(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

9mth bash
Venue: dink's function rm at East Coast
Date:17 Oct 2009 (Saturday)

From new list
1. sperzz+Delia+Damien (invisible HB)
2. gelato+Caden (hb & 2 other Cs TBC)
3. ni + kyan (dunno abt virtual hb)
4. mercsboy + kyler + daddy
5. dazed + jiahe
6. fluffy + 2 gals + daddy(tbc)
7. suika+Kevan
8. bunny + matthias + daddy
9. kelly+LeAnn+daddy
10. cherryale+Ashton+Ashley+daddy
11. blessedmum + cayden + daddy
12. Ashley+Darius+Hubby
13. Flo+BB V+daddy
14. willting+Juvius
15: cheekygal + B + daddy
16; laugh+Adler+Shawn+daddy
17. piyo + Zethan + daddy
18. ann + Leon + daddy(tbc)
19. mgteo + Claira + Katie + daddy (tbc)
20. daymoon (maybe with hb)
21. Pinkie Pirate (with hub)
22. Precious_bb + Jensen + daddy(will ask virtual HB to join)
23. Bbstarlet (with hb)
24. chere + bradley
25. kimho + cleo + daddy(tbc)
26. angel2baby + daddy + Ryan + Jade
27. jolene + 2 girls + daddy
28. PAT + John + Daddy
29. shyannlong + shyann + daddy

gelato: wah piang...dont frighten me leh...i very scared leh...better keep some MC 1st, dont use up all..wahaha
but my SIL one really damn fast lor...

ni: ya...i HOPE kyler DON'T crawl...so far he got no intention to shift his knees yet la... he only interested in sitting so far...
how come 3 days work? so shiok one...
the taka bb fair coming soon ma, u confirm can buy toys le..keke
me budget budget...think enough of toys also la..clean until i sian..
suika: hw come ur hb not joining for the 9 mths bash? gotta work???

gelato: ya, on leave for thurs n fri. shiok! hehehe.. i also dun like clean toys. sian one. i get my cleaning auntie to do. or my mil does it for me. she is a cleanliness freako! :p
gelato: i forget about the labour pain liao...keke...

ni: u engaged cleaning auntie ah? so good...me still have to do everything myself...haiz..poor life
mercs: ya. i need to hire cleaning lady, cos my hb doesnt do any housework. cannot even lift finger to wash cups leh! so if i alone do, i will ki siao first.

dazed: ya, i jus get her to clean toys once a week..
so how do you gals normally clean toys? use dettol? or just those normal baby washing liquid? my cloth toys i dump with bb clothes in washing machine...
ni, same... hb dun even wash cups... so end up i buy my own personal cup... then when he no cups, then he will wash... haha..
bbstarlet: my bb sleep on tummy since 4 mths plus... nowaways can sleep in crawling position althou he cannot crawl yet, just rock until sleep... last nite rock until cry 1am and 5am...
u got the FM already ?
ni: dun noe he can make it anot so better dun include him first

i scan in the foodlist liao....who wans PM me hor
ni: yr hubby is boss ma...boss dont do things himself one..keke..
my hubby still will help me mop floor..

dazed: i used those pigeon bottle cleaner to clean the toys lor and the mat..but then hor...cloth book i still handwash...very the eng hor..keke
gelato: labour pain can use epi leh, haha. for mens cramps can i use epi too? :p

dazed: how come we have such lazy hbsssssssss!!!!!!! hahaha. mercs hb so hardworking...

dazed: i used tollyjoy washing detergent to clean toys loh.... i never put in washing machine, even for his clothes. my washing machine nt very clean. haven cleanse it in ages! haha
dazed & ni: my hb oso....ask him throw rubbish oni can start quarrel w mi...i'll train my boy nxt time to do some simply hsework....cannot everything oso no do
mercs: i wonder if u have got 48 hours a day! :p
no lah. my hb is very pampered! even when he is young, he nv wash anything one. wash himself everyday considered anot????
suika: train recruit K??? i got a feeling my boy also pretty lazy one leh. hold milk bottle also lazy leh! haha. next time sure like his daddy! lil bossie, wan poor mummy to "fu shi" him
ni: u forget the labour pains already ma?
my hubby last time also dont do housework at home one, but at home i think he also bo bian..but he clean floor really more clean than me la...keke.
dazed : try not to use dettol, can use the detergent for bb's bottles. Stuffs like sophie, i use cool boiled water to clean.
haha... hb topics always have lots of common complaints... that's why we have to use power of nag...

suika, same lah...

ni, i lazy mah, so use washing machine lor... deliberately go buy those wash machine de powder to wash before bb popped... hehe...
Good morning ladies!

For Jon's playmat and toys etc, we clean them with dettol in water.. followed by one round of water. Better to switch to the Pigeon bottle cleaner?

