small like 20cent coin rite? now mine is dark brown almost purplish brown, then the size super big, exceed 50cent coin size already. my hubby just console say its alrite, will return to normal after giving birth. but i rem some moms saying their stay that way.

also, i got many lines that look like bruises and purple stretch marks when i wear strapless wire bra. cos some tops need to use strapless bra, and without wire no support for shape. but after removing when showering, there seems many marks. but it does go away after few hours, then next day of bra wearing, back again..
pat, my cup size stay constant at c cup, my bra size changed from 32c to 34c then 36c..the past 2 mths plus seems ok, bra size staying at 36c..
Eunice & Yvonne, I envy you two more! How I wish I can upgrade a cup or two!! I really don't mind buying new bras then! heee I think mine only improve 1/2 cup!!! So finally can fill a A cup nicely...

I was going through my wardrobe yesterday and found this VS Ipex series top that I bought a year ago. (Dunno if I spell correctly). It's got a built in bra top! Wah now I finally can WEAR it! It's a 34A loh.. can fit in my big tum tum too! ho ho.. maybe can wear it in hospital. No need nursing bra! Jus pull down and feed! It has underwire though..

If breast size doesn't equate to supply, then I will be VERY relieved. Else my baby sure very ke lian. Everyday hungry.

Anyone knows a way to maintain the bra cup size after breastfeeding??
<font color="ff6000">bonbon, don't be upset about the aerola thingy lah. It should go off after pregnancy coz the pigmentation is caused by pregnancy hormones.

I think your breasts must be quite big right? My sister has got huge breasts and her aerola is very big. Much bigger than your 50 cent coin size. Maybe the size of the base of a drinking glass (not cup)?

If the underwired bras are giving you those marks, maybe you want to stop wearing them or get bra extensions. They sound like they're too tight already.</font>
Oh Eunice, my washing machine is LG brand. Babycare mode will adjust temperature to 95deg cel, more rinses etc. Waste a lot of electricity and water too!!

That's y I am hesitant to separate into 2 batches of light &amp; dark coloured clothes as baby clothes volume is VERY small. Is it ok to mix with adult clothes but use baby detergent?
Pat... not true leh.. i also very small but aerola grow so BIG loh.. not proportional leh!

Thanks Pat &amp; JamGal on highlighting the 3+1 month ML. I am still thinking if I should convert 1month ML to part time for 2M... or take it during Nov/Dec.
<font color="ff6000">Yvonne is this yr first child? If not, your previous pregnancy leh. Your cup size got increase? or only width size?

bbmym hahah, you very poor thing leh haha. But it's good that you have something to wear, no need nursing bra haha.

About maintaining the bra cup size hor, hahah no idea. I also want to find out. I very much prefer my size now. at least there's something.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Really bbmum? Yr aerola also very big arh? Mine no change leh. Only became darker. What's yr size now??</font>
Re dark aerola: i went for the antenatal lesson at Mt A last week, the slides they show on the breastfeeding mummies, the aerola all big big brown brown one. Mine also mah...See liao also sian. I am very doubtful it will automatically shrink back to 'little cute cute ones' loe. Somemore after breastfeeding, our nipples will become extended or longish, cos bb suckle on it everyday
Women always have to make alot sacrifices. That is why we are so 'wei da'
bonbon, about the areola colour, im not sure if will go back to normal if u dun bf. mine didn't go back coz i breastfed. so it's a permanent change.

pravina, yah she is right. should wait until ur milk come in then see the size. because our boobs will likely expand even more during bf. that time i bot one nursing bra too early. end up too small when my milk came in.

you won't have stretchmarks, you'll have sagging skin instead..haha.. just scaring you lah.. we'll not change fr size 4 to 1 overnight, and our body will be able to adjust accordingly.. just be consistent with moisturizing to maintain the elasticity of your skin..


i dont think our bra size will change downwards after delivery. if anything it'll move up. So at our present stage, it's good time to buy, but make sure it has comfortable fit with room for expansion, i.e. it should be comfortable at the middle hook.


cup c is good enough ba.. i never managed to attain that level..keke..


A to B not greedy lah.. not asking for more..keke.. i don't think milk ducts make a difference to cup size..


i think the aerola will shrink after we stop breastfeeding. remembered when i was still a greenhorn mummy i was in the same nursing room as another mummy and i was shocked to see her huge aerola.. (ok, i know it's rude to stare but in a small room there's really no where else i can hide at that moment!)
pat.. like wat baby_mummy said, not true haha. i was 34-36B before and now its more very full B or C? but the bustline increase 34 to 36 to 38. haha the nursing bra i got 40 just in case and i found looser bra more comfy, and can clasp further in when too big.
<font color="ff6000">Wah, when I saw the slides, I was like OMG? I thought those are really huge leh.. JamGal, yours are that huge too? Next week let me see leh.

haha, pigmentation will go off but the shape may change I believe also. All the extra weight of carrying the milk may cause neh neh to sag, just like what Karrie said lor.

