(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Laugh: No need already! I realised I can book the KTV room as well! I thought I can only book 1 facility per calender month... but I realised I can book each facility only once per calendar month. Subsequent booking is subject to availability.

I'll go pay for the KTV later. Need to rush to work now...

EMQ: i wanna ask u something, i saw u brought yr 3 darling princesses to cruise last time for hols.
i wonder how u bathe the youngest one? did u bring the inflatable tub?

i might be going to cruise with my family including in-laws. i was wondering how to bathe the baby.
KT: Thanks for sharing. She has no fever now. temp now stable at abt 36.5 but coughing. am still thinking if want to bring her to see doc later.

Just to share with regards to poo poo. My baby used to have constipation. then doc give these drops (like vitagen drops) to introduce good bateria into her colon and her poo poo improves. I can go home to check the name of the drop if any mummies interested to know.

ya, I oso cannot stop my gal from thumbing sucking. sometimes, she put the whole hand into her mouth. (faint) But have to constantly pull it out and tell her not to.
Wow!! this thread is moving very fast during working hr, Ha ha.....

EMQ, my bro staying in blk62. Has informed him to book already, let u all know the availability later.
Sorry dear... Have submitted once it hit 14th.. Cos if too slow, alot of clothes will be oos. Can I add u in for my next purchase? So sorry...

That's the reason I din engage a Filipino in the 1st place... Last time can see tons of maids at lucky plaza or beside wisma the park, now park building shopping mall.. Go to lion city there can also see alot of maids...
I rather vomit blood in term of communicating... At least after roaring at her few times, she become timid.. Last but not least.. She is new... So have poison her mindset when she reach that sg alot of foreign male workers cheat on indo maid and they are bad guy etc.. LOL.. Now she see foreign worker men, she will stand behind me to hide from them... In fact mymaid look quite pretty..

Vivi city/habourfront;
Wow so many mummies like to go there.. I went on sat ard 7pm... Gosh carpark so full, we park at habourfront
Pinkie Pirate:haha..aiya my hb wont wan lor..cos he say exp lor.."faint"!No choice now he is the boss..if not I sure let Jovan go the swmming lesson.

ange: you okie?hw come suddenly your knees and back..thought u got massage lady cum over??Do take care yourself okie..
my gal jus fell from our bed yest,face down sia.now she gt 1 blue black on her cheek.
hopefully nothing happen!!!!!!!1

kamy > ya,long time no talk,been buisy with work.nah.my hb DIY,bec my gal dun have
much hair.so no pt gg out for haircut.she moves quite a lot,so quite diff to cut her hair.

my gal jus fell from our bed yest,face down sia.now she gt 1 blue black on her cheek.
hopefully nothing happen.

ni > den now how? who's takn care of ur boy.

EMQ > was thinkn if go KTV,den baby how?

fluffy > no need to apologize,is okie.will wait for nicer clothes nxt time,hee.

cjteng > me also wanted to bring my gal go swim,but hb says when bigger,got chance.

Date: 13 Jun
Venue: EMQ (West Coast)
Time: 10am~4pm

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden + daddy
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet + daddy & Crystal (Daddy KIV)
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) cjteng & Jovan
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) cherryale & Ashley
14) piyo & Zethan
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) suika & Kevan
20) janjan & shyan
21) sher & gernise
22) PAT + daddy & johnny boy
23) Precious_bb & Jensen
24) laugh + daddy & Adler
25) m_int & jewel
26) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
27) cheryl83 + kayden
28) gelato & Caden
29) sel + Jaidyn
30) mercsboy + kyler
31) Ashley + hubby + Darius
32) EmQ + Leticia
33) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
34) Pinkie + ryan
wow.. heavy raining over my mum house sia.yesterday dame hot sia.

bbstar:ya lor..my hb also saying that!wei.. your gal okie?hw come fall down from the bed?
sperzz: I got the enfapro this morning...are u meeting ni? I can pass to her if you are meeting her...u have try the frisocrem, how is it? your gal like it? I bought frisocrem last sat at carrefour, going to try it when his HT cereal finished.

Ni: i read your posts about your maid...OMG, cant believe your maid do this things, i have talked to her before, don seem like she is like this...
pluf: WHAT?! u mean i dont accept PM?! OMG... wahahhaha... am new to this thingy... lemme try to figure tat out. and ur maid.... *shakehead* and ur strength *thumbs up*. how old is ur bb?

Kekeke me also new to this thingy.. then some one told me too I dnt accept PM.. I rectified it.. kekekeke! My bb is now 4.5 mths old. Yours? I am the real end dec bb
blessedmum: ya, you can try half the portion of frisocrem, 1 1/2 tablespoon of frisocrem with 50ml of water...have u try the HT cereal and bb bottles food? Juvius like the HT sweet potato so i went to carrefour but OOS....
bbstarlet : OMG, wat happen & how she fell fm the bed?

Regarding the buffet, can consider Orange Clove, subsidy of Neo Garden which cater for hala food.
cjteng: Thanks! Will go see a doctor when I cannot tahan anymore. :p

pluf: my son's born end dec too. 24th dec. We've got a few dec babies in this thread actually. All eager to come out to see the world earlier.

Willting: How's Juvius coping with semi solids?
Sperzz, EmQ - aiyo kena "activated"! Haha! Yes, I will be there.