And I machine wash his clothes. But I find they wear out very fast. Like after a few washes, some colours don't look as good.
ni: wahaha...i try to do whatever i can la in a day. only can do things when kyler is cooperative ma. like last sat, he was quite cooperative, so i get to clean up the house and bath the dogs to prepare for mummies arrival lor..keke.
Mummies, why not I open a training school? I call it ultraman school for house husband? Any taker? Keke... Got Market then can open.
Hi there,

anyone is into giving your babies organic food?

Is it a fad or it really have its benefits?

Pls share your experiences if you are giving yr babies organic food eg vegetables.

Am considering should I go for normal veg at supermaket or specially go and buy organic veg.

Thanks in adance.
ange: ya, and i find that machine wash clothes get over stretched easily.... i hand washed, cos his clothes still small small mah, easy to wash, for his bedsheets i pass them to MIL to pass! wahaha! i think its better to use bottle cleaner for toys, cos even vet told me tat dettol maybe too strong for dogs skin.. so whats more our bb skin?! even more sensitive!

mercs: kyler is sucha good boy, he well deserved all the toys!
ni: so if with epi so u forget the starting pain already ma?? epi really will numb the pain ah??

ange: thats why i dont use machine wash for his clothes lor..sort of like loose rite? but yours is front load rite? heard front load machine is more gentle on clothes..

ultraman: no need...my hubby is trained enough...i can train him...
suika: haha...well behaved ah..thanks. kevan also not bad ma, starting fuss only. maybe coz kyler go IFC, so he is trained already.

oh...btw, any mummies let babies sit behind in the car seat alone??
me and hubby thinking of training kyler soon...
any comments?
mercs: ur hb already well trained enuff....can go dig toys n clean up all the toys for us....good liao....

ANGE: best to use bb bottle cleanser clean...dettol no good, coz in case no clean off properly mah....for mi i lazy :p use water wipe oni...heehee
ni: kyan also very well behaved lor! and i think he and kyler same pattern one...if cry rite, carry him only immediate shut up...haha..
and kyan also can sleep ANYWHERE lor! he also no need to pat rite...stuff tutu only
Mercs: I find the colours fade quite fast with machine wash. And some of the threads @ the buttons come loose easily. But I cannot hand wash la. I'm not so hardworking as some of you here. Hehe

Jon sits in the car seat alone behind the driver's seat.
sparkletot: for organic food, maybe can check with ultraman. me not so into organic.

mercs: kyan is in car seat whenever we go out, i drive alone, he also has to be in car seat. sometimes will fuss, most of the times ok. start early for the car seat. dun start too late.
mercs: think he still not used to so much bb ard ba....but all thanks to u n ni trying so hard to calm him dwn

ni: paisey ley...u took out the biscuits for Kevan in the end u forgot to bring back
suika: ya, mercs has well trained son + hb. i still rem mercs say, he mop the floor and mumbled to himself, "got guest coming, got guest coming".... hahaha...

Ange: so even for "gai gai" clothes also machine wash???
suika: next time got sale can ask my hubby to tag along...he is really good...wahaha...u just stand there, he will "fetch" the toys..wahahaha
but my hb says no antibac for those bb wash leh... then he go round looking for one with antibac, till now cannot find lah...
Ni: Yes, that's why i buy alot of clothes for Jon! LOL

Suika: Okie doke, will tell my cleaning lady today. Hehe
suika: god sale ah..dont have leh...only good sales..wakakaka...

ni: coz now kyler is sitting in car seat infront...hubby going to shift it behind and i going to let him sit alone...i think i got abit of confidence in kyler la..think should be no prob...going to shift the car seat when we get back the car tomorrow....these 2 days drive altis very the not used to the gear box and the hand brake lor....
really lor, last friday he reached home also very kan cheong go and clean the play mat and the toys, bumbo seat, red pony etc...i dunno want to laugh or him or praise him man..
Dazed: actually anti-bac may not be good for babies because they are harsh. I read somewhere but don't know where, antibacterial will actually prevent baby from building their immune system.

Sparkletot: how old is your baby? What's your purpose of giving baby organic food? Once you know your reasons, then you will know why buy organic.
mercs: let him cry loh, den i will sing out loud the songs for him loh, make him know i am still there... got once, he scream and scream so loud, i cannot tahan, i stop by the bus stop to pacify him for 5-10 mins.. den continue journey...

ange: thats a gd one, more chances to buy clothes.. i feel kyan has got enuff clothes. not enuff toys thou...

suika: u let mercs catcha again! haha
Mercs: Give Kyler something to hold in his hands... to self ent when sitting alone in the car seat... usually should be ok. The only time Jon screamed his head off was when he was hungry. And we let him scream all the way home. There was nothing we could do, I din pack any feed out and it wasnt supposed to be his feed time, but cos he din finish his earlier feed, he got hungry earlier than usual.

hi all! morning!! so fast weekend is over already but it was fun!

wats the topic for today?!
