(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

EMQ: I totally agree with what you say. For now, I let hubby deal with his parents as we don't live together. But I know the day will come where we will live with either parent or both his parents. Hubby and I have an agreement that when 1 leaves, we will take care of the other by having them live with us. For now, his sis lives with them. So the day will come where I will have to speak to them on issues, especially when it comes to Jon. I hope that by then I will have mellowed and am able to deal with things better by looking at the big picture as opposed to picking on every little thing they do wrong.

Anyone looking for babysitter? I have one to recommend at Kovan/Hougang. If interested, kindly PM me for her contact details. Thanks!
thanks samval and ange, yupyup ange, we muz meet up once my bond is over! counting down to 3 weeks!

yeah I also got PIL issues.. always get hubby to talk to cos they dun listen to me.. but sometimes I cant help myself from speaking hehe.. but they nice lah.. just that dun listen and have their own ideas. Good thing my hubby is very supportive to me.
oh yes.. my boy is about 4 mths now.. he is always not interested to drink milk now.. always forcing him and struggling to feed him.. anyone facing the same problem? he drinking much less now.. a little worried if its normal? thanks!
sus: me not sure can go for the gathering or not. my boi now drinking 180mls every 4 hourly. sometimes like not enuff and sometimes he dont wanna drink. i think babies drinking patterns also change as they grow older.
piyobaby: dont think the sling is big leh...in fact if i let my hubby wear, majiam so tight...i just find that its a bit low...

erm...even if i put the lowest for the jumperoo...my boy also still tip toe lor..
mercs: kyan also too shortie for the jumperoo. so i put a cushion for him, so that he wun touch the cold floor with his bare feet, also easier for him to jump...

sus: when kyan was about 4 months (2 weeks ago), he was also not interested in milk. try prolonging the hours loh. instead of 3 hours timing, i will drag to 3.5 hr to 4 hr. den i will see if he is hungry... sticking out his tongue, etc...
EMQ: same with me...i do not intend to add in the cereal into milk...coz i dont want him to confused with the taste la...want him to know milk is milk, cereal is cereal...
Sus: my girl 4mths 1wk & started the feeding problem from after jab. Normally she can finish 150mls but now drop to 90 ~ 120mls. PD ask me to monitor if she totally refuse to drink than bring her to check.

Samval: I not able increase my girl intake leh, base on age & weight @ 8.11kg so she require to drink 210mls. But she refuse & can't force her.
sus: im not sure.. i have just started cayden on rice cereal based on pd advice so far hes enjoying it..
from pd's point of view, adding rice cereal into milk n slowly increase the amt of cereal is to get him accustomised to the taste and accept food other than just milk.

hope to see u soon after 3 weeks

ni: haha so cute.. i think i must ask hb to increase the height of jumperoo for cayden.. one of his feet seems to be on the ground liao leh.

mercs: anyway hes supposed to tiptoe in jumperoo lah.. not whole feet on ground
sus: my boy's total milk intake per day is lesser than before.
we can't force him to drink coz' he will turn angry and throw tantrums.
My gal also not having good feeding patterns, she is less hungry, I tot BF babies suppose to be hungrier than FM babies.. My bb also can stretch feeding time to 3 to 4 hours...

Hey who is going to the Fisherprice sale.. I am unable to go... just started work.. than damn bz with meetings

CAn let me know how much is the Fisherprice Jumperoo?? Coz I am buying a 2nd hand 1 at $165

Ah Yo.. Anybody bb nw 4.5 mths going to the sale, can i "tong pang" You buying.. Means what ever you buy for bb to play buy me 1 set, up to $200 dollars, I will definately pay back in Cash... Hahaha If my huuby see this post he kill me...
su: mine also ma...sometimes majiam so hungry finish so fast...or else drink 50ml nia he dont want...but i dont force him la, guess if he is hungry he will cry...anyway, after drinking 50ml, he still can sleep...so i guess its ok

ni: i put cushion he angry la...so i let him wear socks and let him tip toe lor...
I feel like take off now fly down to buy...
like there is no recession..and I basically print money in my photocopier machine... hahahahahha
Samval: Yours is slightly different & I'm sure much more challenging la... but you've already done a great job by having her for such a long time! In your case perhaps, it's telling yourself not to be upset by MIL... keep a positive mindset & not let yourself go into depression.
pluf: last year FP's sale, the jumperoo was $180.
not sure if this year pricing will be same or lesser.
i am going down there later if i am free.
cheekygal: ohh icc u got increased the amt?

ni: how r u coping now? take care woh.. get ur hubbby to help out

samval: yes i think u r really great to be able to tong for so long
EmQ (emq)

Saw your long post , yup I agree with what you saying... well before I got married my MIL already staying with me.. I really close an eye to her and let things go in ones side out one side to keep peace... coz Me single , and dnt have anybody to worry about.. I live with her for 6 years.. Problem really escalated after the bb,... sigh... She wants it her way becoz she is the great grand mother.. kekekeke she is my Great grandmother inlaw BTW. I just said MIL for ease, if not it is G.MIL but I am my bb mother.. NO say..??
cheekygal (parisgirl)

Thanks ... Let me know if you happen to pass by the Jumperoo k, ? I know it be bz so dnt go out of your way.. How old your bb??
pluf: Lok Yang is not very far from my workplace.
my bb is going to be 4.5mths on this sat.

blessedmum: ya got increased the milk amount.
MIL and I were discussing, we decided to feed him cereal from spoon when brayden turns 5.5mths. Main idea is spoonfeeding & swallowing.
cheekygal, i wish i can go down today too, but lok yang is way too far for me. Not sure if there is anything left by sat.

