(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercs....mayb will wait and c wats the price at the upcoming fair if they are there...
mi on leave yest so thot of going CWP..initially intended to go JP but driving 1/2 way change my mind and detour to CWP....who noes met the fire thingy and gota leave early...

Hey ladies, I went to check out the U-Like blender at Isetan today. It is selling at $69.90 but you get a free soya bean milk extractor.

Question: do you gals still want to buy from the supplier at $60 without the soya bean milk extractor? or do you want the set with the extractor at $69.90 - i can help you to buy from isetan since I live quite near there?

1. Pinkie Pirate
2. Cjteng
3. Miyuki1
4. Kamy
5. Miaiko
fluffy, yah i just saw the mailer too
next week a lot of sale leh, also have tangs sale. Too bad, i am not in town, only back fri 11pm
luckily taka 10% is until sun. I want to get mikimoto pearls and stock up on skII.

dazed i went to the toy sale too. Nothing much but I still spent $100. Bought 2 gifts for my neighbour's sons and some car stuff for my son. Nothing much for my gal though.
Mummies, i don't really know how to do puree. i'm so upset with myself. Tried papaya and apple but not able to squeeze until puree. end up, bought heinz puree for my son to eat.

thinking to buy brown rice or cereals.
can i know what brand u all buy?
cos i scare later got preservatives inside.
weiyao, oic....ya - i stay in serangoon - wah u have good memory lei. but i am shifting to woodlnds soon. nearer my office

Snow, i do stay in serangoon but gonna shift to woodlands - so i only checked out IFC in woodlands eh....pai sei....
xpink - dun be disappointed. To do puree, u need to blend it esp for apple. Remove the apple skin, sliced it and put into the blender. Add some water and blend till you are happy with the consistency. Its actually very easy. For commercial bottled puree, you get a lot more water than apple and furthermore its very expensive compared to homemade puree.

I have been buying lundberg organic long grain brown rice for my son. available in cold storage. I give my children organic food in order not to overload their systems with pesticides and other stuff.
bawbaw, you're shifting to woodland soon, if not i can recommend you the IFC where my son is. It is actually at Hougang, pretty near to serangoon.
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude. I have 2 bottles of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser (473ml) for sale at $14 each. This cleanser is recommended for baby's daily bath by the paediatrician, and I overstocked on it.

This cleanser is "recommended by Dermatologists for years for people with special skin needs like acne, rosacea, or eczema because of its gentleness. Cetaphil® Gentle Skin Cleanser is gentle enough for children, teens and adults", as described by the Cetaphil website.

Expires in Oct 2009, collection at Kovan station only, interested parties please PM me.
pinkie:I m okie with either one.

Ladies..just now my boy keep cry and cry..I dun know what happened to him..as we just came home after living at mum place for 5 days.I apply oil and also let him drink a bit warm water..but he keep cry until my heart v pain and I also cry out..he cry took about 2hrs lor..hb say it is cos he not use to our home or what..but yesterday nite..bb was be frighten twics when he was sleep at my mum place..will that cause him react like that?
cjteng - maybe ur bb is scared... but of what i dont knw... could be sudden noises... today brought baby for pneu jab, doc told me not to let bb be frightened... becos once frightened, will take quite a long time to calm baby down...
pinkie: thanks for checking it out. the soya bean extractor quite interesting hor. but dunno whether it works well. I'm ok with either one too. i'll just get whatever the majority is getting. thanks!
btw where do you live/work? need to see how to collect from you...
cheekygal: yah, I heard stress and not enough rest will affect MS. is it better today? the fish and papaya soup really works. but it works for me only the day that I drink it leh. my mum not free to cook for me everyday. I just got the nursing tea. I'll let you know later whether it works okie. don be so stressed. try to relax over the weekend.
dazed: haven't tried the x-sling with bb. will try tmr. thanks for the spree. I also went to the toy fair, really nothing. din even see the toy piano..haiya. wasted trip.

