(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

alamaka....early morn gotcha by mercs liao

gelato: we'll hv b dbl check b4 posting liao...heehee

mercs: aiyo....so paisey Kevan marked all over the red pony :p must tell ur hb to clean more on the ears hor...ekekeke

ni: i am bad in singing kids song..must ask sel to teach me le...she is good..wakakaka..
ok, i think shall try that when we get back the car...

gelato: ya la GOD BUY u dunno meh..new term..
mercsboy : u notti huh... haha... i still rem ur dish oil... that day suddenly thot abt it, then i smile to myself... keke..
mercs: i am as bad. i have limited songs i noe how to sing. den keep repeating loh. haha.

blessedmum: gd morning! wow, have a fun weekend ah? mine is very tiring leh!
gelato: dish oil? i mentioned that last time ah...
last time in the thread i also laugh one...now the thread not as funny le..keke
mercsboy : ya lor... u mentioned abt fish oil, but typed as dish oil... then got caught by me lor...

another joke is the 'ka chng' joke... laugh until i stomach pain...

i miss those days too... too bad i hv no chance to go thru another pregnancy with u gals again.
gelato: whenever u never bring bb hor..u auto will help take care of other babies...so nice of u..
dont worry about kyler lying on that pile of clothes that day...he trained...i believe when he fall down then he will learn...bad bad mummy
sperzz/gelato: i also stopping my factory. unless accident lah. i want to dedicate all my love to kyan only :p

sperzz: take care and rest more... low blood ah? thats why giddy...
gelato: ka chng is funny! i remember! tat time still thinking what name lor...

ni: "kai ler" hor...not K ler huh...wakakaka...

suika: u can still catch me...just that now i type i will read again for errors..wakakak
EMQ: my kit lens is only 18-55mm so it is cheaper at 1250. You will prob want to buy additional lens along the way at a later stage to get different results

ultraman: yes i am using the 50mm 1.4
mercsboy : dun say that... mother of 3 liao, auto will carry bb. =) u r not bad mummy, juz that we hv diff style... me over protective oso no good lor..

sperzz : some inbalance of particles in the ear causes giddiness & loss of balance. u practically feel the whole world spin ard u.

ni : go for 1 more lah. =)
ni: dont close la...we have rabbit baby together leh...

wonder who in this thread will pregnant first??

gelato: maybe u over protective..i too relax la..
but i think kyler will learn lor, more independent ba???
blessedmum: good morning ! I got no topic except yesterday I went for shoulder massage - the auntie 'cracked' my neck... I really got a scare ! u tried that before ?

Gelato: u dive one is it ?
hahaha. mercs, ma kar chng??? horse buttocks???

when is rabbit year? i wan boy again leh IF i having another one lar :p
but my kuku hb say hor, if #2 nt as cute, he wun do shift duties leh. see... how motivating man!
mercsboy : i think suika suggest if surname is "mo", then become touch backside. =P

ann : no leh... i dun hv any "sports" genes in me.. =P
ni: ma kar chng as in wipe backside..wahaha..pls dont tell kyler next time hor...make fun man...

rabbit year is 2011...so next yr try again la..
your hb is funny lor...how he knw whether cute or not..
but heard ppl said hor, 1st one easy to manage rite, 2nd one will be tough leh...dunno how true is that...
mercs: 2nd 1 will b tough? siao liao lah....mine 1st 1 already so tough liao no wana slp....if kana 2nd 1 tougher i'll die liao man
suika: no...opposite...1st one headache, 2nd one will relax...
dunno how true la, but seen a few really true one..
die liao la...
gelato: cos vertigo is used in diving... go into the water then get lost... dun know which direction is the surface... u got 'chuan' yr non-sports genes to your kids or not ?
suika: since now kevan tough den next one will be easier loh.

mercs: ya loh, he say now he can clean kyan backside on the account that he is quite cute, if next time #2 no cute, he run far far away! what a hb hor? one hb that make me love and hate so much! hahaha
ni: girl or boy hor... maybe can see kyan head whether the 'zuan zuan' (aiyah i dun know how to spell) .. v accurate so far.. left is boy, right is girl, double is twins ! for fun only lah... most people say second one will look like first one lor... v rarely will have look totally different one...
ann : oic.. u dive? i dunno leh... i learn this term fm doc 1.. cos i'll hv tis attack once in a while oso... but doc say it doesn't happen very often, so no cause of concern.
ni: wakaka..yr hubby damn funny also lor!
sometimes mine also la...i cant help it but laugh at him, especially he keep mumbling "guests coming, guest coming"...
gelato: me ar... dive only in the diving school, nvr pass the test lor... so sian... dun know when I can try again... old liao...if go chinese doc, they will say blood circulation no go lor... i also experience before... must exercise more to make the heart pump more efficiently...
ni: yup a great wkend! went to my friend's bb shower and had ngood chat w my friends.. cayden also enjoyed, playing w his little friends and being carried around by all the uncles and aunties.. he tired out.. ko till this morning almost 9

