(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercsboy:nice nice.. got buy a lot of things for kyler?

ni:got mattel sale ar?

bawbaw:my IFC is air-conditioned too,think the bathing area dun have aircon but still quite cooling. Maybe thats why my boy got runny nose.. haiz..

ni: same lor.. once i reached home.. i showed LeAnn the toys EXCITEDLY! Then she looked at me.. stared at me..then next thing you know.. she CRIED.. as she wanted to sleep.. she didn't sleep for 2 1/2 hours. *faint* mummy is more excited than baby lor.

ni/sperzz: LeAnn looks very funny in the bandana. hee!
cherry: My girl is also very attached to maid. But i really do not have any choice. My maid is quite good with her.. and very efficient in juggling household chores and baby. So i close one eye lor. Keep on telling myself that she's leaving next March.. then i'll put LeAnn in infant/child care..
kamy: my milk supply dropped drastically since few days ago, i think it is due to stress and not enough sleep.
i am trying to restore it back slowly. i never try the nipple twiddling method, can't bring myself to do it,
this weekend i shall drink the fish and green papaya soup, my buddy told me it boosted her milk supply.
it is very smelly and yucky to drink.

shann, u are going for the gathering? i can collect the diapers from u. easier for me.

bawbaw, i would feel cold bathing in aircon room. won't the babies catch cold or something?
is it too late to add my hubby in for the gathering? He's excited about this whole gathering...been slipping my mind to add him in..

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn + daddy
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy

Yah lar.....i also worried will catch a cold lor. but i see the other kids that are there - like very used to bathing in the aircon...so i dunno also. But looks can be deceiving la....maybe the bbs are cold but no choice?
Recipe for Fish & Papaya soup

• 500 grams of fish bones (preferable to use threadfin - kurau - fish bones)
• 500 grams of green papaya (the flesh of the fruit is white)
• Three litres of water
• Four slices of ginger (this will help cut down any fishy taste or smell)
• Six pips (cloves) of garlic
• Three stalks of spring onion
• Salt to taste

• Boil the water, then add in the ginger, garlic and spring onion.
• Cut the papaya into small slices. Discard seeds.
• Pour boiling water over the green papaya to remove sap, then drain.
• Combine the fish bones into the boiling pot, followed by the green papaya.
• Turn down the fire, leave to boil for about half an hour to reduce. This should yield about three rice bowls of soup.
cheekygal: Wah... your MIL sure is happening lol... cool lady.

I think I'm the sua ku one around here... have not stepped into a club since Uni days! Cos HB can't drink... so I've not taken any alcohol since we got married! Previously was a social drinker cos my dad always entertaining biz associates, then we go also drink lol... Then only sneak into disco/clubs with my Uni friends... my parents were very strict, can only drink in their presence... & me cinderella-ed lol... & clubs only happening after mid-night mah... so also sianz, after awhile, dun even bother to sneak in there lol..
Cheekygal, the nipple stimulation doesn't actually increase supply, it just helps u to achieve letdown quickly. No need to bother with it if u don't want - doesn't affect supply. I don't use it all te time also, only when I'm impatient for letdown.
Halo mummies ..I am a passive reader of the forum

Hi Cheekygal

Your supply drops? You want to try the following?

1. Avocado blend with HL milk - very nice!
2. Black bean soup
3. Peanut soup

All these helped me increase in BM supply. Hope it helps
buttercake, welcome to the thread.
ya dropped by half. previously can pump for 2 and half feeds. now i can yield 1 feed per pump session.
i pump 3-4 times per day only.
There will be days when you will pump less...it happen to me as well ..so i try to drink more fluid...
For myself.. i think the avocado milk helps alot.. you try ok
daymoon: another diaper sale!? haha! i cant buy anymore diapers liao... my hubby will scold me if i buy somemore!! :p

pinkypiggy:thanks for ur info! yes, tho i live in west, dont think i will go liao.. will rather bring bb go swimming..

pinkie pirate: r u bringing ur ryan for swimming otmorow afternoon??

cheryl83: im considering this ifc called greenfieldmontessori @ hong san walk. i like the environment and the caregivers there.. best part they dont have too many bb to look after at most 5 only, with 2 caregivers, i think its just right

kelly: haha i also think u mummy more excited abt the toys than ur girl leh.. did u buy alot? what did u buy?
Hi Cheekygal,
I have not drink fish with papaya soup ever since i return to work. Very lazy to prepare and difficult to find the green papaya too.
You can try to add tomato and mushroom, it will taste nicer.
Added my hb first but he need to recomfirm again. thanx.

