(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sus (sunsmile)

You very brave ah... I read your post my knee already soft,

I had a difficult deliver end up C section.. etc

BB got jab, I held her leg, I also soft.. Me damn Chicken ah!!
gelato: ya, i'll be at home but sms before u come.

the sling i find a bit big. when i put my boi in, he's so small. maybe suitable for hb not me.
bunny: i use the sling ok leh...i am not tall also...just that i find it abit low..
i tried on hubby...cannot...coz he got a bigger tummy...
Sus, bb latching time shorten could also be becos he is more expert now. Also he is bigger and stronger, can drain the breast faster.

Ashley, baby centre info some are more suitable for caucasian babies. Also they are not updated - present guideline is exclusive bf up to 4 months (not 6). Our babies double their birth weight much earlier so 17 weeks can be taken as the minimum before introducing solids. Of course if you delay up to 24 weeks, even better, but not more than 6 months unless PD approves.
bunny : okie, thanks! =)

Pinkie : what's the guideline for weaning? when bb double his birth weight? my bb's 2.7 times his birth weight at 3.5mths, so do i need to wean him already? =)
gelato: i think its ok ba. my PD told me some babies drink lesser but more frequent. some drink more but less frequent.as long as they are happy then shld be ok.
Ange: That's very nice of you! Hahaha... actually for me, in the beginning, I told HB, no way am I going to live with his family... in the past, I couldn't even stand his siblings... hahaha... well, over the years & looking at PILs' circumstance, I guess my heart soften enough to accomodate them lol...

& yes, you CAN do it one... maybe by then Jon is bigger & there'll be less issues (hopefully). Maybe after living with you, your PILs will come to see your point of view?

Believe in yourself, things will work out eventually... *smile*
wow..talking about bb drinking milk..i just check on my bb record..24hrs total drink 630-670ml nia also at 5 feed per day.

kamy:my boy also same as your bb look here look ther, play with the teat,wow lau..make me so angry lor..maybe he like me when i was young ba.. "Gan je" lor..hahah
mercs: think when he finish his exam today i'll let him try on tonite to see...if not let my godmum use that n i use the sling nxt time
cherry: want to go together on sat to the lok yang sale? they replenish stocks everyday, based on last year warehouse sale la. or lets wait for pat's review. think she gng today. kelly gng tml! too bad we gotta work.

blessedmum: thanks babe for your concern. am coping well w/o a helper! guess its getting better. i joined mercs's superwoman club. also, i am forcing my pampered hb to help out! hahaha
sus: kyan bb drinks less milk when he was 4 mths. nw he seem to go thru growth spurt again. he down 150ml nowadays... but sometimes he jus too playful to drink. must sing song den he drink.. if he dun wan to drink, he will use his lil hands to push away the bottle.. and keep shaking his head.. nottie...
Moonbaby: My eldest is 7 & I'm a FTWM. Yes, it's a challenge but thankfully, I've my MIL & maid's help. So instead of grousing abt MIL, I try to look at the bright side - that at least with her around, I can work in peace. I do not have to worry abt maid ill treating my babies, or babies falling sick in IFC... I guess living with MIL's irritating behaviour is the lesser of evils.
Gelato, don't wean before 4 months. After 4 months, the longer the better unless your baby is getting hungry very frequently (means milk is not enough for him). Also check that he doesn't have tongue-thrust reflex - babies have reflex action to push things out of their mouth with their tongue. If they still hv this reflex then they are not ready.
misscandy: Thanks for the info! But doubt I can go, cos so many things this weekend... hoping to go to Crocs too...
Sperzz, no la, I don't hv lobang but I suppose we can call up the supplier if we have enough people. I suppose there must have been other mummies who have spree-d this item before cos this seems quite popular.
Hey Mummies sorry to intrude!

3 days old Brand New Bumbo seat Lime green in colour selling for SGD $70 with tray. I bought at $86.90. Selling as my baby refuse to sit in it.

Comes with box and receipt from Kiddy Palace. Able to exchange color from any Kiddy Palace outlet within 7 days.

Self collection at Bkt Panjang, Farjar
PM me if interested! Thanks
pluf: Maybe GMIL diff la... they one generation older... even more generation gap... hahaha... but you are great man! Still tahan... then again hor, I think maybe my GMIL easier to live with than my MIL... (btw GMIL is MIL's mum, our other 7 grandparents have passed on)... then again, I dun live with her, just meet her once in awhile, maybe she very nice la... but from what I observe, GMIL is quite understanding one... seems more so than my MIL... hahaha..
Pinkie : Thanks for the info. u mentioned exlusive bf for 4 mths, so i thot the earlier we wean the better.. hehe... my bb likes to stick out his tongue, as a result, he drools alot... i guess that is the tongue-thrust reflex?

ni : my Caden oso... always drink abt 2 to 3 oz then he'll use his tongue to push out the bottle. Yestd, i tried to talk to him, tell him he'll be handsome if he finishes his milk, then he drink! haha...
cheekygal: Good that you & MIL are discussing issues... keep things that way, should have less conflict if you are able to engage in discussions.

