(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Samantha : Thanks, it's my toddler boy that is sick... very ke lian. =(

ni : u wrkg at Tampines now? then can go hm & get bottles? very sayang to throw leh... else, u keep for mario or keep for milk bath?

Hi mommies! wow....i can finally log on here after so long! gald to see that everyone is doing great! (After speed reading a couple days post) I have been tied up at work - came back to work on 29 April. So miss my darling boy so so much! But no choice lei - expenses so high - so ditched the idea of being STAY home mum.

In a month's time, i will be placing my boy in IFC too! i just registered with one. Have much up my sleeve as i have to move house in a mth's time - so have been bz dealing with the paperwork and also checking out some basic renovation stuff. And also have to check out a few IFC for Ethan.

Now at last i have settled with Learning Vision at Republic Poly. Wish i had the time to read up on previous posts as i can see quite a few mommies sent their babies to IFC - wish i could have got your advice.....

Well, things are bz but getting by....my little one fusses badly every evening before sleeping. Sigh....tiring sia! But in the morning when he wakes up - he is super guai lor! smiles and giggles at EVERYTHING! funny rite! hehhehehe - but really can feel so much love for him.....i feel so blessed with such a precious gift from GOD. Cant imagine life without him.....
Cherryale : Agreed with gelato, ur gal will know who is mummy & who is maid/granny eventually. Previously with # 1, i was a weekend mummy, only bring him back home on Fri night & usually back to MIL house on Sun night. There were certain stage that he fussed and prefered MIL but then after a while mummy is still his prefered choice, very sticky to me.
Now with # 2, i am still weekend mummy for # 2 cos i bring # 1 back home everyday but only bring # 2 back on Fri night.
So don't worry, as what my mil said, mummy is always mummy, bb/kid will stick to u eventually no matter how close is him now with maid/mil/nanny
ni: keep some milk bags in yr office incase u forget next time.
last time i forget to bring bottles, i pump into clean ziplock bag tied with rubber band. lol
other time i brought bottles but forgot to bring bottle caps, i poured milk into brand new mineral water bottle (the water i drink them up first).
one day i forgot to bring funnels, it was worst of all. i had to hand squeeze, very messy, the milk sprayed on floor.
laugh: i'm also a weekend mommy. my #1 stays with me, while #2 & #3 stays with my mum. so i love fridays cos i get to bring them back. and hate sundays cos have to leave them at my mum's place again. but aft a while get used to it.
cherryale, I no seem this toy b4 juz saw some1 posted in the thread saying the pink purse is available in the sale and only $18. So thinking if any1 is gg there then can help me buy. I think original is $39.90. Delia also seemed to be very close to my maid. Whenever she see my maid she will b very happy n excited. So now I try to play with her more often after work but then now supervising Damien sch work. Nearly vomit blood in teaching him.
omg, i typed a long post then dun know wat happenned cannot post and got deleted.

fluffy, gelato, emq, ni, sus, sam, thanks for the comforting words. I know our kids will know who is mummy eventually but I dun want to go down that path already. It took my boy 18mths to want me as mummy. He only started to cling to me when I was pregnant and called me mummy when #2 is borned. Before that he didnt want to call me, not even mama.

I latched on my gal again this morning, will do that everyday, at least this is something only I can do. At night, I dun have much time to carry her cos by the time i reached inlaws plc will be around 9pm, had quick dinner then send the kids home. Once reached home, if #2 is not asleep, I will carry her (that's when she rejected me) while maid will bathe.
sperzz, yah Pat said she saw the purse toy at the sale. There is tool box equivalent for boys I think. Damien so young need to supervise sch work already??? Must be stressful but he is such a good boy, I like him v much. Bring him over to my plc to swim with Ashton leh, can he swim already?
dazed: Really? Got freebis if Tupperware comes? I dunno le, only ask her to bring samples for viewing, din ask abt freebies... Then I already have lots of Tupperware (got before I met this friend)... so nothing much to buy from her... so feel a bit pai say la... just ask her to come & show to us... also, she has been helping me change my old Tupperware items (foc service)..

Oh yes, mummies, if you have old Tupperware items for exchange, can bring along & get Annie's help lol.
Gelato, aiyoh, is ur bb fever very high? Ke lian! Dun worry k.....ur caring for him will make him fine....

Ni, i couldnt catch up on previous postings but gather that u sent ur maid back? Wow - but u are doing great on your own....thumbs up to u man! no joke workin and taking care of bb urself....well done!

Myself too - since i started working, i have to place Ethan in the care of my hubby's auntie (Whom we detest) but bo pian! She is stubborn and also like to create conflict between my MIL and me. So i cant wait to start the IFC and take Ethan away from her. She is teaching him nonsense lor! So altho aworried abt whetehr Ethan can get used to the IFC...but i still kindof look forward to it.

For now, everyday after work i will rush back to pick him up and look after him till next morning then send him back to the auntie. So heartbreaking. And whats worse - he seems to prefer her to us! Cos i guess he is with her for more of his waking hours ba......sob.
suika/ni: how you contain the milk while pumping without bottle?
my secretary told me to use the plastic bag to contain and still can give to baby.. its the "normal" type .. clear... can use to contain bread etc..

its my expressing time now but i think i will just take half day to go home.. maybe pickup my gal earlier.

the fp sale really not worth going? near the place where i am working but i scare later i will explode. so still undecided whether to dropby or not...
cherryale, Pat nvr told me abt this toy. Hopefully still available when Kelly goes there. But she also not sure when gg. Damien can swim alittle. Next time will bring him over to swim n play with Ashton.
flo: i also dun have much milk when i pump at work. per pump is ard 160ml. (both breasts) BUT now i also pump while latching on when im at home with her. more milk man. one side can have 120-140ml. since u stay at home u try this method. sure wokrs!
Calling missycandy!

