(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Babystarlet: I was told that as long as baby did not vomit and feeding ok. then should be alright. but got to monitor her temp to make she didn't get fever. That's a sign too.
Hope it helps.

cheekygal : i intend to order 2 ctns myself. but if u can't find anyone to share with u, let me know.

bunny : when r u sending ur boy to the nanny? the nanny stay ard our area? Tis mrning, i was telling my colleague abt my kids & the length of ML :

1st kid (8 weeks) - gal sticked to MIL like glue, doesn't want me...

2nd kid (12 weeks) - boy okie with both MIL & mummy.

3rd kid (16 weeks) - boy can only be consoled by mummy's breasts!
ok guys, i checked...
the dome shape thing with red light is "motion sensor"
purpose is to detect movement in the room...
e.g like maybe 12am, not suppose to have people in the nursing room rite, then end up the sensor detect movement in the room (which is not allowed at 12am), then the sensor will send signal to the management and management will check...this is to reduce like people hanky panky in the room, or someone hiding there, sleeping etc..
it is not a camera..
Pat: Thanks! I really like it cos it's a nice size and brightly coloured. Wow, John can really concentrate then. My Jon's short attention span is driving me up the wall!

Piyo: Is is supposed to be a teether? :p I refused to let Jon chew on it. Hahaha

Ni: Get a part time maid for now. Maybe go in twice a week or something. Will definitely make life alot more bearable until you decide if you want a full time maid.
cheekygal : i m staying at Tiong Bahru area. U see if it's more convenient to share with me or Shann, i m ok. =)

suika : which pump u using? can use milk bags? go Tom & Stephanie to buy?
gelato: can try to use pacifier on your baby? Mine had this problem too, however i 'force' him to accept pacifier. At the beginning i will place my hand beside his face and put the pacifier into his mouth so that he can smell me and at the same time suckle on the pacifier (make it closest to like sucking on my breast)
mercsboy : haha... cannot compare like that wor... i hv a maid, but still wash & sterilise my own pump, clean my own wardrobe, etc... hehe... & hor, my maid sleep longer hours than me... so ren bi ren, qi si ren... keke...
gelato: nanny is at kim tian. can be considered quite near. i'm passing to her when my boi is abt 6 mths. wow, i wonder if he can get use to it man (according to yr ML schedule)!
Mercs: We used to do the chores ourself. Then hubby and I both got so frustrated cos our weekends would be burnt cleaning the house and he would be so tired from washing the toilets and mopping the floors that he just wants to nap the day away. And he insisted on doing them himself cos I was pregnant then. That's when we decided we'll get someone in to help so we still get to do the things we like to do in the weekends, like going for brunch, catching a movie etc.
gelato: yr maid is part time or full time? if part time, i would like to noe more info. just only found out there is such thing as part time maid! currently i have a housekeeper that comes once in 2 weeks.

so, r u taking care of yr 3 kids since u not working now?
bunny : haha... there're other factors oso lah - like how fussy the kid is, how long he/she has been latched on, whether the kid recognise faces/places... is ur boy ok with bottle feeding & pacifier? if ok, 2 big problems solved liao... =) I notice my bb drink very little in the day, then at nite when he latch on, he drink "bao chou"... =(
suika, yest I also forgot to bring bottle. Heng is that I got a mother at my side here got the Avent bottle so I borrow from her.
suika: milk bags u also have ma? put a few in the office next time...

ange: i rather save the few hundred a month la...so i do the house chores myself...but my hubby helps me usually, he mop the floor, bath the dogs and take care of the bb while i do house work...