Emq/Ange, i also have some inlaws issues at times but generally i am thankful that my kids are at their plc daily and they helped to supervise the maid (although not the entire day as they go out all the time). This weekend will be bringing them out for lunch to thank them for lookig after my children. but of cos, sometimes mil can be irritating like insist i must take my boy to see doc today cos of his cough but how to do it when i am working and i cant take urgent leave all the time.

kelly, our items have been shipped and Vpost having 15% discount!!! yippee! btw, did u leave an avent bottle cap at my plc. I have 1 extra at home now.
Samval : ur boy only take 4 feeds in 24hr? i was counting my boy's feeds yestd, i think got 8 times in 24 hrs... but my boy drink very little...

sus : are u feeling better now? ping pong ball gone?
gelato: sigh.. it came back.. I just called breast surgeon and need to go down again today.. she says need to suck out everyday until infection clears.. sigh

samval/cheekygal/mercs: thanks.. so its ok to let him drink less now ah.. he can still sleep and grow right?
gelato: yes 4 feeds a day.

ange: ya same same total per day around 900mls like that.

sus: i think its ok if they wanna drink less. PD told me just let them be and let them decide how much to take. they will still grow..
RE: Baby milk intake

Feeding my baby now is really a chore. He will always drink 50 ml and want to play....feeding him takes much longer now, however he can finish up to 180ml per feed every 3-3.5 hours. Thus i believe his appetite increased just no longer that interested in milk already.

RE: Cereal

I read the baby centre and said that never never introduce solids to baby before the baby reaches 4 month (end of 20th week). My baby is still at his 19th week, thus i think i will wait till when he is at least 24 weeks.
sus : poor thing.. did the surgeon advise how can recurrence be avoided?

Samval / Ange : think my bb is the odd 1 then... he drink every ~2.5hrly.. but drinks very little ea time.
gelato: my boi drinks 1.5-2 hrs still n seems to have increased. these two nights, don noe why, he wakes up 2-3 hrly for feed. sigh...
cheekygal/gelato: thanks for the care.. surgeon attributes to just a bad breast.. not very encouraging huh? I ask her massage can help a not.. she says cannot as its right at the top.. but she also says good job not giving up bf despite all this lah.. so got encourage a little bit
Ange: Mine also.. like always not hungry 3+ hrly now.. I delay to 4 hrs he also drinks quite little. Does Jon drink more at each feed now with less feeds?
gelato: yar babies differ .. Cayden's older 4 mths 3 weeks liao... can drink up to 200ml per feed... *faint.. thank goodness cayden is back to 5 feeds per day liao, abt 960ml in total..

ashley: its min 4mth, not advisable to start earlier than that.. but it depends on ur pd advice bah, each bb is different.. some can start to wearn bit earlier, some can wait
Sus: Yes, Jon drinks more at each feed. For now, 1st 2 feeds @ 210ml and the last 2 feeds @ 240ml. Once in awhile he doesnt finish, but usually he does.
Ange : Thanks. =)

bunny : my boy oso - still waking up at least twice in the nite to drink milk...

btw, r u at hm these few days in the evenings? i m thinking of asking hb to pick up the sling fm u on his way hm. =)

sus : ya, some docs hv very low EQ, i juz encountered 1 yestd. =( anw, Caleb is lucky to hv u as his mum. =)
Ange: Its great Jon drinks more! I cant tell how much Caleb drinks as I bf.. but can only estimate by the time he latches.. nowadays in 8-10 mins he already stop drinking as compared to 20 mins in the past.. even after I drag to 4 hrs.
daymoon: thanks for posting the pic of u-like. I'll prob try to get it during lunch time. hehe.

dazed: haven't gotten your hp number and addy yet. can either pm me, or email to me lah. I was thinking if I can go to your house earlier, say fri night. then we can have the weekends free with our babies.

pluf: wah, u really dote on your baby. so many toys already and you still gettingmore...wah really makes me feel guilty. my hb worked very near lok yang, but doubt he'll go on his own. hmph... I also hope to go down myself to take a look..yah, sat will be super crowded and not much left hor.

sus: hey, i also have the prob of feeding my boy. he's so easily distracted nowadays, turn here turn there, and his hands always push the bottle away. must be very patient with the feeding. there's a tip that my mum used. while he sleeps, and when he stirs a little, just sticks the teat into his mouth. never mind that he's sleeping, cos he'll still suck at the bottle. my mum feeds him hourly, or 2 hours, then he can sleep longer. easier to feed also. but more work lah, cos every hourly, got to prepare the milk...
gelato: U are also petite like me right? I am sending my carrier to alter as its too long for me.. Caleb is too low when I carry him.. think i will add hooks to shorten it by 3 inches each side.. dunno if u will have the same problem. but its easy to use and i think its worth the trouble and Caleb seems to like it more.
Blessedmum / Ange : both ur babies hv good appetite wor... hehe... my 2 elder kids nvr drink more than 180ml, if i rem correctly. =)
blessedmum: cayden is drink so much at one go ar? very good boy leh. javier can't even finish 100ml at one go. look here look ther, play with the teat, etc...
kamy: haha.. yah I used to try to wake him to drink.. now I find when he is sleepy he drinks much betta!

pluf: hehe I am not so scared of poke poke now already as I was having GD that time.. used to needles.. ouch! I think the lump hurts more than the needle.
gelato: my bb is a big bb from birth leh..

sus: really salute u man..next time gy must tell caleb how much pain and trouble his mum went thru..from preggie till now.. not easy woh

kamy: how r u!!? my bb also fussed during eating.. i gotta change his venue sometimes in order to finish feeding him

sus : i hvn't collect the sling... but since u need to alter, i guess i hv to, as well... maybe ask my mum or MIL to help... =)
