(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

dazed : i kg no diff lah. btw, if u stop pumping, appetite will oso decrease, so dun worry. For me, my ss drop now, my appetite oso drop... dun eat like a cow anymore. =)

Ultraman, great. Well there is nothing more that I can add to that, that forum is quite comprehensive. You interested to send Matt for Shichida? How is he doing on the GD program?
Pinkie: matt is not totally on the GD cards. He is on the baby can read program. However, I'm combining the program with the GD methods. I do not know how to tell you about his progress. But I can tell you his hands and legs will move when he looks at certain words. I take it as he is saying I know this words. Haha...

How about your boy?
precious bb: oh u cant find the float at vivo toys r us? there were alot at that time. nxt week when i am there i will help u find it ok. If have shall i help u buy?

You ladies sound like it was a real fun today at mercs house! Too bad we had frens over today so cant join. See u all at the next gathering. 9 mths bash
ultraman: matt so smart!

yday in church, V look at me and made the sign for milk .. abit slow like grabbing something but we caught it... then my hb look at me and we both started laughing coz was so cute.
flo: u started V on sign language? i've got the CD but haven't started yet. easy to teach? i thot the sign language was for a later stage?
pinkie: thanks. but can u e-mail me the lyric..
i don't know wad children song to sing to her. cuz i only know one song only. i think she listen until sian liao lo.. hahaha..
bunny: i did wif her quite a while liaoz.. since that time i posted the video for u gals to see, then cheekygal n pinkie we were exchanging pointers at 6 mths bash... i kan cheong bought dvd from bb fair... everyday do milk sign and mm, dd, water, cereal, food.. simple stuff lor, i make the grands do oso keke... can tell she recognize.. u can start now , cant remb was it cheekygal or pinkie say it takes 3 months for bb to recognize

but i only do this, no GD or bb can read.. not yet.. let her play 1st
Flo: I think it is up to individual parents to see how they want to communicate with their babies. Matt started very early on baby can read. Thus, he was kind of able to "tell" us what he wants.
flo: ah, interesting. force yr grands to do? aiyo! good that V recognises the action. knowing wat bb wants make our lives easier! maybe i shld open ceremony n check out the cd.
good morning mummies, hoping for good weather today cos bringing the children to the beach. actually its more for #1, he has been wanting to go since 2 weeks ago. anyone brought baby to beach before? as in let them sit on sand, play sand.. advisable?? dun want ashley to stay home with maid
cherryale: Good morning. Just remember to put sun block loh. Also, be careful of haze. Just in case your #1 is sensitive to dust particles.
Hello, just wondering if there are any others that face the same problem at night. Baby will cry for no apparent reason several times in his sleep. I just give him his pacifier and he'll sleep back but will will do it several times. Last feed and diaper change is at aboout 9.30pm.
ni: go sale MUST go with my hubby...he is the one who dig lo...ask sel...he not only dig for kyler, he dig for jaidyn...wahaha...

gelato: few photos cos everyone bz at the warehouse sale ma...wahaha...

missycandy: ya the horse need those pump float one to pump up one...
cherryale: the bib really cute lo...$2 nia, very worth buying...u saying my spare room messy rite? cos the clothes rack there lo...those are the limited clothes that i can wear lo..

i think kyler want to go on diet le, 12am till now no drink milk now also no make noise, sitting on the floor looking at me...
pat: you take beautiful pics too leh!
heng u never come my house ah...save money also la..keke
i see u at the 9th mth ya...last saw u was at pinkie's

gelato: u meet precious bb before la, she went pinkie there...i intro u again k...keke
mercs: wow, seems that u gals got jolly good times shopping & the whole pile of clothes! shld invite querida to the 9mth bash. hey, u got kang-tao for TW accomodation. can gimme pls?
Mercs: Just saw the pics on ur fb.. really very cute.. like pasar malam like that! Till now I still havent got to meet u yet.. next time I back, must jio me to ur house ok?? U look like got a lot of toys for Kyler leh! And I do agree he looks like JJ after Gwen mentioned.. Woo hoo.. likes Jay Chou and looks like JJ.. killer combi for next campus superstar ah!