When breasts sag, the aerola will look like it has changed shape also.</font>
Slowly reading so posting short replies here and there.

Yup Eunice, I think using baby to communicate to hubby is a good tactic. But hubby usually use it against me when I don't eat enuff cheese.. tell baby mummy deprive him of calcium!
Yesterday the daddy wanna sayang baby ask bb kick. Then I say to bb, if u kick it means u forgive daddy for not sayang-ing you for 2 nights! Daddy also don't allow mummy to buy new clothes for u! You sure you wanna forgive daddy? Then bb kick leh.. so funny. Then all is well again. Sometimes need to be angry to put the man's ego in the correct place leh! Else think I small woman nice to bully! So angry 2 days, now happy liaoz haha

Thanks Marie, will check out the underwire one when I pass by chinatown.

I wanna go kidzloft leh! Love the bathtubs. But their opening hours so weird one!!! I doubt I can make it in time for Sat too coz of the mom's congress... one more week of delay!
i think im scaring off the new mummies with all the negative post-bf changes to my body hahahaha...hey it's still worth it loh, to see bb grow fat n big with just your milk alone!! and his immunity is really not bad, even now.
<font color="ff6000">bbmum, you and hubby are so funny lor. Men prefers small woman I feel. Local man lah.</font>
wah pat shiok manz! then u hv 2 day WW, just tt u hv 104 wks whereas we have 52 wks per yr! haha...quite smart! i just realise a lot of us r in HR hehe. all the HR mummies... anw yday i attend a SNEF briefing...apparently co.s which r shortening their workweeks (&amp; cutting salaries) will still hv to pay mummies on maternity leave FULL PAY (ie cannot cut their salaries)...govt v gd to us =)

KP - can count me in for the bb backside cream (Desitin) also pls??

JamGal - so u're the one doing IT recruitment!! My hubby in IT leh...got any gd lobangs?? How come ur co doesnt allow u to take 4 mths straight?? I'm still in discussion w my boss...I think if they can, they'll want me to come back the day after I deliver hahaha. Im thinking of asking if they'll allow me to work from home...say instead of 2 mths ML, i work from home for 4 mths..hahaha
Pat: Wahh lao, you siao ah, want to see my neh neh, you show me urs first? it's almost same same as the slides, but not that big lah..*shy*

i never ask you to show me your pimple hor! Tok about pimple, I recently also got one ingrown down there, no matter how i squeeze, it also won't burst, so pain, until one fine day i buay tahan, i squeeze and scratch at it, the blood that ooze out can compare to your 50cents blood also.
Pat, me now wearing 32A with 2 extensions! Coz body short, baby will then move higher loh... When I took out my measuring tape and measure the bustline, it is only 31inch! Hmph!! But hor, the areola really grow to 50c coin size. Not a pretty sight.

My waist line still about 33 inch leh. All the nice Old Navy and Gap maternity pants I ordered ALL CANNOT WEAR! Even the smallest size! So wasted! The only maternity bottom I can wear is from spring maternity. It's the maternity jeans. Finally can fit after 5months!

So actually I am wearing normal dresses everyday to work. Can still wear after I give birth! 2in1. Save money on maternity clothes. So I praying for cup to upgrade so I can buy new BRAS! haha
Eunice: don't be crazy, why suggest to work from home? this is your rightful 4 months leave leh. 4 months is considered too long a leave for some companies, they want you to be back operational as soon as possible (2 months too short, 3 months they still ok, but 4 months, the face starts to change loe). my stupid boss even want to share her perfect plan with me - ML 2 months! Wait long long loe!
i got a size 38 for my nursing bra cos CK nursing bra got no cup size, is still a bit loose but i think by the time i deliver n with the milk supply coming in, it shd fit nicely..else got to get new 1, luckily is cheap at 3.90..
Eunice: Lobangs is very scarce. Alot of candidates, but no where to place them. That is why I everyday must call old clients / cold call to get new job orders.
bonbon - "aerola area around the nipple getting v dark n big" is common i think. mine is for sure.

breasts shrinking/sagging after BF - a few experienced mummies have said breasts will definitely sag (esp those bigger than B cup) after BF-ing. But i think for our bb's health, its worth it lor. Hubbies got NO RIGHT to complain manz!! I already told my hubby to expect tt haha.. he said its ok, he wun mind =P

bb_mummy - envy me wat?? my cup size din change at all but width did so i also made do with extender. i din even know there was such a thing u know. i kept thinking i had to buy new bras...i was so happy when shopping for maternity clothes the asst told me no need to buy new bras la! hahaha save $$$$$. Thanks for the info on ur washing machine, i'll chk it out. Can la...anything is worth it for bb's health &amp; wellness.

oh, u guys prepare nipple cream?? my cousin says its v impt. best to start like NOW...she said she "conditioned" her nipples from 7 mths onwards n never had cracked nipples at all. so i already asked KP to buy the cream...La-something. forgot the name. KP, can u rmember??

