(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

chere: yah.. my hb also said that should be coz different kitchen lor. that's y I find buffet nice but tingkat not nice.

Enfalac and Enfapro has the highest DHA contents compared to other brands. But for infant formula for 1 year and above, Gain IQ has a higher DHA content compared to Enfagrow.
chere, ya lor. Its the most ex milk powder now in the mkt. the powder is burning a big hole n my pocket. I wan to change to Mamil but my HB ask me to continue bec he think my gal need more DHA
sperzz, sunflower oil better than palm oil.
but then most brands of FM contain palm oil.

i read that most other brands use primarily palm oil which often cause constipation and supposedly affects calcium and oil absorption.
dazed, ya babies will put on weight when going on solids.
that is why some PD advise babies to go solids earlier like 4.5mths when they are not putting on weight.
Dazed: that's what my PD says about Jon la. Anyway, she's always teasing Jon about his weight. @ 3 months he was 7kg and she said she's really quite concerned about his thunder thighs. @ 4 months he's 7.8kg she says I should not start him on solids yet else his weight will explode. Oh well.
Abbott (Similac) – High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Coconut Oil, Soy Oil

Mead Johnson (Enfalac) – Palm Olein Oil, Coconut Oil, Soy Oil, Vegetable Oil

Wyeth (S26) – Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Oleic (Safflower and Sunflower) Oil, Soybean Oil

Nestle (Nan HA and Pro), Dumex (Mamex Gold) and Frieslandfoods (Friso) provided no details of the type of vegetable oils they used in their formula milk.
gelato: hahaha..i did homework out of curiosity. Incase i wanna quit breastfeeding, i know what FM to get for him.
my brayden is still drinking BM.
only for outings he drink enfalac FM. i bought enfalac coz' it comes in small tin, 400g. other brands come in big tins which i find it hard to deplete within 1 month.

I am not sure abt FM for 1 yo and above. I have not touch on that yet.
cheekygal : u r a good mummy, fm prams to toys to FM... you've done homework for all... =) i m oso still bfg, & plan to bf until bb is 1yo... thatz why i ask abt FM for 1yo & abv... hehe... my 2 elder kids take Gain IQ at 1yo, then switch to Grow at 3yo... i nvr do any homework, juz conveniently let the younger one follow the elder 1... hehe...
Hey got a question! Do most of yr babies stay awake during the day time most of e time? Seems like my gal can't hold her eyes open for more then a couple of hours at a time, hence feels like she still sleep for most part of the day......hence doesnt play much etc....normal bo?
Autumn Leaf : My bb is more sleepy in the morning, then in the afternoon he only take cat naps here & there... Does ur gal sleep early at nite? When my gal was a baby, she slept alot in the day then torture us at nite... hehe..
sperzz/ willting: thanks for ur replies! I only started him on rice cereal yesterday.. today tried spoon fed him instead. So far so good
pd suggested slowly intro him so only 1 tsp for 2 feeds daily first for 3 days b4 increasing intake..

i havent started him on others yet.. brown rice cereal to be done 2 weeks later and can alternate bet plain and brown rice.. then will go onto other HT jars bah but now got give him some mashed apple to mummum.. hehe u gals started on the rest of food liao at once? or just one type first/?
gelato: u flatter me. i believe all mummies here are striving their best for their babies too.
i stopped latching on Brayden coz' he always doze off after 10-15mins and get hungry every 1.5hr.
I think he doze off coz' of oxytocin overload during first 5-10mins of latch on.
We decided to bottle feed him instead, he drinks every 3-4 hrly now.

sometimes i latch him on weekends when he is fussy after feeding or still having hiccups even after drinking water.
i will be starting when he's 5.5 months. cos by 6 mths, he can't get much nutrients from the BM. so better start slightly early to tie thru.

u don put it in yr BM/FM when u formula feed? i thot we have to start with that first before spoon feed solids (puree).
ni:saw ur maid before,she dun look like one that will commit such thing.must be quite tramatising for you.dun worry kae.. take it as a learning experience ba.so u getting new one or mil taking care?

bbstarlet:crystal okie?must keep rubbing the blue black to prevent blood clogging on the blue black part.

cheeygal:did u try mamil gold?think it comes in 400g too.not sure about the DHA level though.