Pat: I agree.. ur pics like pro.. esp like the one like Anne Geddes.. wat is ur camera?

dazed: I think u better hand express or do the nipple rolling, areola outwards massage if ur pump is not clearing ur breasts well.. or get Jiahe pump to suck more.. clog up no joke.. take care ok??

EmQ: Thanks for ur books! So sweet of you.. but I forgot the Giant stamps again! ahh

Pinkie: Welcome back to Singapore hehe.. thanks for ur secret code leh
very nice!
dink: hope next gathering can meet u la...dont think querida wants to go to our 9th mth bash...i did ask her yday, she said abit far lor..then got to lug so many things...yday she really bring alot until we got to help her carry down.

u short list the hotels and i check the price for u. coz there are too many hotels leh..
for now, i only have BKK price list with me.
jus to ask if anyone know any shops that sell those can-fold & carry type of toy house. want to get for my niece. she saw the Playmobil brand but v x.
sus: haha...all my toys very cheapo one, buy at sale. but hubby said stop buying toys le..

hubby said dont want singapore singing competition, no use one..keke..
dont think kyler can sing la...he cry also sound like a cat..so soft one
shann wong: I bought it at First Few Years at paragon. You can also get it at Taka. The cashier counter near the baby sections or Isetan. Robinson at Centrepoint also have. It's at the 6th floor.
Sus: You are welcome, thanks for the FM too! I thought you were going to pass the stamps to Piyo. It's ok, my gf has got it for me. She called me last night & will b passing to me tomorrow. =D
Good morning!

Ultraman! Yes, last night I actually dozed off... Haha! Sorry sorry. Yes, agree that it is hard to tell at this stage how they are doing. Moreover, GD method says we should not test them. So just I'm waiting to see 'signs' haha!

Bunny, er, actually I don't have many CDs. I sing the songs from memory, already quite a lot there. Can teach you? Otherwise, I guess you can buy those nursery rhymes CDs for a start. I have some of those. Kiddy Palace got sell.

Fiona87, here's one:

Skinnamarink kidink kidink
Skinnamarink kidoo
I love you
Skinnamarink kidink kidink
Skinnamarink kidoo
I love you
I love you in the morning
And in the afternoon
I love you in the evening
Underneath the moon
Skinnamarink kidink kidink
Skinnanarink kidoo
I love you
Ultraman, Ryan is also doing Yoiur Baby Can Read. I started him when he was very very young, that time he couldn't last very long. On the starter DVD, sometimes he could last until twinkle twinkle little star, sometimes until eentsy weentsy spider, never finish. So I stopped the DVD for a while and used only the books instead. Then start the DVD again a while later, and he could really sit through the whole DVD and I could see that he was really paying rapt attention, won't move for the whole DVD (I was so tempted to leave him in front of the TV and do my own stuff, but didn't). Now when he watches the DVD (the one that he has watched before), there are some reactions - sometimes he will smile, sometimes he will make a sound, sometimes he will move his arms/legs.
Pinkie: i was just teasing you lah. Anyway, matt started like your boy. except I did it together with him so that he could last 20mins. Now he is already on vol. 2 going vol. 3 soon. What I realize that it is good to show them while tummy down. It gets them to exercise their hand, stomach and back muscles.

This morning I actually test his stamina. Play brainy baby left brain 45 Min follow by baby can read vol. 2. He actually watched it tummy down with his hand pushing up throughout. And then, he will crawl backwards throughout but still stuck to the laptop directions.

I took a photo of him when he was stuck underneath the sofa.
Ultraman, yes I always do the DVD with Ryan, till now. But last time (about one month old), he just cannot finish it, even with me doing with him, so we stopped for a while, just use the books. Then started again on the DVD a few weeks later, much better.

Wow, Matt can crawl - that's great! Time to start keeping all your precious things and childproofing?
Pinkie: did you come across this book called how to maximize your child's learning ability? I got it from NLB yesterday. So now I know why some toys Matt not interested or why activities i do with him he simply ignore me. The book first 2 chapters are relevant to us only.

Pinke: first 2 for infant loh. Haha... The rest are for older kids. After reading it, now I understand why there are 2 groups of camp. Either flash card or no flash card.