HAHAHAHA pat, when i read ur "JamGal, yours are that huge too? Next week let me see leh." i burst out luffing.
<font color="0000ff">Wah Jam.. Maybe u high flyer in your firm. so your boss dun allow u to leave loh . Hee Hee. Actually is quite funny, u doing sales line leh, if they dun let u go one shot, the remain flex how to clear, u still need to service client.. Cannot be always on leave right..</font>
Eunice, same here. I was waiting for JamGal's response! And before I know it, JamGal posted already! haha... Pat ah.. u always make us laugh leh! Not bad, free entertainment here in SMH!

Really need nipple cream?? What exactly is cracked nipple? I heard breast milk is the best nipple cream hence I never stock up at all!
LovJ: Why you can think rationally and my brainless boss can't? I think it's because she really no brain loe.

baby_mummy: Your laughter is at poor me's expense. I have to show Pat my nips on Saturday leh..haha..

Go home! Cya later!
JamGal - No la...i meant i take 2 mths ML...then the balance 2 mths convert to 4 mths work from home... then like tt i can spend more time w baby at home ma. but the work from home is like part-time like tt la hahaha... just my thought la. i dun think my bosses will agree.
<font color="ff6000">wah you guys very bad leh. I just went off for a while only, then you guys post so much.

Eunice, ya lor, I also think I very clever hahaha. Think the govt is trying to drive across the pro-bb msg so that more ppl will procreate. You and yr backside cream.. keke

JamGal, you make me so curious. See you not very big-sized mah. So how big can the aerola get? You want to convince me, you must show me evidence what..

My 50cents is pus leh. Not blood wor. If I get a pimple down there on my delivery day, I will tell gynae to postpone my delivery arh. Gynae also won't get to see my pimple ok?? haha</font>
bb_mummy - yah pat is indeed v funny, cheers me up chatting with u gals...tmw i'll b seeing gynae then hb n i celebrating our 6th yr anniversary (not wedding) so wun b in here tmw.

cracked nipple i think cos dry or wat...maybe bb's saliva dries the nipple up? i also dunno leh...but a friend who had tt said her mt fujis hurt like hell!!!! so my cousin tell me, i just listen lor. as for stretchmarks, i also guai guai put clarins cream n oil n thankfully so far, also dun hv any.
I also LOL at JamGal post.

shrink/sag that's for sure. So im prepared. Will need bigger bra then smaller bra. Even smaller then before preg after bf.
hahaha pat...can u imagine next time u tell u kid "actually ur bday was supposed to be 6 apr la..but cos hor, mummy got pimple down there u know...tts y ur bday is 10 apr instead" (give allowance 4 days for pimple to clear enough or not??) HAHAHAHA. i think ur gynae will just knock u out n c-sec u manz haha
<font color="ff6000">Hmm. now i'm thinking whether it's because my aerola is big to start with?? kekeke. I know lah. Maybe my bb will have very big eyes, so my aerola no need to be so big, bb still can see!! Must be like that!!

BBmum, so jealous of you. My stats now is 34/35-37-38 already. last time used to be 31-25-33. How come your waist only 33??????

I think I will probably need to work from home too. JamGal, we need to secure our jobs leh. Although ppl cannot fry our cuttlefish, we must also give them a reason to keep us mah keke. and increase our pay when we come back from maternity leave. Then we can buy more pretty clothes for bb mah. </font>
Shrinking of breast: haha..wen i had my first one, not reali alot of diff..jus increase of 1 band size...but hor after i deliver,becuz of e milk engorgement went all e way to cup E(was Cup B-C depends on brand) but after i stop breastfeeding it went back to C...with STRETCHMARKS!!!!... then this time rd throughout this whole pregnancy my breast is like growing...lolx.. nw increased a cup size with 2 band size ardy.. as for e aerola area is reali dark lor..haix.. bw i heard some old ppl say... if we don take e medicine which help us to cut of the milk supply den e breast wont shrink..will still remain as pre-pregnant size or abit bigger...but wont like smaller than b4...
sorry, my question may sound a bit silly but how come when u gals changed bras size, cup size oso increased?? my cup size stay constant at c cup lei..when i was at triumph counter, the assistant trying to find me the color i want but run out of stock, she told me i can use 75D cup, it's the same as 80c only the band is shorter for 75D but the cup size is the same..
yvonne: this is ur first or? my first one also no increase in cup...but this second one..(to b frank i start to haf the milk "colostrum" when i m at ard 5 mths preg)...
<font color="ff6000">eunice, my friend bought me a nipple oil leh. it's said to prevent sore/cracked nipples and to prep the nipples for breastfeeding one. No need to clean off bb also can latch on. But weird hor, can't let bb eat nipple oil what.

But I think normal moisturizer/virgin oil should be able to do the same function right? Only when we're breastfeeding, we either need to clean the area very thoroughly or like what you said, buy something which is safe even when consumed by bb.</font>
<font color="ff6000">oops.. OW_mummy, I think Yvonne will flip already. I have already asked her this question twice and she already butter me left/right/up/down. IT'S YVONNE'S FIRST... keke

Yvonne, ow_mummy not paying attention hor? </font>