My boy got runny nose.. any idea how to get the mucus out?bot the pigeon nose cleaner but not very effective. see him sniff sniff.. very poor thing wor. was just telling the teacher at the IFC.. she said she herself also fall sick after taking care of the kids.. haiz.
re: FM
sperzz, cocoabutter, cheekygal : other than DHA & AA, palm oil or sunflower oil, what other contents do we need to look out for comparison among the brands?

sperzz, im deciding on enfa or mamil too. But i think mamil require more scoops per feed.
Daymoon : ya, i oso think NUK is more effective (i hv both pigeon & NUK). but i hv not tried on baby, only used it on the older kids.
daymoon: my girl always have block nose problem, got one time the mucus stuck inside & the nose cleaner is not effective so I visited PD. The PD use hygienic nose cleaner spray into the nose than the mucus very come out very easy. The hygienic nose cleaner can spray when necessary. This only able to get from the PD & 1 bottle $13.
chere, i am not very sure what other contents to look out for.
but i saw nan nestle has probotics added. probotics is for better digestion.

I bought happy bellies rice cereal, it contains probotics and DHA. have not try them out yet.
hi EMQ
Pls add me in. I am coming with Jiaxuan. Vote for cooking demo. Thx.

cherry - really so many mummies with 2yr plus and another bb this yr...great..can I know who?

babystarlet- hope yr bb is ok!
Hi Cheekygal: Hi, I have also done some research. am looking at Heinz and Bellamy rice cereal. what do you think about Heinz rice cereal?
ange: i see...i tried 1 tablespoon of cereal with 1/2 tablespoon of bm mixed in a bowl and fed...sometimes i mixed into the milk and bottlefed...12pm is feeding time, i will prepare 120ml of bm heat up, took out 2 tablespoon for cereal, the rest of the milk fed after finished the cereal...same food for a week incase of allergy...

sperzz: the lady called me saying will send to me when bb 6 mths old, i also don know why they send today...is 400g, so far friso is the one so generous 900g...i not going back this weekends, my hb working...how about next sunday?

chere:ya, bb still don know how to swallow and make a mess for the first few feeding...Juvius have his last 6in1 jab yesterday, now still having fever...the next jab will be 1 yr old...how come yours haven't go for the jab?
I remember last time gp gimme a cough syrup not like normal orange/pink colour one.., can't remember the name.. But remember the label got leave one.. When im pregnant, also prescribe me the same type.. He say that is safe for infant and preggy women... It's shenton(way) clinic.. Maybe u can try ?
how come your son's jab so early?? i tot he only 5mth+ now?? last jab not 6mth meh?? my son born 20 Dec, when shd i bring him for last jab huh??

regarding cereal, had tried to spoon fed my son, but he doesn't know how to swallon, he opened mouth, waited for milk but like got not water into his mouth and made him veri frustrated (my son got short temper) and ended up he cried... haiz, so now bottlefed
<font color="119911">ni</font>,
re:6mth gathering
hmm..tot, all bb here are born Jan so shd be just turn 5mth or 5.5mth mah. for me, my boy will be also 5.5mth (correct age is 2.5mth only).

<font color="119911">gernise sing jing xi </font>,
wow...(married) fr east to west man... siong wor...

<font color="119911">EmQ</font>,
oic. what time will be the gathering cos I needed to see if I can make it. thks. I still have not bring my boy out yet, the only gathering is at daymoon plc.

<font color="119911">willting</font>,
hmm..so do yr bb staying in SCN or NICU after delivery?

<font color="119911">swan</font>,
6in 1 jab is given when bb is 3mth, 4mth , 5mth and 18mth. still have 1 MMR jab taken at 15mth (FOC at polyclinic).

my boy and my no#1 also got fever for every dose of 6 in 1 jab.

