(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

shann:my bb started fussing these days around evening time too and okie after i latched him,think its because he is tried and hungry and want attention ba. my boy is 4 months + 2 weeks old.

Robinsons having 4 day sale.. jumperoo selling at $229.90.. not very much cheaper than KP also.

me back from FP sales.
i met Pat there too.
not as good as last year's.
prices also not very attractive, $10-$20 more expensive.
smaller layout and lesser toys.
don't have $10, $15, $20 section of toys.

jumperoo is selling @ $200, not very cheap.
shann, yes i feel tired but no choice. i can't leave my business partner to cope alone. Have to help out.

sperzz, did u try Dr Lilian Lim at Kids Clinic (Rivervale mall)?
Sorry to interrupt ladies, I went to the FP sale this morning but didn't see the Jumperoo. Can I check with u if they wheeled out more toys? did anyone see high chairs?
Babystarlet, is the shop spell something like Okin...? If is that shop, I will go tomorrow to get the clothes. I like the material
Ladies, catering food for the 13 Jun. I found 1 caterer, the food is ok and cheap. $9.50/pax. Free transportation. Any objection. I will order for 40pax. We had arnd 47pax for the gathering.

Liang Food Caterer
1)Curry Chicken
2)Healthy Steamed Fish Fillet with Nonya Ingredients (Fish non fried with 50% coconut milk and 50% carnation milk)
3)Mixed vegetables ( 8 types of variety)
4)Fried Udon Mee
5)Butter Prawn
6)Indonesian Deep Fried Sotong with Plum Sauce
7)Crystal Pau
9)Chocolate Éclair
10)Cold-cooling Chin Chow Grass Jelly with Big Sago Grains
11) Fruit Punch

I received the PMs from cjteng. Yes I am able to get you the U-Like Blender for $60 per set (exactly same set as selling in the dept stalls at $69.90). However, I will do it for you under the following conditions:

1. Min 5 sets
2. You coordinate your own BP and 1 person come to me with qty and money.
3. 1 person to self-collect ALL sets from my place at Redhill on a Sat/Sun morning.
Hi Kamy, I'm staying in Yishun. I don't mind to travel to Hougang if her condition still didn't improve. Can you give me the contact no.? And does the clinic open on Saturdays? Thanks alot!
Cocoabutter, actually my gal also behave like urs but I nvr feed her with water. now my maid tried to feed her when she is asleep if she is alert, we tried to let her drink in slping position. She will take abt 1/2hr to finish her milk. She will drink 20ml then stop 5mins then continues. Mayb urs no like to carry n drink. Mayb she like to lie down n drink juz like my gal
pinkie: where's the plc? i wana go see...my boy running out of clothes liao

sperzz: chin chow i think not too good for those still BF-ing wor....too 'liang' liao rite? i heard lah...
Fifi, that's great! Thanks! $60 is for the basic set - are there any other accessories or add-ons?

Ok, shall I start the list:

1. Pinkie Pirate
2. Sperzz
3. Cjteng
4. Miyuki1
sperzz: We went to Anthony's Baby & Child Clinic (ABC for short).

(Hougang) Anthony's Baby & Child Clinic
Block 327
Hougang Avenue 5
Singapore 530327
Tel : 6280 2122
Mon - Sat: 9am - 1pm, Sun: 9am - 12 noon
Mon & Thu: 6.30pm - 9pm

cocoabutter: er.. have to warn you first that this PD is super popular. so hard to get even an appt. I was trying to book an appt for my son's next vaccine, and I couldn't get thru the line at all. they do accept walk in though, but must be prepared to wait. but this PD has over 20 years of experience...

I tried Lilian sim before too. not bad, quite detailed. she shares with another PD allyson. both of them are so young... seems like 35++ only...
Sus, u can try to change the teat to adjust the milk flow. If not, then maybe he's just trying to adjust it himself so that it is more like latching, relaxing!
sperzz: thanks looks great! the fish got without coconut milk one? I dun stomach it very well.. but if cannot, nevermind.. thanks! great job again!

Pinkie: he takes 30 min at bottle and 10 min at breast.. is that strange? used to be 10 min at bottle?
kamy: sling is rather low for me, but Im petite so maybe that's why. baby is at my stomach. but he seems to like it more than the MIM sling

KT: Mine is every 3-4 hrly in the day, but thank God my baby lets me sleep through the night after 9pm. yah morning now he drink a bit then dun wan le.. need to pump after that.
surgeon din manage to clear my lump today.. she says the pus and milk solidified so need to rely on antibiotics.. monitor and see her again in few days time. Hope it clears!
Sus, now you latch him more often, maybe he like the flow from breast - not very steady not very consistent, sometimes a lot sometimes little bit. So when u put him on bottle, maybe he trying to play and get the same feel - start and stop, suck harder suck less, etc. Smart boy la.
If u still wondering, try to change the teat to a faster flow one lor.
Pinkie: hehe ure the expert indeed, thanks. Ya we just bought faster flow teats, will test out tonight
I latch him for all feeds except the last as we want some daddy time for him.
Shann: my gal has been like tat since long long time ago, I gotten used to it... Its a every day thing for me to hear her cry like that.. Only time she doesn't do it is when there r many many ppl around.. She will be an angel (damn actress)
pinkie:thanx for added me in.

Sorry ladies want to help to collect the item but I cant make it during the weekend morning.anyone else can help to collect?
Pinkie: now tat I latch exclusively, sometimes weekend I will pump for other ppl to fed while I chill haha.. But realized milk supply is super pathetic, wondering if its cuz my body not used to pumping anymore?
EMQ, Cherry, Fluffy- hee..I guess the consolation I get is that there are so many moms like me trying to struggle family, work and mil :p A little humour a day helps the chase our frustrations away.

Jiaxuan has started to rollover...so proud of her. It's always amazing to see young babies and kids having the determination to keep trying..whether it's rolling, sitting up, crawling, walking etc. We adults really must not forget our ability to perserve!

weekend is coming..YEAH!
Flo: same here.. I am a mum who switched from exclusive pumping to exclusive latching. Initially there was an increase in the amt I can pump after I started latching. Then nowadays the amount I can pump out starts to decrease already. I find my body just cant get the letdowns with the pump so well anymore. Dunno y? Pinkie expert, any ideas? hehe
Hi mummies,

I see my gal everyday at home, nothing much to do. other than bringing her shopping on weekends, don't know what to do. anyone of u thinking of signing up any activities for your babies?
Pinkie: b4 I switch on avg 80-120ml per boob.. Now hur 60ml niah n sometimes take 45 mins... Hb tell me dun waste my time...damn boring
Sus: ya I agree last time still got can pump out excess now no loh.. Sometimes I wonder I got milk or not until tat day my gal finish drinking then smile at me,so i carry her upright n kiss her then she merlion all the milk on me.. If not for that incident I will still be doubting my boobies haiz
Sus, Flo - pumping and latching is different in the way the breast is handled and the way the breast responds. So if u latch more, the breast will be more used to releasing the milk that way and there is constant letdown. For letdown, my baby always gets the letdown super fast. The pump is always slower. What u can do is tap your nipple between ur fingers, usually that will stimulate letdown quite quickly. If u pump, try to stop when the flow decreases and start from letdown again, then pump for slightly shorter period. So each session, start and stop maybe two or three times. First time maybe pump 15 to 20 mins. Stop and then start from letdown again pump for 10 to 15 mins or until breast is well drained. So ur breast will always have letdown like latching.