still didn't get the jumperoo. my bb used to be able to "stand" when we carried him. his legs will stretch out and "stand" but after he was sick, he now can't. so sad. thinking the jumperoo will help him use his legs and "stand"?

yeah, tmr my bb going botak. we engage the home service from huaxia taimaobi. going to make his hair into taimaobi. hope he enjoys the haircut tmr. hee..
piyo: is it fast? normally is which month start teething...The signs is drooling, always put his fingers in his mouth, fever and their poo poo got white spots...

actually i didn't know he is teething, is my GP told me his gum is swell, teething anytime...after 2 days, when feeding, he will cry after few mouthful, he will open his mouth while crying (like showing us his gum is hurt..haha), he used his fingers to touch his gum...should be very uncomfortable for him...his feeding vol drop but he have no problem with eating cereal...spoon feed don touch his gum but bottle feed have to use his gum to suck the teat...i have bought the teething gel for him, cant really help much, only relieve for a short while...
willting: does he also shake his head from left right left right when u put teether insider? is that considered teething too?

cayden keeps fussing today, feed him milk, cried.. dun want to eat... drag until 4 hrs liao then drank.. yes, when spoon feed, hes ok.. he only had 4 feeds today, still waiting to see if he will wake up later to drink..

hes damn sleepy, but dun want to zz, can u believe it, he actually zz when swimming halfway just now... could see how 'therauptic' swimming is! haha!
willting: oh no...kyler also lately keep using his fingers to touch his mouth and his poo poo got white spots..but so far no fever la..
even his 3rd 6 in 1 jab, also no fever...heng ah..
willting...heard from my mum dat the norm for teething is ard 9 mths but did hear of instances of teething even at 4th mth but mum say teeth will not be strong if teething too early...not sure if any scientific truth to it.....

bb Z so far does play wif saliva and suck his fingers / hand alot....no other symptoms though....

bb Z oso fuss for more than an hour and nothing seem to be able to pacify him including rubbing oil on tummy....my guess is he's realli tired (exceeded his usual interval for nap)...nothing seem to work...carry & rock oso cry, rock in sarong oso cry, only walk ard stop...finally pacifier to the rescue which he reject for a while b4 suckling furiously and drift off to sleep....phews!
Hehe.. U also like mikimoto pearl? I bought my earring at japan last oct.. Keke... Now thinking should I get the ring .... LOL

Am going to Taka to get household stuff... Think I will go weekdays ... Weekends crowd is horrible... Anyone free to join me shopping at Taka? Keke
hi mommies, its been a long time since i last logged in. was so busy with work and tired after pumping at night. finally get to take 2hr nap just now. shiok!

brought tristan for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab and he din cry at all cos he just woke up when he got jabbed. haha.. so got v cranky when got back. took us 3hr to make him sleep and not feeding too well also. sigh.. hope he will get better tomorrow.

oh ya.. my boy just turned 4mth few days ago, thinking of introducing cereal to him. any idea how to go abt making it? is it add a spoon of cereal in 2 spoons of milk powder and water then feed? sorry ar.. this silly mommy have no idea how to start. do we bottle feed him or can start using spoon?
Anyone selling their breast pump? I'm only looking for Ameda Lactaline brand.
Thanks. Pls PM me if there is.
I'm from the April thread.
fluffy, yes i like their pearls. hb got me a new pair of earrings couple months back so this time round I am looking for necklace or pendant
wat are u getting from household dept? if i am getting quilt, is it cheaper at taka or robinsons?

kelly, just paid vpost yesterday, the ralph lauren stuff should arrive by the time i am back from biz trip. Then u can collect this plus the avent cap

Sperzz, annie,think the gymboree stuff should arrive around the same time too. will sms all of u.
missycandy:jalat..haiz..thanx for the info..later try to play with him and hope he will forget it.It was really so heart pain seeing him crying so badly and non stop..but was v sad that end up is hb is the only who pat him until he fall a sleep.
sperzz: That's really fast! You mean out as in can see the tooth? Wow.... that would mean more work... hee hee.. gotta clean her teeth as well...

