(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Pinkie: hee... my pd is good but then I read about weaning for baby and we can see that he is showing signs. We also think that for our baby development we know it better than PD lor... but 1 thing we follow her la... that is to feed with rice cereal 1st becos initially we wanted to feed him with brown rice.

Its a personal decision. Each baby is unique and has different needs when it comes to their feed.

Yeah but is it too bulky for you to bring here and there?? Where are you staying?

thanks gals for your advices..

When do you usually give/substitute? the morning 1st bottle or last one, before sleep? or every meal?

Jadon's timing quite fix, 7am/11am/230pm/6pm/10pm
do you give water after that to 'clean' the mouth?
junemom: if u wan to start the cereal better to start 1 mean in the afternnon, mayb 11am. So if she were to be crancky after the meal at least is during the day n u wont need to suffer at nite. Hope u understand wat I mean
ic..yeah got wat you mean.. just went down to cold storage, only have nestle and heinz rice cereal (w/o milk), so i bought the heinz... nestle (390kj) seem to have too many nutritions inside.. all kinds of vitamins, calcium, etc.. but heinz (180kj) is lesser..

for a start, i thought better give the lesser one??
bb Z had his hair shave and is botak now....rather cute but just farnie & feel uneasy to see him w/o hair...miss his hair though...

the experience was a rather good one...to think he can still giggle amid shaving which puzzled the lady as well, she's amazed by the amt of hair he has and remarked that in fact his hair is still growing very well....as his hair is quite alot, besides having sufficient for d hairbrush...we got to keep quite a handful as well....mayb im a lil fussy...thought dat the shave is uneven while mum think otherwise...

im tired out...he has been acting up post milk...must carry & walk around...carry while seated will oso fussed and scream realli loud....only now when he's asleep then have moments of peace....
mercs....just pulling ur legs...most prolly be getting maclaren XT but still can afford the time to look around for good deal since dun need it urgently....

Gwen...the thing abt bee is dat prices are very much controlled thus locally still remain rather high...I have heard dat it might cost lower in Aust...u might wish to verify and take a look...
junemom: i agree with sperzz...i oso give Kevan cereal during that timing's feed... but do remember not to give too much milk (if bb not full) coz bb might not know cereal will b bloated later...that's wad i do....

piyo: got video down anot? he must b very cute looking now....when Kevan shave botak look like 'monk' very funnie
junemon....think wat Jadon is going through is exactly similar to bb Z except that he's on FM for quite a while le...feeding fluctuate big time...still is after many weeks...we start him wif Healthy Times brown rice cereal...for a start we use our FM spoon - 2 spoonful wif abt 40ml of milk for the right texture...in fact he appear to enjoy more than milk...

after this cereal, will be trying out EYS Si Shen cereal but this is abit more troublesome since cooking is needed but mom say wif Si Shen shd improve his appetite...mi dun have any violent objection...
suika...got but might be too big a file to upload to FB...will try if can upload to multiply...look realli cute but still not used to it...even the lady say such a pity to shave him...keke
Hi Ladies

I have 2 packs of M size Pampers Active (68 pcs per packet) to let go of @ $45. Jon's moving onto L size.

Please PM me if you're interested. Self collection @ my place.

Junemon,I add bm into the cereal. Depending on how much cereal you are giving. I think I gave about 30ml bm to 2 tablespoon cereal. In addition, I will put in some apple puree
Remember to put cereal into a bowl and feed with a spoon, not mix cereal with milk in a bottle.

I replaced the mid morning feed with the cereal for my son

junemon, cheekygal, wow so nice both of u in wedding biz. It must be very nice to be surrounded with beautiful gowns all the time
Sus, aft delivered my #1, my belly button pop out half & aft deliverin my #2, my belly button pop out fully, sign....
According to my gynae, need to perform minor surgey in order for belly button to go back to original position because the ring @ the belly button loosen during preggie.
junemom you used to own a wedding shop? where is your shop now? i thk nowadays too many advice already. sometimes i do listen to the older generations as well since we grew up the way they brought us up and we were ok!!! hehe... but sometimes so many advice that I just decide to go with the pediatricians or the books advice...