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan + daddy
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn + daddy
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
hi very busy once I started working. Sigh... Can I join the gathering? Hope to see the babies

Cheekygal, I agreed with buttercake, avocado with milk help to incr milk ss.
bawbaw, my IFC is air-conditioned too but the bathing area is at another room which is pretty warm.

You stay at serangoon right? If i remember correctly.
babystarlet: It's at Lok Yang Way. It's the same place as last dec.

Blessedmum: No.. didn't buy much. Like what sperzz said.. nothing much. I bought a FP toy piano ($30) and drumset ($20) for LeAnn. I finished browsing in 5 minutes as there's really nothing much.
bawbaw: yes, my side the IFC got aircon...i let him wear long sleeved everyday lor...my side also got one PRC, but the PRC very nice leh i find, quite on, ask her anything she also know. so far i am satisfied la. but bawbaw, i tell u, when u put bb at infant care, u have to let go ok...coz no choice, only can close one eye, whatever the IFC didnt do properly, do it yrself at home...cannot be this worried that worried ok, or else u wont have peace of mind also.
like me,starting i very worried, if he cry then nobody attend to him how, but i console myself, no choice, cry sure bo bian one...i never do any spot checks there though.
so far so good, bb see the teachers he also very smilely...
wow recently the thread so happening..mi started work last fri already. everyday was a mad rush home to nurse jewel girl..tll today, she still rejected bottle..sianz!

my maid has resorted to spoon feed her le..but so far, max is 60ml, which is only once..usually she only down 20ml. think my gal lose weight le...haiz...then my mum keep asking mi to quit my job!
v stressful!!

so much abt the jumperoo...im getting it tml at robinsons..
hope jewel girl likes it! so exciting...

shann: i wanna get the headband fr u too...keep mi in the loop k? i want brown one
Shann Haha I haven't called her yet. :p

Yes mine is cleared though I still get lumps every now and then. I suspect you may have prolonged the lump that's why it became breast abcess. If my lump did not go away within 1 or 2 days and it's painful, I will not hesitate to zoom down to my LC to help me clear the lump right away. My suggestion to you is that you call my LC first then she will access your problem then refer you to breast specialist if need be. You can call KKH general line at 62934044 and ask for Yen Peng, they will page for her and she will call you back. The breast specialist is Y.Y.Tan, nice and gentle lady. Yen Peng is a very experienced and senior nurse in KKH so talk to her if you have any doubt. You can mention my name May Geok and she knows who I am. You can tell her I recommend you one. Hee...

Anyway your breast surgeon is right. We have bad breast structure that's why prone to all these problems that's what my LC said to me also.
kelly: u coming for the 6mth gathering?so ur aussie trip cancel ah?

now aust got confirm H1N1 case le...haiz...but mi still going...hence will not join the 6mth gathering just to play safe..so sadz!

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan + daddy
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn + daddy
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
Mint: Yeah! Most likely we are cancelling our Melbourne trip. My niece is always falling sick these days too. My hb felt that we should play safe. For adults, we can always wear masks on board but it's diffcult for infants to do so. So most likely we would not be going. =(
daymoon: yes! it's definitely a sign to crawl when u see his bum up. babies are amazing..they are always busy preparing their muscles for the next stage..be it crawling or walking. kicking their legs and swinging their arms builds muscles which will come in gd use later!

yes..everyday is the same (almost) when u are on ML..cannot remember today is tuesday or thursday. however come to weekend, my whole mind perks up! at least can go out with hubby with kids.

cherry- don't give up latching..even though it's once a day..it helps to bond .. read or play to yr child..they will be close to u. cheers!
cherry - LOL. you are not the only mountain tortoise..I also didn't know pump room..and many other new dining /pub venues..I am
'stucked' in the era before childbirth..even the songs - i used to know all the songs in the 933 top ten chart..now i am lucky to recognise the singer..
wat an adventure we had today!

we were at causeway point when the fire broke out. we were shopping at kiddy palace when the alarm went off...thinking dat it's a test / haywire...we continue shopping....it was when the stench of bad burning smell dat of rubber / plastic hit mi dat I panick and went in search of mum & bb Z....we quickly make our way down but the escalator is realli packed and worst being at level 2, the escalator is too narrow for our stroller! anyhow we detour and went down to the basement carpark and quickly drove off....by then the upper floors are realli smokey but still ppl watching??? we only realised that seriousness of the incident when we saw 3 fire engines outside but yet shoppers & cars are still streaming into the mall.....