gelato: no la...i never compare...i am ok now..initially i really cannot take it...as time goes by, slowly get use to the mad rush everyday liao
hi mummies,,if you are looking for buckwheat pillows
, please support my fren
Gelato: If we did hire a full time maid, I would still handle baby stuffs myself too. I just need someone to do the chores @ home, like washing toilets, mopping floors, doing dishes etc.
gelato: he"s ok with bottle but not pacifier. i always latch him. occasionally he wants more i supplement with FM. recently he like increase appetite.
suika, me also yesterday! left the cooler bag with bottles in hb's car... luckily i have 2 spare bottles in office and milkbags...
aahhhh.. one of my milk lumps got really painful and swollen last night.. my baby cant suck it out and I cant get it out with massage.. the breast surgeon is on leave today! Hope it doesn't get infected again!
sus, I also find that my left breast is v lumpy recently and I cant seem to pump out everything. Need to hand express after pumping and it gets painful too. How do we know if its infected??

yippee, i finally got the bumbo with tray. But only collecting on sat.
cheeryale: are your lumps painful? mine painful n swollen.. hand express n latch no use.. its right at the top and feels like a ping pong ball. I think infected will be painful and red. I came down with fever right after that.
bunny : mine is FT live-in maid. u mean there're PT FDW? where do they stay then?

i came back to work last week, so my MIL is handling the 2 boys... quite siong.... my elder gal goes to after-sch care.

sus : oh dear... did u try using hot compress? how abt pumping b4 latching bb? i dunno if it make sense, but the idea is to pump out whatever milk that is easy to come out, then let bb work on the 'stucked' milk... if the breast is not empty, then bb may not ease the traffic jam... my own 'logic'...
sus : a ping pong ball sounds bad... my previous experience was a lil tiny lump only, but bad enough for me to come down with fever as well... that time i tried hot compress, pump with both manual & electric pump... tried for a looong looong time b4 that it's cleared... =(
Thanks ladies, all payments received. Will be collecting the slings tonight. Laugh / Ashley / Daymoon, must have missed your post. Can let me know again? Ladies, can help me update expected collection date?

S1 - laugh
S1 - ashley
S1 - daymoon

cityhall (weekday 6.30pm or so)
S1 - bunny(city hall)
S1 - gelato (by bunny)
S1 - gwen (cityhall/JE)

suntec/marina sq/millenia walk (weekday between 12-1pm)
S1 - jolene (suntec)
S1 - princess panda (msq 20/5)

jurong west ave 5 (weekends)
S1 - sus (JW)
S3 - kamy (JW)

jurong east st 21 near IMM(weekday before 8pm)
S1 - blessedmum (JE)
S3 - emq (JE)
S3 - mgteo (JE)
sus, mine is also at the top left side and its a little painful even when i am not touching it. The pain seems to come from inside. Dun know if you understand what i meant.

gelato, i usually pump at about 4 to 5 hrs interval but sometimes when i get busy i tend to drag a little longer. Not sure if i should pump now as its getting more and more painful.
mummies....just a quick update...im currently in touch with Friesland Food (Friso) as I have a referral contact from the hopsital...spoken briefly to them about our gathering (sound positive) and will be writing in to the manager for mayb samples of Frisocrem if possible...will email her tonight and keep all posted....
Crocs fan, crocs sale is coming again

Crocs Expo Sales
22 May 2009 - 24 May 2009

Event type : Retailer & Sales
Venue : Hall 4A
Admission : Public - Free Admission
Event Schedules : Time: 10am to 8pm
Mercs, ya, from the thread, i can really tell that you are a superwoman. Can manage so many things by yourself.

Must learn from you
gelato: mi using avent manual pump....i've got storage bags in ofc....stupid me so forgetful

mercs: i've got bags in the ofc but how to pump like that? 1 hand hold the bag with bottle the other hand to pump?

piyo: good good....thanks for the trouble...hopefully can get more sampmles

How's everything now? Who's looking after little kyan?

My boy is in IFC now. My nanny back out one week after i started work. I was so lost and pissed off that time, took urgent leaves to jaga my boy and at the same time looking around for IFC. Luckily, found one that's very nice for my boy. It's near my house too.

suika: me using avent manual pump too. I forgot to bring my bottles one day and i realised it when i was driving half way, quickly made a u turn to rush back home and was late to work.

Cannot imagine how engorge the breasts will be if no pumping for 10 hour plus