Gwen but if shipping about $200 then still not worth it, only save about 100 or so and still got to wait might as well buy in SG and let our SG income earn haha... but i'm really not sure, shipping 200 sounds quite a lot wor.

mercsboy, used kyler's ang bao to buy his own stroller haha... then when he grow up tell kyler see you so young support yourself already sit "mercedes" haha...

ladies, how much milk you baby drink the night before he sleeps huh? i'm thking of expressing the night feed for my hubby to feed hehe... still thinking about it!

samval! you are one of the first few mums i started to chat with in this thread hehe!!!! hope you are doing well!

serene, zethan so much hair you shave hehe... if i were you sure miss de! caleb dun even have hair to begin with for us to shave...

laugh, my belly also pop out a bit, looks a bit "loose" haha!!! i told my hubby maybe he save money after 2nd or 3rd baby i go tummy tuck then that should be my present wa ha ha (joking with him)
Hi ladies, I'm another MIA case, hello to all mummies and hope everyone is doing fine. Been reading the thread silently from time to time...

Baby Isaac turns 6 months next week and cos he arrived earlier, he has been reaching milestones like the Dec2008 babies...

On the topic of solids, he has 2 lower front teeth already and I think more are coming out cos he's drooling and wanting to bite so much again.
He started growing those cuties around 4 months - isn't that pretty early? My mom was like, 'Wah piang! FM nowadays dunno got what type of extra stuff make babies develop so fast.
PD says Isaac is ready for solids when we checked up at 5 months, so he has taken cereal and pear...I have yet to add too much yet cos also scared there is allergy.
Same as many babies, if too hungry, I give him milk first then save a bit of balance milk mix with cereal to give him - that's morning feed, pear given in the afternoon. My mom also has this old generation suggestion - to feed cereal & FM in bottle...but many books advise not to do that - must let baby associate cereal as a solid to be fed with bowl and spoon (get the feel of spoon and how to swallow)...so I am holding firm on that.
Also planning to intro spinach / carrots next week...been looking around for blenders, ending up decided to borrow Mom's U-Like Blender, just bought new spare parts...was in 2-minds about the Philips & Braun handheld ones.

How come there is no BP on blenders? Was looking for good buys...the sales staff at best Denki know peanuts about the blender differences.

Isaac's flipping like dolphin now, but prefers to stand and walk...i listened to my mother, introduced the walker which he loves.
But went to PD...have to take away walker, baby must follow milestones i.e. flip, roll over, sit up, crawl, stand up then walk....skip some of the steps may cause baby to have other coordination and confidence issues in the future....sigh! so much for listening to much to the older generation. I was glad mom was with me listening to PD's advice and rationale. Now I have to make Isaac unlearn stand & walking, and back to basics flipping on the mattress & try to crawl.
So u mummies learn from my lesson ok - let babies learn step by step.

I was looking the trial classes for MyGym and Gymboree next week, how come u all chose Gymboree in the end?
samval: too bz to pop in here huh...

piyo: tot u got a stroller already rite? a good one rite...why u need to buy again? sel just told me mothercare having promo for mclaren techno at $428..think cheap leh...
bluen, yes my friend's mother just told me that if baby leg not strong enough to walk yet and you place him in a walker he might have bow leg next time!

you are another first few mummies i remember, i just came back to the thread not long ago hehe...

