(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

At present headcount, we have 50 adults & 40 babies! I think it will be a crowd... eh... maybe as Ni suggested, we need to 'close' the registration liao...

Sperzz: As for food orders, I think need to adjust also... need to accomodate 50 adults.

cherry: me also lost touch with the clubbing scene le.. esp now bf-ing ah, no way we can touch alcohol! but lets org a night party when we stop bf-ing! LOL... time to let our hair down
vivo city basement 1. selffix. opp giant, besides the VCD shop. u go in ask the stuff whr to get fridge-to-go. they have a wide selection there. your trip still on ah??? malaysia also got H1N1 leh...
EmQ: we stick to one demo from Nestle.
it will be uncomfortable to have anoother demo from Heinz, conflict of interest.

Ni and cherryale: i miss clubbing too. but i feel so drained out to club. last sat, my MIL went clubbing. lol she made me speechless.
Shann, yes I agree, when I latch bb, I always 'collect' (pump or by hand) on the other side to take advantage of the letdown. Can collect quite a lot! Also after bb finish, I will express the remainder from the side he latched. Every little bit counts!
Gelato:same.I m using the petit terraillon thermomether..Find it very difficult to measure the temper for my boy when he go injection.So angry..how?for your case,maybe u cal them up and get them to repair.
cherryale. Tampines and Pasir Ris got Self-fix, I think u can also get from there. U shld have told me, I juz got mine from Tangs on Wed
cherryale, sotong me, u workplace so near to Vivo. Get it from there. 3 of us got the red colour 1. It can put 4 can of soft drink. But u thinking of getting the bigger 1 mayb u can sonsider Pigeon Fridge to go at KP. Selling at 59.90-20%= 49.92

ladies do u think this headbands will be a hit?
hi can any mommies recommend a good IFC in the west & bt panjang? thanks!
Thinking of putting my baby there as i'll be starting work soon. sigh.
Taztaz, you too ah? Put bb in IFC.....sigh.....me too lei. Dun wish to, but no choice cos nobody help me to take care of bb when i at work. Heart pain man.

Personally i checked out a few IFC in the North, so not so sure of in the West. But i am gonna use Learning Vision. Maybe u can check it out - they have a few branches. Good luck!
I wish everyday my boss on leave - then i can come into the thread and chat and read. Sianzzzzzzz, cos my boss is super ngiao lady - very small hearted. sianzzzzzz. She has so much leave but dun wanna use - cos last time my Company practice leave encashment each year end. But now - no encashment......so she bo pian have to use her leave.

Imagine - she on leave today is using her 2007 leave lor! *faint*
emq, i remember tupperware holds houseparties and the owner gets to receive a hamper and guest also got small gift... but dunno is out of co pocket or sellers pocket... hehe...

sus, can still use pumping pal for one side... but shorten the strings lor....

sperzz/emq, i may be going to the toys fair tomorrow... MAY be... hehe... depends on hb and bb can tahan a not...
NTUC got diapers sale!

Pampers - L38s - $39.95 for 3 packs

Petpet - M70/L56/XL46 - $34.95 for 3 packs

Mamypoko - M22/XXL12/L20/XL16 - $15.85 for 3 packs
wow, the gathering very happening leh. 50 adults and 30 over babies. so cute... the babies will be so happy seeing others. Hope I can join you all the next time.

I think yday it's Pinkie who taught the method of power pump 15 mins, rest 15 mins, then pump again. yday my supply increases! me so happy. going to try out the latch and pump tonight and the weekend. thanks mummies for all the tips.
My boy is at IFC too. He enjoys going there, got babies and teahers talking and plying with him. Actually, after much comparison, i prefer IFC to nanny. Of course, you have to get one that is clean and of better ratio.
hi all, i attended a cooking class (for mummies to prepare food for babies & themselves) by nestle. Quite interesting & fun. maybe you all can organise something like that for the gathering?

we also tried out some of the gerber baby foods & some really quite nice lor.
But need to admit the cooking's really easy so its more for mummies with no cooking background.
I'm in no way related to the organiser ya. just thought might be useful to share.

sperzz, glad u got yr toy.
thanks for ordering LeXin.

kamy, it is pinkie who mentioned the nipple twiddling method. i mentioned the power pumping yesterday.
hi EMQ - thanks so much for welcoming me! i wld lurve to join in for the gathering! hee. but since u are capping it at 40. i guess priority shld go to the jan mummies as im sort of an intruder. hurhurhur! but pls do put me in the list 1st. il pm ni my contacts. thanks once again. hee
I just collected the sling S1 after shortening it by 3 inches on the straps.. its just nice for me now and Caleb loves it! yippee good buy
cheekygal: oh sorry sorry. I rem wrongly. thank you for the good tip! and the milo tip too!! I guess you must have excess for your brayden since your supply is quite good. so envious. (*-*) now I must try all these to increase. anticipating their growth spurts anytime...
emq/sperzz: i have gotten the handbag (or purse if you call that) for your. let me know when your want to collect from me! will pm your my address....
Weiyao, is that so? I really hope my boy enjoys the IFC too! Hearing this from u, makes me feel so much more relieved. And u say that u even prefer the IFC to nanny.....okie.....i will keep my fingers crossed and pray he loves it there.
another ifc called me today. its along my way home so i dropby. the school is pretty new and coz its new, its clean! there arent not alot of babies. now i am in a dilemma whether to switch school for my gal... she is starting to get use to her teacher in her current school now.
blessedmum: i didnt see any walker @fisherprice wo.. there are highchair, and jumper. these are $100 to $200. I am not planning to spend so much today so I didnt bother to look in detail.

BTW the sale area is very small, not what I am expecting. Personally I dont think its worth making a long distance trip over if you dont work or stay nearby that area.
Laugh: Oh I actually brought it to a seamstress.. so its permanently shorter now.. it looks exactly like how it was cos she shortened and hid the excess in the cross at the back.
Laugh: I wanted to add hooks like a belt at 1 inch and 2 inch at the back but she was afraid it would be ugly and not be strong enough.
oh ladies, i bought a piano from the Mattel sale. @ $30. Thanks to Kelly =) muack muack! looks very fun! haha. this crazy mummy always test toys first.. i think i enjoy playin it more than kyan. i must have had a deprived childhood..=)
bawbaw: my bb also put at ifc for one mth plus liao...so far so good...maybe u can try half day 1st for 2 days to let bb get used to it...b4 i send there, i checked wat time they bath bb, and i adjust my bathing time too.

cherryale: ya, i expected him to cry when jab leh...but surprising no...and i think he very slow, needle poke in never cry, draw out then let out a scream
flo: im ordering some ribbons fm US still waiting for shipment. will let u know when its here. wat colour headband u want? black?

mercsboy, so ur boy likes it there? Ask u ah, ur IFC is airconditioned or not ah? Mine is lor - and they have 2 PRC staff working there as caregiver eh.

I mean like no offence to them, but when i went to view rite, the PRc were bathin the kids and its in the air con room - so i am just worried will the bb catch a cold? I mean we as adults also will feel cold rite? hmmmm......or am i just being paranoid.

My hubby says i am over paranoid in most things concerning our son. But hey, he is my first child lei! Of course super kan chiong la....i really try not to be, but i cant help it lor.....