No, I did not receive your earlier PM, think the system was lagging. At 2am last night, there was no email, but this morning, there were more than a hundred emails, all from sg motherhood!

& YES, of course you can come! Come join us lol... just put your name down on the latest list... think we have abt 38 mummies already... PM your email & contact no. to Ni. She will be collating the contacts then email my addy to all (those who have not been here before) closer the date.
pinkypiggy, if u go to the FP sales can help me to buy the toy I posted in the thread earlier. Mayb u can take a look at Dec thread. They posted 3 pic of the toys they bought in the fair.
i can so relate to you mommies who feel a little detached from ur bb....like cherryale, my heart goes out to u.....cos i also in the same boat. I try to spend as much time with bb as i can already....but dunno why he seems to prefer the auntie or my maid.

Maybe cos they are always around him, whereas i disappear for a good 3/4 of the day and only see him max of 2 hrs a day. Of which he will be asleep most of the time. Sigh.....i understand lor
sperzz, suika > i didnt see the shop name leh.but is at OUB level 3,besides
the shop which sells many hello kitty stuffs.
raffles place.

ni > u shifted to tampines ah? when?
pinkypiggy: You going to the FP sale? If so, can also help me get the Pink Purse, if really $18. If are going/ got it, can sms me at 91093818.

Many thanks!
cheekgal: omg so do you still give the milk (contain in mineral bottle/ ziplock bag) to your baby? if so was it consumed within the same day? I am just concern about the cleanliness of the bottle and bag lor..
mummies who purchased the petit terraillon thermomether : do u hv any problem using it? mine seems to go hay wire... either give me "ERR" msg or funny temperatures...
bbstarlet: yep yep, my office shifted to tampines, i am 15 mins awy frm home. hehe. good in a way. esp for my case now. need to rush home after work everyday...

bawbaw: want to join us for gathering??? yep. my maid story damn drama mama. got time tell u.. but glad its over. life still goes on w/o her. just more taxing. but i feel closer to my son now.. =) xin ku abit is worth it!

sperzz: damien is ashton's best fren! haha..
sperzz/emq: not sure what your like to get. will try to search for pic if i am going. or better, can you send me pic of what your want? but i might not go le..

i noted down your numbers. in case i go without any idea of wat your want, would your able to describe the item over the phone? hope no bulky item wo.
pinkypiggy: i brought only one bottle, without bringing the cap. so i pump n throw away. no choice.

yes, mummies, pls email/pm me your contact #. Thanks!
pinkpiggy: the mineral water bottle is brand new and sealed, i just transfer the mineral water into my cup and use that bottle to store the milk.
ziplock is clean and new, unused.
no choice, i cannot be too finicky.

blessedmum: FP got walker meh?
gelato: i already train my breasts for 6 hours per pump. so i only need to pump at 12noon, den will rush home at 6pm to pump again. will feel engorged la... but lazyyyy
shann: sounds like good idea.. will try out pumping on one side
tho means I cant use the handsfree and surf internet while I pump?

weiyao: was really a struggle at the start.. but somehow baby adapted after screaming a few times by God's grace

ni: PM you for the EmQ's gathering? Need PM again if you already have our contacts?

pinkpiggy: My LC also used a new ziplock bag and give baby after that, lucky was ok
ladies, ordering from Lexin. $10/pax. Transport $40.

Fried Rice w/Salted Fish
Sweet & Sour Sliced Fish
Prawn Fried w/Cashew Nut
Braised Pork w/Bun
Spinach w/Mushroom
Curry Chicken
Beancurd w/Crabmeat
Deep Fried Ngoh Hiang
Honey Dew w/Sago
Fruit Punch

Any objection or recommendation
ni : oic... i think i m the most 'drama' 1.. haha... the 1st thing i do when i reach office is pump & read email at the same time; then hv lunch in pantry & pump at the same time... in the late afternoon, i pump in co tpt! hehe..
sperzz: was very similar to what i ordered for kyan's manyue. except i had xinchow mee hoon. was nice too. but i am ok wif fried rice. me ok! =)
Sperzz, Ni, yes i would love to join the gathering! Can pls help me add my name in? I cant log on often as my boss is sitting just behond me. Today she 1st time on leave thats why i can come in! hahahhaah!

Sperzz, so happy for u abt getting the job....
And no, my MIL is SUPER against me putting him in IFC - thats why now she hasnt spoken to me for a very long time. Then my hubby's auntie use this and super add salt to the wound. So....conclusion is: my MIL super hates me....SIGH again

Ni, yes yes - must tell me when i see u k....abt ur maid that is. I also have a lot of drama story abt my maid, but i feel bad to send her back altho she quite lazy and always use shortcuts - wanna watch TV and all that lar. But the thing is - my boy quite like her lei! sigh.....so tahan first lor.
baw, is ur HB coming along?

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan
1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan + daddy
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) moonbaby & Jiaxuan
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
35) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
36) Jade+ Min
37) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
38) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
mummies, u know i am so mountain tortise, my friends talking about pump room in clarke quay, then i was wondering why they need to use nursing room when they not bfg...alamak!!!!lost touch with the night scene liao
missycandy: I realised you are only interested in the talks & not the gathering... I suppose not a problem.. but as it's a informal gathering (as opposed to a commercial event), we may not keep to time if there are last min changes.. in which case, you may end up making a wasted trip... why dun you just join us for the gathering?

Mummies: In view of the large numbers, I think we shall just keep to only 1 demo from Nestle. What do you think? But I'll ask them if they can stay a little longer to take questions from the 40 mummies. Cos if there are too many 'outside' distractions, we will end up less time for interaction... considering with bb, need to feed, need to change diaper, etc...