I just realise that I was the first person to start this thread, oh my gosh! time flies!!!
mercs then you try selling lor, nowadays motherhood quite easily can sell pre loved stuff ya! i can imagine lor, my hubby also says we spend too much on caleb, so everytime i say i want to buy something new, he will reject unless i have a good argument point and he agrees!!! hehe...
erhmmm, sorry huh, cos i do not know ur reason of buying another stroller... just i feel that investing on a stroller is not quite convincing for me. i only put my bb on the stroller when he/she is sleepy or sleeping. other than that, will be slingling ard/interacting with him/her or he/she wld be exploring ard... thus, if i were u, i wld rather spend my $$ elsewhere....
sperzz, ju > frisoceam gt 2 version right?1 rice based, e other tink is wheat based? which 1 better and which 1 must add milk into it?

dazed > nice seeing u again.so did u buy anything from motherhood fair?

suika > txs for ordering e otak.my hb likes them.

6mths bash >
so wat's e progrAM tht dAY? I probably nt stayn that long either.
btw wat time is e talk?

ni > i get EMQ 's addr from u?
Nova: sell? I have been tellin my hb this since like long time.. Everything I buy I say next time I can sell, but hor now he will say pls lar I only u c u buy buy buy.. Dunno wat bp spree online... Haha
Then I answer him; aiya can keep for second so must buy gd one n just conned him to buy me my beco carrier today, he came out grumblin say go one fair spend few hundreds.. Opps
cheekygal: what wedding products do you sell?

Hi gals: thanks for more input.. i got the heinz, will let bb Jadon try at the 11am feed. Hope he likes it.
novakido: i see how...actually true also la...my house really alot of bb stuff liao...store room no space liao...

m03: erm...i believe a good stroller is necessary so that when we bring him out he be guai guai and let us eat peacefully...i dont practice carrying him always coz i dont want to spoilt him, he must know how to behave lo....
flo! beco carrier is a good buy!!! i love all the design, i got it from Canada slightly cheaper but still just as ex. A bit heart pain but have definitely reduce the load of my shoulders! The minus point is my boy really dun like the weather too much so sometimes i find the carrier a bit warm.

mercs, same lor cannot imagine how my house will look like when my shipment arrives? i stock up quite a lot some of my kiasu frens even buy clothes for their kids until 5 or 6 years old! faintz!
thx for the tips.. will try out with 2 teaspoon first.. coz bb J stil not 6mths yet.. 2 tablespoon maybe too much for a start??
my boi flip & roll over liao. now teaching him how to crawl & sit-up.

got one book to introduce: how smart is yr bb? shld get this book. it guides u to do exercises with yr bb.

er... may i have the add for the gathering? thxs.
haha... i agree with u... need a good stroller for the kids... if stroller not comfy will have hard time shopping... but it also depend on the age of the kid and also character.... my #1.... now hyper active.... she will only sit in the stroller when we go boring places...(means no toy and her clothes session) once we hit the toys session... haha... hard to control the gal liao... she will be running ard and touching everything...

for me... i keep telling my hubby... hmm... i'm very tired one after slinging #2 for almost whole day.. cos normally when we go out shopping it's really a whole day shopping at different mall... somemore #2 weight is really tiring for me to sling whole day... so i hint hint to him....

i told him buy a good and expensive one.. ya... might sound x and might feel the pain... but for the 2 kids ma.... averagely they will use up to 2 yrs... so the amt of the stroller divide by 2 yrs is just few cents per day nia... he listen liao... he nodded his head...

flo: I also swear by beco! be i had beco, i have bjorn and ergo. but the moment i put my bb on beco the first word tat came out of my mouth was "WOW". u noe my bb is now 8kg man... i feel that she is realy light on the beco! bjorn is really really over rated la. so yup, i totally agree with novakido tat it is a worth while investment. can carry load up to 20kg somemore!
hahaha reading all the post and mmumies greatest at there logical convincing tactic... I salute all mummies hahahaaha

This reminds me of the movie " My fat greek wedding" hilarious movie.. The mother said to her daughter..

Man is the head of the faimly.. but WE are the neck, if we dnt turn the head will not.. Hahahahahaha! We just need to make them ( Husband) think it is their idea and 99% of the battle is won... GREAT WOMAN!!!