Think no need the ktv room la, don't waste ur money eh. We all like to stick together haha.
pluf: my bb is coming 4mths. she born 26th jan. (first day of CNY. she cant wait to collect ang bao la.. ) mine is damn michelin now. wahahaha.. last weighed when she was 3.5mths 7.4kg 0.62cm. ^^

she is my lifetime of blessing and bother. hahah..
ladies, i will be helping my friend to post some false eyelashes in the BP. (10 pairs for $12 if u need any just lemme know.. shd be able to have better price.
bbstartle: ya, wat happen? it is cos of flipping. i realized once bb learn to flip, they keep flipping. so dangerous! mine flip already one side. he's learning to flip the other side. changing diaper can be a challenge!

cjteng: u mean yr hb will wait till bb bigger than bring hwaxia or public pool? i think if u wait till bb bigger, they might not like it. it's best to bring them swimming when young. that's what i've been advised.
bunny:nt that long ba..once he around 6 month..we will bring him for a swim la.keke..anyway my boy like to play with water lor...last wkend while i bath him...he use his leg and kick at the water lor..keke..
so nice, u gals can bring bb for swim... my hb dun buy this kinda idea 1... tell him abt hwa ia, he's not interested... tell him other babies got bumbo & jumpero stuffs, our bb hv nothing... he says, other pple 1st kid mah... *faint* ...
GELATO:i brought my bb to hwa xia when she was barely 2mths. hahah... she enjoys it ^^ why dun u ask him to bring bb for a trial swim?
ahsam: My baby had caught that air borne virus thingo! Started all of a sudden with violent coughing fits, then the next day lots of nose mucous which has since cleared but poor baby still coughing badly at night!

I didnt bother bringing her to dr coz MOST cough mixtures state not for under 2 ba, so 4 months baby lagi cannot right! Just need her to drink more and let her immune build up lor....but will monitor closely.
Gelato:my boy also..he only have a bumbo seat, was a give for his 1st month some more it is a 2nd hand stuff leh..
more worth still.
A-n-g-e (ange)

Mine the opp. she dnt want to come out.. overdue... gotta induce somemore...

wow! your bb TBF.. ?? if so mean my milk not power. kekekekekke! my bb 4 mths 6.4kg only...
ange: how are u? Juvius coping well with semi solids, so far i have tried healthy times brown rice cereal and sweet potato, today going to try carrot...Have u try semi solid on Jon?
Shann : i told hb abt it & he doesn't show any interest, so i dun bother abt asking him to bring bb there.... =(

cjteng : my boy dun even hv bumbo lor... actually i thot of buying a preloved 1 for him, but i thot maybe he may not like it... the seat can't use for long oso... so given up the idea...
Autumn Leaf: Hi, the doc says my baby got throat infection and gave some antibotics. If your baby still not well, maybe can bring to see doc?

I initially oso don't want to bring her to see doc especially during this time. But cos' I scare her fever will return at nite, that's why I bring her to see doc.

When doc diagnose as virus, I kena shocked cos' didn't think it was so serious. She even got throat infection. Now she ok but coughing. I'm monitoring her closely to make sure it didn't get worse. scare it turns to brochitis.

Be careful ya.
gelato:nvm.maybe try to give him other thing like..bringing him out more often next time lor.I told my boy..next time i will bring him out to anywhere he like and will try to bring him to oversea once in a yr ba.:p
cjteng : wow, so good, u wanna bring ur boy hol every year. hehe... my boy won't be so lucky unless his mummy strike toto! haha! I already started telling my gal (eldest), u all muz learn to share, we cannot afford to buy every thing 3 shares, no $$$... muz share... hehe...
Willting: Haven't started Jon on solids. Our last visit to the PD @ 4 months, she advised us to hold it till 5.5 months for Jon else his weight will explode. So should be waiting till then.

So how do you go about it? Feed it in between milk feeds? Same food for how many days?
galato:is gd to share their toy cum also can save $$..if only 1 kid they dun learn to share will make them become v selfish lor..

Nope, I am on leave.. hahahahaha extended leave.. AREyour workinf mum or in the midst of your ML?
wow Power means my milk not very fatty or my gal not big drinker.. actually she not.. she if can dnt drink wont drink.. just wana play!
A-n-g-e (ange)

Ya and she still did not want to come out got stuck and landed in a Emergency C sec.. She look like a Ginko nut at the end of it. Hahahhaaha!
willting, so fast u got the Enfa, they dun wan to send to me so early. They said near to 6th mths then call them again to arrange. I also got my Mamil liao. U bring back to Punggol, I go ur hse to change on Sun. I always go Punggol on Sun.

hey sperzz, u seem to know quite a lot on FM. Can check with you , which brand has the highest DHA?

thread moving so fast....

Miaiko, caterers normally have different kitchen/chef for buffet and tingkat. Maybe that's why the taste/quality of food differs.

Willting, i also tried the HT brown rice cereal, sweet potato and avocado. He dun really eat, like playing only. Make a mess! Haha, quite fun. Taking him for his last 6in1 jab at the end of the month. So when is the next jab for Juvius? Or no more already huh?

Babystarlet, your baby ok now? My boy also fell off the bed once. Hmm.. due to my negligence, lucky no bruise or anything. He wailed so loudly and i carried him in my arms and said sorry repeatedly.