ann: wats zuan zuan?? i wana try for a 2nd one but it must be a girl leh.. if not i dun think i want... 2 boys + one big baby boy in the family is too much for me...
gelato: my hubby is my personal sports 'nagger', this morning he just ask me when are you gg to exercise again.... cos my 6 mth 'leave' (due to caesarian) long long over liao...
ni & mercs: if i'm having 2nd 1 lah....anyway, hard for mi to hv accident lah :p

ann: u dive? mi now dare not dive liao....scare ley, dun noe y now so timid sia

mercs: he must b complaining coz guest coming so he hv to clean n clean....heehee
blessed: i also went for my fren's bb manyue! omg, Newborns are soooooo fragile. and light! i think i forgot how to handle NB liao... haha. ya, kyan was enjoying himself too. he seem like the star instead of the NB bb! keke. cos maybe their age now more fun to play!
blessedmum: 'zuan zuan' is the point at the head where the hair go spiral spiral u know... u SAHM ? quick go see see, left or right... if right u bingo liao ! oh, big bb boy must be yr hb is it ? 2 boys + 1 big bb boy = mummy time cos all three can entertain themselves lor !
ann: i also dun exercise leh. but i think breastfeeding is auto will slim down one leh. i lost quite bit of weight due to breastfeeding and doing hse work also lah...

suika: i also hard to accident, whr got time and mood to have ECA???
ni: yes!! newborns just zz away.. so in the end.. cayden was the one hyper, flinging his arms whenever anyone plays with him, so noisy and keeps talking somemore..

eh u tryin for no 2?? hehe rabbit year lah.. galgal this time :p
I forgot to mention if 'zuan zuan' in the centre means 50-50... will be a difficult guess... my gf just had her 3rd bb, accurate lor, 3 also girls.. maybe mummies like gelato and EmQ can verify for us ? !
suika: oh u dive last time... envy ! I nvr got pass the diving school... yes i was quite scared then... that's y remember the word vertigo lor... maybe learn again will be even more scared... it'll be a regret if I cannot get to see the sea world...
ni: I also lost 6kg but after starting work, gosh put back 8kg in 4 months... then my mum lost 6 kg... that's y my personal sports 'nagger' started to work lor...
ni: dont like tat la...lets "accident" again..then can be in the same thread ma..wakakaka...
i anyhow say one la, maybe i also one only, coz really need alot of expenses...dont know can cope or not.
mercs: 2nd one lesser expenses le, can pass on the toys and clothes, provided same gender lah.. thats why try for a boy! haha..

mercs/suika/blessedmum: ok, lets be in the same thread! wahahaha.. wau! imagine u stop bf-ing at 1yr old, den shortly preggie, the long tedious bf-ing process starts again!
ni: ya ya...i got think this way lor...imgaine stop bf at 1 yr..then rest awhile only..restart again..
btw, i never lost more weight already leh..stagnant for many months le...how i wish can be like cherryale and gelato..slim slim one..
cheekygal also slim...
mercs, your hb is really v nice, my hb will never clean the house for me if there are guests coming.

anyway, this morning quite sian, I told hb in the car that I was v sian, then he asked me is it cos I bf. Then I just said dunno. He then said honestly he find it v sian for me to pump milk and i have been doing for so long already, 6mths is more than enough and should stop. No mood to argue so I just said that my target is 1 yo. V sian when even hb dun support bfg.
mercs, thanks for the contact. I will call him soon. But i am afraid he prob can't understand me, so i will ask him to visit my neighbour's hse to see the end product

hey u can sing canto pop to Kyler, btw, whose songs do u like?? My hb is crazy about hacken, so everytime he has a concert in HK, we will go.

cherryale: coz yr hubby no need to clean ma..got maid wat rite...
u wont be having a 3rd one rite? after this one u wont need to bf anymore...
hang on there ok...we encourage each other together..there are many here still bf..
u got the number for the contractor? i posted it yday...