You sure you want your bb to be 20 kilo you still carrying... Boastful mummy huh! Kekekekekek! Wait your "NiNi quash than you know.. Muhahaahahahahahah, I must have eating too much candy this morning ,,... kekekekke
brought zonghan out to singapore flyer and shopping trip yesterday.think he was too tired plus his runny nose,in the end at night,got slight fever and became cranky. Thank God now better.. can play and talk talk talk.

mummies with Jumperoo:are babies supposed to tip-toe in there?when zonghan straighten his legs,he can put his feet flat on the floor.iz it too low for him ar?still can jump though..

twws/suika:happy 5 months to our babies today! =)
daymoon: the jumperoo can be adjusted : )

Pluf: wahahahha... im boasting the carrier la.. and I love the part u said "WE are the neck"!! so damn solid ya...
Ladies, I mayb abit KS. I am interested in getting some birthday balloon for my gal's 1st birthday. And I found this link that is selling very cheap balloon. Wonder shall we have a BP for it? See if u interested.

bluen/novakido: luckily you all talk about the walker. was about to buy it cos my dad keeps saying that we should buy walker for bb now cos he seems to like staying upright, and it will keep him entertained! now I know it's not the right time to buy.

by the way, for mummies with jumperoo, is it ok for bb to play now? wouldn't it be the same like walker? it's indicated that it's for 6 mths + leh. my bb also loves the jumperoo leh. hope it won't have the negative effects on him...
shann:ya,he is at level 1 now,level 2 is a bit too high.. maybe i put a pillow below and try.

junemon:BP is bulk purchase..

kamy: i let my boy sit in there about 15 min a day max so i think shld be okie ba..
Hi Sperzz, Yes, I am interested in ordering balloons
You're not KS, cus I'm also thinking about party ideas! Please count me in if there's BP.

Actually there's another party website which I am keen on. It's http://www.celebrateexpress.com/. I'm waiting for someone to organise under the spree thread

Pluf, nice quote from the movie! I watched it and love it. Yes, we are the neck, but always let the guys claim the credit!

Kamy, not sure if its ok to let baby sit in jumperoo now. But they love it, so I guess its ok.

Daymoon, my baby's foot also touches the ground. I prefer not to let him tip-toe, I wana let him feel the ground
Wow, you ladies are real "ADVANCED" leh, now thinking abt bb's 1st bday party liao. Hahaha...

Pluf, I lauf till stomachache with the part that woman is the neck and man the head. LOL

So many of you have jumpperoo? My sil got one at my parents' place but not using cos cant find the seat. Sigh...
fluffy: ya ya...today went isetan and saw other strollers, my dear hubby immediate pull me away...so guess very hard to buy a new one la...unless i sell my existing one...

daymoon: kyler also tip toe when in the jumperoo ya...i let him be leh, at least he know how to bounce now
flo/shann: I love my beco carrier too. Have been using this since she's two months old. The designs are so beautiful. I had an ergo carrier but i feel very fat in it.. Hee so i bought the beco. I guess it's just psychological.. coz beco looks better than ergo.
Hi sperzz, thanks for ordering the food. I will be coming around 1pm as I need to bring my elder kid to playgroup in the morning.

Hi EMQ, how to get to yr place? will u be emailing to all confirmed mummies yr location?
Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan)
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan)
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
19. Sus (17 Jan)
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)
23. Moonbaby (9 Feb) - ok with 15th Jun and either location.
kelly: ya i agree... hhaahha... maybe the ergo's material is thicker and make u perspire and u feel very untidy in it. opps... no offence to ergo users here ok? im just saying how i feel la... maybe im clumsy dunno how to use the ergo properly la..

hi, can i know what trial class is this for?? blur blur.. heehee.. =)

Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan)
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan)
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
19. Sus (17 Jan)
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)
23. Moonbaby (9 Feb) - ok with 15th Jun and either location.