HMM..is yr bb consider preterm?
Cheekygal. if im not wrong most FMs now have prebiotics added already. Both Enfa and Mamil contain that.

willting, cos my bb took his 1st jab late. That period was CNY so i took him to PD after that. Thus my schedule is 2mth, 4mth, 6mths. So his last jab is due once he turns 6mth old. Your boy growing well ah, >8kg. Mine's about 7.3kg when he was 5mth old, mil carry till hand ache / body ache and i cannot toss him around as easily as before.

oops, then i must have seen wrongly. I thought enfa is 3 scoops to 180ml of water and mamil 8 sccops to 240ml.
I've let my baby tried Mamil Gold before. Compared to Enfalac, Mamil Gold taste nicer as it tasted sweeter than Enfalac. Enfalac is very thick, the calories are higher than Mamil Gold but the taste is quite yucky to me. :p

I'm thinking it will be very good if Enfalac has probotics which Mamil, Frisco and Nan have cos probiotics is very good for digestive system which strenghten immunity. So I think when my baby turns 6 months old, I will try to give her some yoghurt. Hee. I'm a kiasu mummy... :p
swan: the 6in1 jabs is for 1.5mth, 3mth and 5mth...for 5in1 is 3mth, 4mth, 5mth...when is your 2nd jab?

for cereal, have to try a few times, maybe you can try the bb bottle food first, i find that easily to feed compare to cereal...

afcai: my bb never stayed in SCN or NICU after delivery...i answered wrongly to your question which is my bb not a preterm bb, he already hit 36 weeks so considered full term...
chere: should be similac is 3 scoops to 180ml of water...his temperature is 37.7, normally his fever last next day morning, but now still warm...
2nd jab at 3mth.. according to health book,next appt is 6mths lei..

i tink he doesn't like tat cereal, b'coz my mil mixed her DIY brown rice with FM (bottlefed), he likes alot and will demand for more lei..
<font color="119911">swan</font>,
for my bb, he is schedule to his 6 in 1 jab at 3,4,5 and 18mth.

for his 1mth, he supposed to take the Hep B jab(2nd dose) but was delayed since he just taken his BCJ and first dose of Hep B jab when he is 1mth. so 2nd dose of hep B was postphone to 2nd mth. at the end of this mth, he will be taking the 2nd dose of 6 in 1.

re:kept bottles after sterlizing.
we use the boiling method to sterlise. so after sterlising the bottles, it will be kept in a pot.

<font color="119911">chere</font>,
oh, preterm. so how long yr bb stay in hospital?

<font color="119911">willting</font>,
oic. my bb stayed in NICU for a day and 30 days in SCN. so he only discharged when he is full mth.
hi ladies!
i'm back...had a tiring day out today

morning took bb for photoshoot then afternoon came back almost met with an accident sia...lucky no hit...that stupid uncle changed his mind on turning right and sudden tried to turn back in front of us at the junction...then my hb honked him but he still insisted in turning then my hb had to jam brake n he got angry n got that man a long honk....apparently that uncle got angry he slowed down his car when he cut into our lane....then that stupid uncle stop the car in front of us (we barely passed the junction oni) n got down the car.....my hb n that uncle got into a heated arguement n that uncle was very agitated...kept shouting at my hb....i got so angry i pass my boy to my godmum n got down the car...when that guy threaten to call police n i got fedup i told my hb to call police come down....later when i tell my hb to park the car by the side instead that guy drove away....so damn angry....my boy got started n cry.....spoil my day

Ladies, i got to go on a company trip to ho chi minh fr 12-15 june. hence i cant go for the party liao. so glum the whole day. v sian was so looking fwd to the bash.

ni: i find it so hard to imagine ur maid did such a thing leh. see her so many times, the way she full of initiative n so caring even towards our babies, i cant believe it. so sad, is she v hard pressed for money bk home or wat, y must like dat. sigh. anyway hope u get a better maid soon to help u out. dun b too discouraged by ur first experience

ange: sorry by the time i saw ur msg u offline liao. wat book r u referring to?