felt that the mgmt did a lousy job in handling the situation...though they did not wish to cause panic among the public but bearing in mind there are so many young babies in Kiddy palace (2 floors down from the fire)...the fumes can be toxic! no crowd control observed and yet still allowing shoppers streaming in.....

guess being a mummy make mi realli kiasee...rather be safe than sorry!
bb Z fuss for the whole night since 7+ till 11+...feeding oso fuss (for close to 1.5hr)...lying on the bed oso fuss....rock in sarong oso yell...carrying oso cant pacify him....so tiring!
EmQ.....huh...then hw abt Friso? they have got back to mi dat they could work something out for our gathering wor....only gota keep in touch on whether samples is avail....
Piyo: Friso is the cereal or milk? If it's cereal, may have duplication lol... actually I'd love Pigeon bb food samples instead... anyone has pigeon contact? My kids take them & they are more ex than our hawker centre meals lol... hee hee..
Piyo: Any idea what exactly can Friso provide us? Would be good to know... then we can decide. I like Nestle as they are very confident what they can offer & have even booked both personnel for us, pending our confirmation. As for Heinz, they come across as wishy-washy... till now, have not got back to me abt what they can offer.
Pinkypiggy: Most likely will be going to Crocs tomorrow, so will arrange to pop by Tampines before 1pm. Let you know once we can confirm.

Cos was trying to decide how to settle the kids - I dun want to bring them with me to Crocs, surely can't shop with 3 restless kids... then if dun bring, wait MIL face black... already when she heard that starting next week, I'd probably b working from 10-7/ 8-5, she already sianz liao... start to make comments like, wah, sure jia lat with the 3 kids...

HB & I wanted to go celebrate our 10th anni... but postpond until now, I think soon enough I tell him it's 11th liao... hahaha...
Recently Caleb dun wan to drink milk, then he will bite my nipple.. any mums got similar experience?

Piyo: wow.. glad u all are fine.. yah now I also very kiasee.. protect baby is natural instinct for mummies
piyo: tat time the baby fair at expo, the baby safe mattress selling very cheap leh...how come u didnt buy? KP 20% not applicable to the mattress ma?
Hi Sus, no leh, my baby has yet to bite my nipple. I think she will do so soon...

Today I weigh my princess as she will be 4 months tomorrow. To my dismay, she only weigh a miserable of 5.75 kg. She only gained 0.375kg in the last 4 weeks. Sob Sob Sob. I think she must be the smallest baby in this forum thread of Jan babies. Any advice from mummies here?? Could it be I don't have enough breast milk. I have no idea how much she is drinking.
hi sus
my baby too, about 4 mth old... yes, recently, he too, starting to bite the nipple when he just want to play and doesn't want to be fed. i guessed is his way of telling us, what he wants and what he doesn't want.
sus: my bb bite my nipple, i found that if bb don wan to drink, will bite, maybe for fun...when they wan to drink, will not do that...recently my bb cant drink milk becos of teething, quite poor thing, his gum is hurting so cant suck the teat...i try cup feed, quite messy but at least drink...

Read about your ping pong lump, sound serious, hope you recover soon...
the toy fair really nothing... or maybe last day so all grabbed liao... only left the drumset, and of course those big items lah... din buy anything...
EmQ.....wat if Friso is able to offer both talk + cooking demo for us (she propose both instead of having Nestle coming in too? which are we going to confirm? then again if we have both and both willing to provide samples, it's gonna be favorable for us?
sus...it was scary esp when bb around....not willing to take any chance...we rush to the carpark almost like immd....

mercs...any idea hw much is it selling at fairs? cos initially i was intending to buy the Fibrelux mattress but the price at KP increased drastically which is crazy....imagine from $95 to $139....thus thinking to get babysafe instead...

willting....mayb will take a look at motherhood fair hopefully can get good deal...was thinking sometime robinsons does offer 20+15% but not sure if applicable for babysafe mattress....

so fast teething ar? wats are the signs? we do suspect dat bb Z might be teething though too early...

piyobaby: i remember if i am not wrong $170 for the 28x52 size...cheaper than kp even after discount

yday nite i almost want to go causeway point too...why u go there one? jurong pt one seems bigger leh