I wonder if what Piyo says is true... maybe not 'not strong' but perhaps if the teeth comes out early, there's higher chance they'd fall off early too? I notice that for my firstborn. Her teeth came out earlier than #2... can't remember exactly when but probably after 6mths & by 6, her teeth have started falling! That's what my colleague observed abt her kids too. Her #1 also had teeth very early & by 9, all her milk teeth had fallen off! Her #2 was later & the teeth starting falling out later... think her #2 is 9 now, but still have her milk teeth..
sperzz: wow. thats another milestone!!! hee.. shall we start a spre on toothpaste? saw another threads buying also. dunoo wad brand thou
cjteng - u cn try to cuddle and keep reassuring ur baby? hmmm... nt sure if u read bb whisperer by tracy hoggs... Miaiko recommended to me.. hee... bottom like is to Respect our babies. whatever we do to our babies, just let bb knw.. and keep talking to bb whenever u do things with him/her... =) b4 i read the book, i wld jus do things to my bb... wldnt talk to her all the time.. esp night time sleepy & grumpy... LOL.. nw i talk thru with her... so much that she also starting to "Talk" back.. hahaha... dont worry.. this phase will pass bah.. cld also be different environment.. or discomfort as well... =)
sperzz, wow...delia so fast leh, tooth sprouting.

Piyo, is your wet wipes still avail? Sms me the cost if still avail. I collect during thw gathering.

can someone sms me if you getting the first teeth toothpaste with finger brush? I want to join.
hi mummies..
been a long time since i've posted here le.. been very busy eversince i'm back at work... jaidyn has been trying hard to crawl these days.. bt she can only manage to move backwards.. haha...

really looking fwd to the gathering and meeting all of u... can still squeeze in another person for the gathering?? my room mate in tmc is interested in the gathering too...

sperzz: wah.. delia has her 1st tooth liao.. very fast hor..

any mummies still wanna order cereal from healthy times?? feel like getting more cereal from them...
wow sperzz, delia is fast! How did u know that her tooth came out already??

ni, I use first teeth toothpaste cos safe to swallow. think most mummies use that too. Usually i buy from spree but recently it went out of stock so i bought orajel to try.
hi mummies, can I check if anyone ordered from katespade.com before?? Is it really cheaper than buying in Singapore? Do u get it directly from website or thru spree?

hehe, itchy, feel like buying another bag
blessedmum: no, he don shake his head when teether inside but drinking milk, yes.

mercs: not all will have fever...have to observe...did u check with your GP? So good, mine the 3 jabs got fever.

piyo: ya, my mum said me and my sister teething at 9 mths...but i have checked with my friends, they said about the same period with mine...so i think is about there...Juvius is 5.5 mths already...

sperzz: wow, that is fast...
Spiffies wipes and Bb first toothpaste :
I'm going to order these 2 items .. Any mummies want to buy also?

Normally I bought from taka... Cos I only use the brand Garcia only available in isetan n Taka .. My quilt also this brand.. Pillow also ...
cherryale: I have the first teeth toothbrush and toothpaste, when can we start using it, is it must wait for the tooth come out? it said 3 mths and above can use...
wilting: i also wanna order.. will see how's the response.. if gd, i dun mind doing the collating.. since my hols is coming soon..

fluffy: i wanna get the 1st toothpaste..
I think its run in the family. Damien had his 1st tooth at 4th mth. Delia consider slow liao only at her 5th mth. I can see a liitle white tooth sprouting out from her gum
I will check taka if it's cheaper or if I order from US...I still managed to find first teeth toothpaste... Or any other toothpaste u all interested, can let me know

If anyone need to get at Taka I can help to get... ;)
missycandy:my bb crying is when he wanted to sleep but he cant sleep lor..even we pat him he will keep crying.Dun know why!haiz..today go again.he only cry during the evening time lor.