Come to think of it, me & MIL not much discussions... most of the time, only HB, me & FIL make decisions. MIL will just go with our decisions... hmmm... why? Maybe she belongs to the 'do as your husband say' mindset?
blessedmum & ange: Wow, your bb appetite very good. I think my #1 only went up to 180ml & #2 & #3 have not gone beyond 120ml yet... doubt #2 will ever go any higher... #3 still has the potential.. I was so envious when my colleague shared that her dughter will take 200ml of milk immediately after her cereal dinner! Her bb is coming to 1 ba... but still, that's a lot of milk lol.. my kids dun seem to tkae that well to milk le.. hmmm..
mercsboy: ya, i also find it low. his legs open very wide, hubby doesn"t like. i think he"s too small size for it. he's only 5.9kg 4 mths 2 weeks

he's a big eater but slow in gaining weight. maybe my milk not much fats. hmm...
Emq, me too, my son never drinks beyond 180ml. Now my gal only take max 120ml. maybe i should increase her milk intake and see if she can drink more. I like fat babies, mine is so petite.

ni, this sat i have to bring inlaws for lunch leh, unless fil says he wants to play golf and not free. haha, then we go together ok??
gelato: my boy oso....at least ur uses tongue to push out bottle oni...mine starts to bite on the teats or when drinking he'll hold our finger n when he no wana drink anymore he'll pull ur finger out n together the bottle can fly.....coz our hand is holding on to the bottle mah so with the sudden pull at times we'll drop the bottle
Hi sus, you are not alone. My baby's appetite also seemed to be affected.

My baby is on hunger strike for the past 3 days. I also find it so strange. She will fuss alot when we tried to feed her. As she will start crying once she tasted milk. But when we give her water, she will suck vigorously and can finish the whole bottle. The only time she will drink milk is when she is fully asleep. Aiyoh, so headache. I'm wondering is that she doesn't like the taste of that brand. So I tried giving her Mamil Gold. Yet also the same. She can drag to 6-7 hours without her milk and even we tried to feed her, she will still fuss for as long as 10-15 mins before finally sucking her milk.

So finally we brought her to a PD for a check. The PD advised me not to give her water cos he suspected that my baby likes the taste of water and my BB may think that water can makes her full too that is why once she tasted milk, she fuss and cry. So have to "train" her to like milk and recognise that milk is the one which will make her full. So totally no water for time being and cannot feed her when she is asleep. So she is on hunger strike now lor. And the strangest thing is that she didn't wake up at all in the middle of the night to cry for milk even though she drinks very little during the day. Sign~ really worrying ah...

If still didn't improve, may bring her to another PD for a second opinion. May mummies here have any good PD to recommend?
suika : haha... my boy oso, when he want to drink he hold the bottle. when doesn't want to, he pushes away with his hands... keke... notti boy... but my boy nvr bite the teat leh, is ur boy teething? i think not so soon lah hor? =)
gelato: he've all the signs of teething n i've juz started him off with cereal too but adding into his milk first for the nite feed....will give him puree nxt wk ba....
suika:my boy did that when i feed him at nite..and i blur blur..suddenly he dun wan to drink liao and pull it out together with my hand..and the bottle fly on my mattress leh..haiz..so notti lor
Emq: like u, i invited my PIL to come over stay with us. I cannot speak mandarin. My hubby and I converse in english only. I thought it would be good if Brayden can grow up in bilingual environment and multi generation home.

I am lucky to be blessed with nice MIL, we can get along well. I close one eye to small things that she made me unhappy like she lost my expensive Shu Uemura brushes, took Brayden out to shave off his hair without asking me first, singing and playing with Brayden during his night feeds...etc.

I look at the big picture, i can go to work in ease and i can work part-time at nights without worrying. She won't il-treat him.

only bad thing is I have to put up with her high standard of cleanliness. She cannot stand sight of clothes being piled up and unfold, I have to fold them quickly before they pile up.

While i don't mind dirty floor for several days, she can't stand it, so I have to try vacuum/mop every other day.

no matter how tired i am when i am back home late at nights, i try to do the chores.
blessedmum: hihi! I'm tired lor, after started work. 2 weeks already, already gotten used to the lack of sleep. so just down more kopi during the day. javier just have to take the high caffaine milk. keke...
I also changed venue to feed milk, or switched off tv. or told ppl not to walk about. haha..

pinkie: I'm also interested in the U-like spree.
but I'm thinking of getting it soon tho.

suika: my boy also likes to bite the teat very hard, and then pulls the bottle with his hands, to make the "pok" sound. quite cute at times. don think it's teething yet, shd be just exploring. teething is around 8-9 months right.

for mummies who have gotten the sling, it's too low? is it secured? I keep having the fear that my baby will slip thru the sling and falls on the floor...(-o-;;)
Hi Sus, I am glad the breast surgeon is finally able to help you!!!

I am direct breastfeeding too like you Sus! Yes now, my baby also seems to drink less. Especially in the morning. My breasts feel the fullest when I wake up. But my baby not interested. My breasts only becomes soft close to 11.20am after coaxing her to drink. What about you? I feed her every 1.5 hours - 2 hours up to 1.30am. Not that she is hungry. Waking her up to drink. Then I sleep for 4-5 hours peacefully.
Pat said that most of the item is more ex than last yr sale. If so I dun think will go on Sat liao. Not worth to go all the way there.
Cherry: Must be mine. I'm always leaving things all over the place. Very absent minded..worse after pregnancy.. hee! Do let me know how much I owe you.

Milk intake:
It's a struggle to get my girl to finish her milk these days. She will drink about 80ml holding her bottle, then she will start pushing the bottle out of her mouth. Then the last 10 - 20 ml.. she will start crying. She drinks about 120ml - 140ml 4 hourly. I thought that they are supposed to drink more as they grow..
sperzz: $200? like that don't seems to be worth going down liao ley....i was still deciding this morning
sperzz: thtanks for informing us.. ya.. was still contemplating to go down and take a look.. but now seems not worth going liao if prices have gone up
cheekygal: wow... u call all those small things. hahha i wld have flared up. now i see... my case is really nothing. ha! u working part time? not tired?

ladies.. anyone is in the same situation? my bb these days cries in the evening.. then pacify her to drink some milk. (sometimes drink then cry) and after that go to sleep when its her sleeping time. what seems to be the problem? (bb turning 4mths in a few days)

flo: ur bb almost same time as mine. got such problem?
