(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cherry: not ur hb dun support u in bf-ing lah. he just heartpain to see u so tired and xin ku mah. he dotes on u. mine care for the wallet nia, as me to bf as long as possible, so dat can save on milk powder!

cherry/mercs: lets have another K-ge session soon!

mercs, u also slim mah, gelato is ultimate, cant believe she is a mummy to 3 kids. I need to work harder esp arms, last time I will wear spag strap tops, now I will wear but need to wear a cardi over to hide my fleshy arms...

gelato, how u lose weight huh? can share?? I also stagnant already, hoping for a day where i can see my weight starting at 40 something.
cherryale: i like hacken too..last time he wasnt popular one..its alam tam i think...his songs nice leh...i like joey yung and sammi cheng..
tat time we wanted to go watch his concert too! too bad sg dont have much canto concerts one..very sian..
i used to travel to genting when got HK singers there for concert...
ni : wahahaha...u say yr hubby until like tat...
ktv session ah...nowadays i find that i got no strength to sing le after giving birth...maybe yell too much is it during labour..wakakaka

cherryale: u are the slim one lor..i am still very the fat..remember my messy room, the clothes rack clothes are all those that i can fit in only...cupboard one all cant squeeze in lor...
ann01jan: mine is center, so i won't know if next one is gal or boy
mercs, yah got the contact. Dun think its cos got maid cos I remembered last time when we got the keys, no maid, I was the one who checked the house for defects, mopped the floor etc while he slept on the floor. But he is nice in other ways lah, just want to complain complain

no more 3rd kid, no space, no time, no money. Yah, i will save the contractor's number in my hp.

ni, my hb said just drink milk powder, its good and he rather I do that. I just dun like the way he said he cant stand me pumping..I never get in the way of him doing anything by pumping mah...so definitely dun deserve that remark.
ann : not bad, got nagger... haha... but honestly, if you're a sportsperson, no need to be nagged le? but then again, with bb now, hard to find time to exercise ya?

mercsboy : dun envy me lah.. my size now is temporary only.. when my appetitie return, i'll gain back again.
mercs, hi 5!!!! I also like joey and sammi.
I also went genting the last time hacken went there, but that concert was damn lousy, he never give his best. The HK ones were much better. Next time we can go together. Your hb also into canto??

hey dun keep saying the messy room leh, make me feel bad lah.. sorrie, dun mean to say it wan. just that your hse overall v neat only that room a bit more things lah, unlike my plc is every room also a LOT of things. sorrie hor

we lose weight together lah, by going KTV with ni
cherryale : my hb was oso like that... i was very sad too. but now get used to it liao. =P anw, jia you jia you! dun be affected by the 'negative support'. ganbatte!
Hi Fellow Mums,
Just wanto ask if anybody interested to buy diaper bag.
Can slide your baby photo in the photo casing to personalize the bag. Comes also in baby pink with matching changing pad.
Email me: [email protected]
Thank you for time taken.
ann: y u no pass? no finish the whole course har? i oso nearly failed....mi dun noe how to swim so cannot trap water lor...must trap water for 10mins u noe....in the end my instructor THREW mi in the SEA lor!!!

ni: same lor....i so tired till my hb every time ask mi wad i toking in my sleep....see lah sleeping time oso so stress, mind cannot rest

mercs: mayb u'll b the 1st...coz most of us still not planning for no.2 ba

gelato: u really slim dwn so much
cherry/ni/mummies: Let's go Karaoke soooonnn.. i really need a break. Looking forward to the one week break so that i can relax and have some ME time!

ni: I also forgot the labour pains.. BUT I WILL NEVER FORGET the FIRST MONTH when I tried to pacify LeAnn, pacing up and down the living room at nights.. the cries..
bunny: matt not giving u any clue.. ha ha.. leon more towards left, that means, boy again...

gelato: I do sports for the sake of doing sports lor... but I do like water sports... yah, difficult lor unless swim during lunchtime... oh man.. think about it also no energy liao... those western mummy use jogger pram, jog with baby inside the pram... this evening check check yr kids head... see if the zuan zuan accurate or not, I wan to know leh...keke
suika: I din finish the 8 laps in the required time lor... no stamina... that time actually re-test but I never did it cos I already forgotten the gas tank steps liao...so must study again and then train agao and then test again... u can still remember the steps ?
ann: hahaha wad steps? i oni rem to turn the nob all the way n half turn once back, breath thru to make sure it's working, check the meter to check gas lvl...mi no dive for 4-5yrs liao...now think lagi no more chance....got time go take....trust me, once u dwn there u wun wana come back up
cherryale: high 5! i am also the one who checked for defects and arrange for reno..he is the site supervisor only...wakaka..
ya i think overall yr hubby still not bad...he shall meet my hubby soon..keke

dazed: ya ya ya! thats the one..."monica chng"...u still remember!!
cherryale: really? joey's songs very difficult to sing leh...sammi ones are much easier...ya, my hubby is into canto songs too...he is my best karaoke partner and my best shopping kaki...
i actually regretted for not going to the joey starlight concert in HK that time...then hubby bought me the dvd...
genting concert cannot make it one, the stage soooo small lor...HK never went before leh..next time keep me updated okie..

suika: i dont want tiger baby...maybe pinkie 1st? coz she said she wants 2nd one soon...
sianz... today my right eyeball keep jump jump jump leh... i think not enuf sleep... so difficult to work, cos all the words also jumping...
dazed & ni: got something check w u....PM u liao

mercs: pull dwn the whole bird? sew it back lor....hahaha
shann: no need la...grind just speed up the process..u can use slow cooker...
or cook with stove lor..but take some time la...
suika: wow so secretive ah??? must use PM one de! haha. ok later i go check my email...

kelly: yes lets go for "ME" time soon! leann is getting more guai, no more pacing up n down the house...
mercs: aiyo...u not interested 1 lah....coz i wana date her mah....<font size="-2">ssssshhhhhh not so loud</font>
hi mummies,

will be sending sms to respective mummies for the diaper wipe case survey.

PAGING FOR CHERRYALE: can u pm me ur contact again? tks!
ultra man: my dd is 7 mths. Starting her on seme-solids.

Purpose of giving baby organic food is cos is free of pesticides. Not so sure it has more nutritional values than conventional veg/food.

But the cost is definitely few times more.

So wondering if normal veg/food are fine are babies.

Where did u usally buy organic food for yr baby? Any recommedation?
suika: why never date me!!! i might be on leave next friday...stupid company give extra 3 days paid leave this year... for a reason..

ni: ya ya...i very interested to know your things u dunno meh...i STALK u...

shann: no need la, up to individual preference...u can ask yr mum how to cook??

mercsboy:i was thinking,if dun want to spend extra money,can double-side tape the toy to the tray?haha..

suika:u dive also?yeah,next time we can go dive together...keke..miss the under water world..

blessedmum:how to make sure its a gal?me also want gal.. then after that can close shop liao. =P
